Features of Eustacia’s Rebellion in The Return of the Native 外语系论文样本.doc

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1、页眉从摘要页开始到论文最后一页均需设置。小五宋体,页眉之下有一条下划线。 三号黑体加粗居中,上下各空一行小四宋体 1.5倍行距摘 要还乡是托马斯哈代“性格与环境”代表作之一。该论文讲述了小说女主人公游苔莎反叛的原因和特征。一方面,人的本性促使主人公与命运对抗, 想要离开荒原过上幸福生活,这是她反叛的动机; 同时在她坚决地反抗时,又具有软弱性, 这一切导致了她的毁灭。在这里我们看到,作者哈代将其宿命论贯穿全文,同时对人物命运有着非常大的影响,这也正是这部作品的主题和价值所在之处。游苔莎的反叛不仅让读者感受到那个时代女性所受的压迫与反抗,而且提示当代女性不能默默屈服于命运,但更为重要的是如何有效地

2、反抗才能取得成功。因此,从这一视角对还乡所展开的研究必定会对哈代及其小说提供更为深刻的理解和诠释。关键词:还乡;反叛;颠覆性;妥协性;启发罗马数字编排页码小四宋体,各词中间用分号隔开,最后一词后无标点小四宋体加粗三号加粗居中,Times New Roman,上下各空一行全文每段首行缩进4个英文字符AbstractThe Return of the Native is one of Thomas Hardys “Novel of Characters and Environment”. In this paper, the author tries to analyze the reasons

3、and characteristics of Eustacias rebellion. On the one side, the humans instinct and the nature cause her revolt against fate; Eustacias desires simply to be away from the Egdon Heath and be happier are the sources of her rebellion. Moreover, the cowardliness accompanies with the resolution in her r

4、ebellion, which leads the destruction of Eustacia. Here we can see the fatalism in the novel which plays an important role on peoples fates at the same time,all of these manifest the theme and values of the novel. 小四,Times New Roman1.5倍行间距The analyses on Eustaces rebellion leaves the reader inspirat

5、ions that one cannot yield to the fate silently, but what important is how one rebels effectively to gain the success. Therefore, the study on The Return of the Native from the perspective of rebellion would affirm the academic significance with consequent practices providing more comprehensive unde

6、rstanding of Hardy and his novel The Return of the Native.Key Words: The Return of the Native, rebellion, subversion, containment, inspiration 三到五个关键词,各词中间用英文状态下逗号隔开,每个单词首字母不大写,最后一词后无标点,书名用斜体罗马数字编排页码小四,加粗,Times New Roman 8三号加粗居中Times New Roman小四黑体加粗 Contents摘 要IAbstractII1. Introduction12. Reasons o

7、f Eustacias Rebellion in The Return of the Native1一级标题:小四号加粗,实词首字母大写 Times New Roman2.1 Internal Causes - Humans Instinct and the Nature12.2 External Causes - Social Ideology12.2.1 Traditional Social Morality12.2.2 Conflict of Civilization and Feudalism12.2.3 Womans Awaking13. Features of Eustacias

8、Rebellion in The Return of the Native2二,三级标题:小四,实词首字母大写3.1 Subversion of Her Rebellion23.1.1 Rebellion on the Mind23.1.2 Rebellion on the Action23.2 Containment of her Rebellion33.2.1 The Weakness in her Character33.2.2 The Influence of Hardys Fatalism3同级标题左对齐;不同级标题右移四个字符4. Inspirations from Eustaci

9、as Rebellion in The Return of the Native34.1 Recognizing the Reality Wisely34.2 Fighting with the Fate Effectively45. Conclusion4Bibliography6小四号加粗;行间距设置为1.5倍Acknowledgements8一级标题均为四号加粗并上空一行1. Introduction小四,Times New Roman1.5倍行间距Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840 and died in 1982. He is a critic

10、al realism novelist as well as a poet in the history of English literature. Hardy studied at local schools before he was 16 years old and then he learned his career at night, he also practiced architecture at the same二级标题为小四加粗From Eustacias rebellion, the womans conscious is awaking; they see the ba

11、ckward of social morality and civilization, and try to break up the traditional constraints on females and pursue the self-value, making a change on right, status and life. They want to realize their dreams by their efforts and prove their ability.2. Reasons of Eustacias Rebellion in The Return of t

12、he Native2.1 Internal Causes - Humans Instinct and the Nature 三级标题为小四加粗,各级标题顶格左对齐The main reasons that cause Eustacias rebellion are added to her nature. As the Hardy says, “Eustacia is a raw material of a divinity”. She has the passions and instincts which make a model goddess. She has a noble and

