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1、b STD.JIS C 2531-ENGL 1999 W 4933608 0563736 37b W JIS JAPANESE I N DUSTR IAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Ja pa nece Stand a rdc Associ ation JIS C 2531 : 1999 Nickel iron soft magnetic metallic materials ICs 29.030 Descriptors : magnetic cores, electric screens, iron, nickel, magnetic allo

2、ys, sheet materials, strips, electronic equipment and components, bars (materials), wires Reference number : JIS C 2531 : 1999 (E) 10 s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59

3、:57 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-JIS C 2531-ENGL 3999 4933b08 05b3737 202 C 2531 : 1999 Foreword This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of International Trade and Industry through deli

4、berations at Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law. Consequently JIS C 2531 : 1987 is replaced with JIS C 2531 : 1999. I Date of Establishment: 1971-05-01 Date of Revision: 1999-03-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 1999-03-23 Invest

5、igated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on Non-Ferrous Metals JIS C 2531 : 1999, First English edition published in 2000-06 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising a

6、s to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA2000 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in wr

7、iting from the publisher. Printed in Japan Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59:57 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STDmJIS C 2531-

8、ENGL 1997 E 4733608 05b3738 149 E JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS C 2531 : 1999 Nickel iron soft magnetic metallic materials Introduction This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on IEC 60404-8-6, Magnetic materials Part 8 : Specifications for individual materials Sec- tion six-Sof

9、t magnetic metallic materials published in 1986 as the first edition and IEC 60404-6, Magnetic materials Part 6 : Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of isotropic nickel-iron soft magnetic alloy El, E3 and E4 published in 1986 as the first edition without modifying the technical conten

10、ts for the corresponding parts (classification and magnetic grade, quality, etc.). However, it also specifies the classification and magnetic grades and associated quality formerly specified in JIS. As for the dimensional tolerances, the specification contained in the corresponding International Sta

11、ndard is altered. 1 Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the nickel iron alloy bars (here- after referred to as “bars”), the alloy rod (hereafter referred to as “rods”), the alloy wires (hereafter referred to as “wires”), the alloy sheets (hereafter referred to as “sheets”) and the allo

12、y strips (hereafter referred to as “strips”) which are used for various mag- netic cores and magnetic shields in electronic equipment. Remarks : The International Standards corresponding to this Standard are given below. IEC 60404-8-6 : 1986 Magnetic materials Part 8 : Specifications for individual

13、materials Section six-Soft magnetic metallic materials Magnetic materials Part 6 : Methods of measure- ment of the magnetic properties of isotropic nickel- iron soft magnetic alloy El, E3 and E4 The above IEC Standard numbers are based on the new numbering system of IEC Standards put in force on Jan

14、uary 1st 1997, and the standard published before the said date is numbered by adding 60000 to the former number. This is the change in the number only, and the contents remain unchanged. IEC 60404-6 : 1986 Informative reference : 2 Definitions For the purpose of this Standard the following principal

15、 definitions shall apply: a absolute permeability The quantity which expresses easiness of magnetiz- ing nickel iron soft magnetic alloys. The quantifier is p, the unit is henry per me ter ( Wm). Absolute permeability p multiplied by magnetic field strength H equals mag- netic flux density B. B = p

16、H where, B : magnetic flux density (T) H : magnetic field strength (Alm) p : absolute permeability (Wm) Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59:57 MDTNo reproduction or networ

17、king permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STDeJIS C 2531-ENGL 1999 E 4933608 0563739 O85 E 2 C 2531 : 1999 relative permeability The absolute permeability p divided by the permeability of vacuum (= 4n x 10-7 Wm). The unit is absolute number. initial relative permeability The ratio of flux densit

18、y which is the inclina- tion of the straight line connecting the original point (erased state) and a point close to the original point to the magnetic field strength divided by the perme- ability of vacuum po (= 4nx lo- H/m). The symbol is pi, and the unit is abso- lute number. The strength of d.c.

