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1、, UDC 620.193.5.621.3.001.4 i a. I. JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD. Basic Environmental Testing Procedures Part 2: Tests Test N: Change of Temperature Translated and Published JaDanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 11s . Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license w

2、ith JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*0025 88 4933608 0025884 4 W In the event of any doubt arising, the original Standard in Japanese is to be final authority.

3、 Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- UDC 620.193.5.621.3,001.4 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J

4、I S Basic Environmental Testing Procedures C 0025-1988 Part 2: Tests Test N: Change of Temperature 1, Introduction and Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies testing procedures to determine the effect of a change of temperature or a succession of changes of temperature on components, appa

5、ratus or other products, hereinafter ref erred to as “specimens“. The effect of a change of temperature or a succession of changes of temper- ature is determined by the following matters: (1) The low and high conditioning temperatures (2) The conditioning times for which the specimen is kept at thes

6、e low and high temperatures The rate of change between these low and high temperatures (3) (4) The number of cycles of conditioning (5) The amount of heat transfer into or from the specimen This test is not intended to confirm the effects only due to exposure of specimen to the low or high temperatu

7、re, application of the cold test of JIS C 0020 or the dry hea test of JIS C 0021 is recommended. Therefore, for checking these effects, Informative Reference: This Japanese Industrial Standard is prepared based on IEC 68-2- 14 Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2: Tests, Test N: Change of

8、temperature and IEC 68-2-33 Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2: Tests, Guidance on change of temperature, but some parts are modified to meet present situation of this country. 2. Test Na: Rapid Change of Temperature to withstand rapid change of ambient temperature, to accomplish this wi

9、ll depend upon the nature of the specimen. 2.1 Object This test is carried out to determine the ability of specimens The exposure times adequate 2.2 General Description of Test The specimen is exposed to rapid changes of temperature in air, or in a suitable inert gas, by alternate exposure to low te

10、mperature and to high temperature. Applicable Standards, Corresponding International Standards and Reference Standards: See page 18. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 23:33:24

11、 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S C*0025 88 m 49336138 C102588b 8 2 C 0025-1988 2.3 Test Equipment 2.3.1 Testing Chamber Two separate chambers shall be provided, onefor the low temperature and one for the high temperature, the location being suc

12、h as to allow transfer of the specimen from one chamber to the other within the prescribed time in relevant specification. Either manual or automatic transfer methods may be used. Remark: A test equipment consisting of one chamber the temperature of which can be changed to the specified low and high

13、 temperatures (single chamber automatic testing equipment) may be used. In this case, the transfer delt with in this Standard means the change over of chamber temperature to the low or high temperature. Informative Reference: In IEC 68-2-14, use of two chambers is specified, but use of single chambe

14、r system is allowed by taking actual situation of this country into consideration. - The chamber shall be capable of maintaining the atmosphere at the temperature specified in the relevant specification in any region where the specimen is placed. not exceed. 30 g/m 3. The abso1ut.e h

15、umidity of the atmosphere in the chamber shall Informative Reference: In IEC 68-2-14, the limit is specified as 20 g/m3, but it is specified here as 30 g/mJ by taking the climate in this country into consideration. The temperature of the walls of the hot and cold chambers shall not differ by

16、 more than 3 % and 8 % respectively from the specified ambient temperature in the relevant specification, expressed in kelvins. This requirement applies to all parts of the chamber walls and the specimens shall be unable to %ice“ any heating or cooling elements which do not comply with this requirem

17、ent. The volume of the chambers and the air velocity shall be such that after insertion of the test specimens, the temperature of the atmosphere shall be within the specified tolerance after a time of not more than 10 % of the exposure time, Informative Reference: In IEC 68-2-14, the circula

18、ting air velocity is specified as 2 m/s or more, but this requirement is eliminated because the air velocity which satisfies the provision of will result in the same effect. 2.3.2 Mounting or Supporting of Test Specimen Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification, the thermal co

