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1、 SURFACE VEHICLE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE (R) Instrumental Color Difference Measurement for Exterior Finishes, Textiles and Colored Trim SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report i

2、s entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE

3、 invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2005 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the pr

4、ior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ Issued 1986-06 Revised 2005-07 Superseding J1545 JUN1986 J1545 REV. JUL2005 1. Scope The prac

5、tice applies to parts and materials used in vehicle manufacture which are intended to be acceptable color matches to a specified color standard. This practice is intended for use with parts or materials that are opaque or nearly so and does not apply to transparent materials. Materials covered by th

6、is practice include topcoat paint finishes, interior soft trim, interior and exterior hard trim, and exterior film. 1.1 Purpose The intent of this practice is to precisely specify procedures for instrumental color difference measurement of colored parts or colored materials incorporated in the manuf

7、acture of vehicles. The recommended practice provides a consistent engineering practice for determination of color difference, for numerical communication of color difference, and for determination of acceptance or rejection compared to numerical tolerances. The practice is intended for use as a spe

8、cification and means of communication for color part acceptance in a buyer-seller agreement. 1.2 Rationale The Color Difference Committee was formed under the auspices of the Detroit Colour Council to develop a test method for instrumental color approval of parts and materials supplied for vehicle m

9、anufacture. Since the Detroit Colour Council does not generally engage in technical committee projects or standardization activities, the Color Difference Committee became a joint project of the Detroit Colour Council and SAE. This standard was first issued in 1986. The current revision was issued i

10、n 2004. 2. References 2.1 Applicable Publications NOTEThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE, ASTM, AATCC, CIE and DIN publications shall apply. CIE publications are available from the USNC-CIE,

11、 c/o TLA-Lighting Consultants, Inc., 7 Pond Street, Salem, MA 01970-4819. SAE J1545 Revised JUL2005 - 2 - 2.1.1 ASTM E 284Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Appearance of Materials available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428- 2959. 2.1.2

12、Commission International de lclairage, International Lighting Vocabulary, Bureau Central de la CIE, Paris, 1987, 4 th ed., Publication CIE No. 17.4 1987. 2.1.3 ASTM E 105Standard Practice Probability Sampling of Materials available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Co

13、nshohocken, PA 19428-2959. 2.1.4 Commission International de lclairage, Colorimetry, Second Edition, Bureau Central de la CIE, Paris, 1986 Corrected Reprint 1996, Publication CIE No. 15.2 (1986). 2.1.5 Commission International de lclairage, Improvement to Industrial Colour-Difference Evaluation, Pub

14、lication CIE No. 142 (2001). 2.1.6 ASTM D 1729Standard Practice for the Visual Evaluation of Color Differences of Opaque Materials available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. 2.1.7 One source for color performance standards is British Cera

15、mic Research Association Instrument Performance Standards available from Hemmendinger Color Lab, 438 Wendover Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540. 2.1.8 One source for external verification is the Color and Appearance Proficiency Testing service available from Collaborative Testing Services, 8343-A Greensbor

16、o Dr., McLean, VA 22102. 2.1.9 F. J. J. Clarke, R. McDonald, B. Rigg. “Modifications to the JPC 79 Colour-difference Formula”, J. Soc. Dyers and Colourists, 100, 128-132 (1984). 2.1.10 “Farbtoleranzen fr Automobillackierungen, Teil 2: Effektlackierungen“ (Tolerances for automotive paints, Part 2: Go

17、niochromatic paints), DIN 6175, Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V., Berlin. 2.1.11 AATCC Evaluation Procedure 6, Instrumental Measurement of Textiles, AATCC Technical Manual available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P. O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. 2.1.

