UG NX3 3.0教程(精典)-Form Feature Modeling.ppt

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1、UG NX2培训提纲 ( Form Feature Modeling ),黄 翔 博士 教授、博导,南京航空航天大学,黄翔,南京航空航天大学教授,博士导师。主要从事数字化设计制造、制造业信息化以及航空宇航制造技术等方面的教学科研工作。 研究兴趣主要包括知识工程、高速数控加工、数控加工过程的建模和仿真以及CAD/CAM/CAE系统的开发等。作为项目负责人和主要参加人承担了包括国家“863”重大专项在内的有影响的项目十余项。作为主持人和主要完成人获得省、部级科技进步二、三等奖六项,以第一作者发表论文四十余篇。,作 者 简 介,X,025-84891836,Form Feature Modeling

2、,UG复合建模 Body Taper 倒角命令综合 Patch Simplify General Pads/Pockets Extract Geometry Feature Sets Thicken Sheet Sheets to Solid Assistant 特征拷贝 用户自定义特征,UG复合建模,1.显式建模: 是非参数化建模。 2.参数化建模:参数驱动模型改变。(特征和表达式) 3.基于约束的建模: 草图 4.复合建模:是上面三种建模技术的发展与选择性组合。 (无缝连接),Body Taper double sided tapers filling undercut regions h

3、ighest point tapers. Example: body_taper_1.prt Match taper: Draw angle怎么办? Unmatched Faces :该面不要匹配,Body Taper,Example: body_taper_2.prt 模具设计特别有用,Body Taper,Example: body_taper_3.prt Highest Reference Point :最高点底尺寸保持不变,Body Taper,Example: body_taper_4.prt Movable Faces :允许移动选择的面使taper成功,Body Taper,Mo

4、vable Faces :允许移动选择的面使taper成功 Isocline 严格满足给定的条件(下图失败) True Draft 不十分严格满足给定的条件(下图成功),Body Taper,Edge blend Circular Fillet Face blend Soft Blend Styled Blend 其实还有,倒角命令综合,Edge blend,动态操作模式: 选择选择要倒圆的边缘 使用MB3的下拉菜单。从这个下拉菜单中,选择倒圆操作,图形区域已有预先输入的倒圆半径,并且自动创建作为预览的边缘倒圆。 输入需要的半径值,选择屏幕左上角的检查标记 。,边缘倒圆,Edge blend,

5、Edge blend,加相切边缘(Add Tangent Edges),Edge blend,假如在对话框中Enable Blend Preview设置为ON,当边缘被选择时,你将可以预览每个倒圆。,变半径倒圆和Setback Blends,R=1.5 R=0.25,Edge blend,倒园所有阵列特征(Blend All Instances),Edit Edge blend,溢出处理,Edge_blend_1.prt,Edge blend,Cliff Edge,Edge blend,Edge blend提示与建议,确使“滚动球”的半径可以拟和到选择的倒圆区域。 尽可能在特征树的后面建立倒圆

6、,最大程度减少对其他特征的影响。 当多边缘会合在一顶点时,各边缘倒圆半径相同时可一次倒圆。如果各边缘倒圆半径不同时,则按倒圆半径值大小(从大到小)顺序建立倒圆。 当倒圆不相关的边缘组,也就是非连续的边缘时,考虑设计意图与编辑的灵活性,可由多次执行倒圆操作,分离的特征可以个别地被编辑与抑制。 如果倒圆一个有凸边缘与凹边缘混合的拐角,同时所有三个边缘倒圆半径又不相同时,首先倒圆半径不同的一个边缘,然后倒圆另外的两个边缘。 如果要同时倒圆一个不同的边缘,必须同时倒圆第三边缘,或者可以分别地建立每一个边缘倒圆。 在建立四、五和六边倒圆的情况中,倒圆半径相同,最终的倒圆可以作为单一特征来建立,它的形状由

