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1、UDC 621.183.32 s This standard wits reviasid in 12, i994 JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STANDARD Gauge Glasses for Boilers B 8211-1975 Is (Reaffirmed: 1983) This copy is an English version of Japanese Industrial Standard prepared by Japanese Standards Association, the copyright holder. Any further reproductio

2、n without permission is prohibited. _-_- - -_-_- - I I Translation without guarantee 1 In the event of any doubt arising, the original I i standard i n Japanese U to be evidm ; :- _-_-_- _- -_ J Translated Japanese Standards Association 1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku Tokyo 107 Japan 0 JSA, 1986 Copyrigh

3、t Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - STD-JIS B 821L-ENL L97q i 4933b08 0543573 473 UDC 621.183.32 Cla

4、ssification Round type JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S Symbol of classi- Maximum using pressure () f ication T 16 kgf/cm21.6 EPa) max. Gauge Glasses for Boilers B 8211-1975 (Reaffirmed: 1983) PA type PB type Flat type through- vision system 1. Scope PA PU 1 60 kgf/cm26.0 MPa) max. I120 kgf/cm2(12

5、.0 MPa) max. This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the gauge glasses for boilers, hereinafter referred to as the “gauge glasses“. Remark: The units and nurnerical values given in in this standard are in eccordance with the International System of Units (SI), and are appended for reference. 2.

6、Classification Circular type through- vision type I C 1210 kgf/cm221.0 PiPa) max. I I Note ( I ) Renarks 1. Indicated by the maximum using pressure of the boiler to which the gauge glass is mounted. In the case of round type and flat type reflex system, it may exceed the pressure more or less, depen

7、ding on the agreement between the parties concerned. 2. To the gauge glasses of flat Type through-vision system and circular type through-vision system, mica shall, as a rule, be used together. satisfies the specification of Remark of 3.3 (2), may be used at 120 kgf/cm2(12.0 MPa)or less. The usable

8、temperature shall be subjected to the agree- ment between the parties concerned. 3. PA type of Flat type through-vision system, where it 4 . Applicable Standard: JIS B 0621-Definitions and Designations of Geometrical Deviations - 1 - Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under lic

9、ense with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 3. Shape and Dimensions 3.1 Round Type Gauge Glasses The round type gauge glasses s h a l l be as follows: (1) Shape and dim

10、ensions shall be as given i n Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Unit: mm I 1 16 1 19 Outside diameter (0) (tolerances 10.5) Length ( I ) (tolerances 21) 250 300 350 350 400 i 450 - 1 500 - - Remark: Exclusively i n the case of supplementary goods for repairing, length other than specified i n t h i s table may be used

11、. (2) The difference of outside diameters at both ends s h a l l be 0.5 mm o r less and the bend be 0.5 mm or less per 300 mm i n length. (3) The sectional surface shall be practically a true circle. (4) Both ends shall be at right angles to the axis and the outside periphery s h a l l be free from

12、sharp corners. 3.2 Flat Type Reflex System Gauge Glasses The f l a t type reflex system gauge glasses s h a l l be as follows: (1) Shape and dimensions shall be as given i n Fig. 2. - 2 - Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001

13、, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-JIS B 8211-ENGL 1774 4733b 0543575 24b D -, Noninal -T I I, W t Fig. 2 Unit: mm BI65 1 B220 1 B2i0 1 B280 1 B320 1 B340 165 220 250 280 320 340 137 192 222 252 292 3

14、i 2 34 34 34 34 34 3 i 17 17 17 17 17 1 -ts Remark: The nominal number shall be expressed by the symbol of classification and length of 1 . (2) The sum of parallelism and flatness of surface and seat surface shall be 0.4 mm or less. and flatness shall be in accordance with J I S B 0621. Further, the

15、 definitions and designations of parallelism (3) The surface shall be finished by polishing, and the surface in contact with boiler water shall be smooth as cast surface or finished surface. ( 4 ) The groove parts shall reflect uniformly and perfectly the beam of light, and indicate clearly the wate

16、r level. 3.3 Flat Type Through-Vision System Gauge Glasses The flat type through-vision system gauge glasses shall be as follows: (i) The shape and dimensions shall be as given in Fig. 3. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001

17、, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Fig. 3 i U - t C Unit: mm I 250 I 320 340 235 265 I 305 1 325 I l I 17 ! I *I i 11 0.8 1 280 i - - - 34 5.4 I 34 I 31 j i 22 122 j 22 I22 I 0 . 8 1 0.8 17 1 17 I 17 I 17

18、i 17 1 17 l7 I I- I o.8 I Ciaiiification I PA type I PB type PA type I Pa320 1 Pa340 1 P235 I P265 I PB 305 1 PB 325 -nwberl Nonfnal P250 i Pa280 I - 1 PB type Sum of parallelism and flatness Remark: The nominal number shall be expressed by the symbol of classification, and the length of 1. 0.2 max.

