A Survey of the Performance in a middle school’s English Writing Class (毕业论文修改稿) .doc

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1、 毕 业 论 文毕业论文题目:A Survey of the Performance in a middle schools English Writing Class Declaration of Academic IntegrityI promise that the thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutes of higher learning and that, to the best of my k

2、nowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis. I understand that to do so would mean that I had committed plagiarism, and that it is my responsibility to be aware of the Universitys

3、regulations on plagiarism and their importance.Signed: Date: April 14, 2007A Survey of the Performance in a Middle Schools English Writing Class Abstract: The study is about teaching approach survey of the English writing class. There are several approachs in writing class. Product approach and proc

4、ess approach are the two important methods in English writing class.In the teaching of English writing in middle school, teachers usually use the product approach instead of process approach. With the reforms of many education and curriculum, process approach should be used in English writing class

5、which is benefit for our students. However, most teachers still use product approach in English writing class . English writing is still a weak point in English class. This is a trend that should be changed greatly in recent years. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of product approach

6、 and process approach, we will go into a middle school in Huizhou this developing coastal city to make a survey. According to various advantages of the process approach which suit to the new curriculum, this paper will make a survey on whether the process approach can be used in middle schools Engli

7、sh writing class. If not, why teachers dont use this teaching method? And find out the solutions to deal with this problem. The discussion of using process approach forms the major concern of the present study. Key words: English writing class, product approach, process approach, feedback英语写作课堂教学的现状

8、摘要 本文主要调查研究中学英语写作课堂教学的现状.在英语写作课堂中写作教学法有很多种,过程教学法和结果教学法是最主要的两种,统观英语写作课堂,教师普遍采用结果教学法.随着过程教学法在新课程标准写作课中优势显而易见,过程教学法的教学重点放在学生的写作过程中,实践证明对学生更有利.许多教师仍在使用结果教学法的趋势应得到相应的改善.过程教学法的灵活性更符合新课程标准.本文将明确地分析结果教学法和过程教学法的优缺点后,深入沿海发展地区惠州一间普通中学进行调查,主要通过问卷调查的形式,认真研究思考,过程教学法能否在中学英语写作课堂中使用,并针对过程教学法提出如何更好地在中学英语写作课堂中广泛使用的几点策

9、略.关键词 英语写作课堂, 结果教学法, 过程教学法, 反馈A Survey of the Performance in a iddle chools English Writing Class 1 Introduction ( revise this part according to Abstract)There are several ways to approach writing in the classroom. Product approach and process approach are the important methods in English writing cl

10、ass.In the teaching of English writing in middle school, teachers usually use the product approach instead of process approach. With the reforms of many education and curriculum, process approach should be used in English writing class which is benefit for our students. However, most teachers still

11、use product approach in English writing class . English writing is still a week point in English class. This is a trend that should be changed greatly in recent years.According to various advantages of the process approach which suit to the new curricula, this paper will make a survey on whether the

12、 process approach can be used in middle schools English writing class. If not, why teachers dont use this teaching method? And find out the solutions to deal with this problem.2. Literature review 2.1 Product approach: Definition of a traditional approach, basing on the theory of behaviorism .Studen

13、ts accept the stimulus by teacher, making a response to the teacher (Li Shen, 2000). They attended to the product - its clarity, originality, and correctness. It involves imitating words, sentences, paragraphs and essays. The stages: a. the topic and writing assignment is assigned by teacher; b. tea

14、cher will analyze a model essay to students. c. students write a paper by imitating the model essay.d. students hand in their writing which will be marked and corrected.2.11 The advantages of product approach:a. “the student can note improvement in these scores from one writing sample to the next. F

15、inally, the teacher and student can both gauge a papers relative strengths and weaknesses.” (Sun QunYing, 2005,)b. students can be helped to analyze many kinds of essays.c. students are more clear about what the structure they will write down.2.12 The disadvantages of product approach:a. “ Under the

16、 guidance of this teaching approach, the English class is always teacher-centered. The teacher is the only reader and judge of students products. The students cant get enough and good help during the process of writing. ”(Sun QunYing, 2005,)b. It is dull that writing became a process of mechanical i