13、proud nature, 2.2 External Causes - Social Ideology 全文每段首行缩进2个字符2.2.1 Traditional Social Morality The development of the Victorian era in the history of the United Kingdoms “golden age”, the society and economy developed rapidly, but2.2.2 Conflict of Civilization and FeudalismThe conflicts between c

14、apitalism and feudalism are increasing with the development of social economy. The increased of the capitalism leads to the t.2.2.3 Womans Awaking正文部分用阿拉伯数字编排页码Womans awaking is another important reason. In 19th century, social economy developed and the modern culture influenced people at the same t

15、ime; women were in awaking. Women want to break up the traditional constraints on females and pursue the self-value, making a change on right, status and life.” In this novel, Eusracia is born in a fashionable city where you can find all features of modern civilization. She has a good education and

16、adores conquerors. In her minds, the female should be equal to male, and women can be independent of social role and economy. She has a strong womens self-consciousness, she is not willing to be resigned to bad conditions and submits to the environment, so she rebels the condition and social moralit

17、y by her own ways. Because of her awaking, she sees the backward of economy and culture on Egdon, and knows this background will stop her to realize her dreams. “She is independent and uninhibited, pursuing of individual liberation, despising the traditional virtues and the Chris civilization, wanti

18、ng a civilized romantic life, and she is incompatible with religious and leagued Egdon Heath.” 一级标题均为四号加粗并上空一行3. Features of Eustacias Rebellion in The Return of the Native3.1 Subversion of Her Rebellion 不同级标题之间不空行Hardy considers Eustacia as Prometheus who is against the fate in Greek mythology stor

19、y, so “her rebellion is practical, holy, revolutionary and tragic to a certain extent.”(Hardy,1995:45)3.1.1 Rebellion on the MindEustacia is born in a fashionable seaside resort Budmouth, after her parents die, she and grandfather move to Egdon Heath. Because she experiences the prosperous city, so

20、she can not adapt to the darkness, wild environment and hates the backward mode of production. She is hostile to Egdon after arriving in. In Volume One, the author writes “you could fancy the colour of Eustaces soul to be flamelike”, “Egdon was her Hades”, “inwardly and eternally unreconciled theret

21、o” (Hardy, 1995:56) She is like a denizen and out of tune with the environmer lover is going to marry another woman, she does not get too angry and still dates with him.3.1.2 Rebellion on the ActionHer actions can be divided into three processes: walking on Egdon, seeking for a lover and escaping fr

22、om Egdon.E the water. So far, Eustacias action is end, and she and Wildeve lose their lives for her rebellion.3.2 Containment of her Rebellion Although Eustacia devotes her rest life to rebel Egdon Heath and fate, it seems useless, finally, she compromises with the fate, although she dies, it is a r

23、elief for her. When Eustacia is drowning, her physical expression is very peaceful. Her lips are 3.2.1 The Weakness in her Character In this novel, fatalism decides the heroines fate to a certain extent, but the weaknesses in character are the main causes to her failure. Iildeve, the boy says: “One

24、moment you are too tall, another moment you are too do-nothing, another too melancholy, another too dark, another I dont know what,” (Hardy, 1995:71). The feelings that she gives the people are desperate, full of fancies and willful.3.2.2 The Influence of Hardys Fatalism一级标题均为四号加粗并上空一行The fatalism i

25、nfluences Hardys novel everywhere, in his mind, people should obey the conditions, because an invisible and irresistible power control our fates. The meaning of fatalism is that “what man does is no influence on what will happen. Taking an example, a bullet will shoot me sooner or later, I will be s

26、hot, whether I make precaution to prevent the bullet or not” In other words, fates controIn this novel, Egdon Heath controls Eustacias tragic fate from the beginning to the end, the fate decides heroine to be a part of the Egdon Heath “The form was so lliousness, but she doesnt realize it. In Hardys

27、 fatalism, “life is a thing to put up with”, 2 once you become a part of conditions, you should adapt to it, otherwise, you will be on the road to tragedy.不同级标题之间不空行4. Inspirations from Eustacias Rebellion in The Return of the Native 4.1 Recognizing the Reality Wisely Everyone has his ideal life and

28、 wants to get out of the reality and cruelty of the fate. The dream is cheerful while the reality is cruel, yet the distance between them is not easy to go through. Just like Eustacia, although she is a brave woman who can rebel the fate for her dreams, she does not realize the fact that she has alr

29、eady been a member of Egdon and she can not leave here to have a luxury life. She still fights for reams, can we realize our ideal life and not take the tragic path as Eustacia does. 4.2 Fighting with the Fate Effectively Our world just likes the Egdon Heath, the nature and social conditions are sti

