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1、Safety Standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA) KTA 2101.3 (12/2000) Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants Part 3: Fire Protection of Mechanical and Electrical Plant Components (Brandschutz in Kernkraftwerken Teil 3: Brandschutz an maschinen- und elektrotechnischen Anlagen) If th

2、ere is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply. Editor: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS) Willy-Brandt-Str. 5 ? 38226 Salzgitter ? Germany Telephone +49-(0)1888/333-(0)1621 ? Telefax +49-(0)1888/333-1625 KTA 2101.3

3、Page 2 KTA SAFETY STANDARD December 2000 Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants Part 3: Fire Protection of Mechanical and Electrical Plant Components KTA 2101.3 CONTENTS Fundamentals1 1Scope1 2Definitions1 3Fire Protection Measures for Mechanical Components and Systems.1 3.1General Requirements.1 3

4、.2Components Containing Combustible Liquid or Gaseous Materials .1 3.3Systems Containing Radioactive Substances 2 3.4Steel Reactor Containment2 3.5Reactor Coolant Pumps.2 3.6Main Turbine (in nuclear power plants with BWR)2 3.7Emergency Power Generating Facilities with Diesel-Generator Units.2 3.8Ref

5、rigeration Plants3 3.9Storage of Combustible Operating Materials and Pressurized Gas Bottles 3 3.10Storage Facility for New Fuel Assemblies 3 3.11Storage and Handling of Radioactive Combustible Wastes, Residual Substances and Used-up Equipment3 3.12Insulation, Encasements and Coatings of Components

6、.3 3.13Exhaust-Gas Systems (Gas Treatment Systems)3 4Fire Protection Measures for Electrical Facilities and Components4 4.1General Requirements.4 4.2Terminal Boxes4 4.3Transformers4 4.4Control Rooms and Rooms for Switch Gear and for Instrumentation and Control Equipment 4 4.5Cables and Cable Routing

7、4 4.6Electric Heaters4 5Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (including triggering of the close-and-retain systems of fire protection closures) 4 5.1General Requirements.4 5.2Monitored Transmission Links (Primary Links), Detector Groups.5 5.3Fire Detectors and their Arrangement 5 5.4Arrangement of the F

8、ire Alarm Board, of the Display and Control Panels 5 5.5Design of the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.6 5.6Close-and-Retain Systems or Fire Protection Closures6 6Fire Water System.6 6.1General Requirements.6 6.2Fire Water Supply 6 6.3Hydrants.7 6.4Design of the Fire Water Lines.7 7Fire Suppression

9、Equipment7 7.1General Requirements.7 7.2Water Extinguishing Systems.8 7.3Gas Extinguishing Systems8 7.4Foam Extinguishing Systems.8 7.5Controls of the Fire Extinguishing Systems8 7.6Drainage for the Fire Water9 7.7Mobile Fire Extinguishing Equipment .9 8Ventilation Systems, Heat and Smoke Removal Sy

10、stems9 8.1Ventilation Systems with Functions in the Event of Fire .9 8.2Controls, Displays, Power Supplies11 8.3Design of Special Systems or Components .12 9Location of Alarms, Displays and Control Elements Relevant to Fire Protection 12 10Tests and Inspections13 Appendix: Regulations Referred to in

11、 this Safety Standard.13 PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the 50- member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was made public in Bundesanzeiger BAnz No. 106a on June 9, 2001. C

12、opies may be ordered through the Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger Str. 449, 50939 Koeln, Germany (Telefax +49-(0)221-94373603). All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Willy-Brandt-Str. 5, 38226 Salzgitter, Germany KTA 2101.3 P

13、age 4 Comments by the editor: Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the following agree- ments are effective: shallindicates a mandatory requirement, shall basicallyis used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exce

14、ptions (and only those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard, shall normallyindicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used shall

15、be substantiated during the licensing procedure, shouldindicates a recommendation or an example of good practice, mayindicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard. KTA 2101.3 Page 1 Fundamentals (1)The safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commissi

16、on (KTA) have the task of specifying those safety related requirements which shall be met with regard to precau- tions to be taken in accordance with the state of science and technology against the damage arising from the construction and operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para. 2 subpara. 3 Atomic E

17、nergy Act), in order to attain the protection goals specified in the Atomic Energy Act and Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and which are further detailed in “Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants” and in “Guidelines for the Assessment of the Design of PWR Nuclear Power Plants against

18、 Incidents pursuant to Sec. 28 para. 3 of the Radiological Protection Ordi- nance (StrlSchV) Incident Guidelines”. (2)Criterion 2.7 “Fire and Explosion Protection” of the Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants specifies that protection measures shall be taken against fires in nuclear power plants.

