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2、tes - Classification Premiere ddition - 1983-10-01 Yflo6pekiHn H norsoynywatoupde seu(ecTsa - Knaccm#wKaqklfl llepeoe HaAaHHe - 1983-10-01 i?F iz* UDClCDUlYJJK 931.8 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rbf. no : IS0 7851-1983 (E/F/R) . gQ CCblflKZl No: MC0 7851-1983 (A/P) ng 7 Descriptors : fertilizers, classification

3、, definitions. / Descripteurs : engrais, classification, definition / eCKpWlTOpbl : YAO6peHHR, ;ijiz Knacwfr B HerBpBHTMpyBMOM KOnM- which do not have a declarable potas- teneur declarable en potassium. clecne. aium content. NK compound fertilizers: engrais composes NK: Engrais qui con- cn

4、omnble NK yA06peHms : yfi06pBHMR, co- Fertilizers which have declarable nitro- tiennent de I azote et du potassium en flepxau(r4e a30T H KanHU B rapaHTHpyeMoM gen and potassium contents and which quantite declarable et qui peuvent contenir KonuqecTae, a TaKxe Apyrue 3neMetrTbi, may contain other ele

5、ments, but which d autres elements, mais n ont pas de tie cboccbop B rierapariTr4pyeMoM Konkrqe- do not have a declarable phosphorus teneur declarable en phosphore. CTBe. content. 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Suppl

6、y Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:54:49 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 7851-1983 (E/F/R) MC0 7851-1983 (A/P) engrais composk PK: Engrais qui con- tiennent du phosphore et dubotassium en cnoxtnbl+ PK yAo6petwts : Yflo6penMa co- flepxaqt4e cp

7、occpop H KankrA B raparirkr- quantite declarable et qui peuvent contenir pyer4oM Konr+4ecrae, a raKxe Apyrr4e 3ne- d autres elements, mais n ont pas de MeHTbl, HO a30T B HerEipaHTMpyeMOM KOJlM- teneur declarable en azote. clecTBe. PK compound fertilizers: Fertilizers which have declarable

8、phos- phorus and potassium contents and which may contain other elements, but which do not have a declarable nitrogen content. NPK compound ferti- lizers : Fertilizers which have declarable nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents and which may contain other elements. engrais composes N

9、PK: Engrais qui con- cnoxtnbre NPK yAo6penxs : Yflo6penHa, tiennent de I azote, du phosphore et du coAepxalqr4e a30T, +ocCpop H Kanw7 B ra- potassium en quantite declarable et qui paHTHpyeMOM KOJlM deCTBe, a TaKXe Apy- peuvent contenir d autres elements. rHe 3neMeHTbl. engrais Ca, Mg, Na, S: Engrais

10、 qui con- Ca, Mg, Na, S yCo6penmd: YA06peHMR, tiennent un ou plusieurs elements calcium, conepmaulne OAHH ww 6onee 3neMeHToB magnesium, sodium, soufre et qui, n ayant Kanbqldn, MPrHHR, HaTpLlfl, Cepbl, He CO- pas de teneur declarable en azote, phos- Aepxaqwe a30T, occop ylni4 KanHti B ra- phore ou p

11、otassium, ne sont pas classes peHTMpyeMOM KOnl4 4eCTBe; nO3TOMy OHVl dans les engrais N, P, K simples ou compo- He KJlaCCHCt)MHpy!OTCR KaK npOCTble MJlM ski. cnoXHble N, P, K yflo6peHkrfl. 1.1.2 Ca, Mg, Na, S fertilizers: Fer- tilizers which contain one or more of the elements calcium, magnesium, so

12、dium and sulfur and which do not have declarable nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium contents and are, therefore, not classified as straight or compound N, P, K fertilizers. Ces produits different des amendements Ca, Mg, S par une fonction principale qui est la nutrition des plantes. 3TH llpOAyKTbl OT

13、nHrlalOTCR OT Ca, Mg, S nO 4BOynylUEilOI4X BeueCTB, T.K. Hx OC- H0eH0i1 Ct)yHK4MeU RBnfleTcfl nMTaHMe pa- CTeHMti. These products differ from Ca, Mg, S soil conditioners in that their principal function is the nutrition of plants. 1.1.3 trace element fertilizers : Fer- tilizers which have declarable

