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1、Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a t

2、echnical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters

3、 of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Amendment 1 to IS0 2314:1989 was pr

4、epared by Technical Committee ISOTTC 192, Gas turbines. Annex A forms an integral part of IS0 231 4. Q IS0 1997 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and

5、 microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-121 1 Genve 20 Switzerland Internet central X.400 c=ch; a400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland -,-,- 0 IS0 - STD-IS0 2314-ENGL 1989 = 4851903 0733

6、518 718 9 IS0 231 4:1989/Amd.l:1997(E) Gas turbines - Acceptance tests AMENDMENT 1 Page 21 Add the following annex. 1 -,-,- STD-IS0 2314-ENGL 1787 D 4853703 0733517 854 IS0 231 4: 1 989/Amd.l: 1997(E) A.l A.l.l A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 Annex A (normative) Acceptance tests for combined-cycle power plants Q IS

7、0 SCOPE This annex specifies standard procedures and rules for the conduct and reporting of acceptance tests in order to determine and/or verify the power and the thermal efficiency of combined cycle power plants. It provides information on methods of measurement and on methods for correcting result

8、s obtained under test conditions to guaranteed or otherwise specified conditions. The purpose of the acceptance test is to determine the performance of the combined cycle in relation to the guaranteed performances as: a) power under specific operating conditions of the whole plant (gas and steam sec

9、tion) in a common contract or of the bottoming cycle only, if the gas turbine part was supplied under a separate contract. b) thermal efficiency, heat rate or specific fuel consumption under specific operating conditions (only when contract for the total combined cycle) This annex is applicable to u

10、nfired combined-cycle power plants. With suitable adjustments, it may also be used as a general guideline for combined-cycle plants with supplementary firing or other combined-cycle configurations. The case where all components are part of different contracts is not considered here as it should be c

11、overed by corresponding pertinent standards to each equipment. NORMATIVE REFERENCES The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this annex. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject of revis

12、ion, and parties to agreements based on this annex are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 3977-1 :-, Gas turbines - Procurement - Pa

13、rt I : General introduction and definitions IS0 1 1086:1996, Gas turbines - Vocabulary To be published. 2 -,-,- STD-IS0 2314-ENGL 1789 D q851903 0733520 57b 9 0 IS0 IS0 2314:1989/Amd.l:1997(E) IEC 953-1 :1990, Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part I: Method A - High accuracy for la

14、rge condensing steam turbines IEC 953-2: 1990, Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part 2: Method B - Wide range of accuracy for various types and sizes of. turbines A.3 CYCLE NOMENCLATURE For relevant definitions, see IS0 3977-1 and IS0 11086. Figure A.l shows the basic nomenclature

15、used in this annex. The station numbers refer to locations corresponding to mass or energy fluxes across the control surface. The numbering is chosen so that all fluxes entering the same surface have the same number. The differentiation is made by using letters for the different fluids. Where the sa

16、me fluid is crossing the same surface (different pressure levels for instance) an additional digit is used, for instance 1, 1 0.2s for two steam pressure levels. Stations 1 through 8 are identical to figure 1 of this International Standard. Station 9 refers to the inlet to the heat recovery ste

17、am generator. On the gas side (9) the additional digit is used to differentiate the heat exchange surfaces within the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) if necessary. Station 10 refers to the outlet of the HRSG. The different steam pressure levels are characterized by the additional digit. Station

18、 11 refers to all inlets to the steam turbine. Station 12 refers to all outlets of the steam turbine. Station 13 refers to the inlets of the condenser. Station 14 refers to the outlets of the condenser. Station 15 refers to the inlets of the cooling tower. Station 16 refers to the outlets of the coo

19、ling tower. Station 17 refers to the inlets of the deaeratodfeedwater tank. Station 18 refers to the outlets of the deaeratodfeedwater tank. In addition to this nomenclature and to the designations in 3.2.4 of this International Standard, the following letters designate the type of fluid in the vari

