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1、 AEROSPACE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE TRAINING AND APPROVAL OF HEAT-TREATING PERSONNEL Issued 1987-07 Revised 1995-12 REV. ARP1962 A 1. SCOPE: 1.1Scope: This document requires that the company (facility) employing the personnel ensure a verifiable program of on-the-job training, experience, education, cla

2、ssroom instruction, and evaluation of personnel using either company-created programs or programs described herein. 1.2Purpose: It describes the requirements for training and approval of personnel performing certain heat- treating and associated operations. It also establishes that only approved per

3、sonnel may perform or monitor the functions listed in Table 1 for the processes and materials listed in Table 2. 1.3Responsibility: The company (facility) employing the heat-treating and associated personnel is the responsible agency for determination of its training and evaluation program and appro

4、val of the individual heat treaters and associated personnel. 1.4Summary of Requirements: Approved personnel must meet certain requirements of on-the-job training, education, classroom instruction, and evaluation. Some suggested on-the-job training may be substituted by experience and education. Som

5、e suggested classroom instruction may be substituted by equivalent experience. The company (facility) employing the personnel is responsible for determining these substitutions and equivalencies. This document does not mandate any specific on-the-job training program or specific education or classro

6、om instruction program. It does not require any specific testing or evaluation nor any specific question(s) on the test or evaluation. The ASM MEI and the MTI training and testing documents described herein are not required by this document; they are provided as sources which the heat-treating facil

7、ity can obtain and use as needed. SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any p

8、atent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2007 SAE International All rights reserve

9、d. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)

10、 Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ RATIONALE This document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-year Review policy. Reaffirmed 2007-05 -,-,- SAE ARP1962 Revision A - 2 - TABLE 1 - Suggested Minimum Classroom Ins

11、truction Classroomor Heat Instructionor CEUsCap FunctionHours (4)(6)(8)(4)(5)(8)Lessons (7)(8) Heat Treat Processes80820 Verify part cleanliness before and after heat treatment Load work into and out of furnace (1) Set temperature controls Set atmosphere and vacuum controls Monitor nonapproved perso

12、nnel Rack parts Determine specific equipment to be used Determine or verify temperatures and soak times Determine or verify load size Verify temperature control settings Verify atmosphere and vacuum settings Determine and adjust heating and cooling rates Verify conformance of indicated and recorded

13、temperatures and times to specified requirements Insert, position, and adjust load thermocouples Insert, position, and adjust control, indicating and recording thermocouples (3) Approve racking procedure or verify racking if no procedure is established Determine or verify when soaking commences (hea

14、t up time, stabilization, etc.) Verify quenching medium Determine or verify retemper or reage temperature and time Monitor accuracy of heat treat log Shop Paperwork40410 Monitor nonapproved personnel Prepare shop travelers/job cards Determine specific equipment to use Determine number and type of te

15、st samples (2) Prepare cleaning procedures (2) Prepare heat treating procedures (2) Determine temperatures and soak times Set up new job in plant Preapprove shop travelers/job cards, heat treat procedures, or any other document providing heat treating instructions Determine quenching medium Determin

16、e retemper or reage temperature and time Prepare reheat treat instructions Interpret customer specifications and drawings (2) Determine and document testing and inspection requirements (2) Prepare personnel approval tests for use by the employing facility (2) Testing and Inspection40410 Prepare part

17、s for hardness testing (3) Conduct hardness tests (3) Monitor nonapproved personnel Perform visual inspection for cleanliness, scale (3) discoloration, blistering, protective coating effectiveness, or any other evidence of improper heat treating Analyze SPC or any other statistical data (2) Prepare

18、samples for and conduct metallographic tests (3) -,-,- SAE ARP1962 Revision A - 3 - TABLE 1 (Continued) Classroomor Heat Instructionor CEUsCap FunctionHours (4)(6)(8)(4)(5)(8)Lessons (7)(8) Conduct mechanical property tests (3) Monitor accuracy of heat treat log Maintenance, Etc. Insert, position, a