19、magnetic field shall be 0.4 Alm, 0.8 Nm and 1.6 A/m. magnetic flux density The magnetic flux per unit area of a material when external magnetic field H is applied. The symbol is BH, and the unit is tesla (T). The H shall be 20, 50, 100, 500, 800 and 4 O00 (A/m). remanent magnetic flux density The ma

20、gnetic flux density at the time of removal of an external magnetic field of 800 A/m being applied. The symbol is Br, and the unit is tesla (T). squareness ratio The remanent magnetic flux density divided by the mag- netic flux density BH. coercive field strength The magnetic field strength at which

21、the magnetic flux density in a material becomes zero when an external magnetic field of 800 A/m applied to the material is removed and the material is magnetized in opposite di- rection. The symbol is H, and the unit is ampere per meter (A/m). inductance relative permeability The relative permeabili

22、ty obtained by cal- culation from the self inductance which appears when an a.c. current is passed through a winding on a closed magnetic core where the leakage current is neg- ligible. The symbol is PL, and the unit is absolute number. impedance relative permeability The relative permeability obtai

23、ned by cal- culation from the voltage (corresponding to magnetic flux density) generated on the secondary side due to the mutual inductance when an a.c. current (corre- sponding to magnetizing force) is passed through the primary winding on a closed magnetic core where the leakage magnetic flux is n

24、egligible. The symbol is pz, and the unit is absolute number. impedance relative permeability rise factor This factor expresses the degree of increase in permeability resulting from the increase in the magnetic field strength. The symbol is 6, and the unit is meter per ampere ( 600 + 5 % + 5 % f 7.5

25、 % I 10% 0.75 S t 100 y 100 The average length of magnetic path of test specimen shall be calculated from equation (2). (2) lm = n- (D+ d) 2 where, 1, : average length of magnetic path (m) Generally the test specimen is structured as stated below, and the type of test specimen to be used shall be sp

26、ecified in the product specification. a) Type S.W. ring (strip wound toroidal core) The dimensions of rings shall be as stated in Table 9. The outside diameter of test specimen shall be 30 mm to 80 mm, and the edges of test specimen shall be deburred, if necessary. b) Type L.R. ring (stack of annula

27、r laminations) A ring made by stacking annular laminations processed by stamping or etching. As for the dimensions of the ring, (outside diameterhnside diameter) shall be less than 1 . 4 . However, outside diameter 10 mm x inside diameter 6 mm may be used. c) Type S.R. ring (ring machined from solid

28、 material) A ring formed or machined from solid material. The outside diameter of the ring shall be 30 mm to 50 mm, and the (outside diameterhside diameter) shall be 1.2 to 1.4. Remarks 1 Other test specimens can be used subject to agreement between the parties concerned with acceptance. 2 After for

29、ming the test specimen, it shall be heat-treated, then handled with great care to avoid creating stresses. The use of a protective case of appropriate dimensions is recommended. w 6.2.2 Magnetic field strength The magnetic field strength shall be expressed in the r.m.s. value, and calculated from eq

30、uation (3). The current shall be measured with an accuracy of 1 %. (3) N x I H=- Lm where, H : magnetic field strength (Alm) N : number of turns of winding of the ring (turn) Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing,

31、Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59:57 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD*JIS C 2531-ENGL 1797 W 4933b08 0563749 TZ4 12 C 2531 : 1999 I, : average length of magnetic path (m) I: current (A) 6.2.3 D . C . magnetic characteristic test An a.c. current at 5

32、0 Hz or 60 H z which produces a magnetic field strength not less than 10 times the coercive field strength is passed through the primary winding of the test specimen prepared according to 6.2.1, this current is decreased to O A gradually and continuously to demagnetize completely, then the measureme

33、nts shall be carried out on the items stated in Table 2 by means of a ballistic galvanometer or recording electronic fluxmeter. 6.2.4 Inductance permeability test An a.c. current at 50 Hz or 60 Hz which pro- duces a magnetic field strength not less than 10 times the coercive field strength is passed

34、 through the primary winding of the test specimen prepared according to 6.2.1, this current is decreased to O A gradually and continuously to demagnetize completely, the inductance is measured by means of the Maxwell bridge shown in Fig. 3 or LCR meter shown in Fig. 4, and the inductance permeabilit

