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1、-A=For Thengingsociety Advancing Mobility SURFACE MAiM VEHICLE I N T E R N A T I O N A L 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 STANDARD r c JI026 Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard REV. APRSO Issued 1973-07 Revised 1990-04-17 Superseding 51026 BRAKE PERFORMANCE -

2、CRAWLER TRACTORS AND CRAWLER LOADERS 1. SCOPE: This SAE Standard applies to crawler tractors and crawler loaders as identified i n SAE 51057 and SAE 51116 and having a manufacturers maximum specified speed of 16 km/h. 1.1 Purpose: To provide performance c r i t e r i a for service brake systems, sec

3、ondary brake systems, and parking brake systems for crawler tractors and crawler loaders. 2. REFERENCES: 2.1 Applicable Documents: SAE 5727, Nomenclature - Crawler Tractor SAE 5732, Specification Definitions - Loaders SAE 5742, Capacity Rating - Loader Bucket SAE 5818, Rated Operating Load for Loade

4、rs SAE 51057, Identification Terminology of Earthmoving Machines SAE 51116, Categories of Off-Road Self-Propelled Work Machines SAE Technical Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely volu

5、ntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.“ SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your w

6、ritten comments and suggestions. spyright 1990 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. I rights reserved. Prinfed in U.SA. -,-,- SAE J*L02b 90 m 83573LiO 0052705 7 m 1 SAE 51026 Revi sion APR90 2.2 Definitions: 2.2.1 CRAWLER TRACTOR: illustrated with parts i n SAE 5727. addition, have an

7、y combination of attachments mounted on it that are formally approved by the machine manufacturer. loader may have any type of bucket or other tool, and any other combination of mounted attachments that are formally approved by the machine manufacturer. Crawler tractor i s defined i n SAE 51057 and

8、i s The tractor may, i n 2.2.2 CRAWLER LOADER: Crawler loader i s defined i n SAE 31057 and SAE 5732. The 2.2.3 BRAKE SYSTEMS: A l l the components which participate i n stopping and holding the machine. transmission, and the brake i t s e l f . Such systems consist of a control, means of power 2.2.

9、3.1 Service Brake System: Secondary Brake System: event of any single f a i Parking Brake System: stationary position. - the machine. he primary system used for stopping and holdin The system used for stopping the machine i n the Ure i n the service brake system. he system used to ho

10、ld a stopped machine i n a Common Component: 2.2.4 BRAKE(S1: A component that performs a function i n two or more brake systems. The component which directly applies a force to oppose movement Brakes may, for example, be friction, electrical, or of the machine. f l u i d types. 2.2.5 SLIDE:

11、Slide, as used i n this criterion, i s defined as no track rotation during machi ne movement. 2.2.6 MACHINE MASS: mass of the heaviest combination of equipment approved by the manufacturer of the machine, an operator of 75 kg, and with the machine f u l l y fueled and serviced. 2.2.7 MACHINE MASS: C

12、rawler Loader - Operating mass of the machine up to the mass of the heaviest combination of equipment approved by the manufacturer of the machine, a loaded bucket per SAE 5742 not to exceed rated load as defined i n SAE 5818, an operator of 75 kg, and with the machine f u l l y fueled and serviced.

13、Crawler Tractor - Operating mass of the machine up to the 2.2.8 BRAKE FORCE: Decelerating force due to the brake system, plus r o l l i n g resistance, but it does not include engine torque. - 2 - -,-,- SAE 51026 Revision APR90 3. BRAKE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE: 3.1 Common Component: The brake systems may

14、 use common components. single component, or a failure of any single common component, shall not reduce the effectiveness of the machines stopping capability to l e s s than the secondary stopping performance, as defined i n 3.3.1. However, a failure of any 3.2 Service Brake System: The machine shal

15、l have a service brake system. 3.2.1 Brake Performance: The service brake system i s tested by towing. The service brake system when f u l l y applied on a machine moving i n either forward or reverse shall cause the tracks to slide or develop a brake force i n Newtons equal t o 9.8 times the operat

16、ing mass i n kilograms. 3.3 Secondary Brake System: The machine shall have a secondary brake system capable o f being applied by a person seated i n the operators seat. may be applied automatically. It also 3.3.1 Brake Performance: The secondary brake system i s tested by towing. The secondary brake

