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1、J IS JAPANESE I N DUSTR IAL STAN DARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association (Reaffirmed : 2001) Method of measuring performance for dust collectors ICs 23.120 Descriptors : dust collectors, performance, performance testing, measurement Reference number : JIS B 9910 : 1994 (E) Co

2、pyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- B 9910: 1994 Foreword This translation has been made bas

3、ed on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of International Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law. Date of Establishment: 1973-02-01 Date of Revision: 1994-07-01 Date

4、of Reaffirmation: 2001-08-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2001-08-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on General Machinery JIS B 9910: 1994, First English edition published in 2002-06 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association

5、 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA2002 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, e

6、lectronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:1

7、7 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS B 9910 : 1994 Method of measuring performance for dust collec tors 1 mance for dust collectors used for separating dust from gas stream. Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies meth

8、od of measuring perfor- Remarks 1 The units and numerical values given in 1 in this Standard are based on the traditional unit system and are appended for informative refer- ence. 2 The normative references to this Standard are listed in Attached Table 1. 2 Items of measuring performance for dust co

9、llectors The items required for meas- uring performance for dust collectors should be suitably selected out of the following items: Temperature, static pressure and composition of gas in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector Gas flow rate in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector Pressu

10、re loss of dust collector Dust concentration of the gas in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector Dust flow rate in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector Collection efficiency or penetration of dust collector Specific gravity and particle size distribution of dust in the inlet and outle

11、t ducts of dust collector and collected dust Apparent electric resistivity of dust in the inlet duct of dust collector or collected dust Quantity of used water and liquid-gas flow rate ratio in dust collector (10) Quantity and quality of drainage from dust collector (il) Power consumption of dust co

12、llector (12) Noise of dust collector 3 Definitions Main terms to be used in this Standard shall conform to JIS B 9909. 4 General rules of measuring method The measurement of each item specified in clause 2 shall be conducted by selecting the time when, as a rule, the operating condi- tions of dust c

13、ollector and dust generating source are stable. Further, if there is periodicity in the operating conditions, the measurement should Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:4

14、5:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2 B 9910 : 1994 be conducted at least for the longer term than one period. Referring to the measuring items (1) to (7), their measurements are to be conducted at the inlet and outlet ducts over the same period of time, an

15、d their measuring points should be selected; as a rule, according to the provisions of JIS 2 8808. Moreover, the measuring positions should be selected as near as possible to the dust collector, but not so as to affect the accuracy of the measurement and the performance of the dust collector. 5 Meas

16、uring method of gas temperature, static pressure and composition i n inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector 5.1 Measuring method of temperature Measuring method of gas temperature shall be conducted by means of liquid-in-glass thermometer or electrical thermometer at each measuring point, conformi

17、ng to JIS Z 8704 or JIS Z 8705, and the results obtained shall be averaged. 5.2 Measuring method of static pressure Static pressure at each measuring point shall be measured by using a Pitot-static tube, and the results obtained shall be aver- aged. When two static pressure taps are provided on the

18、right and left sides of duct wall, and their readings of the static pressure do not differ so much, then the averaged value may be adoptable. 5.3 Method of analyzing gas composition Gas analysis shall be conducted conforming to the provisions specified in JIS K 0103, JIS K 0104, JIS K 2301, JIS Z 88

19、08, etc. 6 Measuring method of gas flow rate in inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector The gas flow rate shall be measured by means of orifice or nozzle specified in JIS Z 8808 and JIS B 8330, and shall be expressed by converting into any one of the following condi- tions. (1) Wet gas flow rate at

20、 the condition of temperature and pressure in the inlet and out- let ducts (2) Dry gas flow rate at the condition of temperature and pressure in the inlet and out- let ducts (3) Wet gas flow rate at the standard condition temperature O O C , pressure 101.3 kPa (760 mmHg) (4) Dry gas flow rate at the

21、 standard condition (5) Wet gas flow rate at the specified condition (6) Dry gas flow rate at the specified condition 7 Calculating method of pressure loss in dust collector The pressure loss shall be expressed by the difference of the mean total pressures of flow gas between the inlet and outlet du

22、cts of dust collector, and obtained from the total pressure and velocity of flow gas measured with the Pitot tube at each measuring point in the following ways: Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not

23、 for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 1 3 B 9910 : 1994 -Pto + P H - Piiivii + Pti2Vi2 +. . + Piinvin p . = Vil +vi2 + + v, - PioVo + Pio2V02 +. . + Pionvon vol +voz + +von - Pto - P H =(Po - P)SH where dp : pressure loss (kPa)mmH,

24、O or kgf/m2 p, : total pressure of gas ; that is pt =p+pd in which p is static pressure and pd is dynamic pressure. Further, if the density of gas is p (kg/m3), and the gas velocity is v (m/s), then pd=Pv2 . pl : mean total pressure in duct (kPa)mmH,O or kgf/m2 pti . pl2, ptn : total pressure of gas

25、 at each measuring point in duct 2 - (kPa)(mmH,O or kg/m2) v I , v2, vn : gas velocity at each measuring point in duct (m/s). Suffix “ i “ indicates various quantities at the inlet duct, while “ O“ indicates that at the outlet duct. pH : correction value due to buoyancy of high tempera- ture gas (kP

26、a)mmH,O or kgf/m2 pa : density of atmosphere (kg/m3) g : acceleration of gravity (m/s2) H : difference of altitude of measuring points at the inlet and outlet ducts (m) Further, concerning the difference of the mean total pressures of the inlet and outlet ducts, the static pressure difference may be

