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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefr

2、om, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of

3、this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4

4、970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS:http:/ AEROSPACE STANDARD AS8010 REV. C Issued1977-08 Revised1997-09 Reaffirmed2002-12 Superseding AS8010B Aviators Breathing Oxygen Purity Standard 1.SCOPE: This document defines the minimum degree of purity and ma

5、ximum levels of certain deleterious impurities allowable for aviators breathing oxygen at the point of manufacture or generation. It covers gaseous, liquid, and chemically generated oxygen, and oxygen supplied by in situ concentration and in situ electrolysis. Different limits are established for ox

6、ygen from different sources, in recognition of differences in the ways the oxygen is stored, dispensed, and utilized, taking into account the safety of the user. These limits are not intended to specifically reflect upon the relative capabilities or merits of various technologies. Procurement docume

7、nts may specify more stringent limits, where required for specific applications. Medical oxygen is not covered by this standard. In the United States, medical oxygen is a prescription drug. 2.REFERENCES: 2.1Applicable Documents: The following publications form a part of this document to the extent s

8、pecified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. The applicable issue of other publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order. In the event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein, the text of this document takes preced

9、ence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 2.1.1U.S. Government Publications: Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. MIL-O-27210 Oxygen, A

10、viators Breathing, Liquid and Gas -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 2 - 2.1.2NATO Publications: Available from North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Military Agency for Standardization (MAS), 1110 Brussels, Belgium. Also available from Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia,

11、PA 19120. STANAG 3367 GGS Characteristics Of Breathing Gas Supplied By Molecular Sieve Oxygen Concentrating Systems And Supply Equipment STANAG 3545 GGS Characteristics Of Breathable Liquid Oxygen STANAG 3688 GGS Characteristics Of Breathable Oxygen Supplied By Chemical Solid Generators 2.1.3CGA Pub

12、lications: Available from Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1004, Arlington, VA 22202. CGA G-4.3Commodity Specification for Oxygen 2.2Definitions: FIRST AID OXYGEN: Oxygen intended primarily for first aid treatment of aircraft cabin occupants who might require und

13、iluted oxygen following descent from cabin pressure levels above 25,000 ft. IMPURITY: Any constituent other than oxygen found in a sample of oxygen gas. MEDICAL OXYGEN: Oxygen administered by, or under the guidance of a physician. NTPD: Normal Temperature and Pressure, Dry. Conditions comprising a t

14、emperature of 21.1 C (70 F), an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg), and 0 partial pressure of water vapor. PEAK ALLOWABLE CONCENTRATION: A concentration value which must not be exceeded at any time. As used in this document, a Peak Allowable Concentration is an additional requirement whic

15、h must be met along with a time weighted average requirement. PERCENT CONCENTRATION: Unit of concentration of constituent in a gaseous mixture, which is stated as the number of unit volumes of the constituent to be found in 100 unit volumes of the entire mixture. Also sometimes called “concentration

16、 by volume”, “percent by volume”, “percent (volume/ volume)”, or “volume percent”. For the purposes of this Standard, concentrations expressed as a percentage are presumed to be consistent with this definition, unless otherwise stated. PARTS PER MILLION CONCENTRATION (ppm): Unit of concentration of

17、constituent in a gaseous mixture, which is stated as the number of unit volumes of the constituent to be found in one million unit volumes of the mixture. Also sometimes called “ppm by volume”, “volume ppm”, or “ppm (volume/volume)”. For the purposes of this Standard, concentrations expressed as par

18、ts per million or ppm are presumed to be consistent with this definition, unless otherwise stated. -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 3 - 2.2 (Continued): PURITY: The oxygen concentration found in a sample of oxygen. Also sometimes used in reference to the level of impurities found in a sample of oxygen.

