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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 6372-3 First edition Premike Edition 1969-06-01 Nickel and nickel alloys - Terms and definitions - Part 3 : Wrought products and castings Nickel et alliages de nickel - Termes et definitions - Partie 3 : Produits corroy - the term “rectangular bar” inc

2、ludes “flattened circles” and “modified rectangles”, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel. Nickel et alliages de nickel - Termes et definitions - Partie 3 : Produits corroyk et produits mouk 1 Domaine d application La presente

3、partie de I ISO 6372 donne les termes et les defini- tions des produits corroyes et produits moules en nickel et en alliages de nickel. 2 Termes et definitions 2.1 produit corroyi! : Terme general employe pour les pro- duits obtenus par des procedes de deformation plastique a chaud et/au a froid, te

4、ls que filage, forgeage, laminage a chaud, laminage ou etirage a froid, soit exclusivement par I un de ces procedes, soit par une combinaison de ceux-ci. Des exemples de produits corroyes sont les barres, fils, tubes, profiles, tales, bandes, pieces forgees. NOTE - Pour le principe de la classificat

5、ion des produits corroyes, voir l annexe A. 2.1.1 barre: Produit plein corroye de section transversale constante sur toute sa longueur, livre en longueurs droites. Les sections transversales peuvent se presenter sous forme de cercle, d ovale, de carre, de rectangle, de triangle equilateral ou de pol

6、ygone regulier (voir figure 1). Les produits, de section transversale carree, rectangulaire, triangulaire ou polygonale peuvent presenter des angles arrondis sur toute leur longueur. NOTE - En ce qui concerne les barres rectangulaires - I epaisseur est superieure au dixieme de la largeur ; - le term

7、e ctbarre rectangulaire, comprend les (sections cir- culaires apIaties) et les (sections meplates a chants arrondis) dont deux cot - the term “rectangular wire” includes “flattened circles” and “modified rectangles”, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of

8、 equal length and parallel. 2.1.2 fil: Produit plein corroye de section transversale constante sur toute sa longueur, livre enroule. Les sections transversales peuvent se presenter sous forme de cercle, d ovale, de car - le terme ctfil rectangulairen comprend les (sections circulaires aplatiesa et l

9、es ctsections meplates a chants arrondis, dont deux c permanent mould casting (chill casting); pressure die casting (die casting) ; centrifugal casting; continuous casting; precision casting. 2.3 produit moul6: Terme general employ6 pour des pro- duits a leur forme finale ou presque finale, obtenus

10、par solidifi- cation d un metal ou d un alliage fondu dans un moule par l une ou I autre des methodes suivantes : moulage en sable; moulage en coquille; moulage sous pression; moulage par centrifugation; coulee continue; moulage de precision. 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardizatio

11、n Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:33:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6372-3 : 1989 (E/F) Annex A (normative) Annexe A (normative) Explanatory notes concerning the definitions

12、of wrought products A.1 Classification principles In order to simplify the definitions and to avoid difficulties which might be caused by further technical developments, all references to sizes have been deleted, with the exception of flat rolled products, i.e. the definitions are to be based on the

13、 forms of delivery only. A.2 Dividing lines A.2.1 Rod and bar/wire While rod and bar are generally supplied in straight lengths and wire in coils, the current dividing line of the CCCN at 6 mm diameter was replaced by the usual form of delivery. A.2.2 Tube/hollow profile The dividing line between “t

14、ube” and “hollow profile” shall be drawn not only by the uniform wall thickness, but also by an “only one enclosed void” for the tube. Furthermore, figures of cross-sections for tubes have been included. It was agreed that the term “hollow bar” should not be used. Notes explicatives concernant les d

15、efinitions des produits corroyks A.1 Principes de la classification Afin de simplifier les definitions et d eviter les difficult sheet: at least 0,lO mm up to and including 4 mm thick in straight lengths; strip: at least 0,lO mm thick in coils; foil : less than 0,lO mm thick. A.2.4 English term “dra

16、wing stock” Taking into account different manufacturing processes, e.g. En considerant les differents procedes de fabrication, par extruding, hot rolling, continuous casting with subsequent hot exemple le filage, le laminage a chaud, la coulee continue suivie rolling, the term “drawing stock” for th

17、e intermediate product d un laminage a chaud, le terme (drawing stock) pour le pro- was selected as the preferred term to replace the term “wire duit intermediaire a Bte choisi comme terme preferentiel pour rod”. remplacer le terme (wire rod). a) Drawing stock : this term was derived by analogy with

18、 “forging stock , in order to express that this intermediate product is intended to be drawn. a) Drawing stock (fil-machine) : ce terme a 6te choisi par analogie avec (forging stock) febauche de forgeage), pour exprimer un produit intermediaire destine a etre trefile. plaque: Bpaisseur superieure a

19、4 mm en longueurs droites (pIat) ; tale: Bpaisseur superieure ou Bgale a 0,lO mm jusqu a et inclus 4 mm, en longueurs droites; bande: Bpaisseur superieure ou Bgale a 0,lO mm, en rou- leaux; feuille: Bpaisseur inferieure a 0,lO mm. A.2.4 Terme anglais (drawing stock) 6 Copyright International Organiz

20、ation for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:33:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6372-3 : 1989 (E/F) b) Wire rod : this term, used in some countries, has been reje

21、cted on the basis of terminological principles; “wire” and “rod” are terms for two different products which shall not be combined to name a third product. A.2.5 Differences between this part of IS0 6372 and CCC Nomenclature Differences between this part of IS0 6372 and CCCN, chapter 75 will be conce

22、rned only with a) editorial layout for example omission of the reference to the production method of the product which is covered by the general definition for “wrought products” as well as an editorial rearrangement of some definitions for easy day-to- day use; b) the omission of cross-references t

23、o other products or to heading numbers resulting from the necessities of the “Structured CCC Nomenclature”. b) Wire rod (fil-machine): ce terme, utilise dans certains pays, a 6te rejete du fait qu en mat b) I omission des references A d autres produits ou les numeros des titres resultant des necessi

24、tes de la (Nomen- clature structuree du CDD). Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:33:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6372-

25、3 : 1999 (E) UDWCDU 669.24-13/-14 : 091.4 Descriptors : nickel, nickel alloys, vocabulary./Descripteurs : nickel, alliage de nickel, vocabulaire. Price based on 7 pages/Prix base sur 7 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:33:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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