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1、STD-JIS Z 2283-ENGL 1998 4933608 0552391 748 I JIS Z 2283:1g98 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Method of low cycle fatigue testing for metallic materials in liquid helium ICs 77.040.20 Descriptors : metals, metal sections, liquids, helium, fati

2、gue testing Reference number : JIS 2 2283 : 1998 (E) 8s Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Z

3、2283 : 1998 Foreword 4933608 05b2392 b4 This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard established by the Minister of International Trade and Industry through deliberations at Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardization

4、 Law: Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The r

5、elevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the said technical

6、properties. Date of Establishment: 1998-03-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 1998-03-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on Iron and Steel JIS Z 2283 : 1998, First English edition published in 2000-04 Translated and published by: Japanese Standa

7、rds Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. ? O JSA2000 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form o

8、r by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14

9、/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-JIS Z 2283-ENGL L978 E 4933608 05b2393 SLO W JIS Z 2283 : 1998 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Method of low cycle fatigue testing for metallic materials in liquid helium . Introduction This Japanese Industrial

10、 Standard was developed referring to the Method of high temperature low cycle fatigue testing for metallic materials (JIS Z 2279) and the Tensile testing method for metallic materials in liquid helium (JIS Z 2277) and, in particular, taking into account the plastic deformation work which is likely t

11、o raise greatly the temperature of materials in a very low temperature such as the liquid helium hard to deal with and more expensive, in addition, than liquid hydrogen used relatively well for coolant. 1 Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the uniaxial tensile-com- pressive fatigue te

12、sting method under the alternating constant strain range control for the purpose of acquiring the low cycle fatigue life of metallic materials in liquid helium under the atmospheric pressure. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, con

13、stitute provisions of this Standard. Of these normative references, the most recent editions apply. JIS G 0202 Glossary of terms used i n iron ana? steel (testing) JIS R 6252 Abrasive papers JIS Z 2277 JIS Z 2279 Tensile testing method for metallic materials in liquid helium Method of high temperatu

14、re Low cycle fatigue testing for metallic materials 3 Definitions 0202, JIS Z 2277 and JIS Z 2279 and the following definitions apply. a) For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in JIS G stress (o) The value obtained by dividing the axial direction test force P of the test piece by t

15、he initial cross section AO of the test piece (nominal stress). P shall be positive in tension and negative in compression. total strain ( E ) When the initial gauge length of the test piece is lo and the gauge length after deformation is I , the total strain is expressed by the follow- ing formula.

16、 Unit of m/m (dimensionless) or % is used. Et= - b) (1) I-lo lo Remarks : The initial gauge length of the test piece shall be the gauge length after mounting an extensometer on the test piece and cooling down to the test temperature, but if it is impossible to measure correctly, the value at room te

17、mperature may be used. c) elastic strain (G) The elastic component out of the total strain and the value obtained by dividing the stress o by the Youngs modulus E. (2) . o - E Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing,

18、 Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STDeJIS Z 2283-ENGL 1978 = 4933b08 0562394 457 O 2 Z 2283 : 1998 plastic strain (sP) the total strain. The value obtained by subtracting the elastic strain from . &,=Et-& (3) maximum

19、 value and minimum value of strain The maximum value and the minimum value of each strain are expressed with Etmax, Etmin, e m a , &min, max and gP min respectively. tensile peak stress (omax) The maximum value of stress. compressive peak stress (omin) The minimum value of stress. stress range (Ao)

20、stress from the tensile peak stress. The value obtained by subtracting the compressive peak Ao= omax- omin (4) 1 Remarks : hysteresis loop A loop showing the relation between stress and strain in fa- tigue testing. 2 of stress range is called stress amplitude. total strain range (Ast) The value obta

21、ined by subtracting the minimum value of the total strain from the maximum value. Ast = &t max - min (5) The value of the total strain range which is representative of the test is the of number of cycles of failure (Nf) or at the number of 1 total strain range at cycles in its vicinity. 1 2 - of tot

22、al strain range is called total strain amplitude. elastic strain range (A&) value of elastic strain from the maximum value. The value obtained by subtracting the minimum . (6) A&= & max- ,ce min Remarks : If elastic strain cannot be obtained because the Youngs modulus is unknown, it can be obtained

23、by subtracting the plastic strain range which is obtained from the hysteresis loop given in the next sub- clause from the total strain range. . (7) plastic strain range (Asp) The value obtained by subtracting the minimum value of plastic strain from the maximum value. Remarks : If plastic strain can

24、not be obtained by the formula (3) because the Youngs modulus is unknown, the hysteresis loop width corresponding to stress O can be taken as the plastic strain range. strain range control error (0 When the total strain range at an optional number of cycles is AEtti, and the total strain range which

25、 is representative of the test is is expressed by the following formula: (8) AEti - AEtz AG 2 r= Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking pe

26、rmitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD. JIS Z 2283-ENGL 1998 U 4933b08 0562395 393 D 3 Z 2283 : 1998 The maximum value of the strain range control error is expressed with & , , and the minimum value with min. strain waveform The form of variation of the total strain which varies sim- ply and cyc

27、lically between the specific maximum value and minimum value with respect to the time. strain speed (E,) quired for - cycle. The unit of s-l or %s-1 is used. frequency (f or v) The value of the total strain range divided by the time re- 1 2 Number of cycles per unit time. The unit of Hz is used. num

