人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit6The story of rain课件.ppt

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《人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit6The story of rain课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit6The story of rain课件.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 The Story of Rain Part A Lets learn Lets talk,Lets sing :,Rain , rain , go away . Come again some other day . Little Johnny wants to play . Rain,rain,go away.,sun,cloud,stream,vapour,What can you see in the nature park?,rain,Rain , . Its a rainy day .,r-ai-n,rain , rainy rainy,cloud,cl-ou-d,C

2、loud , . Its a cloudy day .,cloud , cloudy ,cloudy,sun,s-u-n,Sun , . Its a sunny day. .,sun , sunny sunny,vapour,v-a-p-our,Vapour , . I can see the white vapour .,vapour , white vapour,stream,Stream , . I can see the pretty stream .,(water),stream , pretty stream,str-ea-m,sun,cloud,stream,vapour,Wha

3、t can you see in the nature park?,rain,It comes from the clouds.,cloud,cloud,It comes from the vapour.,It comes from the water in the river.,vapour,How can the water become vapour?,The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.,rain,cloud,vapour,water,sun shines,water cycles(水的循环),让我考考你,cloud,rain,vap

4、our,water,sun shines,Where does the come from? It comes from the.,How can the water become vapour?,1. Where does the water come from ? It comes from the . 2. Where does the come from ? It comes from the . 3. Where does the come from ? It comes from the . 4. Where does the come from ? It comes from t

5、he water in the . 5. How can the become vapour? The shines and the water becomes vapour. .,rain,rain,cloud,cloud,vapour,sun,vapour,stream,water,It comes from,寻根问祖,It comes from,It comes from,A: Where does the come from ? B: It comes from the .,sheep,apple,pig,cow,flour,Homework:,1)Recite the 4-skill words:rain,cloud,sun and stream;,2)Say sentences well by using your cards.,You are great . Im proud of you ! Thanks . See you .,


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