18、12 Billmeyer and Saltzmans Principles of Color Technology, 3 rd Ed. by Roy S. Berns, Wiley- Interscience, New York, 2000. 2.1.13 ASTM D 2244Standard Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates available from ASTM International, 10

19、0 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. 2.1.14 ASTM E 2194Standard Practice for Multiangle Color Measurement of Metal Flake Pigmented Materials available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. -,-,- SAE J1545 Revised

20、 JUL2005 - 3 - 2.2 Related Publications 2.2.1 ASTM Committee E-12ASTM Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement, 6 th Edition, 2000 available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. 2.2.2 ASTM D 3134Standard Practice for Establishing Color a

21、nd Gloss Tolerances available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428- 2959. 2.2.3 R. W. Harold, K. Loughrey, T. Mabon, “Benefits of the Sample Averaging Technique,” Hunterlab Application Notes, 4 No. 3, March 21, 1985. 2.2.4 Wolfgang Budde, “The Glos

22、s Trap in Diffuse Reflectance Measurements,” Color Research and Application 5, 73-75 (1980). 2.2.5 Strocka and Brockes, “Comparison of the CIE (1931) 2 and the CIE (1964) 10 Colorimetric Standard Observer with Individual Observers in the Assessment of Metameric Matches,” Proc. Intern. Color Meeting,

23、 Color 69, Stockholm 1969, Vol. 2, pp 785-793. 3. Definitions NOTEExcept for terms specifically defined in this document, terminology used in this report follows the definitions reported by ASTM (see reference 2.1.1) and the Commission International de lclairage (see reference 2.1.2). 3.1 Product, L

24、ot, Sample, Specimen, Reading, Measurement 3.1.1 PRODUCT A product is the group of all parts or material having the same color, composition and physical form. 3.1.2 LOT A lot is the customary unit of production of a product comprising one or more individual product units. For example, a lot of plast

25、ic parts might comprise 500 individual product units and a lot of paint material might compromise one 5000 gallon batch of paint. 3.1.3 SAMPLE A small part or portion of a material or product intended to be representative of the whole from which a specimen is prepared for testing. The sample or grou

26、p of samples chosen shall be representative of the color difference properties of the product lot (see reference 2.1.3). 3.1.4 SPECIMEN A piece or portion of a sample used to make a test. -,-,- SAE J1545 Revised JUL2005 - 4 - 3.1.5 READING A reading is a single instrumental color difference assessme

27、nt made in one particular location and in one particular orientation within a specimen. When a multiangle instrument is used to measure a specimen, a reading would refer to a given illuminating and aspecular angle. 3.1.6 MEASUREMENT A measurement is the estimate of the sample color difference relati

28、ve to a standard determined from one reading or the mean of multiple readings as specified by the procedure of this recommended practice. 3.1.7 ASPECULAR ANGLE Viewing angle measured from the specular direction, in the illuminator plane unless otherwise specified. DISCUSSIONPositive values of the as

29、pecular angle are in the direction toward the illuminator axis. 3.1.8 GONIOAPPEARANCE The phenomenon in which the appearance of a specimen changes with change in illumination or viewing angle. DISCUSSIONExamples of gonioappearance are specimens of coatings containing flake pigments. 3.2 Standards 3.

30、2.1 OFFICIAL STANDARD An official standard is a physical standard that represents the concept color. The official standard physically represents the color target for visual and colorimetric evaluation of all products referenced to that official standard. Where feasible, the official standard should

31、have the same composition and construction as the reference and working standards. 3.2.2 REFERENCE STANDARD A reference standard is a physical standard used to calibrate working standards. Reference standards shall have the same composition and construction as the working standards and the compositi

32、on and construction shall be representative of samples of the product. Reference standards are instrumentally referenced to the official standard. 3.2.3 WORKING STANDARD A working standard is a physical standard in routine use. Working standards are made of material identical to the reference standa

33、rd and are instrumentally referenced to the official standard. SAE J1545 Revised JUL2005 - 5 - 3.3 Instruments 3.3.1 MASTER INSTRUMENT The master instrument is an instrument that is used to establish the basic references among various levels of standards and among other instruments. This instrument

34、is the normal arbiter in any situation not adequately resolved at a lower level. This instrument should generally be a spectrophotometer and is usually retained by the organization that issues the standards. 3.3.2 SECONDARY INSTRUMENT A secondary instrument is any other instrument used for color dif

35、ference measurement of the product by reference to the standards. 4. Basic Color Measurements Specifications 4.1 Standard Observer The standard observer for colorimetric determination should be the CIE 1964 supplementary standard colorimetric observer (see reference 2.1.4), referred to as the 10 sta