30、ll have disadvantages, we can not change it because a persons power is limited, the only thing we can do is adapt to the conditions, making us be a member of it. Only if totally loser. The fate is in the real world, in other words, it is in your own hands. When we fight with the fate, we must have c

31、onfidence, and know we should depend on own strength to achieve the ideal not always rely on others help. Fates are not mysterious and invincible, so we can fight with them and master the fate in our hands.一级标题均为四号加粗并上空一行5. ConclusionIn this paper, the author tries to analyze the rebellion of Eustac

32、ia in two aspects, the reasons and features. Eustacia, the heroine in The Return of the Native, is a female representative in Hardys works; her proud nature makes she despise traditional culture, departing from value and standard of morality. In this womans mind, Egdon and the god is the biggest ene

33、my, they are always against her, and so she devotes her rest life to rebel t not change it. Egdon controls Eustacias fate, regarding her as a part of it, however, she rebels and refuses Egdon Heath. Finally, the rebellion makes her die.Literary works are just like a mirror, reflecting the merits and

34、 problems of the society. When we read the literary, we can indulge in them unconsciously, regarding us as the heroine. The rebellion of Eustacia tells us the people cannot yield to the fate silently, but what important is how one rebels effectively to gain the success and also reflect the womans aw

35、ay is a tragedy of women, a tragedy of the Age; if womens statuses are not change, Eustacias tragic fate is unavoidable, and this will happen in the future. From her rebellion, we can see that everyone should obey the theory of survival of the fittest, and start from you own reality, only you adapt

36、to the reality, can you survive. Fighting with the Fate Effectively is also important; no matter you win or lose in this competition, you can fight with you fate tells you are a brave one, you can master your life in you hands with you efforts.However, in this paper the author only analyzes Eustacia

37、 as the point, the others characters only to be mentioned, not making a further analysis, so the achievements and the inspiration of this paper are limited. The author will expend the extent of the characters and analyses more in literary in the future.正文页码采用阿拉伯数字三号加粗居中,上下各空一行Bibliography1 Hardy, Th

38、omas. The Return of the Native. London: Wordsworth Editions, 1995.2 Moses, Cat. “The Blues Aesthetic in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye”. African American Review, Vol. 33: 4, (1999): 623-37. 3 唐晓晟. 3G终端技术与应用M.北京:人民邮电出版社,2007:124-127.4 李琪.电子商务概论(第3版)M.北京:高等教育出版社,2010:100-102.5 徐晨.论移动商务在企业信息化中的应用J.情报科学,

39、2006,7(1):144-147.6 吕廷杰.移动电子商务在中国内地的研究、开发与应用J.信息安全与通信保密,2001,(4):31-34 7 吴淑琴.影响3G移动电子商务发展的关键因素研究.J.情报杂志,2007,11(9):59-57.8 陈广辉,李方伟.移动通信系统的安全机制分析J.移动通信,2004,8(9):78.9 高国成,王卓鹏,孟艳双.关于使用最大改进规则的单纯形算法J.运筹与管理,2004,13(2):5-6.参考文献的书写格式如下:著作类:序号作者姓名专著书名M出版地:出版社名, 出版年:起止页码。期刊类:序号作者姓名.文章题目J刊物名称,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码

40、。会议论文集类:序号主要责任者文献题名A主编论文集名C出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码。学位论文类:序号主要责任者文献题名D保存地:保存单位,年份报告类:序号主要责任者文献题名R报告地:报告会主办单位,年份专利文献类:序号所有者专利题名P专利国别:专利号发布日期。国际国家标准类:序号标准代号标准名称S. 出版地:出版者,出版年。报纸文章类:序号主要责任者文献题名N报纸名,出版日期(版次)。电子文献类:序号主要责任者电子文献题名文献类型/载体类型电子文献的出版或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选)。正文页码采用阿拉伯数字小四号,1.5倍行间距。英语文献为Times New Roman,汉

41、语为宋体。 英文部分严格按照字母顺序排序,中文部分,置于英文部分之后,严格按照拼音字母顺序排列。期刊要注明页码。三号加粗,居中,上下各空一行AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor , for her constant encouragement and guidance.As a senior, because of lacking of experiences, so there are some limitations in my paper. During my paper

42、 writing process, I get the kindly care and patience instruction from my teacher. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Her serious scientific attitude and strives for perfection the work style, infecting and driving me deeply .Without her consistent and illuminatin

43、g instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Show my sincere gratitude and the lofty respect to Mrs.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.小四,Times New Roman,1.5倍行距正文页码采用阿拉伯数字


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