14、 contents of one or more trace elements, but which do not have declarable nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, mag- nesium, sodium or sulfur contents. engrais I base d oligo-elements : yflo6penms c mxKpoanemenramm : YAo6pe- Engrais qui ont une teneur declarable en un HHR, COflepXaIQHe OAHH MnH

15、donee MLIKPO- ou plusieurs oligo4lements, mais n ont pas 3neMeHTOB B repaHTl4pyeMOM KOJlM deCTBe, de teneur declarable en azote, phosphore, HO a30T, $OC#Op, Kanldti, KaJlbl(HA, Mar- potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium HHGI m-k4 cepy B trerapaHrnpyet4oM Konr+ ou soufre. L(eCTBe. I .2 inorganic soil

16、 conditioners : Soil conditioners which do not contain organic matter and which do not have declarable nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or trace element contents. amendements mineraux : Amendements sans mat&e organique et sans teneur declarable en azote, phosphore, potassium ou oligo-6lements. mwepan

17、bnbie norBoynywaloup4e seu(e- cTBa: IlorBoynywluaioqHe BeuecTBa, ne coflepxaupte oprank+qecKoe seutecrao M He krr4erowkre rapatirktpyeMor0 Konr+recrsa a30ra, cboccbopa, KanMfi ktnk4 MktKpoane- MeHTOB. 1.2.1 Ca. Mg, S soil conditioners Amendements Ca, Mg, S Ca, Mg, S novBoynywuawxqHe Beu(ecTBa 1.2.1.

18、1 liming materials (Ca, Mg): amendements calciques et magnesiens Inorganic soil conditioners containing (Ca, Mg): Amendements mineraux qui H3seCTKOBblf) maTepHanbi ica. Mg): MH- one or both of the elements calcium and contiennent I un ou les deux elements cal- riepanbtibie norsoynyuratoutr4e aeulecr

19、aa, magnesium, generally in the form of the coAepxarte OAMH HnH o6a 3neMetira (Ca, cium et magnesium generalement sous oxide, hydroxide or carbonate, intended forme d oxyde, d hydroxyde ou de carbo- Mg), rnaBHblM o6pa30M B C#lOpMe OKHCeti, principally to maintain or raise the pH of nate, destines pr

20、incipalement a maintenir rLIApOOKMCei4 1 Kap6OHaTOB, npe#Ha3Ha- the soil. ou A Clever le pH du sol. r(etiHblx jqnu nofiAepltaHwi M ynyrlueHw4 pH nO -lBbl. They do not have declarable nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium contents. Ils n ont pas de teneur declarable en azote, OHM He CO&epXaT a30T, OCOp M

21、JlH Ka- phosphore ou potassium. ni4H B rapaHTMpyeMoM KOnidqeCTBe. other Ca, Mg, S soil condi- tioners : Soil conditioners, for example gypsum or sulfur. autres amendements Ca, Mg, S : Amen- Apyrme Ca, Mg, S nossoynyrwaloqwe se- dements tels que, par exemple, gypse ou iqecxsa : lloreoynyurato

22、r4e aeqecrsa, soufre. xaK HanpHMep, rr4nc, cepa. 1.2.2 other inorganic soil condi- tioners : Soil conditioners, for example sand or synthetic products. autres amendements minhaux : Amen- dements tels que, par exemple, sable ou produits de synthese. flpyrb4e mwiepanbnblg norleoynywatoupfe q Bu(BCTBa

23、: 0 4BOynyWlalOl4e BeqeCTBs, KaK HanpLlMep, neCOK, WIHTeTHqeCKHe IlpOfjyKTbl. 6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:54:49 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

24、t license from IHS -,-,- IS0 7861-1993 (E/F/R) MC0 7961-1993 (A/P) 2 Organic fertilizers and soil Matihes fertilisantes conditioners organiques 2.1 organic fertilizers : Organic engrais organiques : Produits carbon& materials, generally of vegetable and/or generalement d origine vegetale et/au ani-

25、animal origin, added to the soil specifi- male, apportes essentiellement pour la tally for the nutrition of plants, and nutrition des plantes, et contenant genera- generally containing nitrogen of veg- lement de I azote d origine vegetale et / ou etable and/or animal origin. animale. 2.1.1 organic n

26、itrogenous ferti- engrais organiques azotes : Produits lizers: Materials of vegetable and/or d origine vegetale et/au animale dans les- animal origin in which the declarable quels I azote en quantite declarable est en nitrogen content is organically com- combinaison organique et qui peuvent con- bin