19、 In accordance with Table II of the Incident Guidelines, plant- internal fires belong to those design basis accidents (incidents) for which precautionary plant engineering measures must be taken and which on account of these measures do not have any relevance with respect to radiological effects on

20、the environ- ment. The details of these precautionary measures with respect to mechanical and electrical equipment-related fire protection measures are specified in this safety standard. (3)In setting up this safety standard it is assumed that the building codes, fire protection laws and fire protec

21、tion regula- tions of the individual German states (Lnder), the Workplace Ordinance, the German Accident Prevention Regulations of the trade unions, the VdS guidelines and other regulations under public law are met. If the specifics of the nuclear power plant require deviations from laws, ordinances

22、 or other regulations under public law or from the German Accident Prevention Regulations (UVV), then the particular deviations and excep- tions shall be handled on an individual basis in accordance with the procedures specified in those individual regulations. (4)This safety standard KTA 2101.3 sup

23、plements the safety standards KTA 2101.1 Fire protection in nuclear power plants; Part 1: Basic requirements KTA 2101.2 Fire protection in nuclear power plants; Part 2: Fire protection of structural plant components by additional requirements that apply specifically to the fire protection of mechani

24、cal and electrical plant components in nuclear power plants. It is closely connected to the structural requirements specified in safety standard KTA 2101.2, in particular to those specified for ventilation systems as well as cable and pipe penetration bushings. Note: Additional relevant KTA safety s

25、tandards are listed in KTA 2101.1. 1Scope This safety standard applies to nuclear power plants with light water reactors. It applies to the protection from building-internal and building- external fires, in particular, with respect to a) plant components the safety function of which are neces- sary

26、to meet the protection goals on which the Safety Cri- teria are based, i.e., aa) control of reactivity, ab) cooling of fuel assemblies, ac) confinement of radioactive substances and ad) limitation of radiation exposure, b) the structural plant components which enclose these plant components and c) t

27、he plant personnel . N o t e : These structural plant components include, e.g., the reactor build- ing, the reactor auxiliary building, the nuclear services building as well as the structural plant components of the service cooling water circuits, the emergency standby building, the emergency feed w

28、ater building, the switch gear building, the turbine building of boiling wa- ter reactors, the emergency power generator building, the piping and cable ducts between the aforementioned buildings. 2Definitions Note: Additional definitions are given in safety standards KTA 2101.1 and KTA 2101.2. (1)Me

29、chanical smoke removal Mechanical smoke removal is based on exhausts equipped with ventilators. (2)Thermal smoke removal Thermal smoke removal is based on exhausts that work by thermal convection. (3)Heat and smoke removal systems Heat and smoke removal systems (HSR) are the entirety of all equipmen

30、t that normally and predominantly serve as exhaust for the smoke and hot combustion gases in the event of fire. This includes mechanical and thermal smoke removal. 3Fire Protection Measures for Mechanical Compo- nents and Systems 3.1General Requirements (1) An analytical confirmation with regard to

31、the loading from external events is required for those fire protection equipment of mechanical components that, in the course of the individual nuclear licensing procedure, are specified in conjunction with the fire protection concept. (2)Oil supplies shall be designed such that possible leak- age o

32、il will not come into contact with plant components hav- ing a surface temperature higher than 200 C. The heat insu- lation in the vicinity of oil supplies shall be designed such that autoxidation from leakage oil seeping into the heat insulation is prevented. (3)Insofar as the measures specified un

33、der Sections 3.2 through 3.13 cannot be applied to the extent needed to en- sure the required protection in the event of fire, additional measures regarding fire detection (e.g., by installing additional fire detectors) as well as regarding fire fighting (e.g., by install- ing stationary fire exting

