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1、Subject 147 March 24, 2006 SUMMARY OF TOPICS The following changes are being proposed: 1. Addition of requirements for LP-gas roofing torches 2. Addition of instructions STP BALLOT DUE: APRIL 24,2006 COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 24,2006 For your convenience in review, proposed additions to existing requireme

2、nts are shown ynderlined and proposed deletions are shown tmd-e b) Fittinas and their attachment to the hose - Standard for Piatails and Flexible Hose Connectors for LP-Gas. UL 569; G! Co mmessed aas reaulator or LP-Gas reaulator - Standard for Cornmessed Gas Reau lators UL 252 or Standard for Press

3、ure Reaulatina Valves for LP-Gas. U L 144; d) Reaulator accessories (if Drovided) - Standard for Cornmessed Gas Reaulator Accessories, UL 252A: and e) Excess Flow Valve - Standard for Valves for Anhvdrous Ammonia and LP-Gas (Other Than Safetv Relief). UL 125. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

4、 Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not for Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 147 -2- MARCH 24,2006 Exceotion: If the manufacturer does not orovide anv of the abo

5、ve comoonents the safetv instructions shall state t hat the torches are for use o nlv with UL Listed reaulator. comoressed aas reaulator for use with LP-Gas). a nd/or excess flow check valve as aoo licable. 6.2 The hose connection for LP-Gas hose shall be Drovided with a CGA 510. CGA 791. or CGA 810

6、 TvDe I or TvDe Il) outlet connection comD1vina with the Standard for ComDressed Gas Cvlinder Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections. CGAIGAS V-1-2003. 23.2 Each torch assembly shall be attached to a fuel container that is charged as intended or attached to a test fixture and checked for operation, thro

7、ttling, leakage, and complete shutoff of all valves. The test fixture is to be: a) Connected to the appropriate fuel supply and b) Provided with a connection for the torch that conforms to the requirements for a Compressed Gas Association (CGA) No. CGA 510. CGA 600, CGA 791. or CGA 810 connection in

8、 accordance with the Compressed Gas Association Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections, ANSKGA V-1-2003. 2. Addition of instructions RATIONALE New instruction requirements are being proposed since UL has been advised of some applications of torch use that are not rec

9、ommended. Based on the comments received during the preliminary review of the proposal, editorial corrections were made to the proposal for paragraph 26.1. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 25 General 25.1 An instruction manual shall be Drovided with each torch. The manual shall sDecificallv warn the user aaain

10、st eac h Dotential risk of fire or injury to De rsons: and state t he Drecautions that should be ta ken tQ reduce eac h risk. The safetv instructions shall be a De rmanent Dart o f the manual. but seDa rated in format from the other instructions. Thev shall amea r before the oDe ratina instructions

11、in the manual. 25.2 The instruction manual shall include instructions or illustrations to identifv features intended to reduce the risk of fire or iniurv to Dersons. 25.3 In the text and illustrations of the safetv instructions: a! Ume r case letters shall not be less than 5/64 inch (2.0 mm) in heia

12、ht; b) Lower case letters shall not be less than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) in heiaht: and c) The Dhrases “READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS” and “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” shall be in letters not less than 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) in heiaht. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicens

13、ee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not for Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 147 -3- MARCH 24,2006 25.4 The instruction manual shall include the text sDecified in ImDortant Safeauards. Section 26. 25.5 The

14、 instructions shall contain onlv information that a m lies to t he mec ific tvDe o f torch and shall include those items mec ified in ImDortant Safeauards. Sect ion 26. Unless ot herwise indicated. t he text of the instructions shall be verbatim to. or in eauallv definitive terminoloav. as sDecified

15、 in Imoortant Safeauards. Section 26. exceDt where sDecific conflict in the amlication of the text to a Droduct exists or the risk alluded to has been reduced. The items rnav be numbered. In a list of items. the Dhrases “READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS” and “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” shall be first and last. r

16、esDectivelv. Other imDortant and safeauard items are not Drohibited from beina inserted if considered amrotxiate bv the manufacturer. 25.6 The instruction manual shall include instructions and caut ion state ments for cleanina. use r maintenance (suc h as lubrication or nonlubrication). oDe rations

17、recommended bv t he manufacturer. and shall warn a user that anv other servicina shall be Derformed bv an authorized service remesentative. 26 ImDortant Safeauards 26.1 When usina torches. basic safetv Drecautions should alwavs be followed: 3) READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS. b) Before usina. check all Darts