27、ed with carbon and which may con- tenir d autres elements, mais n ont de tain other elements, but which do not teneur declarable ni en phosphore ni en have declarable phosphorus or potassium. potassium contents. 2.1.2 synthetic organic nitrogenous engrais azotes de synthese organique : fertilizers :

28、 Nitrogenous fertilizers in Engrais azotes dans lesquels I azote est which the nitrogen is combined with combine au carbone par synthese orga- carbon by organic synthesis. nique. NOTE - This category only exists in those NOTE - Cette categoric n existe que dans les IlPMMEAHMFl - 3ra Kareropm-i cyqec

29、ieyer countries in which urea condensation or pays 00 les produits de condensation ou d asso- B TeX CTpaHaX, B KOTOPblX MO A ZBMHHble npO4yK- association products are not classified as in- ciation de I uree ne sont pas classes dans les Tbl KOH&3HCaL,uH Wllrl PCCOL(MaWI He KflPCCH- organic fertilizer

30、s. engrais mineraux. C&l&4pytOTCR KBK MMH 3pallbHble yAO6peH#R 2.1.3 NP organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers which have, in addition to nitrogen, a declarable content of phosphorus of vegetable and/or animal origin, and which may contain other elements, but which do not have a declarable potassi

31、um content. NOTE - In certain countries, bone meals are classified as semi-organic fertilizers. engrais organiques NP : Engrais organi- NP opranuecwe yo6peHwi : OpraHHqe- ques qui contiennent, en plus de I azote, ctcue yRo6peHHH, coflepxau(He HpoMe a30- du phosphore d origine vegetale etlou ani- ra

32、rapaHrHpyeh4oe KonHqecrao cboccpopa male en quantite declarable et qui peuvent paCTuTenbHOr0 u/UnU XUBOTHOrO npOUC- contenir d autres Elements, mais n ont pas XOXeHuFl, a TaKXe ApyrUe WeMeHTbl, HO de teneur declarable en potassium. HanuA B HerapaHrHpyeMoM Konuqecrae. NOTE - Dans certains pays, les p

33、oudres d os sont classees dans les engrais organo-mineraux. 2.1.4 NK organic fertilizers: Organic engrais organiques NK : Engrais organi- fertilizers which have, in addition to ques qui contiennent, en plus de I azote, nitrogen, a declarable content of pot- du potassium d origine vegetale et/au ani-

34、 assium of vegetable and/or animal male en quantite declarable et qui peuvent origin, and which may contain other contenir d autres elements, mais n ont pas elements, but which do not have a de teneur declarable en phosphore. declarable phosphorus content. 2.1.5 NPK organic fertilizers: Or- engrais

35、organiques NPK : Engrais organi- ganic fertilizers which have, in addition ques qui contiennent, en plus de I azote, to nitrogen, declarable contents of du phosphore et du potassium d origine phosphorus and potassium of vegetable vegetale et/au animale en quantite declara- and/or animal origin, and

36、which may ble et qui peuvent contenir d autres ele- contain other elements. ments. 2.2 organic soil conditioners and amendements organiques et synthetic organic soil conditioners amendements de synthese organique 2.2.1 organic soil conditioners : amendements organiques : Produits Products of vegetab

37、le or animal and d origine vegetale ou d origine animale et vegetable origin, applied mainly to im- vegetale, apportes essentiellement pour prove the physical and biological pro- ameliorer les proprietes physiques et biolo- perties of soils. giques des sols. OpratiHqecKwe yC06peHHFI H nowoynywalou(n

38、e eeu(emsa opranrtrectute yAo6peHuH: Yrnepooco- AepxaqHe MarepHanbr, B OCHOBHOM pa- CTuTenbHOrO ulunu xMBOTHOr0 npoucxo- xfleHuf4, BHocuMble B nowy cnequanbH0 Am nuTawm pacTeHuA u coiqepxaque a30T paCTuTenbHOr0 u/unu xuBOTHOr0 npoucxoxetiufl. OpraHHWCKHe a3OTHble yC(O6peHWl: MaTe- pvlanbr pacTuTenbH

39、Or0 UlunM XuBOTHOrO npoucxoxeHm, coflepxaque a30T, opra- Hu leCKM CBFl3aHHblti C yrnepOflOM B ra- paHTupyeMOM KOnuYeCTBe, a TaKXe Apy- rue WeMeHTbl, HO OCC#Op u Kanuti B He- rapaHrHpyeMor4 KonHecTae. CHHTeTHWCKHe OprtlHHeCKHe a3OTHble yo6penm: A30THble yo6pewR, coflep- xaque a30T, CBR3aHHb:blti c yr

