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1、International Standard ) 71 O/7 0 1 4 4igb INTERNATIONALORGANIZATlON FOR STANOARDIZATIONMEZttYHAPOHAR OPrAHb43AiJWR flOCTAHAPTki3AWl.ORGANISATIONINTERNATlONALE DE NORMALISATION Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections - Part 7 : Tectonic symbols Symboles graphi

2、ques ii Miser sur les cartes, les plans et /es coupes gkologiques d - folds and monoclines; - lineations and axes. 2 Principles of representation 2.1 The symbols used are intended to characterize the ex- isting state as found in nature and shall not be used to repre- sent genetic processes and their

3、 connection. 2.2 The tectonic elements can be regarded as surfaces or lineations characterized by their situation in space. 2.2.1 Planes Tectonic planes are represented by their traces in the reference plane. The basic symbol for traces is a continuous line to which ad- ditional symbols characterizi

4、ng the nature of the surface are added. 2.2.2 Lineation Lineations are represented by their projection on the reference plane. The basic symbol for the projection of the lineations is a com- pound line of alternate dots and dashes to which additional symbols characterizing the nature of the lineatio

5、ns in question are added. 2.2.3 Indication of position The positions of the planes and lineations are given by the oriented representation of their traces and projections on the map or plan. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=De

6、fense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 12:09:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 710/7-1984 (E) On plans, a slope is expressed by an arrow pointing in the direc- tion of the slope; the angle of dip (slope) is indicated in grades or degrees

7、. In the case of an inverted stratum, the arrow is curved with its point indicating the direction of slope of the inverted stratum. 2.3 A greater or lesser degree of certainty as to the existence and orientation of a tectonic element can be shown by means of a variation on the basic symbol (see tabl

8、e 1). In order to be termed “certain”, the existence of a tectonic ele- ment shall be confirmed with a sufficient degree of accuracy. If necessary, unconfirmed tectonic elements can be divided into two categories : “probable” and “possible”. 2.4 If the information is obtained from another document,

9、this can be indicated in a suitable manner, for example by putting it in parentheses (see figure 1). 2.5 In the case of information obtained by a geophysical method, the method used can be indicated in writing (see figure 2). 3 Representation of special planes Planes to be represented are characteri

10、zed by varying the basic symbol and by using additional symbols. The symbols (basic symbols and additional symbols) to be used for representing strata, faults, joints and schistosity are given in table 2. The principles stated in clause 2 shall be complied with for these symbols. If the direction of

11、 sinistral or dextral movement in connection with the trace of a fault or with the projection of the line of in- tersection of a fault should be shown, the following symbol should be used : Fault with the direction of sinistral or dextral movement : + Table 1 - Basic symbols Phenomenon to Uncertain

12、be represented Certain Probable Possible Traces of - surfaces - -z- Projection -.-. - - -_. of lines -!- Figure 1 - Information obtained from another document -L-z Figure 2 - Information obtained by a geophysical method 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under

13、 license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 12:09:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 710/7-19 an explanation of the precise meaning of special symbols is required in a key. ) Figure 15 - Additional symbols for line

14、ations Origin of the lineation Sedimentary Symbol (in plan) inclined horizontal - - vertical 0 Magmatic or metamorphic - - 0 . Tectonic 10 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 12:09:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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