18、for DroDer function and damaae to co mDonent Darts. c) Do not use this torch to heat. mold or bend Dlastic sheets. mouldina or tubina. d) “Hidden areas such as behind walls. ceilinas. floors. soffit boards and other Danels rnav contain flammable materials that could be ianited bv the heat aun when w

19、orkina in these locations. The ianition of these materials rnav not be readilv amarent and could result in proDertv da maue a nd injurv to De rsons. When workina in these locations. keet) the torch movina in a bac k-and-forth motion. Linaering or Dausina in one mot could ianite the Danel or the mate

20、rial behind it.” e) Do not use this torch to remove Daint (if the torch can be used to remove Daint. items (f and la) below shall be used). f WARNING: Extreme care should be taken when strimina Daint. The Deelinas. residue and ntain lead. which is Doisonous. Anv me-1977 Daint mav CO ntain lead a nd

21、paint amlied to homes Drior to 1950 is likelv to CO ntain lead. Once deDos ited o n surfaces. hand vaDors of Daint mav CO jo mouth contact ca n result in the inaestion of lead. ExDosure to e ven low levels of lead ca n cause irreversible brain and nervous svstem damaae: vouna and unborn children are

22、 particularlv vulnerable. Before beainnina anv Daint removal Drocess vou should determine whether the Daint vou are removina contains lead. This can be done bv vour local health deDartment or bv a Drofessional who uses a Daint analvzer to check the lead content of the paint to be removed. LEAD-BASED

23、 PAINT SHOULD ONLY BE REMOVED BY A PROFESSIONAL AND SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED USING A TORCH. g Persons removina Daint should follow these au id el ines: 1) Move the work Diece outdoors. If this is not Dossible. keet) the work area well ventilated. ODen the windows and Dut an exhaust fan in one of them.

24、Be sure the fan is movina the air from inside to outside. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not for Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

25、-,-,- SUBJECT 147 -4- MARCH 24,2006 2) Remove or cover anv carDets. ruas. furniture. clothina. cookina utensils and air ducts 3) Place d rot) cloths in the work area to catc h anv Daint chim or Deelinas. Wear protective clothina such as extra work shirts. overalls and hats. 4) Work in one room at a

26、time. Furnishinas should be removed or Dlaced in the center of the room and covered. Work areas should be sealed off from the rest of the dwellinq bv sealina doorwavs with droD cloths. 5) Children. meanant or Dotentiallv meanant women and nursina mothers should not be Dresent in the work area until

27、the work is done and all clean UD is comDlete. 6) Wear a dust remirator mask or a dual filter (dust and fume) remirator mask which has been amroved bv the OccuDationaI Safetv and Health Administration (OSHA). the National Institute of Safetv and Health (NIOSH). or the United States Bureau of Mines.

28、These masks and redaceable filters are readilv available at maior hardware stores. Be sure the mask fits. Beards and facial hair mav keet) masks from sealina DroDerlv. Chanae filters often. DISPOSABLE PAPER MASKS ARE NOT ADEQUATE. 7) Use caut ion when oDeratina the heat au n. KeeD the heat au n movi

29、na. as e xcessive heat will aenerate fumes. which can be inhaled bv t he oDe rator. 8) KeeD food and drink out of the work area. Wash hands. arms and face and rinse mouth before eatina or drinkina. Do not smoke or chew aum or tobacco in the work area. 9) Clean UD all removed Daint and dust bv wet mo

30、mina the floors. Use a wet cloth to clean all walls. sills and anv other surface where Daint or dust is clinaina. DO NOT SWEEP. DRY DUST OR VACUUM. Use a hiah DhosDhate dete ruent or trisodium ghosDhate (TSP) to wash and mot) areas. 10) At the end of each work session Dut the Daint chbs and debris i

31、n a double Dlastic baa. close it with taDe or twist ties and disDose of DroDerlv. 11) Remove Drotective clothina and work shoes in the work area to avoid carrvina dust into the rest of the dwellina. Wash work clothes seDaratelv. WiDe shoes off with a wet rau that is then washed with the work clothes

32、. Wash hair and bodv t horouahlv with soaD and water. h “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” Copyright O 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not for Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23

33、:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Subject 147 February IO, 2006 SUMMARY OF TOPICS The following changes in requirements are being circulated for preliminary review and comment: 1. Addition of Instructions (Submitted by Edgar Wolff-Klammer) - For Preliminar

