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1、Water used wastewater for industrial water analysis STD-JIS K 0557-ENGL 1798 I I Li933608 0553733 958 JIS JAPANESE I N DUSTR IAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association and * ICs 71.040.40 Descriptors : water, water testing, chemical analysis and testing, waterworks, Refe

2、rence number : JIS K 0557 : 1998 (E) water storage, drainage 8s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,

3、-,- K 0557 :1998 Foreword This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of International “rade and Industry through deliberations at Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardization Law. Consequently

4、 JIS K 0557:1993 is replaced with JIS K 0557:1998. Date of Establishment: 1993-04-01 Date of Revision: 1998-03-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 1998-03-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on Environment JIS K 05571998, First English edition pub

5、lished in 1998-10 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. O JSA 1998 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of

6、 this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed i n Japan Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS

7、 Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- K 0557 : 1998 Contents Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IH

8、S Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-JIS K 0557-ENGL 1998 4933b08 0551i7Lb bb7 W Items() Electric conductivity mS/m (25 O C ) Total organic carbon (TOC) mgCI1 Zinc uaZd1 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS K 0667 : 1998 Clas

9、sification and qualities Al A2 A3 A4 0.5 max. 0.1 ma.()() 0.1 max.(2) 0.1 maX.(2) 1 max. 0.5 max. 0.2 max. 0.05 max. 0.5 max. 0.5 max. 0.1 max. 0.1 max. Water used for industrial water and wastewater analysis Silica ugSiO,/Z Chloride ion ugC1-/ I Sulfate ion ugSO,2-/ I Introduction In order to prepa

10、re the standard of water used for analysis of industrial water and wastewater, this Japanese Industrial Standard has been established by revi- sion of the standard which was established in 1993 on the water for chemical analysis. For the purpose of testing industrial water and wastewater, a lot of t

11、esting methods have been specified, but the fundamental propertites are specified here, because the properties required when testing ordinary water are almost in common. 50 max. 5.0 max. 2.5 max. 10max. 2 max. 1 max. 1 max. 10max. 2 max. 1 max. 1 max. - 1 Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard spec

12、ifies the classification, fundamental items, qualities, and testing methods of the water which is to be used for the analysis of industrial water and wastewater. 2 Normative references The standards, shown in Attached table 1, contain provi- sions which, through reference in this Standard, constitut

13、e provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards indicated in the Attached Table 1 shall be ap- plied. 3 Items in common The items applied in common shall be as follows. a) The items applicable in common for tests shall follow JIS K 0050 and JIS K O101 unless otherwise provid

14、ed. For the purpose of this Standard, the main terms used in this Standard shall be in conformity with JIS K 0211. b) 4 Classification and qualities Water is classified from Al to A4, and its qualities are as specified in Table 1. This table specifies only the typical items and qualities by which th

15、e quality of water is represented, and other items than these may be sumple- mented or selected depending on the test purpose and method (see Remarks 1). Table 1 Classification and qualities Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111

16、001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-JIS K 0557-ENGL 1998 D Li933b08 0553737 5T3 2 K 0557 1998 method specifies the water to be respectively used, follow the specifica- tion. () This is the directly mea

17、sured value of the output water from a water pu- rifying apparatus using a detector of the electric conductivity meter. (3) When the filter such as a microfilter is directly connected with outlet of an ion exchanger at its final process, and when the output water is di- rectly introduced into the de

18、tector of the electric conductivity meter, the value shall be made 0.01 mS/m (25 “C) or less. Remarks 1 The classified water quality items shown in table 1 are chosen as typi- cal items that express the qualities of water. According to the type and purpose of testing methods for industrial water and

19、 wastewater, if the qualities other than the specified in table 1 is wanted to be con- firmed, the testing method specified in individual standard shall be followed. 2 The purifying method and serviceability of water from Al to A4 are generally as follows. - Al water is used for washing apparatus an