7、选择边缘的顺序来决定。,Circular Fillet,Insert-Free Form Feature-Fillet,Circular Fillet,Circular Fillet,Face blend,生成与一组曲面相切的复杂倒角,并对生成的倒角面进行可控制的裁剪,Cliff Edges Include Tangent Faces,End Tangent Overflow,Face blend,Face blend,Attachment Method,倒角前,Trim & Attach All,Trim Long & Attach All,No Trim & Attach All,Trim

8、 All,Trim Blend,Trim Blend Short,Trim Blend Long,No Trim,Face blend,Project on First Set: ON:Lets you project a tangency-controlled curve onto the first set of selected faces. OFF: you can project a tangency-controlled curve onto the second set of selected faces. For this option to be available the

9、selected faces on the first and second sets must be on different solids.,Face blend,Limit Start / Limit End: Lets you define planes to trim the blend at the start and/or the end for the Trim Blend and No Trim Help Point: Lets you control the blending when multiple blends are possible,Face blend,Blen

10、d Type The spherical blend type is a “rolling ball“ blend whose cross section lies in a plane normal to the two selected sets of faces. A conic face blend has a conic cross section, which you can control with two offsets and a rho. You also must define a spine string to define the plane of the conic

11、 sections. an ellipse for 0.01rho0.5, a parabola for rho=0.5, a hyperbola for 0.5rho0.99 rho=cos(theta/2)/(1+cos(theta/2),Face blend,A disc blend is a variable radius blend whose cross section lies in a plane orthogonal to a spine string (which is required).,Face blend,An isoparametric blend is a sp

12、ecialized blend, used primarily for turbine blades . For these types of surfaces, an isoparametric blend may produce good results when other blend types fail.,Face blend,Face blend,Creating a Trimmed Attached Constant Blend Between 2 Sheet Bodies Open part file fff_faceblend_1.prt Insert-Feature- Op

13、eration-Face Blend r=0.75 Use the Trim & Attach All,Insert feature operationface blend,Face blend例子,circular_fillet_1.prt,face_blend_2,face_blend_3,Face blend例子,face_blend_4_conic,Face blend例子,face_blend_5_disc,Face blend例子,face_blend_6_linear_law,Face blend例子,face_blend_7_tangency,Face blend例子,face

14、_blend_8_tangent_faces,Face blend例子,Face blend,Insert feature operationface blend,Edge Blend特点 针对的是solid body 或sheet body的edge,可完成等半径或变半径倒圆,对于变半径倒圆,是通过指定edge上相应各点的半径值实现的。Blend的类型一定是球,这一功能的主要特点是操作方便,主要适用于多边交于一点的情况,但是,如果倒圆会改变body的拓扑结构时,倒圆可能会失败。,何时使用Face Blend? 当已存表面必须被倒掉时。 当有特殊半径要求而用等半径或可变半径边缘倒圆不可能满足时

15、。 当需要用曲线来进行相切控制时。 当表面属于多个实体或片体时。 当Edge Blend失败时,可用Face Blend来试试。,Soft blends let you create blends whose cross sectional shape is not circular, which can help you avoid the hard “mechanical“ appearance sometimes associated with circular blends. This function gives you more control over the cross sec

16、tional shape, and allows you to create designs that are more aesthetically pleasing than other types of blends. Adjusting the shapes of blends may let you produce designs with lower weights, or better stress resistance properties.,Soft Blend,Open part file fff_softblend_1.prt,Curves - Lets you build

17、 a styled blend through a curve-controlled tangency. With this type, you select both walls for the blend, and then curve strings for the tangent hold lines for each wall. Law - Lets you build a styled blend through a law-controlled tangency. The tangent hold lines are defined by laws using a tubular

18、-type offset and a centerline string. The centerline string specifies a cylinder shaped surface, with the cylinders intersection with the selected walls forming the tangent hold lines for the blend。,Styled Blend,Styled Blend,Radius Constraint,Lets you specify a constraint of a given value for sectio