19、 SLIP: The quantity of a chemical constituent to which a user would be exposed, expressed as the equivalent volume of the pure constituent which would be encountered throughout the exposure. In this document, the concept of slip is used to deal with exposure to carbon monoxide, which has an accumula

20、tive exposure effect. 3.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1Types of Oxygen Supplies: The types of oxygen supplies covered by this Standard include gaseous oxygen (Type I), liquid oxygen (Type II), chemically generated oxygen for routine use (Type III), chemically generated oxygen for emergency use (Type IV),

21、oxygen concentrated in situ (Type V), and oxygen generated in situ by electrolysis (Type VI). Each type shall meet the composition requirements stated below. 3.1.1Gaseous type Aviators Breathing Oxygen (Type I) must contain not less than 99.5% oxygen by volume. The oxygen must contain no objectionab

22、le odor. The remainder, except for moisture and minor constituents specified in Table 1, may be argon, nitrogen, or similar non-toxic inert gas. 3.1.2Liquid type Aviators Breathing Oxygen (Type II) must contain not less than 99.5% oxygen by volume. The oxygen must contain no objectionable odor. The

23、remainder, except for moisture and minor constituents specified in Table 1, may be argon, nitrogen, or similar non-toxic inert gas. 3.1.3Chemically generated type Aviators Breathing Oxygen for routine use (Type III) must contain not less than 99.5% oxygen by volume, on a dry basis (exclusive of mois

24、ture). The oxygen must contain no objectionable odor. The remainder, except for moisture and minor constituents specified in Table 2, must be gases which can be shown to be physiologically innocuous at the levels encountered. In addition, peak levels of certain minor constituents must meet the addit

25、ional requirements given in Table 3. 3.1.4Chemically generated type Aviators Breathing Oxygen for emergency use (Type IV) must contain not less than 99.5% oxygen by volume, on a dry basis (exclusive of moisture). The oxygen must contain no objectionable odor. The remainder, except for moisture and m

26、inor constituents specified in Table 2, must be gases which can be shown to be physiologically innocuous at the levels encountered. In addition, peak levels of certain minor constituents must meet the additional requirements given in Table 3. 3.1.5Aviators Breathing Oxygen produced by in situ concen

27、tration or separation from ambient air (Type V) must not contain more than 0.5% impurities by volume, excepting moisture, nitrogen, and argon. The oxygen must contain no objectionable odor. Levels of minor constituents shall not exceed the values shown in Table 4. The remainder, except for moisture,

28、 nitrogen, argon, and minor constituents specified in Table 4, must be gases which can be shown to be physiologically innocuous at the levels encountered. -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 4 - TABLE 1 - Constituent Maximum Concentrations for Gaseous and Liquid Oxygen Type I - Gaseous Type II - Liquid Ca

29、rbon Dioxide (CO2)10 ppm5 ppm Methane (CH4)50 ppm25 ppm Acetylene (C2H2)0.1 ppm0.05 ppm Ethylene (C2H4)0.4 ppm0.2 ppm Ethane (C2H6) and heavier hydrocarbons 6 ppm (C2H6 equivalent) 3 ppm (C2H6 equivalent) Nitrous Oxide (N2O)4 ppm2 ppm Halogenated Compounds (Refrigerants, CFCs, HCFCs, etc.) 2 ppm1 pp

30、m Solvents (Trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) 0.2 ppm0.1 ppm Other (Each compound discernible from background noise) 0.2 ppm0.1 ppm -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 5 - TABLE 2 - Constituent Maximum Concentrations1 for Chemical Oxygen Type III - Chemical, for Routine2 Use Type IV - Chemica

31、l, for Emergency3 Use Carbon Dioxide (CO2)5000 ppm5000 ppm Chlorine and chlorine derivatives 0.2 ppm0.2 ppm Carbon Monoxide50 ppm50 ppm Solvents (Trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) 0.2 ppm0.2 ppm 1 The values shown in Table 2 for chemically generated oxygen are the time weighted average

32、concentrations for periods not exceeding 5 min over the duration of operation. 2 Routine use refers to systems which are intended to be used during normal operation of the aircraft. Such uses are likely to be of substantial duration and the same persons are likely to use oxygen from such systems on

33、a frequent basis. 3 Emergency use refers to systems which are intended to be employed only in an emergency, such as a loss of cabin pressure, failure of the primary system, first aid use following a loss of cabin pressure, cabin fires, and emergency evacuation or egress. Such uses are generally of l

34、imited duration and the same persons are not likely to use oxygen from such systems on a frequent basis. -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 6 - TABLE 3 - Additional Constituent Requirements for Chemical Oxygen Type III - Chemical, for Routine Use Type IV - Chemical, for Emergency Use Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