35、y shall be calculated from equation (4). The measurement shall be carried out at the frequency and the magnetic field strength shown in Table 3 correlating with the class and the thickness of sheet and plate. L I , 1 P L =-.-*- A N2 PO (4) L p& 1 m N2 PO - .-._ .* - where, PL : inductance permeabili

36、ty L : inductance (HI A : average cross-sectional area (m2) m : mass (kg) p : density (kg/m3) I , : average length of magnetic path (m) N : number of turns of winding (turn) : permeability of vacuum (= 41cx 10-7 Wm) S : Test specimen RI, R2 : Fixed resistors R3: Variable - resistor L t : OSC : A : V

37、ariable inductance Oscillator High-frequency ammeter c D: Detector Fig. 3 Measuring circuit using Maxwell bridge Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59:57 MDTNo reproduction

38、or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 13 C 2531 : 1999 i Fig. 4 Measuring circuit using LCR meter 6.2.5 Impedance permeability An a.c. current at 50 Hz or 60 H z which produces a magnetic field strength not less than 10 times the coercive field strength is passed through the primary

39、 winding of the test specimen, this current is decreased to O A gradually and continuously to demagnetize completely, the primary current and the secondary voltage are measured in the circuit shown in Fig. 5, and the impedance permeability shall be calculated from equation (5). The measurements shal

40、l be carried out at the frequency and the magnetic field strength shown in Table 4 correlating with the class and the thickness of sheet and plate. (5) K p L m 11 m NIN, 2fI1 PO .-.- .I - _-.- where, p : impedance permeability V 2 : secondary open voltage (V,) A : average cross-sectional area (m2) m

41、 : mass (kg) p : density (kg/mJ) I , : average length of magnetic path (m) Nl : number of turns of primary winding (turn) NZ : number of turns of secondary winding (turn) f : frequency (Hz) Il : primary current (Arms) po : permeability of vacuum (= 47c x 10-7 Wm) S : Test specimen OSC : Oscillator V

42、 : Voltmeter A : High-frequency ammeter Fig. 5 Impedance permeability test circuit Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/15/2007 07:59:57 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

43、t license from IHS -,-,- STD=JIS C 2531-ENGL 1799 4933b08 05b3751 b82 14 C 2531 : 1999 6 . 2 . 6 Impedance permeability rise factor test The impedance permeability is measured in accordance with the method stated in 6 . 2 . 5 , at a measuring frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz, on the test specimen prepared a

44、ccording to 6 . 2 . 1 , for each specified measuring current, and the rise factor shall be calculated from equations (6) and (7). c . 620.4 = = 0.833 x Kzi.6 - h . 4 (6) pZl.6 - pZ0.4 pzi.6 (1.6 - 0.4) pZi.6 . (7) pza - pzi.6 = 0.156 x flzs - Pzi.6 6za = Pzi.6 (8 - 1.6) PZ1.6 where, &o.4 : impedance

45、 permeability rise factor at a magnetic field strength of 0.4 A/m to 1.6 A/m (&A) 6Z8 : impedance permeability rise factor at a magnetic field strength of 1.6 A/m to 8 A/m (mA) pZ0.4 : permeability at a magnetic field strength of 0 . 4 A/m pz1.6 : permeability at a magnetic field strength of 1.6 A/m

46、 pZ8 : permeability at a magnetic field strength of 8 A/m Dimensional tests Dimensional tests shall be as follows: Thickness The measurements shall be carried out by using a micrometer with a minimum scale of 1000 mm. The measurement points for flat products of a width exceeding 25 mm shall be a poi

47、nt 10 mm or more apart from the edge, and for other products it shall be the center of the width. Width The width shall be measured with a micrometer perpendicularly to the longitudinal direction. 1 Flatness The sheet, plate or strip shall be placed on a flat and wide base so that its edges do not p

48、rotrude the base, and the length of the wave and the maxi- mum value of the height of the wave shall be measured using a ruler of millime- ter unit. Edge camber The sheet, plate or strip shall be placed on a flat base, a ruler shall be so placed that it comes in contact with the both ends of the con

49、cave curvature, then the maximum value of the depth of arc of the curvature shall be measured. Diameter The diameter shall be measured at arbitrary two points with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, and the median value of data so obtained shall be taken. Straightness of long product The straightness of long product shall be mea- sur


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