19、nduction of the mounting or supports shall be low, such that for practical purposes the specimen is thermally isolated. When testing several specimens simultaneously they shall be so placed that free circulation should be provided between specimens, and between specimens and chamber surf aces. Copyr

20、ight Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- I JIS C*0025 88 I 4933b08 0025887 T M - _. r _ 2.4 Severities 3

21、 C 0025-1988 2.4.1 The severities of the test is defined by the combination of the lower and higher temperatures, the transition time (see 2.6.5) and the number of cycles. 2.4.2 The lower temperature TA and the higher temperature TB shall be specified in the relevant specification. The TA and TB sho

22、uld be chosen from the test temperatures of JIS C O020 and JIS C 0021, respectively. 2.4.3 The number of cycles shall be five, unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification. in the relevant specification, 2.4.,4 The transfer time tz shall be 2 to 3 min, unless otherwise specified 2.5 Init

23、ial Measurements The specimen shall be visually examined and electri- cally and mechanically checked, as required by the relevant specification, 2.6 Conditioning 2.6.1 The specimen shall be either in the unpacked, switched-off, ready The exposure -time -k of each of the two temperatures depends upon

24、 for use state, or as otherwise specified in the relevant specification. the heat capacity of the specimen. as specified in the relevant specification, in the relevant specification it is understood to be 3 h. 2-6.2. It shall be 3 h, 2 h, 1 h, 30 min or 10 min Where no exposure period is specified R

25、emarks 1. The 10 min exposure time applies to the testing of small speci- mens. (see A 3.3 of Appendix) 2. Attention is deawn to the requirements of taking into account the thermal time constant of the test specimens and the technical capabilities of existing test chambers. 2.6.3 The test sp

26、ecimen shall be placed in the cold chamber, the atmosphere The atmosphere in the test chamber shall be maintained at the low of which has been previously adjusted to the appropriate low temperature TA. temperature TA for the specified period ti ; ti includes an initial time, not longer than 0.1 t, ,

27、 for temperature stabilization of the atmosphere (see 2.6.4 e Remark: The exposure time 2.6.5 The transition period tz consists of the period for removal of specimen is measured from the moment of insertion of the specimen into the chamber, from a chamber, the period during which the speci

28、men is at the ambient temper- ature of the test room for transition and the period for placing the specimen in another chamber, and shall be chosen from the periods given below, (i) (2) 2 min or more but within 3 min 20 sec or more but within 30 sec (3) Within 10 sec Copyright Japanese Standards Ass

29、ociation Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- . JIS C*0025 88 E 4933608 0025888 I 4 C 0025-1988 Remarks 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. The transition pe

30、riod k shall be determined by taking into acount the thermal time constant of the specimen and the most severe temperature change to which the specimen may encounter during its service, The period may be specified as “20 sec or more but within 30 sec“ as a severe requirement. When applying only seve

31、re requirement to a small specimen, k may be specified as “within 10 sec“. An automatic transfer test equipment may be used if severe transi- tion period is required, In an automatic test equipment of single chamber system, the transition period means the change over time from cut-off of the control

32、 at a test temperature to commencement of control at another test temperature. If the chamber temperature is maintained at the temperature of the test place on the way of transition, such a period is considered as “the specimen is.being taken out of the chamber“. 2.6.1 atmomhere in the hot chamber s

33、hall be maintained at the high . The temperature TB for th ti includes an initial time, not-longer than 0.1 t i , for temperature stabilization of the atmosphere (see Remark: The exposure time ti is measured from the moment of insertion of the specimen into the chamber. 2.6.7 For the next

34、cycle the specimen shall be transferred to the cold cham- ber in a transition time tL as prescribed in 2.6.5. 2.6.8 The first cycle comprises the two exposure times ti and the two transition times k (see Fig. 1). Fig. 1. - Structure of One Cycle L I Not more than ,-io% of tl I- - al 9 E c o m al L w

