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1、物流英语,物流英语,Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics Unit 2 Customer Service Unit 3 Warehousing Unit 4 Transportation and Distribution Unit 5 Packaging Unit 6 International Logistics Unit 7 Purchasing,物流英语,Unit 8 the Third Party Logistics Unit 9 Supply Chain Management Unit 10 Logistics Information Management

2、,Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics,Text 1 What is Logistics Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company Text 2 Activities in Logistics System Dialogue 2 Visiting a Logistics Company,Text 1 What is Logistics,【Para 1】The Definition of Logistics(物流的概念) There are various definitions of different edition

3、. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.,Text 1 What is Logistics,In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functiona

4、l activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc.,Text 1 What is Logistics,The Council of Logistics Management has adopted this definition of logistics:Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans,

5、 implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirement.,Text 1 What is Logistics,【Para 2】The importance of Logistics(物流的重要性) Since the beginning of hum

6、an civilization, there has been the “move” of the goods, so we should say, “logistics is anything but a newborn baby.” However, when it comes to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most competitive and exciting jobs, invisible as it is. “Logistics is a unique

7、global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over.”,Text 1 What is Logistics,【Para 4】Development of Logistics Management(物流管理的发展) Logistics management has evolv

8、ed over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chains. The mission of logistics management is to plan and coordinate all activities to achieve desired levels of delivered service and quality at he lowest possible

9、 cost. In order to succeed in todays global marketplace, companies must be ever cognizant of these trends and develop a logistics management strategy that capitalizes on the best-of-breed technology solution available today, so that they can meet the demands of their customers today and be well prep

10、ared for the future.,Text 1 What is Logistics,New Words and Phrases logistics n. 后勤学, 物流 definition n. 定义,概念 implement v. 履行,推进 civilization n. 文明 professional n. 专家,专业人员 pipeline n. 管道,Text 1 What is Logistics,acquisition n. 获得 manufacture n./v. 加工,制造 storage n. 储存,仓储 distribution n. 配送 maintenance

11、 n. 维持 disposition n. 配置 construction n. 建 设,构成 provision n. 供应,提供 volatile adj. 多变的,Text 1 What is Logistics,critical adj. 关键性的,决定性的 budget n. 预算 evolve v. 演变,发展 integrate v. 整合,综合 cognizant adj. 知道的,认识的 capitalize v. 变成资本,作资本用,Text 1 What is Logistics,Notes 1There are various definitions of differ

12、ent edition. 物流的定义有很多版本。,Text 1 What is Logistics,2In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage

13、, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc. 国家标准物流术语中,物流定义为物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、包装、配送、信息处理等基本功能实现有机结合。,Text 1 What is Logistics,3The Council of Logistics Management has adopted this definition of logistics:Logistics is that part of the supp

14、ly chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirement. 美国物流管理协会修订了物流的定义:物流是供应链过程中的一部分,是以满足客户需要为目的的,为提高产品、服务和相关信息从起始点到消费点的流

15、动储存效率和效益而对齐进行计划、执行和控制的过程。,Text 1 What is Logistics,4However, when it comes to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most competitive and exciting jobs, invisible as it is. 说到现代物流,业内专家认为,尽管看不见摸不着,却是最富有挑战性和最激动人心的工作。,Text 1 What is Logistics,5This implies that mana

16、gement must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. 这意味着在开发和推进客户满意的物流战略前,必须首先切实理解他们的需求。,Text 1 What is Logistics,6In practice, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required from the poi

17、nt of production to the customer. 实际上,物流是指从生产地点到客户所需各种活动的系统管理。,Text 1 What is Logistics,7Getting the right amount of goods to the right place at the right time is critical, especially in an age when budgets are tight and customers demands are unpredictable. 尤其是资金预算紧张和客户需求无法预测时,在正确的地点和时间得到正确数量的货物才显得颇

18、为关键。,Text 1 What is Logistics,8Logistics management has evolved over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chains. 物流管理在最近30年中从狭义的配送管理至一体化管理,最后发展为全球供应链管理。,Text 1 What is Logistics,9In order to succeed in todays

