MIL-B-007883C-1968 3.58.pdf

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1、MILITARYSPECIFICATION MIL-B-007883C(AS) 30Ju1Y1986 USEDIN LIEU OF MIL-B-7883B 20 February1968 .- . - BRAZING OF STEELS, COPPER, PPERALLOYS, NICKEL ALLOYS,ALUMINUMAND ALUMINUM ALLOYS This specificationhas been preparedby the Naval A!r Systems Command based upon currently availabletechnicalInformation

2、 but it has not been approvedfor promulgationas a coordinatedrevision of MIL-B-78838.It Is subjectto modification.However,pendingtts promulgationas a coordinatedmllltaryspeclflcat!on,It may be used In acqulsltlon. 1.SCOPE 1.1Scope.This spectficatlonpresents mlnlmumfabrlcationandquality requirementsf

3、or brazing steels,copper,copper alloys, nlcel alloys, alumlnumand alumlnumalloys. 1.2Classification. 1.2.1Typesof brazing. TypeI-Torch brazng. TypeII-Furnace braz!ng. Type III -Inductionbrazing. TypeIV-Resistancebrazing. Type V-Dip brazng. 1.2.2Jointquality.(luallty of the braze joint shall be of th

4、e followinggrades,as specified onthe appl tcabledrawing: GradeAJoints for criticalfittingsand structuralapplications which wouldprimarilyundergo high cycle vibration,hgh impact or shock, and/orhigh Internal/externalpressure. GradeBJoints for non-criticalfittings and non-critical structuralapplicatio

5、nswhich would primarilyundergo moderatevibration,infrequent mild shock, and moderate internal/externalpressure. Beneflcial comments(reconunendatlons, addtlons,deletions)and any pertinent data which may be of use in improvingthisdocumentshou”ldbe addressedto: ,Systems Engineeringand StandardizationDe

6、partment(Code 93), Naval Air ,Engineering Center,LakehurstNJ 08733-5100,by using the self-addressed StandardizationDocumentImprovementForm (DD Form 1426) appearingat the end of this documentor by letter. -h- DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENTA.Approvedfor public release; distributionIs unlimited. . Source: http:

7、/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. MIL-B-007883C Grade CJofnts for non-criticalfittingsand non-critical structuralapplicationswhich would primarilyundergo staticloading, mildvibration,andInfrequentshock. shall apply

8、to all jointswhere grade qualityis not spec!fted. 2.APPLICABLEOOCUMENTS 2.1Governmentdocuments. 2.1.1Speclf!cations,standards,and handbooks.The following specifications,standards,and handbooksform a part of this specificationto the extent speeifiedherein.Unlessotherwisespecified,the issues of these

9、documentsshalbe thoselisted in the Issue of the Departmentof Defense Index of Speclflcationsand Standards(DODISS) and supplementthereto,cited In the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS FEDEL”,L O-F-499 W-B-655 QQ-C-576 QQ-R-571 MILITARY MIL-I-6866 MIL-I-6870 MIL-P-8853 MIL-F-80082 MIL-F-80113 STANDARDS MIL

10、ITARY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-453 MIL-STD-1875 Flux, Brazing,SilverAlloy,Low MeltingPoint Brazing Alloys,Aluminumand Magnesium,Filler Metal CopperFlat Productswith Slit,Slit and Edge-Rolled, Sheared,Sawed or MachinedEdges,(Plate, Bar, Sheet, and Strip) Rods, Helding,Copperand Nickel Alloy Inspection,Pen

11、etrant InspectionProgramRequirements,Nondestructivefor Aircraftand MissileMaterialsand Parts Paste, CopperBrazing,Hater Thtnning Furnace,Heat-treatingand Brazing,Electric, Controlled Atmosphere,Pusherand ConveyorBelt Types Furnace, Vacuum,Heat-treatingAnd Brazing SampllngProceduresand Tablesfor Insp

12、ectionby Attributes Inspection,Radiographic UltrasonicInspection,Requirementsfor -) -“ / -4 ./) 2 Source: http:/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. - MIL-B-007883C (Copies of speclflcations,standards, and other Governmentdocumentsr