35、 Peak allowable concentration in ppm by volume 20,000 ppm40,000 ppm Chlorine and chlorine derivatives, Peak allowable concentration in ppm by volume 1.0 ppm1.0 ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO) Maximum permissible slip in ml, NTPD, to which an individual user may be exposed for single mission (Type III) or s

36、ingle use (Type IV) 100 ml100 ml -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 7 - TABLE 4 - Constituent Maximum Concentrations for Oxygen Produced by In Situ Concentration or Electrolysis Type V - In Situ Concentration Type VI - In Situ Electrolysis Carbon Dioxide (CO2)5,000 ppm10 ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO)15 ppm10

37、ppm Total Hydrocarbons (as methane, CH4) 50 ppm50 ppm Aromatic Hydrocarbons1 ppm- Nitrous Oxide (N2O)4 ppm4 ppm Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)5 ppm- Solvents (Trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) 0.2 ppm0.2 ppm -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 8 - which produce Type V Aviators Breathin

38、g Oxygen at concentrations less than 99.5% by volume, on a dry basis (exclusive of moisture) shall indicate or declare the oxygen concentration produced. If the system includes a sensor to measure the oxygen output concentration, this requirement can be satisfied by use of an indicator or display wh

39、ich is visible to the user. Alternatively, the minimum concentration supplied can be declared, whether this is controlled by internal mechanisms which respond automatically to a sensor signal or is established by design and qualification results. that produce Type V Aviators Breathing

40、 Oxygen at concentrations less than 99.5% by volume, on a dry basis (exclusive of moisture) must be used only with dispensing devices which are designed to supply users with a volume of oxygen consistent with the use of that source concentration. 3.1.6Aviators Breathing Oxygen produced by in situ el

41、ectrolysis (Type VI) must contain not less than 99.5% oxygen by volume on a dry basis (exclusive of moisture). The oxygen must contain no objectionable odor. The remainder, except for moisture and minor constituents specified in Table 4, may be argon, nitrogen, or similar inert gas or must be gases

42、which can be shown to be physiologically innocuous at the levels encountered. 3.1.7Oxygen supplies or sources which are to be marked as conforming to AS8010 shall indicate the Type in all such markings. 3.2Moisture (Water Vapor): 3.2.1Moisture in gaseous (Type I) or liquid (Type II) oxygen must not

43、exceed 5 g/L of gas at a temperature of 21.1 C (70 F) and a pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg). This corresponds to a dew point of -63.3 C (-82 F). 3.2.2Moisture in chemically generated oxygen (Type III and Type IV), oxygen produced by in situ concentration (Type V), and oxygen produced by in situ

44、 electrolysis (Type VI), which is used as it is produced, shall not exceed 20 mg/L of gas at a temperature of 21.1 C (70 F) and a pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg). This corresponds to a dew point of 25 C (77 F). When oxygen from these sources is to be stored under pressure prior to use, the requ

45、ired moisture limit shall be determined by the actual application and stated by the procurement specification. In selecting an appropriate moisture limit, the possible effects of condensation, freezing, and corrosion must be considered. 3.3Particles: 3.3.1Liquid oxygen (Type II) must be filtered thr

46、ough a 10 m nominal (40 m absolute) filter located in the fill line to the shipping container. 3.3.2Gaseous oxygen (Type I), chemically generated oxygen intended for routine use (Type III), oxygen produced by in situ concentration (Type V), and oxygen produced by in situ electrolysis (Type VI), shal

47、l not contain particles with any dimension in excess of 100 m, nor fibers in excess of 40 m x 600 m, and total solids shall not exceed 1.0 mg/m3 of oxygen. -,-,- SAE AS8010 Revision C - 9 - 3.3.3Chemically generated oxygen intended for emergency use (Type IV) shall not contain particles with any dim

48、ension in excess of 500 m, nor fibers in excess of 40 m x 3000 m, and total solids shall not exceed 100 mg/m3 of oxygen. 4.ANALYTICAL METHODS: 4.1Oxygen Content: Oxygen content shall be measured by the methods described in MIL-O-27210, or by alternative methods giving equivalent precision and accuracy. 4.2Constituent Concentration: 4.2.1Concentrations of trace constituents shall be measured by methods which have appropriate detection limits for the maximum acceptable constituent concentration lev


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