19、n curves along the specified spine curve. None - A constraint is not specified for the spine curve. Minimum - Lets you specify a minimum radius constraint. Use this if your blend needs to achieve a certain minimum radius, either due to safety regulation or tooling consideration. Peak - Lets you spec

20、ify a center/peak radius constraint. This produces a blend that will maintain a constant value equal to the constraint value at the theoretical center of the section curve. Use this if your design requires a constant radius value along the nose of blending surface.,Styled Blend,styled_blend.prt,Styl

21、ed Blend,Constraint Value :Lets you specify a value for either a Minimum or Peak constraint to be applied to the section curves along the specified spine. For the Minimum constraint option, this value ensures that no region of the blending face will have radius value smaller than the given value. Fo

22、r the Peak constraint option, this is used as constant radius along the peak of the blend face.,Styled Blend,Patch is useful when: Small gaps or small mismatches in surface normals between tool and target bodies might cause other operations, such as Trim Body or Split Body, to fail. You want to appl

23、y a handshaped blend. You want to create a hole patch that has a more complex shape than those provided by the Hole options. 对汽车行业非常有用,Patch,例:patch_1patch_4.prt,Simplify Body is useful when you want to alter a complex model to emphasize key features, but retain the ability to recover the details. A

24、lso, simplifying components reduces the amount of data that is loaded when those components are loaded into an assembly.,Simplify Body,Imprint Faces :Lets you select a datum plane to create new edges, allowing caps to be defined for wounds that cannot be healed. When you choose Imprint Faces, the Im

25、print on Faces dialog appears.,Simplify Body,Simplify_1.prt Simplify_2.prt,General Pads/Pockets,pad_general.prt / pocket_general.prt,Placement Radius defines the blend radius between the placement face (the bottom of the pad) and the sides of the pad Top Radius defines the blend radius between the t

26、op face and the sides of the pad. Corner Radius defines the blend radius placed on the corners of the pad. A corner is located at a joint between two outline curves/edges whose tangent difference varies by more than the angle tolerance.,Extract Geometry,extract_1_* extract_4_*,Timestamp:时间标签,与时间(顺序)

27、的相关性,compares the angles of normal vectors (one face included in the region, the other its neighbor) to the user specified Angle Tolerance. If the normals between the two faces exceed the user specified tolerance at the edges, the neighboring face is not added to the Surface Region. This option help

28、s eliminate the need to select Boundary Faces to contain the Surface Region.,Same Type Surface - converts the selected faces into sheets, maintaining the original underlying surface type. Polynomial Cubic - converts the selected faces to polynomial cubic B-surface type sheets. Note that this option

29、almost always approximates the original faces, so they may not be replicated exactly. However, a polynomial cubic B-surface type sheet is actually just an array of parametric cubic (PC) patches which can be exported to almost all other CAD, CAM, and CAE applications. General B-Surface - converts the

30、 selected faces to more general B-surface types. The resulting sheets may be rational (rather than polynomial), and their degrees may not be cubic (a degree of three). This option is more likely to exactly replicate your original faces, but these resulting B-surface type sheets are more difficult to

31、 transfer to other systems.,Thicken Sheet,Thicken.prt,Sheets to Solid Assistant,Sheet to Solid Assistant produces solids from sets of unsewn sheet bodies, by automating the process of sewing a set of sheets (Sew) and then thickening the result (Thicken Sheet). If the given sheets should cause this p

32、rocess to fail, an analysis is automatically done on them to try to find the source of the problem. Sometimes this can result in a simple deduced remedy, and sometimes the surfaces must be rebuilt.,SEW+THICKEN+ANALYSIS,Thicken.prt,Feature Sets,feature_set.prt,Format/Group Features,Hide Feature Set Members controls whether or not the features in the set will be listed independently in lists of features, such as for Edit Parameters.,特征拷贝,feature_copy.prt,用户自定义特征,


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