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1、Subject 1123 (1180, 1191) (in reply, refer to Subject 1123) 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 July 26, 2002 TO: Standards Technical Panel for Personal Flotation Devices; Subscribers to ULs Standards Service for: Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123; Fully Inflatable Recreational Person

2、al Flotation Devices, UL 1180; and Components for Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191 SUBJECT: EFFECTIVE DATE INFORMATION for May 16, 2002 Revisions for Paragraph 4.11.1, Figures 36A.1 and 36A.2, and Table 36A.1 of the Sixth Edition of the Standard for Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123 and for Table 2

3、.2, Paragraph 7.1, Sections 8 and 9 of the Third Edition of the Standard for Components for Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191 UL announces that the future effective dates for several requirements in UL 1123 and UL 1191 published May 16, 2002 do not reflect what was originally proposed in the Decem

4、ber 18, 2000 PFD STP meeting report and further amended in the July 18, 2001 PFD STP meeting report. UL published May 16, 2002 revisions for Paragraph 4.1 1 .I, Figures 36A.1 and 36A.2, and Table 36A.1 in UL 1123 which included changes to the buckle requirements for infant, youth, and child devices

5、and to Type II labels. UL published May 16, 2002 revisions for Table 2.2, Paragraph 7.1, Sections 8 and 9 in UL 1191 which included changes to the fabric requirements. Paragraph 4.1 1 .I, Figures 36A.1 and 36A.2, and Table 36A.1 of UL 1123 specify a future effective date of September 1, 2003 and Tab

6、le 2.2, Paragraph 7.1, Sections 8 and 9 of UL 11 91 specify a future effective date of September 1, 2006. Both the 12/18/00 and the 7/18/01 proposal bulletins included specific proposed effective dates for these requirements that included future effective dates, September 1, 2001 and September 1, 20

7、05. These future effective dates were specified in order that manufacturers would have time to align their products with the new requirements and UL would have time to do retesting and/or industry reviews. Additionally, the revisions to UL 1191 include new fabric specifications and UL and the USCG h

8、ad previously agreed to give industry 5 years to get their products into compliance. Comments were received subsequent to issuance of the noted proposal bulletins on the proposals specified above. These comments were resolved during the PFD STP January 2002 meeting and inclusion of revisions in the

9、standard took longer than was anticipated. Consequently, the originally specified future effective dates of September 1, 2002 and September 1, 2005 were no longer appropriate. Therefore, UL changed the proposed effectives dates to September 1, 2003 and September 1, 2006 respectively upon publication

10、 of the requirements in the standards. In order to avoid proposing a specific future effective date in a proposal bulletin that is not appropriate when the requirement is ready for publication, UL has changed the way future effective date are indicated in PFD proposal bulletins. Instead of including

11、 a specific date, the proposed future effective date will be more general, for example, ”two years after date of publication on September 1 of the applicable year.” September 1, a suitable date for the PFD industry, is used per an agreement between industry, UL, and the USCG. Copyright Underwriters

12、Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 -2- JULY 26,2002 REQUEST FOR COMMENTS If you have comments on the imp

13、act of the change of the specification of future effective dates in UL bulletins please send them to UL. Written comments and questions should be sent by regular mail, fax, or e-mail to the attention of Betty McKay at ULs RTP office, 12 Laboratory Drive, RTP, NC 27709, (919) - 547- 6180, Betty.C.McK

14、. Please reference all correspondence to Subject UL 11 23. If you respond by fax or e-mail, please include your full name and company address to ensure a reply. Please note that comments may be made public. All comments should be sent by August 16, 2002. Since effective dates and the conducting of t

15、he industry review are not subject to letter ballot, a separate ballot on this topic will not be distributed to STP representatives. Unless specifically requested to do so, UL will not acknowledge comments indicating concurrence with this announcement. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. REVIEWED BY: BET