13、equired by contractorsin connectionwithspecific acquisitionfunctionsshould be obtainedfrom the contractingactlv!ty or as directedby the contracting officer.) 2.2Other publications.The followingdocumentsforma part of this spec!ficatlonto the extentspecified herein.Unlessotherwisespecified,the issues

14、of the documents which are 000 adoptedshall be thoselisted in the issue of 0001SSspecifiedin the solicitation.Unless otherwisespecified, the issue of documentsnot listedin the0001SSshall be the issue of the nongovernmentdocument whichs current on the date of the solicitation. AMERICAN MELDINGSOCIETY

15、(AWS) AKA2.4Symbolsfor Melding and NondestructiveTesting AHS A3.OMeldingTermsand Definitions AbiSA5.8BrazingFiller Metal (Application for copies shouldbe addressed to the AmericanWelding Society, P.O. Box 351040, Fliami FL 33135.) SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVEENGINEERS(SAE) AMS 3410 AMS 3411 AMS 3412 AMS 34

16、15 AMS 4184 AMS 4185 AMS 4701 AMS 4764 AMS 4766 AMS 4767 AMS 4768 AMS 4769 Flux, SilverBrazing Flux, SilverBrazing, High Temperature Flux - Brazing,Aluminum Flux - AluminumOip Brazing,10309F (555”C) or Lower Llqu!dus Hire,Brazing- 10Si 4CU Hire,Brazing- 12Si Wire - Copper,Annealed99.95(Cu + Ag) Braz

17、ingFiller Metal - Copper,52.5CU38Mn 9.5Ni, 1615”-1700”F(880e-925”C)Solidus-LiquidusRange BrazingFiller Metal, Silver 85Ag15Mn, 1760”-1780”F (960”-970*C)Solldus-Liqudus Range BrazingFiller hletal,Silver,92.5Ag 7.2CU 0.22LI, 1435”-1635F(780-89O”C)Soldus-LiqudusRange BrazngFiller Metal - Silver,35Ag 26

18、CU 21Zn18Cd, 1125”-1295F(605”-700C)Solldus-LiquidusRange BrazingFiller Metal - Silver, 45Ag 24Cd16Zn 15CU, 1125”-1145F(605”-620”C)Solidus-LlquidusRange 3Source: http:/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. AMS 4770 AMS 4771 A14S4772 A

19、K4774 AMS 4775 AMS 4776 AHS 4777 AMS 4778 AMs 4779 AMS 4780 AMS 4782 141 L-B-007883C BrazingFiller Metal - Silver,50Ag18Cd 16.S2n15.5CU, 1160”-1175F(625”-635”C)5olldus-LiquidusRange BrazingFiller Metal - Silver,50Ag16Cd 15.SZn15.5CU 3.ONi,1170”-1270”F(630”-690”C)Solidus-LiquidusRang Braz!ng F!ller M

20、etal- Silver,54Ag 40CU 5.OlnI.ON! 1325”-1575F(720-855”C)Soldus-LlquidusRange BrazingFiller Metal,Silver, 1275”-1475F(690-8OO*C)SO BrazingFiller Metal,Nickel, 1790”-1970”F(975”-1075”C)So 63Ag 28.5CU6.OSn 2.5N!, dus-Liqu!dusRange 73Ni 4.5Si14Cr 3.lB 4.5Fe, ldus-LiquidusRange BrazingFiller Metal,Nickel

21、 73NI 4.5S114Cr 3.lB 4.5 Fe (Low Carbon)1790”-1970”F(975”-1075”C)Solidus-Lquldus Range BrazingFiller Metal.Nickel,82N! 4.5Si 7.OCr3.lB 3.0 Fe 1780*-i830”F(90*-1000C)Solldus-LquidusRan BrazingFiller Metal,Nickel,92Ni 4.5S13.lB, (980”-I040*C)Solidus-LlqudusRange BrazingFiller Metal,Nickel,94Ni 3.5Si1.

