A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology 英语专业毕业论文--.doc

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1、河北工业大学外国语学院英语专业毕业论文调查与分析A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology毕业设计(论文)中文摘要河北工业大学外国语学院英语专业毕业论文调查与分析摘要:本论文对河北工业大学外国语学院99、00、01级英语专业本科生毕业论文情况进行了初步的调查,这次调查的主要目的是通过对三届学生论文的调查摸清我院毕业论文的写作情况,以求能发现问题并找到解决之道。本次调查主要调查了论文的选题、论文摘要的写作、论文的文体和论文文献的使用。经过三周左右的调查,笔者发现在这些方面毕业论文都存在着一些问

2、题,选题的过度集中,摘要的写作不合要求,对论文文体的忽视以及论文文献的使用不当,这些问题的发现表明我学院本科生论文的情况不容乐观。经过分析数据,与老师和同学的讨论,笔者提出了一些建议,应该拓宽选题的范围,重视摘要的训练,对于论文文体加强指导和论文文献使用的要求应提高。关键词:调查;选题;摘要;文体;文献毕业设计(论文)外文摘要A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of TechnologyAbstract: This thesis has made a preliminary investigation to t

3、he BA theses of English majors (2003, 2004, and 2005) of School of Foreign Language, Hebei University of Technology. The main purpose of this investigation is to find out the problems of the BA theses of the English majors and then solve the problems. This investigation has examined the titles, abst

4、racts, style and references of the theses. We have found out the following problems: the excessive repetition of titles, inappropriate writing of abstracts, ignorance of style and the inappropriate references. These problems indicate the current situation of the BA theses of our school is serious. T

5、hrough data analysis and discussion with the teachers and students in the school, the author has proposed some suggestions: the graduates should widen the range of titles, pay more attention to the training of the abstract, and improve thesis references. In the end, thesis supervisors should strengt

6、hen their guidance.Key words: investigation; titles; abstract; style; referencesA Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of TechnologyContents1. Introduction12. Research description13. Findings and discussion13.1 Topics of the theses23.1.1 Current situation of topics23.1.2 Titles

7、of the theses33.2 Current situation of the abstracts 53.2.1 Requirements of writing an abstract 53.2.2 Problems of abstracts63.3 Style of the theses73.3.1 Requirements of the style 73.3.2 Result of the style survey73.4 References of the theses83.4.1 Collection and choice of references83.4.2 Quotatio

8、n of references83.4.3 Indication of references93.4.4 Problems of references94. Suggestions for future BA thesis writing104.1 Suggestions on topics104.2 Suggestions on abstracts104.3 Suggestions on style144.4 Suggestions on references155. Conclusion16References18Appendix.19A Survey of BA Theses of En

9、glish Majors at Hebei University of Technology1. Introduction The BA thesis is an article with certain academic value that the university graduates have submitted. It is the significant and symbolic assignment that the university student has finished their four years study. It is also a comprehensiv

10、e summary and inspection of the students achievement and the important normal criteria which reflects the quality of education of a university at the same time. But a lot of problems exist in the theses. One article titled as “Quick Download! BA theses fully armed” of West China City Daily on May 10

11、, 2002 again reveals the fact that theses are shamelessly and purchased. The price of each thesis on the Internet is from 10 to 80 Yuan; clicking rate is up to 50,000 times every day (Li Ping 2003). “In the national forum on the reform of English program 2005, Dai Weidong, former president of Shangh

12、ai University of Foreign Languages and director of National Advisory Board of English Major, summarized seven major problems of English major teaching of four universities in Hunan and Guangdong provinces. One of the problems is low quality of BA theses.” (Meng Hongyan、Yang Mei 2005)In view of this,

13、 the problem of English BA theses is pervasive. In order to obtain deeper understandings this situation of the theses in our school, the author has carried out this investigation. This investigation involves 167 theses of class99, class00, class01 of our school .The author hopes that the result of t

14、his investigation could find out some problems to draw students and teachers attention, and throw light on future paper writing. 2. Research description We have carried out this investigation by examining the theses, interviewing the supervisors and discussing with the English teachers and so on. Th

15、e investigation consists of four parts: titles, abstracts, style and references. 3. Findings and discussion 3.1 Titles of the theses 3.1.1 Current situation of titles 4. Suggestions for future BA thesis writing4.1 Suggestion on titlesThe graduates should widen the range of titles. Why do students al

16、ways choose topics on literature, translation and linguistics? Through discussion with teachers and students, the author has found some reasons: (1) The range of students reading is limited. They prefer to read famous literary works, newspapers and magazines, prose and biography rather than other ki

17、nds of books. Every student is relatively familiar with the titles of literature and it is very convenient to collect the materials. As sufficient materials ensure students accomplishment of a good thesis, they do not even read the works they write about. (2)5. Conclusion5.1 Summary of the research

18、5.2 Implications of the research 5.3 Limitations and directions for future research ReferencesGibaldi, J. 1999. Handbook for Writer of Research Papers M. New York: MLA. Moulton, M. 2000. An ESL capstone course: integrating research tools, techniques, and technology J.TESOL Journal 3:134-135. 丁往道,199

19、7,英语写作手册M。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。杜志卿,2005,本科英语专业文学论文的选题J,哈尔滨学院学报第7期。何向明,1994,英语论文写作指南M。北京:首都师范大学出版社。李 萍,2003,英语专业学生撰写英语论文常见错误评析J,成都大学学报第3期。孟鸿雁、杨梅,2005,英语专业毕业论文调查及应对策略J,咸阳师范学院学报第6期。穆凤英,2001,英语专业生毕业论文的调查与思考J,徐州师范大学学报第4期。王水莲,2005,提高英语专业本科生毕业论文写作能力的思考J,江苏技术师范学院学报第1期。颜静兰、倪巍,2005,英语专业毕业论文规范操作思考J,外国语言文学第4期。张 萍,2005

20、,英语专业毕业论文面面观J,高等函授学报第2期。AppendixWang Wei (Class99):On Approaches to Cultural Differences in TranslationPeople have discussed the question-what the culture is-for a long time, but as opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of arguments. One is in the broad sense, while the other is in the narrow sense. Broad culture believers consider that culture is a comprehensive concept, which includes two aspects, that is, material civilization and intellectual civilization; Narrow sense believers think culture only involves intellectual civilization. 7


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