外研社版小学英语四年级下册Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully!课件.ppt

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1、Module 8 unit1 They sang beautifully .,have a competition,日历,April 4月,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,last Wednesday : ( 上一个星期三),Presentation新知呈现,Wednesday,日历,April 4月,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,一 MON.,二 TUS.,

2、三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,last Sunday : ( 上一个星期天),Presentation新知呈现,Sunday,Guess:,What did I do last Sunday? (猜一猜我上周日做了什么?),I went to the Qingdao last sunday. 去青岛 go-went,I went there by ship. 乘船 go-went,I saw some fish. 看见 : see-saw,I saw a big sharp shark. 看见 : see-saw,I ate some sea food

3、(海鲜). 吃 e eat-ate,I drank some beer. 喝 drink-drank I drank some drinks.,milk juice coffee tea water colas,Drinks,It was fun(有趣的). I had a good time-happy,Listen and answer:,1)Sam and Amy_last sunday? A、went to the park. B、had a picnic. 2) Was it fun(有趣的)? A、Yes, it was. B、No, it wasnt. Listen carefu

4、lly and catch the key information(抓住关键信息),Listen and find “had、went、saw、sang、ate、drank” .,Listen and circle the words (听录音并圈出单词),Read and fill,We a picnic last Sunday. A have B had We there by bus. A went B go We some birds. A see B saw We some food and some drinks. A ate B eat C drink D drank We an

5、d . A sang B sing C danced D dance,had,went,saw,ate,drank,sang,danced,Listen and imitate (模仿纯正英语发音,注意语音语调),Group work. Read the text in roles (小组内分角色朗读),Lets chant,Lets count apples,Make a survey, played basketball saw some birds ate some food drank some drinks watched TV cooked noodles sang and danced played football,


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