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1、ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD STANDARD FOR MAINTENANCE TESTING SPECIFICATIONS for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems Secretariat InterNational Electrical Testing Association Approved by American National Standards Institute This page intentionally left blank American

2、 National Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substant

3、ial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The

4、use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American Nati

5、onal Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the

6、 title page of this standard. Caution Notice: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National

7、 Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Standard Published by Copyright 2007 InterNational Electrical Testing Association InterNational Electrical Testing Association 2700 W. Centre Ave., Suite A All rights reserved

8、 Printed in the United States of America Portage, MI 49024 269.488.6382 FAX 269.488.6383 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Jayne Tanz - Executi

9、ve Director ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 Copyright Information and Alteration of Content 2007 ANSI/NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications is protected under the copyright laws of the United States, and all rights are reserved. Further, the Standard may not be copied, modified, sold, or used exce

10、pt in accordance with such laws and as follows: Purchasers may reproduce and use all or a portion of the Standard provided ANSI/NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications is clearly identified in writing as the source of all such uses or reproductions. Section 7 of the ANSI/NETA Standard f

11、or Maintenance Testing Specifications may be reproduced and used on a “cut and paste” basis for the particular type of equipment to be tested. The following sections of the ANSI/NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications must be incorporated by reference as part of any subsection: 3. Quali

12、fications of Testing Organization and Personnel 3.1 Testing Organization 3.2 Testing Personnel 4. Division of Responsibility 4.1 The Owners Representative 4.2 The Testing Organization 5. General 5.1 Safety and Precaution 5.2 Suitability of Test Equipment 5.3 Test Instrument Calibration 5.4 Test Repo

13、rt The purchaser is required to include the above sections with any section(s) of 7. Copyright 2007 InterNational Electrical Testing Association 2700 W. Centre Avenue, Suite A Portage, MI 49024 Voice: 888.300.6382 Facsimile: 269.488.6383 E-mail: Web: ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 -

14、,-,- Standards Review Council ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 The following persons were members of the NETA Standards Review Council which approved this document. Charles K. Blizard, Sr. Timothy J. Cotter Diane W. Hageman Roderic L. Hageman Ralph Patterson Alan D. Peterson Jayne Tanz Ron Widup Maintenance Testi

15、ng Specifications Section Panel Members The following persons were members of the Section Panel which balloted on this document for submission to the NETA Standards Review Council. Skip Adkins Mark Baldwin Ken Bassett Tom Bishop Alan Bump John Cadick Keith Campbell Dick Dickens Rick Eynon Scott Falk

16、e David Geary Don Genutis Dave Haines Paul Hartman Gary Hartshorn Matt Harwich Kerry Heid Patrick Herbert Dave Huffman Stuart Jackson Jim Jordan Kevin Keelan Ken Kingman Scott Kinney Andrew Kobler Mark Lautenschlager Andrew Leoni Dick Lussier Raymundo Marquez Larry Miller Joe Nims Roy Nordyke Pedro

17、Nunz Jerry Parnell Darwin Pressley Mose Ramieh Kevin Rettich Mark Rivard Randall Sagan Peter Sammy Richard Sobhraj Larry Stovall Tim Thomas Rod Tower Wally Vahlstrom Chris Werstiuk John White J.P. Wolff Jaime Ybarra NETA Accredited Companies ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 The following persons were voting membe

18、rs of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association when this document was approved. Advanced Testing Systems Patrick MacCarthy American Electrical Testing Co. Charles Blizard Apparatus Testing and Engineering James Lawler Applied Engineering Concepts Michel Castonguay Burlington Electrical Testi

19、ng Company, Inc. Walter Cleary DYMAX Service, Inc. Gene Philipp Eastern High Voltage Barbara Wilson ECP Tech Services Inc. Keith Armstrong Electric Power Systems, Inc. Steve Reed Electrical and Electronic Controls Michael Hughes Electrical Energy Experts, Inc. William Styer Electrical Engineering Co