19、global marketplace, companies must be ever cognizant of these trends and develop a logistics management strategy that capitalizes on the best-of-breed technology solution available today, so that they can meet the demands of their customers today and be well prepared for the future. 为了赢得全球市场,在现有的资金和

20、技术条件下,公司必须清楚地知道自己的发展意向以及相关的物流战略,以便于公司能够满足客户需求并为未来的发展做好充足的准备。,Text 1 What is Logistics,Exercises Pair work:talking face to face, and think it over, discuss the following questions. 1What is logistics? 2Why is logistics so important? 3Is logistics something new? Why? 4What is the logistics main functi

21、on? 5How do you understand the development of logistics management?,Text 1 What is Logistics, Fill in the blanks with the following words. 1The aim of _ management is to minimize the amount of material in stock. 2 _ is a hot topic in China and the whole world.,route location movement originate impor

22、tance inventory purchase flow storage logistics,Text 1 What is Logistics,3If the ship had sailed along the recommended _ , it would have been able to avoid the heavy weather. 4People generally consider logistics as the _ of goods, it is partly right, but logistics is much more than that. 5Logistics

23、involves the _ of goods, but also of people, as well as housing and feeding them.,Text 1 What is Logistics,6The foreign company has to _ 500 teu of garments from China every year. 7The meaning of the word “logistics” firstly _ from the military. 8The _ expenses will be for your account if you place

24、an order of 100,000 tons of roll steel at a time. My workshop uses ten tons a month.,Text 1 What is Logistics,9With the development of modern economy, people become more and more aware of the _ of logistics. 10Whether facilities are owned or rented, the _ of warehouses is extremely important.,Text 1

25、 What is Logistics, Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1Modern Logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 2Every company that sells products has to need the service of logistics. 3Many experts hold the opinion that logistics is an iceberg, only the top of w

26、hich is seen, what is unseen is much bigger.,Text 1 What is Logistics,4As logistics managers roles and value have grown, the need for well-educated, talented professionals with a diverse array of skills has emerged. 5Logistics is a unique global “pipeline” that operates 24 hours a day, planning and

27、coordinating the transport of products to customers the world over.,Text 1 What is Logistics, Translate the following sentences into English. 1请为我们介绍一下当前中国的物流现状。 2物流活动是供应链的构成部分。 3在工业生产中,物流成为快速增长的利润源。 4发达国家的物流成本占国民生产总值的10%左右。 5物流活动的顺畅运转对于2008年北京奥运会有巨大的影响。,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,

28、(Li Jian, the sales representative of Zhongji Shipping company, is talking with Erik, A potential customer.) Li:Welcome to our company, Mr. Erik.Nice to meet you. Erik:Me too. Li:Mr. Erik, my name is Li Jian. Here is my card. Im willing to introduce my company. Erik:Thank you for a lot of care.,Dial

29、ogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Li:Our business covers import and export container transportation and agency, door to door pickup and delivery, customs clearance, warehousing and consolidation. Erik:I see. Li:Zhongji has become one of the market leaders in Chinas freight forwarding and logi

30、stics industry today.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Erik:Uh-huh. Li:We have helped Ford to substantially reduce logistics costs. Erik:Please explain in detail.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Li:Of course, that was one of the best results achieved in the beginning of the

31、2000s. Erik:One of the best results? In what way? Li:We improved their management by optimizing their plans of demonstration before plunging into action. As a result, the overall utilization was raised considerably. Erik:Its amazing.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Li:If you are concern

32、ed about logistics questions, you can ask any one. We have a reputation for top service. Erik:I hope so. Li:If you have a moment, Im hoping to visit you. Erik:Well, you are welcome, Id like to hear your suggestion.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,New Words and Phrases container n. 集装箱 t

