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1、International Standard lNTERNAT,ONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEYHAPOLIHAR OPTAHtl3AUMR fl0 CTAH this is the task of the building designer. 2 Field of application The facades which form the subject of this International Stan- dard may comprise completely opaque components and com- ponents wi

2、th glazed parts, either opening or fixed, provided that they all stem from one and the same supplier. It does not, however, deal with performance specific to doors or to the opening and closing of windows, nor with the perfor- mance of internal decorative finishes (wallpaper, paint, etc.). This Inte

3、rnational Standard does not deal with components which may be added to the facade such as guard-rails or light- excluding devices, nor with any components provided by dif- ferent suppliers.1) 3 References IS0 14Qf3, Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements -

4、Part 3 : Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements. IS0 14Q/5, Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 5 : Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of faqade elements and facades. IS0 354, Acoustics - Measurement

5、of sound absorption in a reverberation room. IS0 834, Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construc- tion. IS0 7895, Facades - Test for resistance to positive and negative static pressure generated by wind.21 IS0 7897, Facades - Impact resistance tests.21 1) The properties of joints between

6、components provided by a variety of suppliers will form the subject of future International Standards. 2) At present at the stage of draft. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale,

7、 04/23/2007 22:44:19 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 7361-1966 (E) 4 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 4.1 components from one and the same source : Com- ponents offered and provided on a contra

8、ct basis by one and the same supplier. 4.2 self-supporting facades : Facades which support themselves over several storeys, only transferring their weight onto the loadbearing structure at their base. 5 Role of fagade and conditions of use 5.1 Role of facade The facade plays a role in meeting some o

9、r all of the following requirements : a1 user safety, i.e. stability, fire and intrusion safety; b) resistance to humidity (dryness); cl thermal comfort; d) air purity; e) acoustical comfort; f) appearance; g) tactile requirement; h) durability; i) ability to withstand suspended loads; h) air and ro

10、ad traffic noise; i) vibrations transmitted by the ground; j) earthquakes, if appropriate; k) solar radiation and temperature of external air; I) freezinq; m) thermal effects of heating of premises; n) acidity of air and rain; 0) seaspray, if appropriate; p) dust and sand; q) attack from birds, inse

11、cts, bacteria; r) intrusions; s) maintenance loads. 6 Performance In order to perform its role in meeting user requirements in- dicated in 5.1, the faqade made of components assembled in accordance with the suppliers instructions shall fulfil the following performance requirements. 6.1 Contribution

12、to meeting stability requirement 6.1.1 Ability of self-support Definition and mode of expression Number of storeys over which the facade is able to support itself safely (self-supporting facade) or a fa?ade which separates two construction levels at which it is fixed to the loadbearing struc

13、ture. j) energy conservation; 6.1 .I .2 Determination k) work safety. 5.2 Conditions of use The faqade made of components is submitted to some or all of the following agents : a) gravity (dead weight, climatic loads, suspended loads); b) wind and static atmospheric pressure; cl snow, frost; d) rain,

14、 hail; e) displacements of the loadbearing structure and of building elements adjacent to the facade, caused by wind, live loads, subsidence, seismic forces if appropriate, temperature and moisture changes and inherent deforma- tion; f) impact from the exterior and interior; g) explosions; Calculati

15、on according to any acceptable method, giving the load at the base of the self-supporting faqade or on the faqade fixing devices to the nearest 5 %. 6.1.2 Ability to withstand suspended loads Definition Ability to bear, on the exterior and/or interior, any type of load suspended by means of

16、devices described by the supplier. Mode of expression Mass of permitted loads. Determination Test, which will form the subject of a future International Stan- dard. 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technic

17、al Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/23/2007 22:44:19 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 7361-1986 (E) 6.1.3 Resistance to wind Definition and mode of expression Other methods for determining impact resistance based either on calculation or

18、static tests will be the subject of future Inter- national Standards. Permitted air pressure differential, in pascals, between the ex- terior and interior without this resulting in the collapse of the facade or in any deformation which would cause failure to meet 6.2 Contribution to meeting fire saf

19、ety requirement) other performance requirements. 6.2.1 Reaction to fire Determination Definition and mode of expression a) Calculation according to any acceptable method, pro- vided that errors are limited to 5 %, or b) laboratory test : measurement of the rupture pressure differenti

20、al, and of deformation occurring as a result of sub- jecting a section of the facade to positive and negative air pressure by means of a pressurized chamber or air cushion in accordance with IS0 7695, the facade being submitted to service loads. All properties relating to flammability, surface sprea

21、d of flame along the external and internal faces, toxicity of pyrolysis and combustion products, opacity of smoke and combustibility of the facade. Mode of expression Classes of reaction to fire. Determination 6.1.4 Resistance to imposed deformation Laboratory test, which will form t

22、he subject of future Inter- Definition and mode of expression national Standards. Permitted displacements, in millimetres, of the points at which the facade is fixed to the loadbearing structure and to the building elements adjacent to the facade in relation to their position when the facade

23、 was erected, without this leading to the collapse or excessive deformation of the fapade (maximum permitted values of deformation in service conditions are given in IS0 43561, the faqade being submitted to service loads. Determination a) Calculation by any acceptable method, provided that e

24、rrors are limited to 5 %, or b) laboratory test with the facade being submitted to service loads; this test will form the subject of a future Inter- national Standard. 6.2.2 Fire resistance Definition and mode of expression Time interval, expressed in multiples and sub-multiples of an hour,

25、during which the facades stability, thermal insulation and fire integrity are sufficient to prevent the spread of flame either through the component cavities or across the exterior of the components. (Requirements relating to stability, thermal in- sulation and fire integrity to be met during this i

26、nterval of time are defined in IS0 834.1 Determination Laboratory test in accordance with IS0 634, the facade being submitted to service loads. 6.1.5 Resistance to safety impacts 6.3 Contribution to meeting requirements of safety against intrusion Definition and mode of expression 6.