34、y Review Only New instruction requirements are being proposed since UL has been advised of some applications of torch use that are not recommended. COMMENTS DUE: MARCH IO, 2006 For your convenience in review, proposed additions to existing requirements are shown ynderlined and proposed deletions are

35、 shown tmd-e b) Lower case letters shall not be less than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) in heiaht: and Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not for Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking p

36、ermitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 147 -2- FEBRUARY I O , 2006 c) The Dhrases “READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS” and “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” shall be in letters not less than 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) in heiaht. 25.4 The instruction manual shall include the text mec ified in ImDortant Safeauards. Sect

37、ion 26. 25.5 The instructions shall contain onlv information that amlies to the sDecific tvDe of torch and shall include those items sDecified in ImDortant Safeauards. Section 26. Unless otherwise indicated. the text of the instructions shall be verbatim to. or in eauallv definitive terminoloav. as

38、sDecified in Imoortant Safeauards. Section 26. exceDt where sDecific conflict in the amlication of the text to a Droduct exists or the risk alluded to has been reduced. The items rnav be numbered. In a list of items. the Dhrases “READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS” and “SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS” shall be first an

39、d last. resDect ivelv. Other imDorta nt and safeauard items are not Drohibited from beina inserted if considered a m rotxiate bv t he manufacturer. 25.6 The instruction manual shall include instructions and caution statements for cleanina. user maintenance (such as lubrication or nonlubrication). oD

40、erations recommended bv the manufacturer. and shall warn a user that anv other servicina shall be Derformed bv an authorized service remesentative. 26 ImDortant Safeauards 26.1 When usina torches. bas ic safetv Drecaut ions should alwavs be followed: a) READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS. b) Before usina. check

41、all Darts for DroDer function and damaae to comDonent Darts. c) Do not use this torch to heat. mold or bend Dlastic sheets. mouldina or tubina. $i) “Hidden areas suc h as be hind walls. ceilinas. floors. soffit boards and other Danels mav contain flammable materials that cou Id be ianited bv t he he

42、at au n when workina in these locations. The ianition of these materials mav not be readilv ama rent and cou Id result in proDertv damaae and iniurv to Dersons. When workina in these locations. keet) the torch movina in a back-and-forth motion. Linaerinq or Dausina in one mot could ianite the Danel

43、or the material behind it.” e) Do not use this torch to remove Daint (if the torch can be used to remove Daint. items 6 and 7 below shall be used). f WARNING: Extreme care should be ta ken when strimina Daint. The Dee linac. residue a nd vaDors of Daint rnav contain lead. which is Doisonous. Anv me-

44、1977 Daint rnav contain lead and paint amlied to homes Drior to 1950 is likelv to contain lead. Once deDosited on surfaces. hand to mouth contact can result in the inaestion of lead. ExDosure to even low levels of lead can cause irreversible brain and nervous svstem damaae: vouna and unborn children

45、 are particularlv vulnerable. Before beainnina anv Daint removal Drocess vou should determine whether the Daint vou are removina contains lead. This can be done bv vour local health &Dart ment or bv a D rofessional who uses a Da int analvzer to check the lead CO ntent of the paint to be removed. LEA

46、D-BASED PAINT SHOULD ONLY BE REMOVED BY A PROFESSIONAL AND SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED USING A HEAT GUN. a) Persons removina Daint should follow these auidelines: Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=Army Northwestern Div./7838506130, User=abc, abcdd Not f

47、or Resale, 09/10/2006 00:23:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 147 -3- FEBRUARY I O , 2006 1) Move the work Diece outdoors. If this is not Dossible. keer, the work area well ventilated. ODen the windows and Dut a n exhaust fan in one of them. Be sure

48、 the fan is movina the air from inside to outs ide. 2) Remove or cover anv carDets. ruas. furniture. clothina. cookina utensils and air ducts. 3) Place dror, cloths in the work area to catch anv Daint chim or Deelinas. Wear protective clothina such as extra work shirts. overalls and hats. 4) Work in

49、 one room at a t me. Furnishinas should be removed or Dlaced in the center gf the room and covered. Work areas should be sea led off from the rest of the dwelling bvsea lina doo rwavs with droD cloths. 5) Children. meanant or Dotentiallv meanant women and nursina mothers should not be Dresent in the work area until the work is d


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