Environment, Personality &amp Destiny——On Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、Environment, Personality & DestinyOn Heathcliff in Wuthering HeightsAbstract: Heathcliff was a key character of Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights. His tragedy was one of the poor mens tragedy in that society. Wuthering Heights was a love story about the love between Catherine and Heathcliff. This nove

2、l told us a sense that if a man changed its origin moral in the odd-shaped society, he would sprout strong vengeance. Heathcliff had the great dement revenge and wanted to vent his hatred to others, which were beyond ordinary people. Heathcliffs behavior thoroughly expressed his unusual rebellion sp

3、irit. This is a special personality formed in special environments. Then his special personality led to his special destiny. Money was everything in the capitalist society. Heathcliff was exactly born in that society. Money was the most important in that society where poverty was shameful .The innum

4、erable shame affected Heathcliff likes a burin that carves and changed the personality of Heathcliff. Because of strong contrast between love and hated, because of the special environment, Heathcliff had the unique individuality. This special individuality burst out like a volcano and it became a cr

5、azy power to revenge. Heathcliffs tragedy warns us: The human and the environment depend on each other. If the environment and the human are opposed, the individuality of man will change, and then the destiny will change. This is the true reason that Heathcliff has his tragedy, and this also tells t

6、he wide practical meanings of the novel.Key words: Heathcliff, environment, personality, destiny摘 要:希斯克利夫是爱米莉勃朗特在呼啸山庄中的一个灵魂人物。他是千千万万个贫穷小人物的缩影和象征。呼啸山庄通过描写凯瑟琳与希斯克利夫之间的爱情,展现了畸形社会中人性的变异。希斯克利夫的疯狂报仇泻恨,貌似悖于学理,但却淋漓尽致地表现了他非同一般的叛逆精神,这是一种特殊环境下造成的特殊性格,特殊性格所决定的特殊命运。金钱主宰一切是资本主义社会的标志,希斯克利夫所处的正是一个金钱的社会,在那里,贫穷是可耻的,这

7、无穷的耻辱像一把刻刀不断的雕刻着,改变着希斯克利夫的性格。正是爱与恨的鲜明反差,正是特殊环境下的爱恨情仇造成了希斯史利夫那份独特的个性,而那份独特的个性,又如火山的喷发,成为疯狂的复仇动力,希斯克利的悲剧不断向人们警示:人与环境是相互依存的,当当环境与人相对立的时候,人的个性就会发生变化,随之,命运也将之改变。这是希斯克利夫悲剧产生的真正原因,也就是这部小说所显示的广泛的现实意义。关键词:希斯克利夫;环境;性格;命运ContentsAbstractiContentsiiiIntroduction11. Special Environment Causes the Special Persona

8、lity11.1 Heathcliff was Kind and Grateful in Happiness21.2 Heathcliff Became Evil in Suffering42. The Special Disposition Decides the Special Destiny62.1 Heathcliffs Vented His Hatred Cruelly62.2 Heathcliff Recalled His Kindness in the End8Conclusion9Bibliography11Acknowledgement12IntroductionEmily

9、Brontes Wuthering Heights has considered being the most peculiar novel in the history of English literature. Its a love story about the love between Catherine and Heathcliff. This novel told us a sense that if a man changes its origin moral in the odd-shaped society the man will sprout strong vengea

10、nce because of the morbidity. Emily Brontes book had fierce emotion that shocked us very much. Heathcliff was the protagonist of the novel. He was the “Goth model” in Emily Brontes written. Heathcliff was the “villain hero” in the novel. This “villain hero” image came from the traditional Goth which

11、 attracted the reader to read and study. Heathcliff was a man that let the people love and hate. Heathcliff, this “villain hero” is contradictory. He had two characterskindness and viciousness: on the one hand he was sinful; on the other hand he was deeply persecuted. So people often sympathizes Hea

12、thcliff. We think that Heathcliffs sin is not the inherent of himself, but the pressure of the society causes it. The might tyranny causes the morbidity of human beings. 1 This is a special personality that is created in a special environment. Then his special personality leads to his special destin

13、y.1. Special Environment Causes the Special PersonalityThe environment exists before the personality. The personality takes shape along changing environment, so people say that the environment moulds the personality. In a deep sense, the special environment causes the special personality inevitably.

