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1、FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION Subject 61010-1 September 15, 2006 SUMMARY OF TOPICS The following is being proposed: Proposed First Edition of the Standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use; Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-hel

2、d probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test, UL 61010-031. STP BALLOTS AND ALL COMMENTS DUE: October 30, 2006 Proposed First Edition of the Standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use; Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for elec

3、trical measurement and test, UL 61010-031. RATIONALE UL proposes to adopt the First Edition of IEC Publication 61010-031 (2002), the Standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement

4、 and test, as UL 61010-031 with some national differences. These national differences were incorporated from the already published ones in the Standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 61010-1, where applicable. In addition, simi

5、lar to UL 61010-1, this proposed fi rst edition is a bi-national harmonization effort between UL, CSA (Canadian Standards Association), and ISA (Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society). Adoption of UL 61010-031 would result in a standard that is harmonized for Canada and the United States

6、and co-published by all three standards development organizations (CSA, ISA and UL). Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

7、t license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MEASUREMENT, CONTROL AND LABORATORY USE Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test 1 Scope and object 1.1 Scop

8、e This part of IEC 61010 applies to hand-held and hand-manipulatedPROBE ASSEMBLIESof the types described below, and related accessories which are intended for professional, industrial process, and educational use. ThesePROBE ASSEMBLIESare for use in the interface between an electrical phenomenon and

9、 test or measurement equipment. They may be fi xed to the equipment or be detachable accessories for the equipment. a) Low-voltage and high-voltage, non-attenuatingPROBE ASSEMBLIES(type A). Non-attenuating PROBE ASSEMBLIESthat areRATEDfor direct connection to voltages exceeding 33 V r.m.s. or 46,7 V

10、 peak or 70 V d.c., but not exceeding 63 kV. They do not incorporate active components, nor are they intended to provide a voltage divider function or a signal conditioning function, but they may contain passive non-attenuating components such as fuses. b) High-voltage attenuating or dividerPROBE AS

11、SEMBLIES(type B). Attenuating or dividerPROBE ASSEMBLIESthat areRATEDfor direct connection to secondary voltages exceeding 1 kV but not exceeding 63 kV. The divider function may be carried out wholly within thePROBE ASSEMBLY, or partly within the test or measurement equipment to be used with thePROB

12、E ASSEMBLY. c) Low-voltage attenuating or dividerPROBE ASSEMBLIES(type C). Attenuating, divider or other signal conditioningPROBE ASSEMBLIESfor direct connection to voltages exceeding 33 V r.m.s or 46,7 V peak or 70 V d.c., but not exceeding 1 kV r.m.s. or 1,5 kV d.c. The signal conditioning functio

13、n may be carried out wholly within thePROBE ASSEMBLY, or partly within the test or measurement equipment intended to be used with thePROBE ASSEMBLY. NOTEPROBE ASSEMBLIESwhich are not within the defi nitions of types A, B or C, or, which are designed to be powered from a low-voltage mains supply, or

14、include other features not specifi cally addressed in this standard may also need to meet the relevant requirements of other parts of IEC 61010 61). 1) Figures in square brackets refer to the bibliography. SEPTEMBER 15, 2006SUBJECT 61010-1-2- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS

15、under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION 1.1DVD2 Modifi cation of 1.1 (a) and (c): 1.1DV.1 Repla

16、ce the second sentence of part (a) with Non-AttenuatingPROBE ASSEMBLIESthat areRATEDfor direct connection to voltages exceeding 30 V r.m.s. and 42,4 V peak or 60 V d.c., but not exceeding 63 kV. 1.1DV.2 Replace the second sentence of part (c) with Attenuating, divider, or other signal conditioningPR

17、OBE ASSEMBLIESthat areRATEDfor direct connection to voltages exceeding 30 V r.m.s. and 42,4 V peak or 60 V d.c., but not exceeding 1 kV r.m.s. or 1,5 kV d.c. 1.2 Object 1.2.1 Aspects included in scope The object of this standard is to ensure that the design and methods of construction used provide a