27、3.1 Definition Maximum impact energy, expressed in joules, which does not cause the collapse of the facade and does not endanger the safety of occupants or passers-by. Resistance offered by faqade to attempts at intrusion from the exterior. A distinction is made between external, internal and shock

28、im- pacts (i.e. a series of impacts of an energy less than actual safety impacts). 6.3.2 Mode of expression This will form the subject of a future International Standard. Determination 6.3.3 Determination Dynamic laboratory test according to IS0 7697. This will form the subject of a future I

29、nternational Standard. 1) In many countries, there are regulations on this subject. 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/23/2007 22:44:19 MDTNo reproduction or networking pe

30、rmitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO7361-1986(E) 6.4 Contribution to meeting requirement of resistance to humidity 6.4.1 Watertightness with respect to rainwater Definition Absence of penetration of rainwater which would otherwise give rise to the presence of moisture stains on the int

31、ernal face, or cause damage to the facade or other parts of the building. Mode of expression Pressure limit of watertightness : maximum value of positive static air pressure and, if necessary, of pulsatory pressure, in pascals, at which watertightness remains assured when the facade is submi

32、tted to the test for water-tightness. Determination Laboratory test, which will form the subject of a future Inter- national Standard. 6.4.2 Propensity to interstitial condensation Definition Behaviour of facade on exposure to water vapour conden- sation. Mode of expression W

33、ith respect to their behaviour the facade components are classified as follows : a) facade impermeable to water vapour from the inside (or outside) : where there exists a continuous water vapour barrier of no greater than 2,10-12kg/(m2.s.Pa) water vapour transmission which prevents the penetration o

34、f water vapour from the inside (or outside) into the compo- nent cavities; b) facade permeable to water vapour but no likelihood of interstitial condensation taking place; c) facade permeable to water vapour but not affected by condensation : although condensation may take place, it results in neith

35、er dripping water penetrating towards the in- terior nor the presence of stains on surfaces nor loss of per- formance or durability; d) facade permeable to water vapour and affected by con- densation, and all other cases. Determination a) Impermeable to water vapour : laboratory test (any me

36、thod is acceptable provided that errors are limited to 10 %I. b) Likelihood of condensation : either calculation involv- ing the permeability to water vapour of various elements constituting the facade and their thermal conductivity or a laboratory test, which will form the subject of a future Inter

37、national Standard. c) Not affected by condensation : observation of actual usage or laboratory test, which will form the subject of a future International Standard. 6.5 Contribution to meeting requirements of thermal comfort and energy conservation 6.5.1 Air permeability Definition Quantity

38、of air passing over a unit of surface area of a facade per unit of time at a unit of pressure difference between the outside and the inside. Mode of expression Rate of air leakage expressed in multiples of 0,l mT(m2.h) per 100 Pa of positive and negative pressure. Determination Labor

39、atory test on a sample representative of the variety of joints and elements constituting the facade, which will form the subject of a future International Standard. 6.5.2 Thermal resistance Definition and mode of expression Resistance offered by the facade to the passage of heat by con- duct

40、ion, expressed in multiples of 0,l m2.K.W - 1, Determination Calculation or test, in normal conditions of humidity for the materials in use, the wind speed being 5 m/s 1). Any acceptable method may be used provided that errors are limited to 5 % and provided that it applies to a surface area

41、 of 10 m2 comprising the various types of joint constituting the actual facade. 1) Subject to confirmation by ISO/TC 163. 4 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/23/2007 22:44:

42、19 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO7361-1996 (E) 6.5.3 Transmission of solar radiation through transparent and translucent parts of the facade Determination Laboratory test in accordance with IS0 140/3 or field test in ac- cordance with IS0 14Of5.

43、 Definition Transmission of solar energy by means of radiation across the transparent or translucent parts of the facade which incor- porate the components. 6.7.2 Flanking transmission of airborne sound Definition and mode of expression The sound pressure level, in decibels, measured

44、 in a room, which is due to airborne sound emitted in an adjacent room and which is transmitted by the facade, expressed as a function of the frequency, in hertz. The values for sound pressure level are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 dB or 5 dB + 3 dB (3, 5, 8, 10, 13, etc. dB). Mode o

45、f expression Solar factor of transparent or translucent parts : relationship of flux of solar energy transmitted to the flux of solar energy received. Determination Determination Calculation or test according to IEC Standards. Laboratory test, which will form the subject of a future

46、Inter- national Standard. 6.6 Contribution to meeting air purity requirements 6.7.3 Sound behaviour with respect to rain and hail Definition 6.6.1 Emission of smells by materials Level of noise emitted by the facade towards the interior and which is caused by rain and hail. Definitio

47、n and mode of expression Classes of evaluation of smells emitted by the facade in use. Mode of expression Determination Sound pressure level, in decibels, measured in a room, which is due to impact from rain and hail on the faqade, expressed as a function of the frequency, in hertz.

48、The values for sound pressure level are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 dB or 5 dB + 3 dB (3, 5, 8, IO, 13, etc. dB). Direct observation or test, which will form the subject of a future International Standard. 6.6.2 Emission of vapours, aerosols, dust and harmful radiation Determination

49、 Definition and mode of expression Laboratory test or field test, which will form the subject of future International Standards. Emission or non-emission by the facade of a harmful quantity of vapours, aerosols, dust and harmful radiation. 6.7.4 Sound behaviour under effect of wind, temperature and moisture changes Determination Definition Test, which will form the subject of a future International Stan- dard. Sound insu


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