20、d for the materials to prepare A2 and A3 water. Al water shall be purified through an ion exchanging method or reverse osmosis membrane method at its final process. Alternatively, through the method by which the same quality water can be obtained. - A2 water is used for general tests and for the mat

21、erials to prepare A3 and A4 water. It is prepared through the device combined an ion exchange equipment, microfilter, etc. at its final process using Al water. Alternatively, through the method by which the same quality water can be obtained. - A3 water is used for preparation of reagents or the tes

22、t of trace com- It is prepared through distillation method at its final pro- Alternatively, through the method by ponent. cess using Al or A2 water. which the same quality water can be obtained. - A4 water is used for the test of trace component. Using A2 or A3 water, it is prepared through a distil

23、ling apparatus made of quarts glass or distillation by sub-boiling distilling apparatus. Alterna- tively, through the method by which the same quality water can be obtained. 3 Water free &om dissolved-oxygen Put A2 water or A3 water into a flask, boil it for about 5 min to expel dissolved oxygen, as

24、 shown in Fig. 1 connect it with a gas washing bottle in which alkaline pyrogallol solu- tion dissolve 6 g of pyrogallol (1,2,3-benzenetriol) specified in JIS K 8780 in 50 ml of A3 water, and store it in a colored glass bottle. Sepa- rately, dissolve 30 g of potassium hydroxide specified in JIS K 85

25、74 in 50 ml of A3 water. When being used, they shall be mixed. One ml of Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr

26、om IHS -,-,- STD-JIS K 0557-ENGL 1778 m 4733b 05517L 43T I I 3 KO557 1998 this solution can absorb about 12 ml of oxygen (about 17 mg) has been put, and allow it to cool under cutting off oxygen in air. Alternatively, instead of boiling, it is permissible to aerate the class 2 high purity ni- trogen

27、 specified in JIS K 1107 for about 15 min to expel dissolved oxy- gen. 4 Water free f r o m carbonic acid Put A2 water or A3 water into a flask, boil it for about 5 min to expel dissolved gas and carbonic acid, employ the apparatus the same one as shown in Fig. 1, put potassium hydrox- ide solution

28、(250 g/Z) (prepare using potassium hydroxide specified in JIS K 8574) in a gas washing bottle, and allow it to cool under cutting off carbon dioxide in air. A : Flat-bottomed flask 1 O00 ml B : Gas washing bottle 250 ml C : Rubber stopper D : Rubber tube E : Alkaline pyrogallol solution Fig. 1 Examp

29、le of apparatus for cooling and storing of water free from dissolved oxygen 5 Water for test of chemical oxygen demand (COD& with potassium permanganate at 100 c This shall be A4 or the same level water, but its quality shall be certified by Note (l) of 17 in JIS K 0101, or by Note (l) of 17 in JIS

30、K 0102. 6 Water for test of total organic carbon (TOC) A3 or A4 water con- taining no carbonic acid shall be used, or the same level water be used. Alternatively employ the following water. Take A3 or A4 water in a distilling flask, drip potassium perman- ganate solution (30 g/Z) (prepare this solut

31、ion using potassium per- manganate specified in JIS K 8247) until the solution colors, add 2 ml or 3 rnl of sulfuric acid (1+1) per 1 O00 ml of water, and distil it (the color of potassium permanganate must last until the distillation fin- ishes). Initial distillate (which is equivalent to about 1/5

32、 of water volu- me kept in the distilling flask) shall be discarded, and about 3/5 of the distillate obtained in the middle stage of the distillation process shall be taken. While the purified water is being kept in a container, the concen- tration of TOC may gradually raise due to contamination, th

33、erefore, it is advisable to use up it as swiftly as possible after purification. 7 Water for test of total oxygen demand (TOD) This shall be dis- solved-oxygen-free water that has been purified similarly to Remarks 6. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALic

34、ensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD=JIS K 0557-ENGL 3978 D 4733b08 0553739 37b = 4 KO557 : 1998 5 Testing methods The testing methods for the confirmation of qualities of eac

