Case Study of Film Language Translation and Examples 英语毕业论文.doc

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1、1. Introduction In this information age, the audiovisual products have undertaken the transmission of culture between different countries, especially when films and TV programs appeared. So the film translation began to catch the attention of the profession and became a relevant new area. There are

2、many translation standards about film translations which mostly are based on Nidas functional equivalence theory. Among the study of these results, they always consider the original authors opinion or the director. Actually, they ignored a very important factor-the audience. For films are supposed t

3、o the audience. If audiences are not satisfied with the film, there is nothing meaningful. Different from the cartoon,the commonality can not allow it to wait many times , the directors must make his works accepted by audience and markets in the shortest time. If not, even the most fantastic works w

4、ould be ignored by all of people. Thus, compared with other art, movie is more a kind of psychology, for if we dont give what audience wants, the movie will be meaningless and lose on the meaning of existence. So it is major point to study the aesthetic of audience no matter of the creation and prod

5、uction and publication and distribution of movie. The main study aspect of audiovisual translation is: dubbing and subtitling. As for the translation standard, there has a general agreement on the Yan Fus Triple Principle of translation: faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance in China. But all stand

6、ard are focus on the authors attention. According to the viewpoint of the reception aesthetic, the reader actually is the most important factors that understand the real idea of one book or essay. The reader to the book is like the audience to the movie. Thats why we study the audiences preference w

7、hen we consider the film language translation.Almost film language is English translated to Chinese. It consists of the title and subtitles, and the later one is the focus of this dissertation.2. The Basic Ideas of Translation StandardWe are agreed that the common translation standard is the princip

8、les of faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance in China. We can say that all the translation standards have almost in common but maybe focus on different details.Excellent translators have studied the translation standard from many perspectives for many years. Nidas functional equivalence theory is t

9、he most famous one.2.1 The Basic Relevant Idea in ChinaThe basic translation standard is Yan Fus Triple Principles of Translation: faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance, and it is received by most of people. But there are many other aspects, such as the pragmatics and Dynamic peer. The aspect of au

10、dience preference is accord with the basic translation standard.Li Rongqi also mentioned this term in one book. He recommended that the expectation means that the influence of outlook on the world, life and appreciation of beauty by ones life experience. It has common with the cultural theorist Stua

11、rt Halls idea. The expect visual field includes the implication expectation, which means in the receive actions, the receiver always hope to expect the work can show something which satisfied with their own willing and appreciation interest and affection world.And they also expect the program can sh

12、ow some meaningful and full of life philosophy and the countless appreciation implications. So we had better satisfy the readers appreciation demand.Yan Fu, a translator of china, also payed enough attention to readers when he translated the theory of evolution. He used the ancient Chinese prose for

13、 he thought the target readers are the literati and officialdom( in federal china ). Yan fu believes that if we too faithful to the original to think about the target readers, the readers must be confused by the sentences and can not enjoy reading. Thus, the translating is meaningless.Zhang Chunbo b

14、elieves that the film language has two characters: immediately and common. Common means the language shows in one movie should receive by most of the people. When we translate one film, we have to consider the target audience, including their life experience and talking habits.The professor Fan Zhon

15、gying gives his translation standard from the informatics and declares that: the translation aims to express the original context and feeling to the target readers precisely, so that the target readers can receive the most approximate same information as the original readers. The feeling means trans

16、lation effect. It means that the receivers action when they see or listen something, including the cognition, understanding of the information and influence, effect of emotions.Li Yan points out that: psychological reception action of audience both in target language and original language should be

17、agreed, and this is the most superior standard for these translators.Gu Yanwei mentioned 4 translation suggestions according to the audience preference. The basic translation principle is that we should choose the most familiar to the audience and most easy understood by the audience.All the theorie

18、s of readers are suitable for the film audience for they share the literary protagonist in common.2.2 The Basic Idea of West about the Readers Factors There are some dissertations and studies which are related to the idea of audience preference.When reception theory built, Jauss has lifted the reade