19、nd adjust control, indicating and recording thermocouples (3) NOTES: (1) At standard part producers, where continuous runs of the same product are processed, only the first run needs to be monitored on each shift for each specific material or part, each piece of equipment, and each unapproved operat

20、or. (2) See 3.2.2-5 (3) See 3.2.2-6 (4) Classroom instruction for various functions may run concurrently; however, all functions must be thoroughly covered. CEUs are in lieu of the classroom instruction hours, not in addition to them. Classroom instruction should include each of the material and pro

21、cess categories in Table 2 for which the individual is to be approved. (5) Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is 10 h of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. It is recognized by business and industry t

22、hroughout the United States and Canada. (6) See (7) Heat cap lessons are in lieu of classroom hours, not in addition to them. (8) The suggested minimums are intended for companies and personnel performing a wide variety of heat treatments and testing and inspections on numerous materials.

23、For companies or personnel performing limited processes or limited tests and inspections, the suggested minimums could be much less. -,-,- SAE ARP1962 Revision A - 4 - TABLE 2 - Suggested Minimum On-The-Job Training Requirements Minimum Months of Total On-The-Job Material or Process Category (1)Trai

24、ning (2)(3) Air atmosphere 9 Salt bath 9 Visual inspection (4)12 Lab testing (4)12 Controlled atmosphere12 Inert gas atmosphere12 Vacuum12 Aluminum alloys (aging and stress relief only)12 Carbon, alloy, and CRES steel hardening12 Nickel and cobalt alloys12 Titanium alloys18 Magnesium alloys18 Alumin

25、um alloys (all other processes)24 Carburizing/carbonitriding24 Nitriding24 Ion nitriding24 Furnace brazing24 Hydrogen atmosphere24 Dip brazing24 Induction heat-treating or brazing24 Flame hardening24 High-strength steel (220 ksi (1515 MPa) and higher) 24 NOTES: (1) If two or more categories apply to

26、 the same job, the more stringent category applies. (2) Training in multiple alloys and processes may be covered concurrently providing substantial time is devoted to each category and function. (3) On-the-job training for various categories may run concurrently; however, all categories must be thor

27、oughly covered. (4) If the approved person is doing only testing or visual inspection, that person needs to be trained for only those categories. 1.5Application: This document is applicable to heat treatment of parts and castings, forgings, and fasteners. It is invoked only when cited by another spe

28、cification, either the material or product specification or the heat-treating specification specified by the material or product specification or the engineering drawing. This procedure is not applicable for raw materials that are heat-treated at the producing mill, excluding forgings and castings a

29、s described above. It is applicable for raw materials heat- treated by an outside vendor, but only when invoked by specification. It is applicable to both heat treat vendors and to captive heat treat departments. It is not applicable to airline maintenance facilities, unless specifically specified.

30、-,-,- SAE ARP1962 Revision A - 5 - 2. REFERENCES: 2.1Applicable Documents: The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 2.1.1Heat Treater Certification Manual; available from Metal Treating Institute (MTI) Publications, Metal Treating Institute, 302 3r

31、d Street, Suite 1, Neptune Beach, FL 32266, (904) 249-0448. 2.1.2Heat Treat Training Directory of North America; available from Materials Engineering Institute (MEI) Publications, ASM International, Materials Engineering Institute, Materials Park, OH 44073, (216) 338-5151. 2.1.3Heat Treating Certifi

32、cate of Educational Achievement Program (Heat Cap); available from ASM International Education Department, Materials Park, OH 44073, (216) 338-5151. 2.2Definitions: 2.2.1HEAT-TREAT PLANNERS: Planners who are providing detailed heat-treat instructions to the shop. 2.2.2MANUFACTURING SEQUENCE PLANNERS