16、TY C. McKAY Secretary of the STP for PFDs Fax: (919) 547-6180 e-mail: Betty.C.McK (91 9) 549-1 896 THOMAS L. WOLLAN Chair of the STP for PFDs (91 9) 549-1 555 FAX: (919) 547-6012 e-mail: Thomas.L.Wollanus.uI.com SR: JH bul-20020703 Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under licen

17、se with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Subjects 1123 (1175, 1177, 1180, 1191, 1197, 151 7) (in reply, refer to Subject 1123) 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Par

18、k, NC 27709 February 22, 2002 TO: Standards Technical Panel (STP) for Personal Flotation Devices, STP 1123 Subscribers to ULs Standards Services for: Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123; Buoyant Cushions, UL 1175; Buoyant Vests, UL 1177; Fully Inflatable Recreational Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1180;

19、 Components for Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191; Immersion Suits, UL 1197; and Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1517 SUBJECT: Report of the Meeting of the Standards Technical Panel of UL for Marine Buoyant Devices, Fully Inflatable Recreational PFDs, and Components for PFDs; Request for Com

20、ments on the Proposed Requirements for the Sixth Edition of the Standard for Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123; the First Edition of the Standard for Fully Inflatable Recreational PFDs, UL 1180; the Third Edition of the Standard for Components for Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191; the Second Editio

21、n of the Standard for Immersion Suits, UL 1197; and the Second Edition of the Standard for Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1517; PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATES The following topics were discussed at the meeting: PROPOSALS and ACTION items for UL 1123, UL 1180, UL 1517, UL 1197, and UL 1191. STP BALL

22、OTS AND COMMENTS DUE: April 26,2002 A meeting of the Standards Technical Panel of UL for Personal Flotation Devices, STP 1123, was held on January 24 and 25, 2002 at ULs RTP office. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss personal flotation devices and components for personal flotation devices. An

23、other objective of the meeting was to resolve comments received with the latest ballots dated July 18, 2001 on the ANSI approval of proposals for UL 1123, UL 1180, and UL 1191, by obtaining agreement at the meeting on the disposition of the comments. Comments on UL 1517 and UL 1197 proposals were al

24、so discussed. However, UL 1517 and UL 1197 are not ANSI approved standards and consequently, proposals to UL 1517 and UL 1197 are not balloted. INSTRUCTIONS STP Members: If the STP concurs with the disposition/actions, then consensus will be achieved and UL will adopt the proposals and revise UL 112

25、3, UL 1180, and UL 1191 accordingly. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 -2- FEBRU

26、ARY 22,2002 In regard to the new proposals in Appendices C, D, and E, if you are a voting member of the STP, complete the attached ballot(s) with your vote on the proposals. Please note that all negative ballots must be accompanied by supporting written reasons and, where possible, proposals for a s

27、olution to the problem raised. Impact statements and effective date(s) information are not subject to letter ballot. Therefore, comments regarding impact statements and effective dates may be made and should be sent to the STP Secretary separate from the letter ballot. Subscribers and other interest

28、ed parties: If you are a subscriber or other interested party, you are requested to send comments on the proposed requirement(s), impact statement(s), and proposed effective date(s) to the STP Secretary. The STP member ballot should not be used to submit your comments. All involved: The comment reso

29、lution matrix attached as Appendix A provides the comment dispositions agreed upon by those attending the meeting. The table contains all the comments that were received. If you wish to change your vote in light of the dispositions/actions or the proposed changes, please respond to us in writing or

30、via E-mail to Betty.C.McK by March 20, 2002. If we do not hear from you by the proposed date, your original vote will be maintained. You have the right to appeal this action on a procedural basis through ULs Appeals Process. If you wish to appeal, please respond by March 20, 2002. Guidelines on how

31、to register an appeal can be obtained on http:/ or by contacting the STP Secretary. Comments should be made in writing and may be sent by fax to 919-547-6180 or by mail to the attention of Betty McKay at ULs RTP office. Comments may also be sent via E-mail to Betty.C.McK. Please reference all corres