19、 0.05 max. (2) Tolerances of dimensions and the sum of parallelism and flatness shall be as given in Table 2. Further, the definitions and designations of parallelism and flatness shall be in accordance with JIS B 0621. Unit: mm Table 2 1 O O I -1.5 1 -0.5 W O O I -0.8 1 -0.4 f - 4 - Copyright Japan

20、ese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- (3) The perspective surfaces of P A type and PB type shall be finished by

21、 polishing. Nominal number D t C 3.4 Circular Type Through-Vision System Gauge Glasses The circular type through-vision system gauge glasses shall be as follows: c 34 34 17 0.8 (i) Shape and dimensions shall be as given in Fig. 4 . Fig. 4 Unit: mm (C 33.5) 33.5 14 0.8 Remarks 1. Because C 33.5 will

22、be abolished in future, it shall not be used for new design. 2. The nominal number shall be expressed by symbol of classification and the outside diameter (D). Tolerances of dimensions and the sum of parallelism and flatness shall be as given in Table 3. and flatness shall be in accordance with J I

23、S B 0621. Further, the definitions and designations of parallelism - 5 - Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

24、from IHS -,-,- Nominal number D t Sum of parallelism and flatness (3) The perspective surface shall be finished by polishing. C 34 (C 33.5) O -0.4 *o. 1 0.05 max. 4. Inspection and Tests 4.1 Appearance and Dimensions The dimension of each part of gauge glass shall comply with the specifications of 3

25、., and each part shall have such transparency acceptable for practical use and be free from harmful flaws and foreign matters. Further in flat type reflex system, flat type through-vision system and circular type through-vision system, bubbles and striae shall comply with the following specification

26、s: (i) Bubbles (a) Bubbles exceeding 0.5 rmn up to 1 mm incl. in mean dianeter shall be not more than 2 per 1 cm2 of perspective surface. However, bubbles of 0.2 to 0 . 5 shallnot aggregate closely. (b) Bubbles exceeding 1 mm up to 2 m incl. in average diam- eter shall have a mutual linear distance

27、of not less than 50 mm. (c) There shall not be bubbles exceeding 2 mm in average diameter. (2) Striae The striae shall be within the range not harmful to practical use, and in flat type reflex system and flat type through-vision system more or less bubbles may exist in longitudinal direction but sha

28、ll not exist in lateral direction. 4.2 Hydraulic, Rapid Heating and Quenching and Corrosion Tests The materials of gauge glass shall comply with specifications of Table 4 and Table 5. - 6 - Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/11111110

29、01, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - STD.JIS B 8211-ENGL 1994 Li733bU 05Li3577 771 W Round type Classification of gauge glasses Table 4 Flat type ref lex syc tem Flat type through-vision Circular type th

30、rough-vision system system Pressure resistance (hydraup test) (kgficm or ma) Shall withstand hydraulic pressure of 2.0 times the respective maximum using pressure in Table 1 Throw into glycerol at 18OoC, heat for 5 min, then throw ver- Heat resistance (rapid heating and quenching test ) tically into

31、 wter at O O C to into glycerol at 1900cY quench it. It shall not be heat it for then throw damaged. Further, heat gradu- vertically into water a t 10C to saturation temperature under danaged. the maximum using pressure and t o quench it. It shall not be from Ordinary temperature Corrosion resis- ta

32、nce (corrosion test) Classification then air-cool in-atmosphere. It shall not be damaged. By using an autoclave, hang down the sample vertically into caustic soda Solution Of 300 mg/a in concentration (for round type, 1000 mgfl?) t o ismnerse completely, let it reach the test pressure specified in T

33、able 5 gradually in about 1 h and 30 min and under the pressure after heating 5 h, cool to become atmos- pheric pressure, thereafter take out the sample, lightly wash with water and thereafter the- surface shall be free rom cloudiness for practical use and the decrease of mass per 1 cm of sample sur

34、face area shall be not more than the value specified in Table 5. In this test, the caustic soda solution shall be 5 m l per 1 cm2 of sample surface area and be put into a carbon steel vessel. Test pressure Decrease of mass - Remark: The hydraulic test and rapid heating and quench- ing t e s t shall

35、be carried out on the product i t s e l f and the corrosion test may be carried out, as required, on a piece cut t o a suitable size. Round type Flat type reflex system Flat type through- vision system Circular type through- vision system - 7 - I 35c3.5 1 10.0 35c3.5 1 4.5 50c5.0) 7.0 Copyright Japa

36、nese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4.3 Delivery Test The delivery test shall be carried out based on 4.1 an

37、d 4.2 according to agreement between the parties concerned. However, when this delivery test is omitted, the manufacturer shall offer the substitutive test results. 5 . Marking The gauge glasses shall be packaged according to a suitable method, and the following items shall be marked on the body or

38、pack- aging : (i) Classification and size (outside diameter x length) or nominal number Csymbol and size (for flat type gauge glasses, the length and for circular type gauge glosses, the outside diameter) 1 Example: 1. Round type T 16 x 160 Example: 2. T 16 x 160 Flat type reflex B 165 system Flat t

39、ype through- PA 250, PI: 235 vision system B 165 P A 250, PB 235 Circular type through- C 34 c 34 vision system (2) Manufacturers name or its abbreviation - 8.- Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/11/2007 00:30:22 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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