17、nput and output. Students lack of the lace of creation and idea development.c. It takes much time on correcting students papers which just focus on the grammar and vocabulary mistakes. While students care more about their scores not the comments and corrected points. 2.2 Process approach:Definition

18、of the basic theory of process approach is interactionist theory, which means writing is a interact communication instead of individual behavior (Li Shen,2000). It focuses on the process of writing and students writing skill. Process approach is a process of cycle back and forth, not a linear proces

19、s (Han Yu Shu, 1992). “Process theorists believe that writing can be understood as the culmination of several steps in a complicated process. Furthermore, they feel that these steps can be talked about and modeled.” Stages (Claudial.Keh time?):a. input or prewriting b. first draftc. peer reviewd. se

20、cond drafte. instructors commentsf. instructor and student conferencesg. final drafth. sharing or presenting2.2.1 he advantages of process approach:a. more clear the every steps of students writing and guide them in a whole process.b. broaden the ideas of students.c. more interaction between student

21、s and teacher in writing class.d. cultivate the students enthusiasm in writing.2.2.2 he disadvantages of process approach:a. it takes much time on writing class which is not good for improving the examination.b. in peer review, the mistakes in some excellence students writing cant be found out by th

22、e slower students who will feel that they cant get improvement from peer review. c. students quickly tired of the long and tedious process.2.3 Feedback of process approachFeedback is the quintessence of process approach , the unique and effective activity in process approach which is important in wr

23、iting class.2.3.1 Feedback can be divided into three parts: peer feedback, conferences as feedback and comments as feedback (Keh,1990). Peer feedback is divided into peer response, peer editing, peer critiquing and peer evaluating.2.3.2 In peer feedback, students believe that it can help them find o

24、ut the problems which can not be found by themselves. They also can feel relax in that interactional communication. 3 The survey In this research project, we are trying to find out the performance in English writing class and know whether the process approach can be used in English writing class in

25、middle school.3.1 EnvironmentThe nsurvey was carry out in NO.3 middle school in HuiZhou, an ordinary middle school which has gained the province priority title. Its one of an important middle school in HuiZhou.3.2 Target person10 Teachers and 40students in WHAT CLASS WHAT GRADE ,40 ARE ALL FROM ONE

26、CLASS?. Some teachers teach the lower class, some teach the faster class. All of them are good at teaching English with long experience.3.3 MethodsWe will make a survey by classroom observation and interview to get more information and data in this middle school. We use this two approaches in server

27、al English writing class to find out the differences. Besides, we have an interview with 10 teachers about 5 minite each one and sent out the questionnaires to 40 students in junor. After the research in the school, I will analyze the data of research carefully to find out the reasons and the answer

28、s which is concerned in my paper. 3.4 Questions Can process approach be used in English writing class? 3.5 ResultWe have 7 questions to discuss what is the opinion of students and teachers on product-approach and process-approach English writing class. We want to know which approach they are using.

29、Which approach students will more prefer? How about teachers? The most important thing is whats the problem will we meet when using process-approach in English writing class. The most important is we want to find out how can we use process-approach in a wise way.62% of the students said that their E

30、nglish writing class is using process-approach. 58% of them prefer process-approach to product-approach. Why students like process-approach? 60% of the students who like process-approach class believe that more interaction between students and teacher in writing class. How about the students who lik

31、e product-approach? 47 % of them think that they are more clear about what the structure they will write down. Which problem will the product-approach comes acrossYou should make this sentence be understood!? 42% of the students think product-approach writing class is dull and lack of creation and i

32、dea development. In process-approach class, 50% of the students consider they will quickly tired of the long and tedious process. 28% of them said that it takes much time on writing class which is not good for improving the examination. 22% said in peer review, the mistakes in some excellent student

33、s writing cant be found out by the slower students who will feel that they cant get improvement from peer review. Most of the students believe that process-approach can be used in English writing class. The number is about 80%.As teachers, 80% of the teachers said that their English writing class is