35、 a E io! Timet LNot more than 1 0 % of h 1- Fi rs t c yc le Second cycle - / rl A: start point of first cycle B: start point of second cycle Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007

36、23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 5 C 0025-1988 Remark: For the dotted curve, see 2 . 3 . 1 . 5 . 2 . 6 . 9 The specimen shall be subjected to five cycles as detailed in 2 . 6 . 3 to 2 . 6 . 8 inclusive, unless otherwise specified in the relevant spec

37、ification. If it is not possible to commence the next transition from low to high temper- ature, or vice versa, immediately after the appropriate time t , the specimen may remain in the cold or hot chamber (preferably cold), for example overnight or during a week-end period. 2.6.10 At the end of the

38、 last cycle the specimen shall be subjected to the recovery procedures specified in 2.7. 2.7 Recovery 2 . 7 . 1 At the end of the conditioning period, the specimen shall remain in standard atmospheric conditions for testing specified in 4.13 of JIS C O010 for a period adequate for the attainment of

39、temperature stability. The relevant specification may prescribe a specific recovery period for a given type of specimen. 2 . 7 . 2 2 . 8 Final Measurements The specimen shall be visually examined and ele- ctrically and mechanically . checked, as required by the relevant specification. 2 . 9 Items to

40、 be Specified in Relevant Specification (1) (2) .Low temperature TA and high temperature TB Mounting or supporting method of specimen (if other than 2.3.2) (3) (4) Initial measurements Number of cycles (if other than five) (5) (6) Exposure time f (if other than 3 h) (7) Transition period f (if other

41、 than 2 to 3 (incl.) min) (8) Duration of transition extension State of specimen in chamber (9) Recovery (if necessary) ( 1 O ) Final measurements 2 . 3 . 2 2 . 4 . 2 2 . 4 . 3 2 . 5 2 . 6 , l 2 . 6 . 2 2 . 6 . 5 2 . 6 . 9 2 . 7 . 2 2 . 8 3, Test Nb: Change of Temperature with Specified Rate of Chan

42、ge 3 . 1 Object This test is carried out to determine the ability of specimens to withstand and/or function during changes of ambient temperature. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15

43、/2007 23:33:24 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Ca0025 88 = 4933608 0025870 T I 6 C 0025-1988 3.2 General Description of Test The specimen is exposed to changes of temperature in air by exposure in a chamber to prescribed temperatures varied at a contro

44、lled rate. During this exposure the performance of the specimen may be monitored. 3.3 Test Equipment 3.3.1 Testing Chamber The chamber for this test shall be so designed that, in any region where the specimen under test is placed, a temperature cycle can be performed in such a manner that: (

45、1) The low temperature required for the test can be maintained (2) The high temperature required for the test can be maintained (3) The change-over from low temperature to high temperature or vice versa can be performed at the rate of change of temperature required for the test The absolute

46、humidity of the atmosphere should not exceed 30 g/m3. Informative Reference: In IEC 68-2-14, the limit is specified as 20 g/m3, but it is specified as 30 g/mJ here taking the climate in this country into consideration. During the steady-state temperature periods, the temperature of the walls

47、 of the chamber shall not differ within the periods of the high and low temperature by more than 3 % and 8 % respectively, of the specified ambient temperature in the relevant specification, expressed in kelvins. ment applies to all parts of the chamber walls and the specimens shall be unable to Ils

48、ee“ any heating or cooling elements which do not comply with this require- ment. This require- The air in the chamber can be circulated and the air velocity shall be such that the chamber temperature changes at a specified rate. Informative Reference: In IEC 68-2- 14, the circulating air velocity is specified -as 2 m/s or more, but this requirement is eliminated because the air velocity which satisfies the provision of will result in the same effect. 3.3.2 Mounting or Supporting of Test Specimen Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specificat


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