20、nsulting in 1989 the NETA Technical Committee, with approval of the Board of Directors, set a four-year review and revision schedule. Unless it involves a significant safety or urgent technical issue, each comment and suggestion for change is held until the appropriate review period. Each edition in

21、cludes new and completely revised sections. The document uses the standard numbering system of ANSI and IEEE. Since 1989, revised editions of the Maintenance Testing Specifications have been published in 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005. The NETA Maintenance Testing Specifications was developed for use by

22、 those responsible for the continued operation of existing electrical systems and equipment to guide them in specifying and performing the necessary tests to ensure that these systems and apparatus perform satisfactorily, minimizing downtime and maximizing life expectancy. This document aids in ensu

23、ring safe, reliable operation of existing electrical power systems and equipment. Maintenance testing can identify potential problem areas before they become major problems requiring expensive and time-consuming solutions. In the early 1990s, NETAs Board of Directors approved the concept of issuing

24、a maintenance testing standard for each of the major components identified in Section 7 of the Maintenance Testing Specifications with the goal of each one becoming an ANSI Standard. In 2001 the NETA Board of Directors revised their decision to standardize each subsection of Section 7 of the Mainten

25、ance Testing Specifications and decided instead to put the document forth in its entirety as a candidate for recognition as an American National Standard. NETA applied for accreditation as a Standards Developer for the American National Standards Institute and was approved as an organizational membe

26、r in 1996. NETAs scope of standards activity is different from that of the IEEE, NECA, NEMA, and UL. In matters of testing electrical equipment and systems NETA continues to reference other standards developers documents where applicable. NETAs review and updating of presently published specificatio

27、ns takes into account both national and international standards. The use of our document is not restricted to the United States but is also used internationally. NETA firmly endorses a global standardization. IEC standards as well as American consensus standards are taken into consideration by NETAs

28、 Section Panels and reviewing committees. Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the InterNational Electrical Testing Association, 2700 W. Centre Ave., Suite A, Portage, MI 49024. -,-,- PREFACE ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 It is recognized by the Association that the

29、needs for maintenance testing of commercial, industrial, governmental, and other electrical power systems vary widely. Many criteria are used in determining what equipment is to be tested and to what extent. To help the user better understand and navigate more efficiently through this document, we o

30、ffer the following information: The Document Structure The document is divided into twelve separate and defined sections: Section Description Section 1 General Scope Section 2 Applicable References Section 3 Qualifications of Testing Organization and Personnel Section 4 Division of Responsibility Se

31、ction 5 General Section 6 Power System Studies Section 7 Inspection and Test Procedures Section 8 System Function Test Section 9 Thermographic Survey Section 10 Electromagnetic Field Testing Tables Reference Tables Appendices Various Informational Documents Section 7 Structure Section 7 is the main

32、body of the document with specific information on what to do relative to the inspection and maintenance testing of electrical power distribution equipment and systems. It is not intended that this document explain how to test specific pieces of equipment or systems. Expected Test Results Section 7 c

33、onsists of sections specific to each particular type of equipment. Within those sections there are, typically, three main bodies of information: 1. Visual and Mechanical Inspection 2. Electrical Tests 3. Test Values -,-,- PREFACE (continued) Results of Visual and Mechanical Inspections Some, but not

34、 all, visual and mechanical inspections have an associated test value or result. Those items with an expected result are referenced under Section 3.1 Test Values Visual and Mechanical. For example, Section 7.1 Switchgear and Switchboard Assemblies, item calls for verifying tightness of con

35、nections using a calibrated torque wrench method. Under the Test Values Visual and Mechanical Section 7.1.3. 1.2, the expected results for that particular task are listed within Section 3.1, with reference back to the original task description on item ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 -,-,- PREFACE (con

36、tinued) ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 Results of Electrical Tests Each electrical test has a corresponding expected result, and the test and the result have identical numbers. If the electrical test is item four, the expected result under the Test Values section is also item four. For example, under Section 7.