40、nepogoM nyTeM opraHHecKor0 cHHre3a. DPMME4AHklE - B HeKOTOPblX CTpaHaX KOCTR- Hafl h4ylta xnaccr44ur4pyerca KaK nonyoprariu- L(ecKoeyAo6peuHe NK opranuqecwe y506pews : OpraHwe- CKue yfl06peHUR, coflepxaque KpOMe a30- ra rapaHrHpyer4oe KonHecrao Kanufl pa- CTuTenbHOrO UlunU XUBOTHOrO npOUCXO- XAeHuR,

41、 a TaKXe Rpyrue 3neMeHTbl, HO Cpoccfop B HerapaHTupyeMoM KonHqecrae. NPK oprarutrectwe y506peHufl: OpraHH- ecme yAo6peHHH, coAepxar4He HpoMe a30Ta rapaHTupyeMoe Konu lecTBo Cpoc- opa u Kanufl pacTuTenbHor0 ulunu xu- aonioro npoHcxoxfleHuH, a raKxe ApyrHe 3neMeHTbl. opraiwrecrwe H cwrreruqectute opra

42、w r(ecwe nosoynywatoqbte seqecrsa oprawrectwe norsoynywatcqne seu(e- CTBB: npOnyKTbl paCTUTenbHOr0 UnU pa- CTuTenbHOrO U XuBOTHOrO llpOuCXOX&e- HHR, BHocuMble cnequanbH0 anfi ynyv- WeHuR u3ueCKuX u 6uOnOruqeCKuX CBOlkTB llOqBbl. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IH

43、S under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:54:49 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 7961-1993 (E/F/R) MC0 7961-1993 (A/P) An organic soil conditioner cannot be classified as a fertilizer because of its low

44、total primary nutrient content which is normally less than 2 % of the mass of the product. NOTE - In so fsr as national regulations permit, the nutrient contents of such pro- ducts may be declared, but their classifica- tion in the category of organic soil condi- tioners is not altered. Un amendemen

45、t organique ne peut pas OpraHUqecKUe norsoynyUwa0Ue Beye- .5tre classe comme engrais en raison de sa CTBa He MOrYT 6blTb KJlZlCCUUUpOBaHbl faible teneur en elements fertilisants KPK yAO6peHUe U3-3a HUBKOrO o6qero CO- majeurs dont normalement la somme est AepxaHUU ocHoaUor0 nurarenbHor0 3ne- inferieu

46、re a 2 % de la masse du produit MeHTa, KOTOPblfi 06bl dHO COCTaBllReT Me- brut. Hee 2% Maccbr npoAyKra. NOTE - Pour autant que les reglementations nationales le permettent, leur teneurs en elk- ments fertilisants peuvent btre declarees, mais leur classification dans la categoric des amende- ments or

47、ganiques n est pas modifiee. flPI/IMECIAHME - Ecnw AonycKaeT Hal(UoUanb- Hoe saKoUoarenbcn30, coAepmaUUe nmarenb- Koro 3neUeKTa Uoxer 6blTb 3aflBneH0, HO MX KnaccUcpUKaUfl 6 KaTeropUU 0praUUqecKUx nosoynyrtuaioUx KeU(ecTs He Uerinetcfl 2.2.2 synthetic organic soil condi- amendements de synth&se orga

48、nique : cni+reTnqecKne opranwrecxne norsoynylr- tioners : Organic products obtained by Produits organiques obtenus par synthese, lualoqwe seqecTsa : OpraHurecKue npo- synthesis, applied mainly to improve the apportes au sol principaiement pour ame- AyKTbl, nonyqaerubre nyreh4 cUHre3a u BHO- physical

49、 and/or biological properties of liorer ses proprietes physiques et/au biolo- CUMble B llO 4By rllaBHblM o6pa30t.I Allfl soils. giques. ynyUureUUe ee rpU3uqecKUx ulunu Buono- Wl deCKUX CBOtiCTB. 3 Fertilizers and soil conditioners of mixed origin Matihes fertilisantes organo-mirkales Y06peHHR H norBoynyrluatoLqHe BeqecTBa cMewaw4oro npob4cxoxetwB 3.1 semi-organic


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