27、 used by correcting the dynamic pressure difference due to the difference between the measuring sectional areas of the inlet and outlet ducts, as follows : pi;-p =p;-po+-vi 1- - 2 ; (211 - f0 where pi, po : mean static pressure of inlet and outlet respectively (kPa)mmH,O or kgf/m2 A , A, : sectional

28、 area of measuring section of inlet and out- let respectively (m2) (kg/m3) p : mean value of density of gases at inlet and outlet Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:1

29、7 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 B 9910 : 1994 8 Measuring method of dust concentration of gas in inlet and outlet ducts of duct col- lector 8.1 Measuring method The measurement of dust concentration shall be conducted in accordance with the provision in

30、JIS Z 8808. 8.2 Expression of dust concentration The dust concentration shall be expressed as in the following four ways. (i) Mass of dust particles contained in 1 m3 of wet gas at the condition in the inlet and outlet ducts (2) Mass of dust particles contained in 1 m3 of dry gas at the condition in

31、 the inlet and outlet ducts (3) Mass of dust particles contained in 1 m3 of wet gas at the standard condition tem- perature O O C , pressure (101.3 kPa) (760 mmHg (4) Mass of dust particles contained in 1 m3 of dry gas at the standard condition 9 Calculating method of dust flow rate in inlet and out

32、let ducts of dust collector The dust flow rate shall be calculated by the method in conformity with the provision in JIS Z 8808. 10 collector Measuring and calculating methods of collection efficiency or penetration of dust 10.1 Calculating method of collection efficiency and penetration The collect

33、ion effi- ciency of dust collector shall be determined from the data of dust flow rate, dust concen- tration, gas flow rate in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector or the amount of dust collected per unit time by dust collector all of which were obtained in the same period of time, and it ca

34、n be calculated from any one of the following three formulae : (i) Method of obtaining from dust flow rate in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collec- tor. q= 1- x100 : ) in the case of Q; =so it reduces to q= 1- Xloo 21 or Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license wit

35、h JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 5 B 9910 : 1994 q= 1- x100 29 Method of obtaining from dust flow rate in the inlet duct and the mass of dust col- lected per uni

36、t time by dust collector. n 3 q=xIOO S i Method of obtaining from dust flow rate in the outlet duct and the mass of dust col- lected per unit time by dust collector. Further, the penetration of dust collector shall be obtained from the following formula. P = 100 -q = x 1 0 0 S i where q : collection

37、 efficiency (%) s : dust flow rate in the duct (kg/h) C : dust concentration in gas at the condition in the duct (dm3) c, : dust concentration in dry gas whose volume is converted into the standard condition in the duct g/m3N (93 Q : gas flow rate at the condition in the duct (m3/h) Q;: flow rate of

38、 dry gas whose volume is converted into the standard condition in the duct m3N ()/h, S, : mass of dust collected per unit time in dust collector (kg5) P : penetration of dust collector (%) Suffi “ i “ indicates various quantities at the inlet duct, while “ O “ indicates those at the outlet duct. Not

39、e (l) Volume at standard condition OC, (101.3 kPa) (760 mmHg) 10.2 Measuring method of mass of dust collected per unit time by dust collector The mass of dust collected per unit time by dust collector shall be calculated from the fol- lowing formula by measuring the mass of collected dust and the co

40、llecting time: where s, : Mass of dust collected per unit time by dust collector Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus Not for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted with

41、out license from IHS -,-,- 6 B 9910 : 1994 Information 1 Mc : t : (kgW Mass of dust collected by dust collector during whole time of dust sampling in the duct (kg) operating time of dust collector during whole sampling time in the duct (h) In the case of obtaining the partial collection efficiency,

42、it shall be determined from the mass and particle size distribution of each dust sampled in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector or dust collected by dust collector in the same period of time, and it can be calculated from any one of the following three formulae: (1) Method of obtaining from

43、 the mass and particle size distribution of dust sampled in the inlet and outlet ducts of dust collector. from Mo,=fo.dx.Mo, M,=fidx.M; and Mo/Mi=(lOO-) q, = 100 - -(*o0 -q) A aR /ax = 100 -O-(lOO -71) IRi /ax (2) Method of obtaining from the mass and particle size distribution of dust sampled in th

44、e inlet duct and dust collected by dust collector. fc A aRc ax 1 7 , =-7 7) - - IRi /ax (3) Method of obtaining from mass and particle size distribution of dust sampled in the outlet duct and dust collected by dust collector. q x = x100= x100 M c x + Mo, 1 + Mo, Mcx XI00 1 x100= - - l+L(!3) L77 l+-(

45、y) Further, partial penetration shall be obtained from the following formula: P, =loo-qx where q, : partial collection efficiency, that is, collection efficiency Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Gearhard, Marcus No

46、t for Resale, 06/01/2007 02:45:17 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 7 B 9910 : 1994 Mx : f : R : Px : Suffix “ i ” fok dust within the range dr represented by particle size x (%) mass of dust represented by particle size X , out of the dust sampled in the inle

47、t and outlet ducts and the dust collected by dust collector (kg) mass frequency of dust represented by particle size x (%/,um) mass ratio of dust represented by particle size x to over- size (%) partial penetration, that is, the ratio of dust which is not collected in dust collector as to dust repre

48、sented by parti- cle size x (%) indicates various quantities of inlet duct, “ o ” indicates those of outlet duct, and “ c ” indicates those of dust collected by dust collector. Information 2 Besides in conformity with hformation 1, the relation between the collection efficienty and partial collection efficiency shall be ob- tained from either formula (i) or (2) : M , . , +M,.+M, (i) q = x 1 0 0 = x100 M i M i where M, : mass of dust collected size (kg) within each range AY of


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