20、ous part of the cycle: s = steam cw = cooling water ca = cooling air g = exhaust gas w = water a = air f =fuel 3 -,-,- STD-IS0 2314-ENGL 1787 4853903 0733523 402 9 IS0 2314:1989/Arnd.l:1997(E) Q IS0 A.4 TEST PROGRAMME A.4.1 The acceptance tests shall normally be carried out immediately after the com

21、pletion of the commissioning by the supplier and, in any event, not later than three months after the start of the demonstration period (reliability run) if any is negotiated, unless otherwise agreed by both parties. For a base load plant, the demonstration period may typically extend up to 30 days.

22、 In any case, before the tests, the plant shall be placed at the disposal of the manufacturer for examination and cleaning. If the tests have to be delayed for any reason, agreement shall be made for consideration of degradation or fouling up to the test date A.4.2 The following test activities shou

23、ld be scheduled. Preparation for the tests Any pipes, ducts or valves are to be set so as to produce conditions specified in the guarantee. Dimensions and physical conditions of any patt of the plant required for test purposes shall be determined and recorded prior to the test. Installation and veri

24、fication of the required calibrated instrumentation and data acquisition equipment for the test. Isolation of the cycle organized and the adequate operation and control of the plant verified. a) Preliminary test A preliminary test shall be run for the purpose of b) i) verifying whether the plant and

25、 related equipment are in suitable condition for the conduct of an acceptance test and satisfactorily operating at the specified load i) checking the instrumentation iii) familiarization with the test procedure After a preliminary test is made, it may, by agreement between the purchaser and the cont

26、ractor, be deemed an acceptance test. Performance tests to agreed procedure Computation of results Test report c) d) e) AS OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR THE TEST A.5.1 General The provisions stipulated under 5.1 of this International Standard shall be extended accordingly to the entire combined-cycle pla

27、nt. In particular special care is to be taken with regard to load of the gas turbines process steam extraction conditions a) b) 4 -,-,- o IS0 STD*ISO 2314-ENGL 1989 4851903 0733522 349 IS0 2314:1989/Amd.l:1997(E) number of auxiliaries in service (pumps, etc.) operating conditions of air cooled conde

28、nser or cooling tower (number of fans operating, speed, etc.) settings and operating conditions of all controls. c) d) e) For reasons of convenience the permissible deviations for test conditions from design or specified conditions according to IEC 953-2 are recalled in Table A.l. Table A.l Maximum

29、deviation from specific conditions (see also Table 2) I Variable I Maximum permissible deviation of test Steam extraction pressure (regulated) Steam exhaust pressure - for back pressure turbines - for condensing turbines Steam extraction flow rate Cooling water flow Cooling water inlet temperature f

30、rom that specified (IEC 953-2) f 5 % I 5 Yo I25 o / o if condenser is not included in the guarantee I 1 o O/O f 15 o / o if condenser is part of the supply k 5 K if condenser is part of the supply Reasonable effort shall be devoted to ascertain that these deviation ranges are respected. If, in spite

31、 of this, no success can be achieved, agreement has to be made on additional uncertainties of the results and whether the tests should proceed. A.5.2 Operating conditions Prior to any readings, the plant operation shall be stabilized at a constant load. Stability will be achieved when continuous mon

32、itoring indicates that readings have been within the maximum permissible fluctuations for a period of time which shall be agreed upon by the parties to the test. The measurement period shall take one hour, divided typically into three reading sets. The maximum permissible fluctuations are half the p

33、ermissible deviations given in Table A.l except for the output which may vary by I 3 Yo A.6 INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENT A.6.1 General This clause describes the type, the methods of measurement and the precautions to be taken at the different stations behind the gas turbine as defined in f

34、igure A.l. The extent and the quality (accuracy) of the measurements may be influenced greatly depending on the scope of supply and the division of work. Measurements within one scope of supply are made essentially for a check of the operation conditions and therefore may be performed in a more simp