34、 using process-approach. 60% of them prefer process-approach to product-approach. Why do some of the teachers like process-approach? 50% of the teachers who like process-approach class believe that process-approach can broaden the ideas of students in writing class. How about the teachers who like p

35、roduct-approach? 60% of them think that students will be more clear about what the structure they should write down. Which problem will the product-approach comes across? 42% of the teachers think dull and lack of the creation and idea development in product-approach writing class. In process-approa

36、ch class, 70% of teachers consider time is too limited to use process-approach. 20% said in peer review, the mistakes in some excellent students writing cant be found out by the slower students who will feel that they cant get improvement from peer review. 10% of them said that it takes much time on

37、 writing class which is not good for improving the examination. But most of teachers still believe that process-approach can be used in English writing class. The number is about 90%.4 ConclusionThe questionaire responses suggest to us that creation, inspiration, interaction, enthusiasm of the advoc

38、acy of process-approach may be intensated as the approach becomes more widely used. Many teachers use process approach in English writing class and they prefer process approach to product approach. Most of the students and teachers believe process-approach can be used in English writing class. But i

39、t still has some disadvantages that must be solved. For example, process-approach takes much time on writing class which is not good for improving the examinationExamination or score? Which is more important? Score or the ability of creation,independent thinking andso revise it. And in peer review,

40、the mistakes in some excellent students writing cant be found out by the slower students who will feel that they cant get improvement from peer review.Besides, students quickly tired of the long and tedious process.5 My refletion on the adopting of process approachIn general, Compare its disadvantag

41、es the advantages of process-approach are obvious. We should solveYou didnt work out the reasons why these problems exist,how can you solve? find out the reasons trty to work out some methodologies to solve the problems which happen in process approach writing class and use this approach wisely in E

42、nglish writing class. There are several advice as follow:1. process-approach is effective to be used in small class. Limit the number of students, using this approach can be more easy to controlled in class. The process-approach will be more effetive. 2. shorten the time and improve the efficiency.

43、Teach can ask students finish the writing at home after they have discussed in class.3. when they finish the first peer-review, students can hand in the writing and corrected by teacher so that avoiding some mistakes they can not find out during the peer review.4. after peer-review and write it agai

44、n, students can have a competition to see whose mistakes are reduced and who is the one get the most improvement. Add this competiton can inspirate students and make the tired of the long and tedious process disappair. References1 李森 . 改进英语写作教学的重要举措:过程教学法 J 外语界 2000年第一期(总第77期)2 张坚. 过程教学法与英语写作教学 J 北京

45、第二外国语学院学报 2000年第三期3 章联. EFL写作中过程教学法和结果教学法的比较研究J 安微工业大学学报(社会科学版)2001年12月(第18卷 第4期)4 孙群英按发音排. 改进英语写作教学的有效策略 J 天津电大学报. 第9卷第3期.2005年9月.5 张英 李瑞芳 程慕胜. 英语写作教学中的结果与过程两种教学法J 山东外语教学1999年第3期(总第76期)6 谢聪. 中学英语写作教学新模式J 四川教育学院学报.2005年12月.第21卷.7 Nicola Holmes参照格式 The use of a process-oriented approach to facilitate

46、 the planning and production stages of writing for adult students of English as a Foreign or Second Language-by.8 Chaudron, C. (1984). Evaluating writing: Effects of feedback on revision. RELC Journal,15, l-14. 9 Fiona Hyland. The Impact of Teacher Written Feedback on Individual Writers J. Journal o

47、f Second language Writing.1998(7):255-28610 Trena M.Paulus. The Effect of Peer and Teacher Feedback on Student Writing J. Journal of Second language Writing.1999(8):265-28+AppendixA Questionnaire and Result StatisticsQUESTIONSABCST1.Which approach is used in your English writing class?product-approa

48、chprocess-approach3:52:82.Which approach do you like?product-approachprocess-approach17:234:63.If you like,whats the reason?students can be helped to analyze many kinds of essays.Students are more clear about what the structure they will write down.Time is short6:8:31:2:14.If you like,whats the reason?broaden the ideas of students.more interaction between students and teacher in writing class.


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