19、r highly. Reception theory is a version of reader response literary theory that emphasizes the readers reception of a literary text. It is more generally called audience reception in the analysis of communications models. Stuart Hall believes that a texet-be it a book, movie, or other creative work-

20、is not simply accepted by the audience, but that the reader/viewer interprets the meanings of the text based on their individual cultural background and life experiences. In essence, the meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the relationship between the text

21、 and the reader. The audience to the film is the reader to the text.The same as the reception aesthetics, Nida also put the reader to higher places. He believes that only the readers action to the translated version can be the sole criterion to judge the translated version is good or not.The recepti

22、on theorist Jauss give the idea of expect visual field.Reception theory is a version of reader response literary theory that emphasizes the readers reception of a literary text. It is more generally called audience reception in the analysis of communications models. In literary studies, reception th

23、eory originated from the work of Hans-Robert Jauss in the late 1960s.Cultural theorist Stuart Hall is one of the main proponents of reception theory, having developed it for media and communication studies from the literary- and history-oriented approaches mentioned above. This approach to textual a

24、nalysis focuses on the scope for negotiation and opposition on the part of the audience. This means that a textbe it a book, movie, or other creative workis not simply passively accepted by the audience, but that the reader / viewer interprets the meanings of the text based on their individual cultu

25、ral background and life experiences. In essence, the meaning of a text is not inherent within the text itself, but is created within the relationship between the text and the reader.The famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida has taken the reader as the center factor for he has changed t

26、he target language into receptor language in his later work. He has also meant the work is done until the translation version must be reaccepted and recognized by the readers. The theory of Eugene A. Nida shares something common with the reception theory, that shows that Nida has adopted something o

27、f reception theory both theoretically and practically. Nida commented the process of translation is end only audience agree with the translation. The reaction of the audience is the only standard to judge whether is good or not. It is obviously clear that both Nida and reception theory put the reade

28、rs reaction in a higher position.We have to take audience into all consideration, for the successful version has to attract audience. The words must be simple and easy to audience, if not, it will meaningless. The same as an excellent essay using big and abstract words but no one can know the real m

29、eaning of it. 2.3The basic ides of audience preference2.3.1 The Basic Idea of Audience We can give the basic definition of audience as follows:1. The people who can touch the medium in fixed area.2. The people care for the fixed medium or information regularly.3. The people not know the medium but a

30、lso effected by the medium both attitude and action.Film has relied on the transmission of the audience. For the producer, audience or receptor can buy the information products and provide market for mass communications.2.3.2 Uses and GratificationWe can regard receptors as those who want something

31、special, and treat their action of connect medium as the using medium based on the special needs, thus we can satisfy them.This is called gratification utility and it consists of aspects information, entertainment, social relationship, mental and psychology.The former study has judged the use and sa

32、tisfies theory from the disseminator. That means if he reached his goal. The creative idea of gratification is that it study receptor preference and analysis their motivation. We can not just take audiences action of touch the medium, thus can not give whole relationship of receptor and medium, also

33、 the contrast of encoding and decoding,3. Case Study of Film Language Translation and Examples3.1 The TitlesAs a kind of audiovisual programs, the title of one film is very important to extent its market. What the producer need is the shock and expressive and acute translation version. There are two

34、 ways to Also, we have to consider the education level and there preference. Example like the Hamlet, the E-C version has two versions. One is 哈姆雷特 and the other is复仇的王子. Taking the cultural difference, it is better to translate into the latter one. For it is easy to let the audience to know what ha

35、ppened to this film while they even never know something about Britain culture? Also the famous one Gone with the wind, we translated into乱世佳人. This version also does help the audience to know what happened without learn the background. If we translate into 飘, maybe it will confused many people: wha