22、86, (98O”-1O65”C)Solldus-LiquldusRange e 800”- 800e- 900”F 950F BrazingFiller Metal, Manganese,66Mn16Ni 16C0 0.806, 1770”-1875F(965”-I025”C)Sol idus-LiquidusRange BrazinqFiller Metal,Nickel 7Ni10Si 19Cr,1975-20750F (108011350C)Solidus-LiquidusRange (Application for copiesshould be addressedto SAE, 4

23、00 CommonwealthDrive, biarrendale PA 15096.) 2.3Order of precedence.In the event of a conflictbetweenthe text of this specificationand the referencescited herein,the text of this specificationshall take precedence.Nothingin this specification,however, shall supersede applicablelaws and regulationsun

24、lessa specificexemption has been obtained. 3.REQUIREMENTS 3.1Material. 3.1.1Filler metal.Filler metalshall conformto the documents referencedin 2.1 and 2.2, except that copper filler metalshall be deoxidized copper withoutresidual deoxidizingagents(see 6.1.5). - Source: http:/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-

25、04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. MIL-B-007883C -. T- x- 3.1.2Fluxes.Fluxesshall conformto the applcablespecifications listed in 2.1 and 2.2.Fluxesshall be employedto promote wetting of the fayingsurfaces.Fluxesshall dissolveor remove any oxides and pr

26、event additionaloxldatlonof the filler metaland base metal.Fluxes may be appliedin the form of powder,paste, vapor,gas or coating on filler rods. 3.1.3SelectIonof brazing alloy/fluxcombinations.The brazing alloys and flux combinationshall be selectedIn accordancewith TablesI throughIV. 3.2?reparat!o

27、nof joints. 3.2.1Cleaninq.The matfngsurfacesand adjacentareas of all parts to be jotned shall be thoroughlycleanedto removeall 011, grease,paint, dirt, scale, artlflcaloxidefilms,conversioncoatingsor any other fore!gn substances. 3.2.2Deburrinq.Burrs shall be removedto permtt proper fitttng of parts

28、 and flow of filler metal. 3.2.3.The clearancebetween matingsurfaces of steel parts, being furnace brazed,shall not exceed 0.001Inch for Grade A or 0.002Inch for Grades 8 and C.The clearancebetween mat!ngsurfaces when other methodsare used shall not exceed 0.003Inch for Grade A or 0.006 for Grades B

29、 and C, exceptIn areas of a joint where one or both matingsurfaces areintentionally beveled.Infabricationof aluminumassemblieswheresheet clad with brazing metalis employed,the jointsshall makecontactas the cladding material providessufficientclearence. 3.2.4Assemblyof parts.Partsto be joinedshall be

30、 heldin positionby jigs, clamps,supports orshall be self flxturlng.Fixtures used to hold parts and assembliesin alignmentduringbrazingshall be designedto allow expansion and contractionof the parts dur!ngheatingand cooling, respectively.Jigs,fixturesand clampsshall be noncontaminatingmaterials and s

31、hould onlyinvolve point orline contact.Hhenspecified,staking, pinning, riveting,tack welding or spot weldlngmay be used for positioningof parts, but shall not be locatedin areassubjectto high stresses during service.Stop off materialsmay be usedto restrictflow of filler metal where required. 3.2.5Ap

32、plicationof the filler metal.Sufficientbrazingalloyin the form of wire, washers. sheet, Dowder with a residue free of chemicalagents, or plated form shall be preplacedin close proximityto the joint, on oneside only,In sufficientquantityto producea satisfactoryjoint.Joints,having one end inaccessible

33、to visualinspection,shall have the filler metalplaced at the blind end priorto assembly,wheneverit s practicalto do so. 3.3Methods. 3.3.1TypeI -Torchbrazinq. Dependingon the temperatureand the amount of heat required,fuelssuch as acetylene,propane, naturalgas and hydrogen may be used with air, compr

34、essedalr or oxygen.Partsshall be preheated with a neutralorslightlyreducingflameto bringthe entirejoint uniformlyto the Iiquidustemperatureofthe ftller metal, but no higherthan Source: http:/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. MIL-

35、B-007883C necessaryto provtdea satisfactoryjoint.Localizedoverheatingshall be avoided.The filler metalshall be Introducedat one edge of the interstice orin a grooveprovidedfor one of the matingsurfaces,and shall flow by capillaryactionto fillthe Interstice. 3.3.2Type 11 - Furnacebrazing.

