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1、 Reference number ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 75-2 Second edition 2004-05-15 Plastics Determination of temperature of deflection under load Part 2: Plastics and ebonite Plastiques Dtermination de la temprature de flchissement sous charge Partie 2: Plastiques et bonite ISO 75

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5、low. ISO 2004 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body

6、 in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2004 All rights reserved ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Forew

7、ord iv Introduction. v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions. 2 4 Principle . 2 5 Apparatus. 2 6 Test specimens . 2 7 Conditioning 3 8 Procedure (flatwise testing). 3 9 Expression of results 4 10 Precision 4 11 Test report 5 Annex A (normative) Testing in the edgewise position 6

8、 Annex B (informative) Precision . 8 Bibliography 10 ISO 75-2:2004(E) iv ISO 2004 All rights reserved Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normall

9、y carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the

10、work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare In

11、ternational Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of

12、 the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 75-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 2, Mechanical properties. This second edition cancels and replaces th

13、e first edition (ISO 75-2:1993), which has been technically revised. ISO 75 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plastics Determination of temperature of deflection under load: Part 1: General test method Part 2: Plastics and ebonite Part 3: High-strength thermosetting laminates

14、and long-fibre-reinforced plastics Annex A forms a normative part of this part of ISO 75. Annex B is for information only. ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved v Introduction ISO 75-1:1993 and ISO 75-2:1993 described three methods (A, B and C) using different test loads and two specimen pos

15、itions, edgewise and flatwise. For testing in the flatwise position, test specimens with dimensions 80 mm 10 mm 4 mm were required. These can be moulded directly or machined from the central section of the multipurpose test specimen (see ISO 3167). These “ISO bars” cannot be easily used in the edgew

16、ise position, because this would require both a reduction in span and an increase in test load by the same factor, and this may be impossible to achieve on existing instruments for edgewise testing. Specimens for testing in the edgewise position are less closely specified. Using the 80 mm 10 mm 4 mm

17、 ISO bar has the following advantages: Thermal expansion of the test specimen has less influence on the test result. Draft angles do not influence the test result. The specimen does not stand “on edge”. The moulding parameters and the specimen dimensions are specified more closely. This increases th

18、e comparability of the test results. Therefore, it was decided that the possibility of testing in the edgewise position would be deleted from the standard. In order to provide a sufficient transition period, in this edition the flatwise position is described as the preferred and recommended one, whi

19、le testing in the edgewise position is optional and has been moved to a normative annex (in this part of ISO 75). This annex and all other references to edgewise testing will be deleted on occasion of the next revision of this document. Earlier editions of this International Standard allowed methods

20、 other than using a heating bath for heating the test specimen, namely forced-circulation ovens or fluidized beds. None of these alternative methods is widely used and no proven instruments are commercially available. Furthermore, there is no general comparability between tests using different heati

21、ng methods due to the differences in the heat transfer characteristics and the temperature control methods described in this standard. Therefore only heating in heating baths is allowed in this edition. In order to maintain consistency with ISO 10350-1:1998, Tf has been used as the symbol for temper

22、ature of deflection under load. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved 1 Plastics Determination of temperature of deflection under load Part 2: Plastics and ebonite 1 Scope This part of ISO 75 specifies three methods, using different values of constant flexural stress,

23、that can be used for the determination of the temperature of deflection under load of plastics (including filled plastics and fibre- reinforced plastics in which the fibre length, prior to processing, is up to 7,5 mm) and ebonite: method A, using a flexural stress of 1,80 MPa; method B, using a flex

24、ural stress of 0,45 MPa; method C, using a flexural stress of 8,00 MPa. The standard deflection s used to determine the temperature of deflection under load corresponds to a flexural- strain increase f defined in this part of ISO 75. The initial flexural strain due to the loading of the specimen at

25、room temperature is neither specified nor measured in this part of ISO 75. The ratio of this flexural-strain difference to the initial flexural strain depends on the modulus of elasticity, at room temperature, of the material under test. This method is therefore only suitable for comparing the tempe

26、ratures of deflection of materials with similar room- temperature elastic properties. NOTE The methods give better reproducibility with amorphous plastics than with semi-crystalline ones. With some materials, it may be necessary to anneal the test specimens to obtain reliable results. Annealing proc

27、edures, if used, generally result in an increase in the temperature of deflection under load (see 6.6). For additional information, see ISO 75-1:2004, clause 1. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, onl

28、y the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 75-1:2004, Plastics Determination of temperature of deflection under load Part 1: General test method ISO 293, Plastics Compression moulding test specimens of th

29、ermoplastic materials ISO 294-1, Plastics Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials Part 1: General principles, and moulding of multipurpose and bar test specimens ISO 2818, Plastics Preparation of test specimens by machining -,-,- ISO 75-2:2004(E) 2 ISO 2004 All rights reserve

30、d ISO 3167, Plastics Multipurpose test specimens ISO 10724-1, Plastics Injection moulding of test specimens of thermosetting powder moulding compounds (PMCs) Part 1: General principles and moulding of multipurpose test specimens 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms an

31、d definitions given in ISO 75-1 apply. NOTE Depending on the selected value of the flexural stress (see clause 1), the temperature of deflection under load (see definition 3.7 in ISO 75-1:2004) is designated as Tfx 0,45, Tfx 1,8 or Tfx 8,0 (where x = f for flatwise testing and x = e for edgewise tes