18、dequate protection for theOPERATORand the surrounding area against: a) electric shock or burn (see clauses 6, 10 and 11); b) mechanicalHAZARDS(see clauses 7 and 8 and 11); c) excessive temperature (see clause 9); d) spread of fi re from thePROBE ASSEMBLY(see clause 9). NOTE Attention is drawn to the

19、 existence of additional requirements which may be specifi ed by national authorities responsible for the health and safety of labour forces. 1.2.2 Aspects excluded from scope This standard does not cover a) reliable function, performance or other properties of thePROBE ASSEMBLY; b) effectiveness of

20、 transport packaging; c) servicing (repair); d) protection of servicing (repair) personnel. NOTE Servicing personnel are expected to be reasonably careful in dealing with obviousHAZARDS, but the design should protect against mishap in an appropriate manner, and the service documentation should point

21、 out any residualHAZARDS. SEPTEMBER 15, 2006SUBJECT 61010-1-3- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-

22、,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION 1.3 Verifi cation This standard also specifi es methods of verifying, through inspection andTYPE TESTING, that thePROBE ASSEMBLYmeets the requirements of this standard. 1.4 Environmental conditions This standard applies toPROBE ASSEMBL

23、IESdesigned to be safe at least under the following conditions: a) altitude up to 2 000 m, or above 2 000 m if specifi ed by the manufacturer; b) temperature 5 C to 40 C; or below 5 C or above 40 C if specifi ed by the manufacturer; c) maximum relative humidity 80 % for temperatures up to 31 C decre

24、asing linearly to 50 % relative humidity at 40 C; d) applicableRATED POLLUTIONdegree. 1.4ADVDRAddition of the following referencing the National Electrical Code and the Canadian Electrical Code: This standard applies to equipment to be employed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Co

25、de (NEC); designed to be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part I, CSA C22.1, and General Requirements Canadian Electrical Code, Part II, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0; or designed to comply with both the NEC and CEC. 2 Normative references The following normative documents cont

26、ain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of IEC 61010. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of IEC 61010 are encouraged to investigate

27、 the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IEC 60027 (all parts), Let

28、ter symbols to be used in electrical technology IEC 60060 (all parts), High-voltage test techniques IEC 60417 (all parts), Graphical symbols for use on equipment IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60664-3, Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage sy

29、stems Part 3: Use of coatings to achieve insulation coordination of printed board assemblies ISO 7000, Graphical symbols for use on equipment Index and synopsis SEPTEMBER 15, 2006SUBJECT 61010-1-4- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina

30、State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION 3 Defi nitions For the purpose of this part of IEC 61010 the following defi nitions apply. Unless ot

31、herwise specifi ed, the terms voltage and current mean the r.m.s. values of an alternating, direct or composite voltage or current. Where the term mains is used, it refers to the low-voltage electricity supply system (above the values of 3.1 Parts and accessories 3.1.1TERMINALcomponent pro

32、vided for the connection of a device (equipment) to external conductors IEV 151-01-03, modifi ed NOTETERMINALScan contain one or several contacts and the term includes sockets, pins, connectors, etc. 3.1.2ENCLOSURE part providing protection of equipment against certain external infl uences and, in a

33、ny direction, protection against direct contact 3.1.3BARRIERpart providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access NOTEENCLOSURESandBARRIERS may provide protection against the spread of fi re (see 9.1). 3.1.4PROBE ASSEMBLYdevice for making temporary contact between test

34、or measurement equipment and a point on an electrical circuit being measured or tested. It includes the cable and the means for making a connection with the test or measurement equipment NOTE See fi gures 1 and 2 for examples ofPROBE ASSEMBLIESand an explanation of the function of their parts. 3.1.5

35、PROBE TIPpart of thePROBE ASSEMBLYwhich makes the connection to the point being measured or tested 3.1.6REFERENCE CONNECTORdevice used to connect a reference point in the test or measurement equipment (usually the functional earthTERMINAL) to a reference point on the electrical circuit being measure