36、ts that about? Also the former one tells the background that it happened during the war time and states a beautys way to success. This version also tells us the important factors of one novel where, what, and who. Among The Passion of Jesus Christ,the passion has many meanings. It can show the meani

37、ng of strong feeling or enthusiasm and also has the meaning of angry and wrath. And the other meaning points the story of the lord Jesus. And if we know something about western culture especially the Bible, we can find the proper translation is 耶稣受难. And if we dont know bible, the audience still can

38、 get an idea of whats going on. Thus it prevents confusing audience by the title.I have mentioned before that Nida has changed his target language into reception language in his late works. So I give examples which are taken the audience as the center. numeralSource languageSLReception languageRL1Ca

39、sablanca卡萨布兰卡2Spartacus斯巴达克斯3Tess苔丝4Jane Eyre简爱5Harry Potter哈利 波特6Titanic泰坦尼克号7Patton巴顿将军8Alexander亚历山大帝9Troy特洛伊 木马计 木马屠城10Hamlet哈姆雷特 王子复仇记11A perfect World完美世界12Rain Man雨人13Wild Hogs荒野大飙客14Thelma and Louise末路狂花15Leon杀手里昂 这个杀手不太冷16Youve Got Mail电子情缘17Notting Hill诺丁山18Must Love dog征婚启事19Scent of a Wo

40、man女人香 闻香识女人20Forrest Gump阿甘正传21Big fish大鱼爸爸22The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎23Men of honor壮志潜龙2413 going on 30女孩梦三十25Erin Brockovich绝不妥协 阿莲正传26The Sound of Music音乐之声27Love Actually真情角落2812 Angry Men十二个怒汉29Schindlers List辛德勒的名单30Finding Nemo海底总动员31Sherk-1 Sherk-2怪物史莱克32Chariot of Fire火战车火之战车 烈火战车33A

41、Few Good Men义海雄风34Legally Blonde律政俏佳人The examples from 1-5 is about the voice dubbing. The title of Erin Brockvich 绝不妥协 or 阿莲正传。 The film tells a story about a woman called Erin and her way to success. So for the audience who dont know the real mean of this story it is better to understand at the fi

42、rst look at the title and can know what happened. And it is very familiar with our oral speaking habits.If we just translate Leon into 里昂,for Chinese audience we may confused the main idea. So, according to the audience center principles, its better translate into 杀手里昂 or 这个杀手不太冷. By adding this inf

43、ormation audience can know exactly this film is about a killer story.Some translate the title use the voice dubbing. And it can be divided into several kinds.The name of the hero or the place occurred or food or animals related to the whole story closely. Examples can be the first five in the form a

44、bove.But the audience will be confused by the title without any introduction. So the other choice is add something after voice dubbing. Examples like Titanic 泰坦尼克号,Patton巴顿将军。Thus the audience also can know whats going on by the name. besides the name is accurate and expressive.The other question is

45、 movie related to history. Troy is not known by everyone so we can translate into two versions. One is just dubbing it as 哈姆雷特and the other can be 木马计or 木马屠城。By this audience still know the main idea of the movie.The basic idea of voice dubbing is “a kind of creative process that translate part of t

46、he original film language into another language ” (辜岩巍,2009)3.2 The SubtitleSubtitles in one film mean a lot. It is same with the language translation of E-C version.The standard to judge whether is good or not of the translated version is decided by the agree or not to the translation text.The subt

47、itle translation requires adequate and most relevant information in limited time and space. The key factors are the reception of the audience and availability of transmission.(辜岩巍,2009)Sina network have a survey about the habit watching the seaside audiovisual programs. The result is that 69 percent

48、 of the audience prefer to original one with the subtitle.There are four suggestions put up by Gu Yanwei. There are several principles when we translate subtitles.The first is the audiovisual products that suit for the children and teenager should use the voice dubbing. The reason is the limitation reading level of children, and also the characteristic of the instantaneous of the language. If we spend many times on the subtitles, it will disturb audience to


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