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1、ml E7Be Engineering So -T6 Sheet,-T651 Plate) AMS4375-Magnesium Alloy Sheet and Plate, 3. 0A1 - 1.0Zn (AZ31B-0) AMS 6350 -Steel Sheet, Strip and Plate, 0.95Cr -0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) 2.2ASTM Publications: Available from American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadel

2、phia, PA 19103. ASTM D92- Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup ASTM D130- Detection of Copper Corrosion from Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test ASTM D445- Determination of Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity) ASTM D1

3、298- Density, Specific Gravity, or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method ASTM D1500- ASTM Color of Petroleum Products (ASTM Color Scale) ASTM D2512- Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen (Impact Sensitivity Threshold Technique) 2.3Government Public

4、ations: Available from Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. 2.3.1Military Standards: MIL-STD-794 - Parts and Equipment, Procedures for Packaging and Packing of 3.TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1Material: The product shall be composed of suita

5、ble vehicles (including water), dyes, and additives necessary to provide a product having the properties specified in 3.2. Copyright 1979 by Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. AMS 3158A - 2 - 3.2Properties: The product shall conform to the following requirem

6、ents; tests shall be performed on the product supplied and in accordance with the specified test method: 3.2.1ASTM Color: Shall be not darker than 6 on the ASTM color scale, determined in accordance with ASTM D1500. 3.2.2Flash Point: Shall be not lower than 250F (121C), determined in accordance with

7、 ASTM D92. 3.2.3Color: Shall be predominantly green when examined by reflected white light, yellow by transmitted white light, and yellowish-green under black light. 3.2.4Toxicity: The product shall contain no materials of known toxicity. The vapor shall not cause discomfort or injury to persons usi

8、ng the product. 3.2.5Water Solubility: The product shall be completely soluble in water in all proportions and, when diluted with water, shall form a clear, yellow solution with no visible cloudiness.No scum or separate layer shall form on the surface or on the bottom. 3.2.6Specific Gravity: Shall b

9、e within 5% of the qualification value established as in 4.4.1, determined in accordance with ASTM D1298. 3.2.7Kinematic Viscosity: Shall be within 10% of the qualification value established as in 4.4.1, determined in accordance with ASTM D445 at 100 F 2 (38 C 1). 3.2.8Corrosiveness: Specimens of AM

10、S 4045 aluminum alloy, AMS 4375 magnesium alloy, and AMS 6350 steel shall reveal no evidence of etching, pitting, or corrosion products after being exposed to a sample of the penetrant solution at 122 F 2 (50 C 1) in accordance with the test procedures of ASTM D130. Tarnishing shall be no greater th

11、an that found by conducting similar tests using tap water. 3.2.9Impact Sensitivity: The product shall show no adverse reactions to 20 test drops at 72 ft-lb (97. 6 J), determined in accordance with ASTM D2512. 3.2.10Fluorescent Brightness: Shall be not less than 85% of the qualification value establ

12、ished as in 4.4.1, determined in accordance with 4.5.1. Other test methods may be used when agreed upon by purchaser and vendor. 3.2.11Storage Stability: The product shall meet the requirements of 3.2.1 through 3.2.10 after being stored in a closed, filled container at 60 - 100 F (16 - 37 C) for one

13、 year from date of receipt by purchaser. 3.3Quality: The product, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, homogeneous, and free from contaminants and foreign material detrimental to its use or function, 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS: 4.1Responsibility for Inspection: T

14、he vendor of the product shall supply all samples and shall be responsible for performing all required tests. Results of such tests shall be reported to the purchaser as required by 4.6. Purchaser reserves the right to perform such confirmatory testing as he deems necessary to ensure that the produc

15、t conforms to the requirements of this specification, 4.2Classification of Tests: 4.2.1Acceptance Tests: Tests to determine conformance to requirements for ASTM color (3.2. l), flash point (3.2.2), specific gravity (3.2.6), and viscosity (3.2.7) are classified as acceptance tests and shall be perfor

16、med on each lot. -,-,- - 3 - AMS 3158A 4.2.2 Qualification Tests: Tests to determine conformance to all technical requirements of this specification are classified as qualification tests and shall be performed on the initial shipment of a product to a purchaser, when a change in material or processi

17、ng requires reapproval as in 4.4.2, and when purchaser deems confirmatory testing to be required. direct U.S. Military procurement, substantiating test data and, when requested, preproduction test material shall be submitted to the cognizant qualification agency as directed by the procuri