35、h item shall be as follows. 5.1 Electric conductivity The test for electric conductivity shall follow JIS K 0552. 5.1.1 Test by continuous measuring method Attach(5) the sample introducing tube(4), which has been washed completely with Al water, to the outlet of water purifying appa- ratus, flow the

36、 sample sufficiently for purifying it, control its flow rate and temperature, and introduce directly into the detector of liquid flowing type. If necessary, place a thermostat before the detector. Confirm that the change of flow rate does not affect electric conductivity. Notes (4) The sample introd

37、ucing tube is preferably made of soft polyethylene tube or silicone rubber tube. (5) Especially be careful not to make contamination which may come from environment or skin. In order to prevent the contamination from skin, it is preferable to use rubber gloves (no dusting powder) which are for surgi

38、cal operation and are specified in JIS T 9107. a) measurement Measurement shall be as follows. i) Follow 4 . 1 in JIS K 0552. 5 . 1 . 2 Test by intermittent measuring method This method shall be applied to the test by which the output water from a water purifying apparatus is sampled into a Sam- ple

39、 container. Carry out the test as swiftly as possible after the sample was taken(6). Note (6) In case of the sample being kept in a container, put its adequate amount in a small-type Erlenmeyer flask instead of making sampling of 5 . 1 . 2 e), then test it. a) sample container from borosilicate glas

40、s, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and so on. washing method of sample containers shall be as follows. Sample containers shall be the air-tight ones which are made b) The washing method of sample containers 1) Wash sufficiently with Al water. 2 ) . Put Al water by about quarter of whole vo

41、lume of a sample container, stopper it, and shake it violently for about 30 s for washing. Repeat these procedures 5 times. 3) Fill A3 water (or the water equivalent to target water), stopper closely it, allow it to stand for at least 16 h, and discard the water. 4 ) Fill the water the same as in 3)

42、, stopper closely it, and allow it to stand until the sample is taken. c) sampling Sampling shall be as follows. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 02/16/2008 02:21:14 MSTNo reproduction or

43、 networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD*JIS K 0557-ENGL 1778 I 4933b08 0553720 O98 5 K 0557 : 1998 i) Attach(5) the sample introducing tube(4), which has been washed completely with Al water, to the outlet of water purifying apparatus. Throw away the water in the water container, an

44、d carry out the procedures shown in b) 2) using water to be tested(5). Put the sample introducing tube into a sample container until its end reaches on the bottom of the container, let the sample overflow from the sample container by about 5 times volume of the container, draw out the sample introdu

45、cing tube, stopper closely it after sufficiently washing the stopper(5). Remarks : When the electric conductivity of highly purified water is measured, the procedures during sampling and measuring shall be carried out care- fully enough not to give the influence on electric conductivity. The fac- to

46、rs, by which electric conductivity may be changed, are such as, the dissolution of carbon dioxide owing to the contact with air, the direct contact of sample introducing tube with target water, dissolving impu- rities from the thermostat for temperature control and from the detec- tor. The materials

47、 for little dissolution of impurities are, stainless steel, borosilicate glass, polyethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, and the like. Attaching or absorbing of dirties may cause the contamination owing to its dissolving out, therefore the materials of piping and detec- tor shall be repelling the dirt

48、ies, and they shall be washably con- structed. 2) 3) d) measurement Measurement shall be as follows. i) Follow 4.2 (intermittent measuring method) in JIS K 0652. applicable to A2 water, A3 water, and A4 water. This method is not 5.2 Total organic carbon (TOC) JIS K 0551. The test of total organic carbon (TOC) shall follow 5.2.1 Test with TOC automatic measuring instrument Introduce the output water from a water purifying apparatus into a TOC automatic measuring instrument accord- ing to 5 . 1 . 1 , and test(7) it according to either 4 . 1 (Combustion oxidati


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