36、ndard observer. 4.2 Standard Illuminant The standard illuminant for colorimetric determination should be CIE standard illuminant D65 (see reference 2.1.4). If a determination of metamerism is required, CIE standard illuminant A and CIE standard illuminant F2 are recommended. 4.3 Uniform Color Space

37、The uniform color space for determination of color difference shall be the CIE 1976 (L*a*b*) space (see reference 2.1.4). This space may be abbreviated, CIELAB. 4.4 Color Difference 4.4.1 SINGLE ILLUMINATING/VIEWING GEOMETRY MEASUREMENTS The total color difference between a standard and a specimen s

38、hall be expressed using an ellipsoidal equation. DEcmc (see references 2.1.9 and 2.1.13) is recommended for this application and CIEDE2000 (see references 2.1.5 and 2.1.13) is an acceptable alternative. Pass/Fail judgments using such a computation are expected to correlate well with visual assessmen

39、ts when care is taken to use multiple observers and the tolerance is sized to fit the acceptable population by using the appropriate weighting factors for the equation being utilized (l : c, cf for the Cmc equation; kL, kC, kH for the CIEDE2000 equation). The method outlined on pages 124 and 125 of

40、Reference 2.1.12. can be used as a guide for determining visual tolerances. The ellipsoidal equation must be agreed upon by the supplier and customer. -,-,- SAE J1545 Revised JUL2005 - 6 - In addition, color differences between a standard and specimen often need to be described in greater detail tha

41、n simply in terms of total color difference. In this case, the differences should be quantified in terms of the three components of the metric selected for total color difference. (see Table I, below.) That is, DEcmc or CIEDE2000 may be used for overall pass/fail assessment, and the corresponding we

42、ighted component Lightness, Chroma, and Hue difference terms may be used to describe the specifics of a color difference pair. For near-neutral colors(C*ab 5), it is appropriate to use Da* and Db* to describe the component color differences in a manner that is consistent with visual assessment (see

43、reference 2.1.10). Refer to Table I below for reporting purposes. TABLE 1COMPONENTS OF A COLOR-DIFFERENCE EQUATION TO DESCRIBE THE COLOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A STANDARD AND A SPECIMEN Equation Components C*ab 5) Near-Neutral (C*ab5) Color Difference Equation Lightness Chrom Hue Lightness Red- Green Ye

44、llow- Blue CMC(l:c) l lS * DL =DLcmc C cS * DC H S * DH l lS * DL =DLcmc Da* Db* CIEDE2000 (kL:kC:kH) LLS k * DL =DLCIEDE2000 CCS k * DC HHS k * DH LLS k * DL =DLCIEDE2000 Da* Db* NOTEIn Table 1 above, the capital letter D indicates a differential colorimetric value, which is often used in place of

45、the Greek letter Delta, . DL*, for example would be referred to as Delta L*. For DEcmc, the weighting of lightness to chroma (l:c) must be agreed upon between supplier and customer and documented. For CIEDE2000, the weighting of lightness to chroma to hue (kL:kC:kH) must be agreed up

46、on between supplier and customer and documented. 4.4.2 MULTI-ANGLE MEASUREMENTS Materials that exhibit different colors depending on the angles of illumination or viewing are called gonioapparent materials. The color difference between a specimen and a standard may vary with the angle of illuminatio

47、n and/or viewing. Color differences between the specimen and standard may be determined as in section 4.4.1 for each illuminating and aspecular geometry. -,-,- SAE J1545 Revised JUL2005 - 7 - 4.5 Color Difference Tolerance 4.5.1 SINGLE ILLUMINATING/VIEWING GEOMETRY MEASUREMENTS The total color diffe

48、rence allowed shall be specified as the tolerance for color difference assessment. A specimen is rated acceptable by the color difference assessment if its measured color difference relative to the color standard is within the specified tolerances for the total color difference. A specimen is rated

49、unacceptable by the color difference assessment if its measured color difference relative to the color standard is outside the specified tolerances for the total color difference. NOTEUse of the total color difference for pass/fail avoids problems with “corners” of any block-type method (LCH, Lab, etc). This also requires that the standard be in the center of the accep


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