33、: Planners who are only listing step-by-step operations for which the heat-treat details are covered in a more detailed document. 2.2.3FACILITY: A facility is a different plant of the same company. 3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1Training Program: The company shall have a formal written program that d

34、efines the progression for education, experience, on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and evaluation for each individual to become approved. In addition, the company should have a documented system for assessing the heat treaters ability to produce acceptable hardware; such a system would us

35、e inspection and test data and failure data that is traceable to the individual heat-treater. Evidence of problems should trigger consideration of retraining, reevaluation, withdrawing of approval, or not granting reapproval. 3.2The functions in Table 1 shall be performed or monitored by approved pe

36、rsonnel who have been specifically documented as approved for each function they perform. Determination of which personnel are approved for which functions is solely the responsibility of the heat-treat company or facility. Personnel may be approved for any or all of these functions. -,-,- SAE ARP19

37、62 Revision A - 6 - 3.2.1The functions in Table 1 may be performed by nonapproved personnel who can follow instructions when they are designated by and monitored by an approved person (for the function(s) being monitored). The approved person is responsible for the proper performance of the function

38、. Monitoring shall entail either frequent periodic witnessing or verification checking of the function, verification of the accuracy of shop paper, test results, and inspection records, and stamping, initialing, or signing off the shop paper, test results, and inspection records by approved personne

39、l. The frequency of witnessing shall be determined by heat- treating company approved personnel based on their confidence in the experience and capability of the nonapproved personnel. Monitoring does not imply constant visual contact. 3.2.2Personnel requiring approval are heat-treaters, including l

40、eads, supervisors, foremen, inspectors, laboratory technicians, heat-treat planners (2.2.1), engineers or metallurgists, and all other personnel performing or monitoring the functions listed in Table 1 with the exceptions listed below: 1. Foremen and supervisors in captive heat-treat shops who are r

41、esponsible for other activities and whose function in the heat-treat department is only administrative. 2. Manufacturing sequence planners (2.2.2) in captive heat-treat facilities unless they are preparing detailed heat-treat instructions or procedures. 3. Personnel from outside subtier vendors, suc

42、h as laboratory technicians, who perform associated functions. 4. Metallurgists and other graduate engineers who have documented records of on-the-job shop training and who have passed the evaluation specified herein. On-the-job shop training for metallurgists and other graduate engineers may be wai

43、ved with 6 months of related heat-treat experience. 5. Metallurgists and other graduate engineers who are proficient or have been trained in these functions and who are performing only functions listed in footnote 2 to Table 1. 6. Personnel performing functions listed in footnote 3 to Table 1, who d

44、o not work in the heat treat department; however, documentation of training in the functions being performed is required. 3.3Approval Guidelines: The following describes the guidelines for a heat-treater to be approved and perform the specific functions listed in Table 1 for the specific processes a

45、nd materials listed in Table 2. 3.3.1Required for approval are a minimum on-the-job training time (suggested times are shown in Table 2) with waivers for experience as defined in; completion of a minimum amount of classroom instruction (suggested times are shown in Table 1) with waivers for

46、experience as defined in; and passing of an evaluation management may use judgment to modify by decreasing the suggested minimum training and/or classroom instruction times while providing competence. This shall be defined in the formal written program requirements in 3.1. -,-,- SAE ARP1962

47、Revision A - 7 - Experience: Personnel with verifiable, documented heat-treating experience in each of the specific material or process categories for a time equivalent to on-the-job training in Table 2 may be approved for those categories after classroom instruction ( and passi

48、ng the evaluation specified in On-the-job training requirements herein may be waived with equivalent experience. Classroom instruction may be waived with 5 years of experience. Classroom instruction may be waived for metallurgists and other graduate engineers. Experience and training in one

49、 category shall not be the basis for approval in an unrelated category. The evaluation in is always required. Training: On-the-job training shall cover both the specific material and process categories listed in Table 2 and the specific job functions listed in Table 1 for which


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