人教版五年级英语《We have new friends》PPT课件.pptx

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1、We have new friends,人教版五年级英语PPT课件,授课教师:XXX 时间:20XX.XX.XX,目,录,CONTENTS,PART ONE,教学目标,Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.,Presentation,Read and judge,1、Cathy lives in the Happy City.() 2、Li Yan lives on the Nangjing Road.() 3、Carl l

2、ives on the Shanghai Street.(),Just talk,Hello! My name is Li Yan. Whats your name?,Pleased to meet you.,My name is Cathy.,My name is Carl.,Pleased to meet you, too.,Homework,1、观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2、运用本课所学矩型“Where do you live? I live in/on”询问你的同学或朋友的家庭地址,并把你们的对话记录下来。 3、预习Lesson 6。,加强中西方文化知识的渗透,

3、了解文化背景的不同决定了在同一个事物表达观点上差异的存在我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接。提高学生赏美能力和审美能力,在掌握外貌描述的知识背景下,实现跨学科的交流。掌握本课新单词和句型及怎样描述一个人的外貌。,PART TOW,探究新知,Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.,My good friend is of medium height. Hes a little heavy. He has short straigh

4、t hair. He wears glasses. Whos he?,Jackie Chan has black hair. _ has a round face. _ wears glasses.,1b Make sentences about famous people. Fill in the blanks.,A Sa,Zhou Bichang,2. each强调“个别”,可单独使用,也可修饰单数名词; 而every修饰单数名词,强调“整体”;相当于汉语中的“每个都”。例如: 每个男孩都有一只风筝。 Each boy has a kite. 班里的每个学生都喜欢英语。 Every stu

5、dent in the class likes English.,3. differently adv. 意为“不同地”,主要修饰动词。 They think differently. 他们想的不同。,4. another adj. 意为“另一” 另外,another 还可作代词,意为“另一个” We dont like this room. Lets ask for another.,PART THREE,巩固练习,Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait fo

6、r a short while.,1. Whos your favorite _ (sing)? Its Zhang Jie. 2. Where is the _ (art) from? Hes from Australia.,singer,artist,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,就近原则,be动词单复数形式要跟there be之后的第一个主语保持一致,如果第一个主语是单数或不可数名词用is,如果第一个主语是复数用are。,5. There _ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are 6. Are th

7、ere _ pictures on the wall? No, there arent _ . A. any / any B. some / any C. some / some D. any/some,9.There_ not _ milk in the cup on the table A. are, many B. are , much C. is ,many D. is ,much 10.How many _ are there in the room ? A. apple B. students C. milk D. paper 11.Do you know if _ a meeti

8、ng next Sunday ? A. there was going to have B. there was going to be,本单元学习的主题是比较人的身高体重。通过展示孩子们在恐龙博物馆里参观的情境呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。 这一单元的内容分为主情景图、A、B和C 四个部分。,PART FOUR,课后练习,Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.,(1)能够运用上述单词描述人物的外貌特征; (2)能够理解

9、形容词比较级的基本构词规律; (3)能够运用新学的内容完成 “Do a survey and report”任务。,Lets talk A: How old are you? B:I am _ years old. What about you ? A: I am _ years old. You are _ years (months) older /younger than me. B: Yes, I am _ years (months) older /younger than you.,Yao Ming is taller than Jay Zhou. Jay Zhou is shorter than Yao Ming. Yao Ming is_taller than Jay Zhou.,教师请几位高矮胖瘦不同的学生到台前来,让学生分辨Who is tall /strong/old/young/short?,然后让学生回答。,同学们,下课啦!,人教版五年级英语PPT课件,授课教师:XXX 时间:20XX.XX.XX,感谢您的下载!,T,THANKS!,


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