32、pondence to Subject 11 23. Note all comments received are public and may be circulated to others. If you respond by fax or E-mail, please include your full name and company name and address to ensure a reply. STP BALLOTS AND ALL COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 26,2002 Attached as Appendix A is the disposition t

33、able for comments received on proposals that were included in the 7/18/01 STP meeting report. Attached as Appendix B are amended proposals for UL 1123, UL 1180, UL 1197, and UL 1517 that were originally proposed in the 12/18/00 or the 7/18/01 STP meeting reports and have been amended in light of com

34、ments received and the disposition determined by the STP. Attached as Appendix C for your review and comment are proposed requirements for UL 1123. Attached as Appendix D for your review and comment are proposed requirements for UL 1191. Attached as Appendix E for your review and comment are propose

35、d requirements for UL 1180. Attached as Appendix F for your review and comment are proposed requirements for UL 1517 and UL 1197. Attached as Appendix G for your review and comment are the impact statement(s) and proposed effective date(s). Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS un

36、der license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 -3- FEBRUARY 22,2002 Attached as Appendix H is the STP ballot(s). Attached as Appendix I is information r

37、egarding Working Groups. Attached as Appendix J is a list of those who attended the meeting Questions regarding interpretation of requirements should be directed to the responsible UL Staff. Please see Appendix K of this bulletin regarding designated responsibility for the subject product categories

38、. Please note that proposed requirements are of a tentative and early nature and are for review and comment only. Current requirements are to be used to judge a product until these requirements are published in final form. PRODUCTSANDINDUSTRIESAFFECTED BYTHE PROPOSAL UL requests your assistance in i

39、dentifying other products or industries that might be affected by the proposed requirements contained in this bulletin. UL suggests that all suppliers or customers for these products and industries be made aware of these proposed requirements prior to their proposed effective date. Also, please forw

40、ard your suggestions to the STP Secretary so that these products and industries may be identified in future bulletins. * * * * * * The following report is not intended to be a verbatim transcript of the discussion at the meeting, but is intended to record the significant features of those discussion

41、s. MEETING CALL TO ORDER Currently, neither UL 1123 nor UL 11 80 include optional requirements for installing a grab strap on adult PFDs. A grab strap may be used to aid in pulling a person out of the water into a boat or onto shore. The Grab Strap Working Group drafted this proposal. Copyright Unde

42、rwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 -9- FEBRUARY 22,2002 An STP representative indicated support

43、 to move the proposal forward to letter ballot. A majority of STP representatives expressed support to move the proposal forward to letter ballot. See #8 of Appendix C for the UL 1123 proposal and see #8 of Appendix E for the UL 1180 proposal. For impact regarding UL certification issues, see Append

44、ix G. 9. HIGH SPEED DEVICE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS (UL 1123) DISCUSSION and 2. Your comments concerning the proposed effective dates, should the proposals be adopted. Ballots, written comments, and any other correspondence should be sent to the attention of Betty C. McKay at ULs Research Triangle

45、Park office, 12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995. Please reference all correspondence to Subject 1123. If you respond by e-mail, please include your full name and company address to ensure a reply. All comments should be received by UL no later than April 26, 2002. Unless spec

46、ifically requested to do so, UL will not acknowledge comments indicating concurrence with these proposals. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or netw

47、orking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. BETTY C. McKAY Secretary for STP PFDs Phone: (91 9) 549-1 896 Fax: (919) 547-6180 E-mail: Betty.C.McK http:/ SR:JH -12- FEBRUARY 22,2002 REVIEWED BY: THOMAS L. WOLLAN Chair for STP PFDs Phone: (91 9) 549-1 55

48、5 Fax: (919) 547-6012 bul-20020212 Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 05/07/2007 20:26:03 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- SUBJECT 1123 -Al- FEBRUARY 22,2002 APPENDIX A COMMENT DISPOSITION TABLE The table below provides the comments that were received with 7/18/01 STP proposal ballots for UL 1123, UL 1180, and UL 1191. In additio


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