35、le manner. 5 -,-,- - STD-IS0 23LLi-ENGL L989 D 4853903 0733523 285 Q IS0 IS0 231 4:1989/Amd.l:1997(E) Measurements for stations at limit of supply are, on the other hand, needed for verification of contractual performance and need great care and accuracy. A.6.2 Measurements at Station 9 A.6.2.1 Gas-

36、side measurements This station defines the energy input to the heat recovery steam generator in terms of gas mass flow, gas analysis and gas temperature. The exhaust gas mass flow of large size gas turbines in general cannot yet be measured directly with sufficient accuracy, however, in most cases i

37、t can be determined with sufficient accuracy either: - by carrying out a careful heat balance calculation around the gas turbine (see 8.5 of this International Standard) or - by carrying out a heat balance over the heat recovery steam generator using the gas temperature measurements at Stations 9 an

38、d 10 and additional accurate measurements of feedwater flow and waterkteam temperat u res and pressures. For detailed analysis of performance figures or when the sensors for the exhaust gas temperature are to be located where velocity and temperature are not homogenous, the exhaust gas mass flow may

39、 be determined from measurements of the energy distribution in the exhaust duct section (see A.8.1.2). Special attention shall be paid to ensure sufficient pressure, temperature and velocity measurements for a true picture of the mass averaged gas temperature in the exhaust duct. Alternatively the g

40、as analysis for an unfired heat recovery steam generator may be measured at station 10 g, where the temperature level does not require special equipment. Additionally the pressure loss across the heat recovery steam generator may be verified by use of station 10 g static pressure. Intermediate tempe

41、rature measurements along the HRSG may be made for verification purposes when multi-pressure cycles are considered. These optional temperature measurements are intended to help verify the steam generator internal heat and mass balances A.6.2.2 Water-side measurements In order to define the heat and

42、the mass balances of the heat recovery steam generator, the feed water mass flow and the feedwater temperature shall be measured. When separate feedwater pumps are used for each pressure level, corresponding measurements shall be made on each line. 6 -,-,- o IS0 _- STD-IS0 2319-ENGL 19B9 = 4651903 U

43、73352Y 111 IS0 2314:1989/Amd.l:1997(E) A.6.3 Measurements at Station 10 A.6.3.1 Gas-side measurements The energy at the outlet of the HRSG is defined at this station for use in heat balance calculations of the heat recovery steam generator. Besides temperature measurements, gas analysis can be measu

44、red here for convenience as stated in A.6.2. NOTE: Optional measurements at Station 10 may be made for the same purpose as the measurements at Station 9. A.6.3.2 Steam-side measurements The steam parameters - especially pressure, temperature, mass flow - are measured here. Station 10 has to be defin

45、ed for each pressure level where steam leaves the steam generator to the steam turbine or for heating purpose. If no feedwater is diverted or recirculated, the feedwater mass flow measurements shall be taken (because of the higher accuracy), in preference to steam flow measurements. Any spray water

46、injection used to control the final steam temperature can be determined by carrying out a heat balance around the attemperator using mea- surements of steam and water temperatures, pressures and feed flow. A.6.4 Measurements at Station 11 Measurements at Station 11 define the steam flow to the steam

47、 turbine and the steam conditions. A.6.5 Measurements at Station 12 Measurements at Station 12 are intended to define the steam flow delivered by the steam cycle for any external process use and/or for NO, reduction in the gas turbine combustion chamber. In addition the energy level (pressure, tempe

48、rature) at which this transfer occurs is defined: Measurements at the exhaust of the steam turbine are usually only for internal check purposes since the condenser station is the preferred station A.6.6 Measurements at Station 13 The cooling water flow is to be derived or measured and the inlet temperature is to be measured at this station. The cooling water flow rate is not normally measured. It is derived by heat balance calculations around the steam turbine and condenser. The cooling water flow needs only to be measured or derived from calculation when sepa


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