33、ransportation n. 运输 warehouse v. 仓储,储存 consolidation n. 集货,配货 freight n. 运输,运费 forward v. 发送,递送,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,optimize v. 优化,充分利用 demonstration n. 运营 utilization n. 利用 pickup and delivery 货物交接 customs clearance 通关,清关 plunge into action 把投入,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Lo

34、gistics Company,Notes 1Our business covers import and export container transportation and agency, door to door pickup and delivery, warehousing and consolidation. 我们公司业务涵盖了集装箱进出口运输和代理,门到门交接货物,仓储和配货。,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,2We improved their management by optimizing their plans

35、of demonstration before plunging into action. As a result, the overall utilization was raised considerably. 我们在运营计划投入前对其进行优化,从而提高了管理水平,全面的利用率得以大幅度提升。,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Exercises Oral Practice: practice the above dialogue with your partner until you can learn the lines by h

36、eart.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company, Team work: make up a dialogue according to the following situation and practice it with your partner. Situation: Gary is a clerk of a logistics company. Now he is introducing the company to Jack, who pay a visit to the company.,Dialogue 1 Introduct

37、ion to Logistics Company,Tips: 1. Excuse 2. Nice to meet you. 3. Its very kind of you to 4. Our business covers 5. Our company provides logistics services such as 6. Ive come here today see whether you have interest in our service. 7. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime

38、. 8. Im looking forward to our next meeting.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company, Write an e-mail to your customer, telling them politely and patiently like that: Contents: 1. 为有合作意向的客户介绍你的公司及主营业务。 2. 附上公司的详细资料。 3. 洽谈初步的合作意向。,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company, Fill in the blanks

39、with the words in the following box. (Mr. Zhang, a representative of Beijing Textiles Products Corporation, is coming to a logistics company. He is talking to Miss Wang, the secretary),manager deal with establish luggage honestly representative corporation a good idea,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logi

40、stics Company,Wang:Hello! Zhang:Hello! Wang:What can I do for you? I am secretary. Zhang:Yes. Glad to meet you. I am the _ of Beijing Textiles Products _. Wang:Please have a seat, and what would you like to drink, coffee or tea? Zhang:Thanks, coffee please, and little sugar.,Dialogue 1 Introduction

41、to Logistics Company,Wang:Ok, just a minute. Zhang:As a representative of Beijing Textiles Products Corporation, I _ hope to _ business relation with you. Wang:We also hope to _ you. But our _ is not in at the moment. He will be back in an hour, and would you please wait for him for a while. Im very

42、 sorry. Zhang:It doesnt matter.,Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company,Wang:But if you dont mind I can take you to our restroom and put your _. Zhang:Thats _. Wang:This way please.,Text 2 Activities in Logistics System,A logistics system can be made up of many different functional activities,

43、some of which are described briefly below. 【Para 1】Customer service(客户服务) In a broad sense, customer service is the output of the entire logistics system. It involves making sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right

44、 condition at the right cost. At present, many logistics company may have a customer service department that handle complaints, special orders, damage claims, returns, billing problems, etc.,Text 2 Activities in Logistics System,【Para 2】Demand forecasting(需求预测) Demand forecasting estimate the need f

45、or precise amount of product and service that customers will require in the future. The logistics system can ensure the right products or services are available to meet those requirements. It involves in forecasting how much should be ordered from its suppliers, and how much of finished products sho

46、uld be transported in each market.,Text 2 Activities in Logistics System,【Para 3】Transportation(运输) Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from one point to another point. It includes specific activities such as selecting the transport mode, choosing the particular route, selecting

47、the right carrier, complying with various local transportation regulations. Transportation is usually the most costly logistics activity. It may account for 40%-60% of a companys total logistics cost.,Text 2 Activities in Logistics System,【Para 4】Warehousing(仓储) Warehousing is an integral part of ev

48、ery logistics system. It plays an important role in providing a desired level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost. It refers to places where goods can be stored for a particular period of time. Generally, the greater the time lags between production and consumption, the larger the level of warehousing required.,Text 2 Activities in Logistics System,【Para 5】Inventory ma


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