36、d or tested 3.1.7TOOLexternal device, including a key or coin, used to aid a person to perform a mechanical function SEPTEMBER 15, 2006SUBJECT 61010-1-5- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale,

37、10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION 3.2 Electrical quantities 3.2.1RATED(VALUE ) quantity value assigned, generally by a manufacturer, for a specifi ed operating condition of a com

38、ponent, device or equipment IEV 151-04-03 3.2.2RATINGset ofRATEDvalues and operating conditions IEV 151-04-04 3.2.3WORKING VOLTAGEhighest voltage which can continuously appear across an insulation duringNORMAL USE NOTE Both open-circuit conditions and normal operating conditions are taken into accou

39、nt. 3.3 Tests 3.3.1TYPE TESTtest of one or more samples of equipment (or parts of equipment) made to a particular design, to show that the design and construction meet one or more requirements of this standard NOTE This is an amplifi cation of the IEV 151-04-15 defi nition to cover both design and c

40、onstruction requirements. 3.4 Safety terms 3.4.1ACCESSIBLE (of a part) able to be touched with a standard test fi nger or test pin, when used as specifi ed in 6.2 3.4.2HAZARDOUS LIVEcapable of rendering an electric shock or electric burn inNORMAL CONDITIONorSINGLE FAULT CONDITION(see 6.3.1 for value

41、s applicable toNORMAL CONDITIONand 6.3.2 for the higher values deemed to be appropriate inSINGLE FAULT CONDITION) 3.4.3HIGH INTEGRITYnot liable to become defective in such a manner as to cause a risk ofHAZARD; aHIGH INTEGRITYpart is considered as not subject to failure when tests under fault conditi

42、ons are made 3.4.4PROTECTIVE IMPEDANCEcomponent, assembly of components or the combination ofBASIC INSULATION and a current or voltage limiting device, the impedance, construction and reliability of which are such that when connected between parts which areHAZARDOUS LIVEandACCESSIBLEconductive parts

43、, it provides protection to the extent required by this standard inNORMAL CONDITIONandSINGLE FAULT CONDITION 3.4.5NORMAL USEoperation, including stand-by, according to the instructions for use or for the obvious intended purpose NOTE In most cases,NORMAL USEalso impliesNORMAL CONDITION, because the

44、instructions for use will warn against using the equipment when it is not inNORMAL CONDITION. 3.4.6NORMAL CONDITIONcondition in which all means for protection againstHAZARDSare intact 3.4.7SINGLE FAULT CONDITIONcondition in which one means for protection againstHAZARDis defective or one fault is pre

45、sent which could cause aHAZARD NOTE If aSINGLE FAULT CONDITIONresults unavoidably in anotherSINGLE FAULT CONDITION, the two failures are considered as oneSINGLE FAULT CONDITION 3.4.8OPERATORperson operating equipment for its intended purpose NOTE TheOPERATORshould have received training appropriate

46、for this purpose. SEPTEMBER 15, 2006SUBJECT 61010-1-6- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/21/2006 21:39:26 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR I

47、NTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION 3.4.9RESPONSIBLE BODYindividual or group responsible for the use and maintenance of equipment, and for ensuring thatOPERATORSare adequately trained 3.4.10WET LOCATIONLocation where water or another conductive liquid may be present and is likel

48、y to cause reduced human body impedance due to wetting of the contact between the human body and the equipment, or wetting of the contact between the human body and the environment 3.4.11HAZARDpotential source of harm (see 1.2) 3.5 Insulation 3.5.1BASIC INSULATIONinsulation, the failure of which could cause a risk of electric shock NOTEBASIC INSULATIONmay serve also for functional purposes. 3.5.2SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATIONindependent insulation applied in addition toBASIC INSULATIONin order to provide protection against electric shock in the event of a failure ofBASIC INSULATION


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