36、pment.Furnacesshall comply withthe requirementsof MIL-F-80082or HIL-F-80113.Automatictemperature-controllingand recording devices,preferablyofthe potentiometertype, shall be providedto control furnacetetreratures.Temperaturevariationswithinthe brazingranges shall not exceed1 1/2 percentfrom the cont

37、rolpoint.Meansshall be providedfor controllngthe furnaceatmosphere.Dew point and compositionof atmospheres shall be controlledto prevent oxidatonor carburlzationof carbon steels, low alloy steeland stainlesssteels.In carbonandlow alloysteels, decarburlzationshall not exceeda depth of 0.003Inch. 3.3.

38、2.2Procedure.Parts shall be assembledwith properflt in the Joint areas and fixedin allgnmentas required.Flux may be usedin additionto control of furnaceatmosphere.Assemblies,cradledand racked,shall be placed jn “:hefurnaceIn such a mannerthat the atmospherecan reach all parts of the assemblesreadily

39、and bringthe entireassemblyto brazngtemperature In the shortestpossibletime.Partsshall be heldtn the furnace untilthe filler meta?has meltedand formedthe desired bonding.Afterbrazing has been accomplished,assemblesshall be cooledIn protectiveatmospheresto prevent oxdatlon,as required.

40、finement.Unlessotherwisespecifiedcarbon and IOU alloy steel parts whtchhave been copperbrazed or where N-Cr-Be-B-Sl, NI-SI-B, N-Cr-Slor Mn-Nl-Co-Bftller metalsare used shall be given a grain refinementheat treatmentsubsequentto braztng. 3.3.3Type 111 - Inductionbrazlnq.

41、ISshall be of suitabledesign and constructionso as to provideheatingof the joint area.Coildesignsha;l allow for cornereffect on rectangularparts and surfaceIrregularitieswhich will be In the heat zone. faytngsurfacesshall be coatedwith flux or enclosedIn an appropriateatmosphere

42、and the filler metalplacedIn position.The joint areashall be heated by placlng wlthln or near an appropriate!nductlon coil. 3.3.4TypeIV - Resistancebraz!ng. currentand electrodesize shall be selectedso that the heat distrbutedoverthe jointarea is adequateto cause the filler meta

43、lto flow freelybut does not cause overheating. be placedbetweenelectrodes and current passedthroughthe assembly.Heatingshall cease when the filler metal has formedfillets. -) -) .- 6 Source: http:/ - Downloaded: 2007-01-04T09:05Z Check the source to verify that t

44、his is the current version before use. MIL-B-007883C 3.3.5TypeV-Dip brazing. assembledjoint shall be dtppedIn efther a bath of molten filler metal covered with a layer of flux or a bath of moltenflux with filler metal preplaced on the assembly.Hhenthe flux bath1s used,It shall be

45、 free of metallicinpurtes.The compositionand quantityof the bath shall be adjustedas required.The operdt!ngtemperature of the molten bath shall not exceedthe llquldus temperatureof the speclfedbrazingalloy by more than10”F and shall not vary nmre than 10”F. be prehe

46、atedin a suitable furnace and atmosphereto a temperature of 25 - 100”F below the soldus of the brazlmg alloy. assemblyshall be removed from the preheat furnace andimmediately dippednto the moltenbath at a uniformrate. Brazing times shall be establishedfor the appropriateshape an

47、d cross section.$razlngis complete when the filler metalhas flowed evenlyinto the joint.The assemblyshall be removed at a rate which wI1l not disturbthe molten filler metal or allow defectsto form(see 3.5). 3.4Post brazngtreatment. 3.4,1Coolinq.Assembliesshall be cooled after brazngto prevent cracks

48、 from formingand to minmizeinternal stressesand distortion. 3.4.2Flux renwal.Ifmnediately after all thermal treatments,fluxshall be removed by a methodwhich does not affectsurface fln!sh or remove base metal/fillermetalbelow tolerances. 1- opel sol sha 3.4.3Heat treatment of assemblies. After comple

49、tionof the brazing ation. heattreatmentshall be limited to temperaturesbelow the diflcationtemperatureof the respectivebrazingalloy.Heat treatment 1 be in accordancewith the applicabledrawing. 3.4.4Passivationof brazed assemblies.Assembliesthat have beensilver brazed shall not be qiven a nitric acid treatmentfor passivation.Copperor nickel brazingalloy; withless than 7 percentchromiumshall not be passiv


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