37、15.1 Rotating Machinery, AC Induction Motors and Generators, item (item 2 within the Electrical Tests section) calls for performing an insulation-resistance test in accordance with IEEE Standard 43. Under the Test Values Electrical section, the expected results for that particular task ar

38、e listed in the Test Values section under item 2. PREFACE (continued) ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 Optional Tests The purpose of these specifications is to assure that all tested electrical equipment and systems supplied by either contractor or owner are operational and within applicable standards and manufac

39、turers published tolerances and that equipment and systems are installed in accordance with design specifications. Certain tests are assigned an optional classification. The following considerations are used in determining the use of the optional classification: 1. Does another listed test provide s

40、imilar information? 2. How does the cost of the test compare to the cost of other tests providing similar information? 3. How commonplace is the test procedure? Is it new technology? Manufacturers Instruction Manuals It is important to follow the recommendations contained in the manufacturers publis

41、hed data. Many of the details of a complete and effective testing procedure can be obtained from this source. Summary The guidance of an experienced testing professional should be sought when making decisions concerning the extent of testing. It is necessary to make an informed judgment for each par

42、ticular system regarding how extensive a procedure is justified. The approach taken in these specifications is to present a comprehensive series of tests applicable to most industrial and larger commercial systems. In smaller systems, some of the tests can be deleted. In other cases, a number of the

43、 tests indicated as optional should be performed. Likewise, guidance of an experienced testing professional should also be sought when making decisions concerning the results of test data and their significance to the overall analysis of the device or system under test. Careful consideration of all

44、aspects of test data, including manufacturers published data and recommendations, must be included in the overall assessment of the device or system under test. The Association encourages comment from users of this document. Please contact the NETA office or your local NETA Accredited Company. Stand

45、ards Review Council InterNational Electrical Testing Association Charles K. Blizard, Sr. Timothy J. Cotter Diane W. Hageman Roderic L. Hageman Ralph Patterson Alan D. Peterson Jayne Tanz Ron Widup -,-,- ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 This page intentionally left blank -,-,- CONTENTS ANSI/NETA MTS-2007 1. GENERA

46、L SCOPE 1 2. APPLICABLE REFERENCES 2 3. QUALIFICATIONS OF TESTING PERSONNEL. 11 4. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY 12 5. GENERAL 13 5.1 Safety and Precautions 13 5.2 Suitability of Test Equipment. 13 5.3 Test Instrument Calibration 14 5.4 Test Report 15 6. POWER SYSTEM STUDIES 16 6.1 Short-Circuit Studie

47、s. 16 6.2 Coordination Studies. 17 6.3 Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis. 18 6.4 Load-Flow Studies 20 6.5 Stability Studies 21 6.6 Switching-Transients Studies Reserved. 22 6.7 Motor-Starting Studies Reserved. 22 6.8 Harmonic-Analysis Studies 23 6.9 Ground-Mat Studies Reserved. 24 6.10 Cable-Ampacity Studie

48、s Reserved 24 6.11 Reliability Studies Reserved 24 7. INSPECTION AND TEST PROCEDURES 25 7.1 Switchgear and Switchboard Assemblies. 25 Transformers, Dry-Type, Air-Cooled, Low-Voltage, Small 29 Transformers, Dry-Type, Air-Cooled, Large 31 7.2.2 Transformers, Liquid-Filled 35 7.3.1 Cables, Low-Voltage, Low-Energy Reserved. 39 7.3.2 Cables, Low-Voltage, 600 Volt Maximum. 40 7.3.3 Cables, Medium- and High-Voltage. 42 7.4 Metal-Enclosed Busways 45 Switches, Air, Low-Voltage . 47 Switches, Air, Medium-Voltage, Metal-Enclosed 50 Switches, Ai


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