17、 system when f u l l y applied on a machine moving i n either forward or reverse shall cause a t least one track to slide or develop a brake force i n Newtons equal to 3.3 times the operating mass i n kilograms. 3.3.2 Secondary Brake System Release: The secondary brake system shall be arranged so th

18、at it cannot be released from the operators seat urtless immediate reapplication can be made from the operators seat to meet the requirements of 3.3.1. 3.4 Parking Brake System: The machine shall have a parking brake system capable of being applied and released by a person seated i n the operators s

19、eat. automatically. It also may be applied 3.4.1 Parking Brake System Performance: applied i n either the forward or reverse direction shall either hold the tracks stopped on any incline on which the machine fand towed load if applicable) i s operating unaided or develop a static brake force i n New

20、tons equal to 6.5 times the mass of the unit i n kilograms if the parking brake system i s tested by pulling a parked machine. The parking brake system when f u l l y 3.4.2 Remain Applied: The parking brake system while applied shall maintain the parking brake performance i n compliance with 3.4.1 d

21、espite any contraction o f the brake parts or leakage of any kind. This system shall not be dependent upon an exhaustible energy source. -,-,- SAE J*:LOZh O 83573qO 0052707 O W SAE 51026 Revision APR90 3.4.3 The failure of a common component may prevent the application of the parking brake system. 3

22、.5 Control Forces: Control forces needed to meet the required brake performance for the systems defined i n Section 4 shall not exceed the values i n Table 1: TABLE 1 Control Types Force Finger grasp ( f l i p levers 20N Hand grasp and switches) Upwards 400N Fore-af t 300N Sideways 300N Foot Pedal (

23、leg control) 700N Foot Treadle (ankle control) 350N 4. BRAKE TEST CRITERIA: 4.1 Facilities: 4.1.1 A level (within 3% slope) test course of adequate size to conduct the test described i n 3.2.1. The soil conditions of the test course should be similar to those i n which the machine i s operating. If

24、these soil conditions are not available, it i s recommended that the soil be of the type that contains not less than 1o“k clay, not more than 70% sand, and not l e s s than 10% s i l t . This foregoing statement i s to be used as a guideline only and i s not meant to imply that a laboratory soil ana

25、lysis test i s required. Moisture content of the soil shall be such that the mass of the test machine can be supported with only nominal sinkage. 4.1.2 A t e s t course, for the self-propelled machine with adequate grades to simulate the conditions i n 3.4.1, the course shall be level, as i n 4.1.1.

26、 If a towing test i s to be conducted, 4.1.3 A means of providing the force required to complete the test conditions outlined i n 3.2.1, 3.3.1, and 3.4.1. - 4 - -,-,- SAE 51026 Revision APR90 4.2 Instrumentation: 4.2.1 A means t o measure and record the following parameters within the specified accu

27、racy: Parame t e r Accuracy Brake System Pressure - +3.0% Machine Mass - +2.5% Brake Control Actuating Force - +3.0% Grade - +l .O% Brake Force - +3.0% 4.3 Tes Requirements: 4,3.1 The service and secondary brake performance tests are to be run by towing the machine a t a speed o f 2 to 5 km/h t o re

28、duce the e f f e c t s of frictional drag. The transmission of the t e s t machine shall be i n neutral or i n the brake pos i ti on. NOTE: Some machines are designed to automatically apply the brake system(s when the transmission control i s i n the neutral position (hydrostatic drive, etc.). a t t

29、he same speed as the towing machine, then apply the brake system(s being tested by placing the appropriate control i n the brake position. These machines may be tested by driving - 5 - -,-,- SAE J*L02b 90 m 8357340 0052707 4 m 51026 APR90 RATIONALE: SAE 51026 has been reviewed to satsfy.the f i v e

30、year update requirements f o r SAE documents. N o changes i n the performance requirements have been made, except for the allowable brake actuation force. The Purpose and Scope have been rewritten to r e f l e c t the current meaning of these sections. The Definitions section now includes what was p

31、reviously Identification and Definitions. A l l reference t o English units have been deleted. Control Force requirements have been consolidated into one section, 3.5. have been specified to be consistent with values of current SAE 5 documents. Instrumentation Accuracy i s grouped i n t o one sectio

