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1、r INTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION MEXAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHMSAMR l-l0 CTAHAPTblSAl4-l Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of extrudability of one-component sealants Construction immobili it is not to b

2、e used for classifying sealants. 6 Conditioning of packages The packages to be tested shall be conditioned in the container (5.4) at 5 + 1 OC and at 23 * 1 OC for at least 24 h before testing. 2 Reference 7 Preparation of packages IS0 6927, Building construction - Jointing products - Sealants - Voca

3、bulary. 7.1 Rigid cartridges with fitted nozzle 3 Definitions The nozzle (5.6) shall be cut to give an orifice of 5 f 0,3 mm diameter. The internal membrane between nozzle and cartridge shall be punctured completely. For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in IS0 6927

4、apply. 4 Principle Extrusion of the sealant under defined conditions from the package in which it is supplied by the manufacturer into water by means of compressed air. Reporting of the extrudability as extruded volume in a defined time. 5 Apparatus 6.1 Pneumatically operated extrusion gun, used for

5、 ap- plying the sealant at the building site as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. 6.2 Supply of compressed air, with valve and pressure gauge for maintaining the supply of compressed air at 2.56 + 10 kPa and with an appropriate connection to the extru- sion gun. 5.3 Graduated measuring glass

6、cylinder, of 1 000 ml capacity. 5.4 Temperature-controlled container, capable of holding the packages to be tested and of operating at 5 f 1 OC and 23 + 1 OC. 5.5 Stop-watch, calibrated in seconds. 7.2 Rigid cartridges without fitted nozzle The end of the threaded nipple on the cartridge shall be cu

7、t off to give the largest practicable orifice of not less than 6 mm diameter. The nozzle shall then be fitted to the cartridge. 7.3 Thin film packages The end of the package to which the nozzle is to be fitted shall be cut so as to allow the-sealant to flow freely into the nozzle. Package, nozzle an

8、d extrusion gun shall be fitted together properly. 8 Procedure The test shall be carried out at usual laboratory room temperature (18 to 23 OC approximately) with 3 packages con- ditioned at 5 f 1 OC and 3 packages at 23 Z!Y 1 X. Immediately after taking the package from the container, prepare it in

9、 accordance with clause 7 and insert it in the ex- trusion gun (5.1) following the manufacturers instructions. Raise the air supply to 250 kPa and extrude sufficient sealant from the package to fill the nozzle completely and to remove any air trapped at the end of the package. Then close the air sup

10、ply valve. Allow about 600 ml of deionized or distilled water into the graduated glass cylinder (5.3) and place the extrusion gun with the package vertically above the cylinder with the tip of the nozzle immersed approximately 12 mm in the water. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardiz

11、ation Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 10:07:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6394: 1968 (E) After checking that the air supply pressure is 250 f 10 kPa, extrude sealant fo

12、r a few seconds to ensure that it is flowing freely from the orifice. Then read the level of water in the graduated glass cylinder for the first time. Extrude the sealant into the water for a measured period of time, so that at least 200 ml of water is displaced. Read the level of water for the seco

13、nd time. The difference between the two level readings is the extruded volume of sealant. Calculate the extrusion rate of each package in millilitres per minute from the volume of extruded sealant and the time for extrusion. 9 Test report The test report shall include the following information: a) r

14、eference to this International Standard; b) name and type of sealant; c) batch of sealant from which the packages were taken and the characteristics of the packages; d) maximum, minimum and arithmetic means of extrusion rate for each of the conditioning temperatures; e) any deviation from the specif

15、ied test conditions. UDC 624.078 : 691.687 Descriptors : buildings, joints, sealing materials, putty, tests, determination, extrudability. Price based on 2 pages 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 10:07:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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