28、ber of cycles of failure (Nf) test piece. It is also called failure life. Number of cycles until the failure of the number of cycles of rupture (IVrup) Number of cycles until the time of com- plete fragmentation and rupture of the test piece. It is also called rupture life. Remarks : Both of number

29、of cycles of failure and number of cycles of rupture are called fatigue life. serration A phenomenon of stress-strain curve which becomes saw-tooth form in the process of tension and compression. cryogenic apparatus An apparatus consisting of dewar for storing liquid helium and the like, device for

30、gripping test piece, load-frame, etc. It is used setting a test piece in its inside and being mounted on a fatigue testing machine. dewar Very low temperature thermostat equipped with thermal insulation layer for keeping liquids such as liquid helium surrounding the test piece. 4 Principle of test T

31、his test is to obtain the number of cycles until the time of failure or rupture of the test piece by immersing the test piece in liquid helium and applying the test force repeating tensile and compressive cycles to longitudinal di- rection of the test piece under a specific total strain range condit

32、ion. 5 Test piece 5 . 1 be used. Its shape and dimensions shall be as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. Shape and dimensions of test piece A test piece of solid round bar shall Fig. 1 Shape of test piece Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees

33、/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 2 2283 : 1998 Table 1 Dimensions of test piece Position of test piece L length of parallel part lo gauge length R radius of shoulder part Dimension lo+d rL=t

34、lo+0.5d lord d=6, 8 or 10 mm R22d 5.2 Machining and finish of test piece When machining a test piece by cut- ting or grinding, care shall be taken so as not to bring about remarkable machining distortion and not to heat the test piece. The test piece after machining shall be polished in parallel wit

35、h the longitudinal direction of the test piece using abrasive cloths or abrasive papers of gradually finer grain size and finally finer than P600 specified in JIS R 6252 in order that no streak perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the test piece remains. 5.3 Accuracy of test piece The erro

36、r of the finished dimension of the diameter of the parallel part of the test piece to the nominal dimension shall be within f0.05 mm. The deviation of the finished dimension of the parallel part (difference between the maximum diameter and the minimum diameter within the parallel part) shall be with

37、in 0.03 mm. The test piece shall be free from any curvature or eccentricity not less than 0.02 mm. 5.4 Diameter and initial cross section of test piece The diameter of the test piece shall be the average of the measurements in two orthogonally intersecting di- rections. The initial cross section of

38、the test piece shall be the cross section at a part of the minimum diameter. 5.5 attention so as not to be rusted or damaged after manufacturing and testing. Store of test piece The test piece shall be handled and stored paying full 6 Testing machine 6.1 Loading device The loading device of testing

39、machine capable of cyclically applying tensile load and compressive load in such a way that the maximum and minimum values of the total strain and the total strain range become constant dur- ing the test shall be used. It shall be designed and manufactured so as to be free from loosening of the scre

40、w threads and rattling of joints at the time of tension and compression. The axial load measuring device shall be of static accuracy within f 1 % of the full scale of each range. It is also required that the load measuring device is pro- tected against cooling caused by thermal conduction or the lik

41、e. Remarks : In the case where the testing machine stops due to power supply failure or other reasons, it is desirable that a mechanism for un- loading quickly is equipped in order to avoid applying excessive load to the test piece. . Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under li

42、cense with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/14/2007 08:38:30 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STDeJIS Z 2283-ENGL 1948 m 4933608 0562397 Lbb I 5 Z 2283 : 1998 6.2 Displacement measuring device A displacement gauge cal

43、ibrated in advance in accordance with Annex 1 and having a function that the gauge length does not change before and after mounting on the test piece so that the displacement between the gauge marks of the test piece can be controlled shall be used. 6.3 piece in liquid helium shall be as follows: Cr

44、yogenic apparatus The cryogenic apparatus for applying load to the test The construction is consisting of a dewar for holding liquid helium and a load- ing axis and grips for holding the test piece to be loaded in it. During the test, the test piece can be kept on the operational center line of the

45、testing machine and other forces than tensile and compressive forces in axial direction are not applied. Remarks : For this reason, it is desirable that alignment can be done readily. The eccentricity generating at the time of the test is inspected in advance in accordance with Annex 2 and shall be

46、in conformance with the specification. The dewar has sufficient insulation layer enough to hold liquid helium during the test. The loading axis and grips are manufactured of the materials having sufficient strength and toughness, and have sufficient axial rigidity and radial rigidity. In addition, t

47、he grips are of the construction suitable for the test piece to be tested and for the combination with the loading axis of the fatigue apparatus to be used. Level gauge The dewar of the cryogenic apparatus shall be provided with a level gauge or a sensor in lieu of the level gauge suitable for monit

48、oring the surface of the liquid helium in order to confirm that the test piece is completely in the liq- uid helium during the test. 6.5 Recorder The recorder for recording, the maximum and minimum values of the load and displacement, and stress-strain hysteresis loop shall be of the accu- racy with

49、in +1 % of full scale of each range. Remarks : Usually a pen recorder of fast response speed is used, but making preparation for occurrence of sudden serration, an optical recorder or a digital recording apparatus having sufficient sampling speed is recommended to be used. 7 Testing method 7.1 Method for mounting test piece T


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