34、uishing systems) shall be specified. 3.2Components Containing Combustible Liquid or Gase- ous Materials Note: Special reference is made to VBG 61 (Gases), to the Technical Standards for Flammable Liquids (TRbF), Technical Standards for Pressure Vessels (TRB), Technical Standards for Pressurized Gase

35、s (TRG) and to Technical Standards for Acetylene Facilities and Calcium Carbide Depots (TRAC). General requirements are contained, e.g., in VGB Guideline “Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants“ (VGB-R 108). Protective measures against explo- sions are specified in safety standard KTA 2103. (1)Only

36、 non-combustible materials shall basically be used. Exceptions are permissible in the case of sealants and gas- kets, provided, they are protected against direct flames in the KTA 2101.3 Page 2 event of fire. Combustible hoses shall normally be completely surrounded by metal sheathing. (2)The system

37、s containing flammable liquid or gaseous materials shall normally be provided equipment for leakage detection, e.g., filling level monitors in the case of liquid mate- rials and pressure monitors in the case of gaseous materials, and, if applicable, for the draining off of leakages. (3)Vessels conta

38、ining larger amounts of flammable liquids shall be provided with collecting facilities. The volume of the collecting facilities shall be specified under consideration of the maximum possible non-isolatable leakage amount of the largest individual vessel and, in the case of the presence of a stationa

39、ry fire extinguishing system, also of the accumulated fire suppres- sant; measures shall be taken to enable a controlled draining off of the accumulated fire suppressant and liquid leakage. (4)Combustible materials escaping from safety valves shall be safely drained or dissipated off. (5)Any hot com

40、ponent parts shall basically be avoided in the vicinity of components containing combustible or combustion supporting materials. If this is not possible for technical reasons, measure shall be taken to prevent self- ignition of the leakages (e.g., insulation, concentric guard pipe, encapsulation, ai

41、r exhaust). (6)It is not permissible to use cutting ring fittings for pres- sure retaining pipes containing flammable liquid materials. 3.3Systems Containing Radioactive Substances The necessity for a fire protection of pipes and components containing radioactive substances shall be specified in eac

42、h individual case on the basis of the inventory of radioactivity. 3.4Steel Reactor Containment (1) The integrity of the reactor containment in the event of fire shall be ensured. Therefore, larger fire loads in the direct vicinity of the containment wall shall basically be avoided. Exceptions are su

43、ch fire loads that are protected by suitable structure- related or equipment-related fire protection measures. In case such measures cannot be applied, other requirements shall be specified in each individual case, e.g., protective coating of the cables in the vicinity of cable penetrations. (2)The

44、measures specified under para. 1 shall also ensure that no fire spreading occurs on account the influence from direct heat or thermal radiation on the other side of the con- tainment wall. (3)The air locks and air lock annexes shall be kept free of any fire loads that are not required for the operat

45、ion of the locks or for the purpose of personnel protection. Note: Requirements regarding the structural and other technical meas- ures for air locks and air lock annexes are dealt with in safety standard KTA 2102 (in preparation). Requirements regarding the arrangement of the functional controls is

46、 specified in Sec. 15.2 KTA 3402 (Air locks through the containment vessel of nuclear power plants Personnel locks) and in Sec. 14.2 KTA 3409 (Air locks through the containment vessel of nuclear power plants Material locks). (4)The function of safety-related actuators, valves and fittings shall be e

47、nsured such that even in the event of fire the necessary safety-related measures can be taken to the re- quired extent. Note: This applies, e.g., to the inside main steam isolation valves and to the safety and relief valves of boiling water reactors (BWR), in or- der to ensure that an “intentional p

48、ressure relief” is possible even in the event of fire. 3.5Reactor Coolant Pumps (1)In the case of an external oil supply, the oil amount in the oil tank shall be monitored by suitable means. As soon as the oil amount falls below a minimum value to be specified depending on the oil supply, the oil su

49、pply shall automatically be interrupted. (2)In the case of reactor coolant pumps and associated motors are provided with an integrated oil supply, the pumps shall be equipped with a collecting facility for the entire oil amount of the largest individual supply vessel. (3)In the case of an integrated oil supply with cooling equipment inside the oil vessel, the level in the oil vessel shall be monitored. When the maximum permissible level is reached, the cooling water supply to the oil cooler shall be shut off. (4)Sec. KTA 2101.1 shall be taken into considera- tion in the des


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