32、n, 4.2.1. Values are consistent with current SAE 5 documents. RELATIONSHIP OF SAE STANDARD TO IS0 STANDARD: Not applicable. APPLICATION: This SAE Standard applles t o crawler tractors and crawler loaders as identified i n SAE 31057 and SAE 51116 and having a manufacturers maximum specified speed o f

33、 16 kmlh. They REFERENCE SECTION: SAE 5727, Nomenclature - Crawler Tractor SAE 5732, Specification Definitions - Loaders SAE 5742, Capacity Rating - Loader Bucket SAE 5818, Rated Operating Load f o r Loaders SAE 51057, Identification Terminology of Earthmoving Machines SAE 51116, Categories of Off-R

34、oad Self-Propelled Work Machines COMMITTEE COMPOSITION: DEVELOPED BY THE SAE ORMTC SC10 - BRAKING: S . L. Kershaw, Caterpillar Inc., Decatur, I L - Chairman 3. A. Kaltenbach, VME Americas Inc., Cleveland, OH - Vice Chairman S. K. Brown, Ingersoll-Rand, Shippensburg, PA W. L. Daniels, S r . , BF Good

35、rich Co., Bloomington, I N G. E. Danner, Rockwell I n t l . , Troy, M I J. F. Dernovshek, Rockwell I n t l . , York, SC W T. Fouser, Hyster Co., Kewanee, I L A, Green, Barber Greene Co., DeKalb, I L -,-,- DEVELOPED BY THE SAE ORMTC SC10 - BRAKING (Continued): G. O. Greene, Unit Rig, Tulsa, OK E, D.

36、Hennen, US Dept. of Labor, Triadelphia, WV R. T. Jarrett, J I Case Co., Burlington, IA L, A. Jennings, Deere & Co., Dubuque, IA K. Koch, Marathon Letourneau, Longview, TX J. P. Koenig, Olmsted Twp., OH G. F. Moore, Charles Machine Works Inc., Perry, OK P. D. Redenbarger, B F Goodrich, Bloomington, I

37、N L. E. Speers, J I Case Co., Wausau, WI F. Staunton, MICO Inc., N. Mankato, MN D. R. Thomas, Komatsu Dresser Co., Peoria, IL C. R. Trenka, Ministry of Labour, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada L. Venere, Wood Dale, I L L. Warren, Blaw Know Construction Equip. Corp., Mattoon, IL L. J. Warren, Humboldt, IL J.

38、 D. White, Eaton Truck Components, Kalamazoo, MI P. Wolf, Auto Specialties Mfg. Co., Benton Harbor, MI SPONSORED BY THE SAE ORMTC: G, H. Ritterbusch, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL - Chairman R. L. Sierk, Ford New Holland Inc., New Holland, PA - Vice Chairman W. L. Black, Dowagiac, MI J. B. Codlin, Es

39、tero, FL J. R, Cryder, Caterpillar Inc., Aurora, IL R. Eichhorst, Deere & Co., Dubuque, IA B. Griffith, Caterpillar Inc., Aurora, IL P. Haag, John Deere Horicon Works, Horicon, WI D. L. Karlak, Komatsu Dresser Co., Libertyville, IL L. E. Kendrick, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL S. L. Kershaw, Caterpil

40、lar Inc., Decatur, I L K. D. Kobelentz, Robert Bosch GmbH, Broadview, IL J. W. McCollum, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL R. J. Nelissen, Deere & Co., Dubuque, IA G. Nelson, Marathon Le Tourneau, Longview, TX R. L. Ochsenhirt, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, OH C. W. Powers, Cedar Rapids, IA W. C. Ro

41、berson, Franklin Equip. Co., Franklin, VA A. P. Schutte, Komatsu Dresser Co., Libertyville, IL J. E. Staab, Peoria, IL L. D. Strantz, Komatsu Dresser Co., Peoria, IL R. N. Tanis, Henkel Corp., Cincinnati, OH G. W. Tindall, Deere & Co., Dubuque, IA M. A. Wikner, Deere & Co., Waterloo, IA -,-,- SAE J*

42、1026 90 8357340 0052733 2 W This report is published by SAE to advance the state o f technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report IS entirely voluntary, and its applicabiliiy and suitability for.any particular use, including any patent infringement arking therefrom. IS the sole responsibility of the user. PRINTED IN U.S.A. -,-,-


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