18、ng activity, the contracting officer, or the request for procurement. 4.3 Sampling: Each lot of fluorescent penetrant solution shall be sampled to provide sufficient material to perform required testing. The number of specimens for each test shall be as specified in the applicable test procedure or,

19、 if not specified therein, not less than three. 4.3.1 A lot shall be all product produced in a single production run from the same batches of raw materials under the same fixed conditions, or all material subjected to the same unit chemical or physical process intended to make the final product homo

20、geneous, and submitted for vendors inspection at one time. 4.4 Approval: 4.4.1Sample solution shall be approved by purchaser before solution for production use is supplied, unless such approval be waived.Results of tests on production solution shall be essentially equivalent to those on the approved

21、 sample. 4.4.2Vendor shall use ingredients, manufacturing procedures and processes, and methods of inspection on production solution which are essentially the same as those used on the approved sample solution. If any change is necessary in ingredients, in type of equipment for processing, or in man

22、ufacturing procedures, vendor shall submit for reapproval a statement of the proposed changes in material and processing and, when requested, sample solution. Production solution made by the revised procedure shall not be shipped prior to receipt of reapproval. 4.5Test Methods: 4.5.1Fluorescent Brig

23、htness: Test Apparatus: Shall be a photoelectric photofluorometer, Coleman 12C or equivalent, equipped with a Coleman B-1-S primary filter (Corning 5874 glass) which has been sandblasted on the side toward the sample, a Corning CS-3-132 secondary filter, a standard 3/4 in. (1

24、9 mm) cuvette, and cuvette cover, Preparation of Test Samples: Dilute sample solution and approved reference solution with water at the rate of one part penetrant solution in 2000 parts water (0.05% penetrant). Mix well and fill a clean sample cuvette with each mixture. Test Procedure: Turn on instr

25、ument and allow at least 15 min. warmup. Turn all control knobs full right and set aperture control in center position. Insert tube of approved reference solution and cover with cuvette cover. Depress shutter button and move aperture control so needle is near top of scale. Remove approved reference

26、solution and insert a clean cuvette filled with water, then cover.Again depress shutter and adjust meter to read zero with “Blk“ controls. Remove water- filled cuvette, reinsert cuvette of approved reference solution, and cover. Again depress shutter and set needle at 50, using “Std“ control. Remove

27、 cuvette of approved reference solution, insert cuvette of sample solution, cover, and depress shutter to read sample solution value. Double sample solution reading to compute sample solution value as a percent of approved reference solution. -,-,- AMS 3158A - 4 - 4.6 Reports: The vendor of the prod

28、uct shall furnish with each shipment three copies of a report showing the results of tests to determine conformance to the acceptance test requirements and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requirements of this specification.This report shall include the purchase order number,

29、 material specification number and its revision letter, vendors material designation, lot number, date of manufacture, and quantity. 4.7Resampling and Retesting:If any specimen used in the above tests fails to meet the specified requirements, disposition of the product may be based on the results of

30、 testing three additional specimens for each original nonconforming specimen. Failure of any retest specimen to meet the specified requirements shall be cause for rejection of the product represented and no additional testing shall be permitted. Results of all tests shall be reported, 5.PREPARATION

31、FOR DELIVERY: 5.1 Packaging and Identification: 5.1.1.Solution shall be packaged in containers of a type and size agreed upon by purchaser and vendor. 5.1.2 All containers shall be plainly marked to show the purchase-order number, AMS 3158A, suppliers identification number, lot number, quantity, and

32、 date of manufacture. 5.1.3The product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, and transportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery. Packaging shal

33、l conform to carrier rules and regulations applicable to the mode of transportation. 5.1.4For direct U. S. Military procurement, packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-794, Level A or Level C, as specified in the request for procurement, Commercial packaging as in 5.1.1 and 5.1.3 will be acce

34、ptable if it meets the requirements of Level C, 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in al quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders. 7.REJECTIONS: Solution not conforming to this specification or to authorized modifications will be subj

35、ect to rejection. 8. NOTES: 8.l Marginal Idicia: The phi () symbol is used to indicate technical changes from the previous issue of this specification. 8.2 For direct U. S. Military procurement, purchase orders should specify not less than the following: Title, number, and date of this specification Size of containers desired Quantity of solution desired Applicable level of packaging (See 5.1.3) -,-,-


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