32、ting). 4 Principle See ISO 75-1:2004, clause 4. 5 Apparatus 5.1 Means of producing a flexural stress See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 5.1. The span (distance between the lines of contact between specimen and supports) shall be (64 1) mm for testing in the preferred (flatwise) position. See annex A for t

33、esting in the edgewise position. 5.2 Heating equipment See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 5.2. 5.3 Weights See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 5.3. 5.4 Temperature-measuring instrument See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 5.4. 5.5 Deflection-measuring instrument See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 5.5. 6 Test specimens 6.1 Gen

34、eral See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 6.1. -,-,- ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved 3 6.2 Shape and dimensions See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 6.2. The preferred test-specimen dimensions are: length l: (80 2,0) mm; width b: (10 0,2) mm; thickness h: (4 0,2) mm. See annex A for dimensions of test

35、 specimens for edgewise testing. 6.3 Specimen inspection See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 6.3. 6.4 Number of test specimens See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 6.4. 6.5 Test-specimen preparation Test specimens shall be produced in accordance with ISO 293 (and ISO 2818, if applicable), or in accordance with ISO

36、 294-1 or ISO 10724-1, or as agreed by the interested parties. The test results obtained on moulded test specimens depend on the moulding conditions used in their preparation. The moulding conditions shall be in accordance with the standard for the material concerned, or as agreed by the interested

37、parties. In the case of compression-moulded specimens, the thickness shall be in the direction of the moulding force. For materials in sheet form, the thickness of the test specimens (this dimension is usually the thickness of the sheet) shall be in the range 3 mm to 13 mm, preferably between 4 mm a

38、nd 6 mm. The specimen can be taken from the narrow central part of the multipurpose test specimen specified in ISO 3167. 6.6 Annealing Discrepancies in test results due to variations in moulding conditions can be minimized by annealing the test specimens before testing them. Since different material

39、s require different annealing conditions, annealing procedures shall be employed only if required by the materials standard or if agreed upon by the interested parties. 7 Conditioning See ISO 75-1:2004, clause 7. 8 Procedure (flatwise testing) 8.1 Calculation of force to be applied See ISO 75-1:2004

40、, subclause 8.1. The flexural stress produced shall be one of the following: 1,80 MPa (preferred value), in which case the method is designated method A; ISO 75-2:2004(E) 4 ISO 2004 All rights reserved 0,45 MPa, in which case the method is designated method B; 8,00 MPa, in which case the method is d

41、esignated method C. 8.2 Initial temperature of the heating equipment See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 8.2. 8.3 Measurement See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 8.3. Apply the force required to produce one of the flexural stresses specified in 8.1 of this part of ISO 75. Calculate the standard deflection s by me

42、ans of equation (5) in ISO 75-1:2004, using a value of 0,2 % for the flexural-strain increase f. Record the temperature at which the initial deflection of the bar has increased by the standard deflection. This temperature is the temperature of deflection under load. If the individual results for amo

43、rphous plastics or ebonite differ by more than 2 C, or those for semi-crystalline materials by more than 5 C, repeat tests shall be carried out. NOTE 1 Table 1 gives examples of standard deflections for the preferred dimensions of test specimens tested in the flatwise position. See annex A for testi

44、ng in the edgewise position. Table 1 Standard deflections for different test-specimen heights for a 80 mm 10 mm 4 mm specimen tested in the flatwise position Test-specimen height (thickness h of specimen) mm Standard deflection mm 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,2 0,36 0,35 0,34 0,33 0,32 NOTE 2 The thicknesses i

45、n Table 1 reflect the acceptable variation in the test-specimen dimensions (see 6.2). 9 Expression of results See ISO 75-1:2004, clause 9. 10 Precision See Annex B. ISO 75-2:2004(E) ISO 2004 All rights reserved 5 11 Test report See ISO 75-1:2004, clause 11. The test report shall also include the fol

46、lowing additional information: l) the value of the standard deflection used. In item i) of the test report, indicate the flexural stress used by means of the following designation system: for flatwise testing: Tff 0,45 for method B, Tff 1,8 for method A or Tff 8,0 for method C; for edgewise testing:

47、 Tfe 0,45 for method B, Tfe 1,8 for method A or Tfe 8,0 for method C. ISO 75-2:2004(E) 6 ISO 2004 All rights reserved Annex A (normative) Testing in the edgewise position A.1 General Carrying out the test in the flatwise position with the smaller (80 mm 10 mm 4 mm) specimen is preferred to testing i

48、n the edgewise position because it gives a number of advantages which increase the comparability of the test results (see the Introduction). A.2 Span between supports The span L shall be (100 1) mm. A.3 Dimensions of test specimens The dimensions of the test specimens shall be: length l: (120 10) mm

49、; width b: 9,8 mm to 15 mm; thickness h: 3,0 mm to 4,2 mm. A.4 Calculation of force to be applied See ISO 75-1:2004, subclause 8.1, equation (2). The flexural stress produced shall be one of the following: 1,80 MPa (preferred value), in which case the method is designated method A; 0,45 MPa, in which case the method is designated method B; 8,00 MPa,


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