14、 At the first of the novel, Heathcliff came from “the hometown of nothing.” We only know that he was a wild child from the street. Though Heathcliff was poor, he lucky. Mr. Earnshaw took him to Wuthering Heights. This great chance changed Heathcliff a lot. Heathcliff became the apple of Mr. Earnshaw

15、s eyes. Catherine also loved him, in that environment. Heathcliff was full with love and gratitude. But when the old master Mr. Earnshaw died and Catherine married to Mr. Linton. Great changes of the environment happened, Heathcliff felt great disappointed. In that environment, heathcliff become evi

16、l. He wanted to revenge. From the changes of the personality on Heathcliff, we know that special environment cause the special personality. 1.1 Heathcliff was Kind and Grateful in HappinessHeathcliff was an abandoned child who had no warm and no wealth. He seemed like a dumb in the strict Liverpool.

17、 Mr. Earnshaw had great sympathy when he saw such a houseless child. So Mr. Earmshaw determined to take Heathcliff to his home. Heathcliff was very lucky; the master of Wuthering Heights adopted him. The Mr. Earnshaw and his daughterCatherine accepted Heathcliff and gave him a good care. Heathcliff

18、felt very gratitude and happy. He opened his heart and tried to accept others. Gradually he has fallen in love with Catherine. Heathcliff decide to devote all his life to his loverCatherine. He wanted to live under the Catherines shade forever. Love was everything. But Catherines older brother Hindl

19、ey hated him. Catherines elder brother ordered him to do everything and he suffered the infinite satire, he didnt mind them at all.But life gave Heathcliff a joke, the kind Mr. Earnashaw died. Catherines brother Hindley had been the master of the Wuthering Heights. This great change caused Heathclif

20、f reduce to the servant, he was poor again. But luckily Catherine still loved him. Now Heathcliff gave all his love to Catherine. He took Catherine as nearly all his life, was completely the hope of life. Except this, he had nothing, even the dignity.Catherine also gave her love back; she was on int

21、imate terms with Heathcliff. They played on the wilderness; they all stood up together struggle Hindleys authoritarian. They were sharing the same feeling. So Catherine once said: “My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliffs miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my grea

22、t though in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all remained, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of litt

23、le visible delight, but necessary. I am Heathcliff! Hes always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I was always a pleasure to me, but as my own being. So dont talk of our separation again: it is impracticable” 2 Facing on this sincere love, How could Heathcliff guarded the love? In

24、order to guard the sincere love, Heathcliff forgot the suffering and hatred, only remembered the happiness. He guarded the love with kind and gentle.However, this beautiful love hadnt last for a long time. Catherine was restrained by the common custom of the society. The money restrained her. Also H

25、indley and lintons moral which was standard for social moral had effected her a lot. So Heathcliff lost her lover Catherine, Catherine marriaged to Linton who was the master of Thrushross Grange. We can image how the Heathcliffs heartbreak when he hear Catherine say: “It would degrade me to marry He

26、athcliff”. 2 Heathcliff lost his last hope for life. He living environment had great changes. So Heathcliffs personality had great changes.1.2 Heathcliff Became Evil in Suffering Catherine broke their love that caused Heathcliff lost his last hope to his life. The intense love had changed into the i

27、ntense hared which brought forth intense individuality: hard, resolute and cruel. That proves Heathdiffs hatred and revenge was dissimulated by kindness. The villain image was not his real image. The villain image was oppressed by the traditional society that distorted the personality. Heathcliff kn

28、ew the value preference that was. Poverty was shame in that society.Heathcliff came from the “nothing home town”. We knew he was a child picked up by Mr. Earnshaw on the street. When he was taken into Wuthering Heights, he got into “Not Me” environment. He must face the unfamiliar, ordered and exclu

29、sive place. 3 Under the help of the Lintons and Hidley, Linton marriaged to Catherine,Heathcliff felt great sorrow, so he displaced many years. When Heathcliff collected enough money, he came back to start his revenge plan. He not only induced Lintons sister marriaged to him, but also let Hindley br

30、oke thought way. He referred Hindleys property to himself. He sometimes visited Catherine and tortured Linton in spiritual. Catherine felt tired and chose to die in the extremely hopelessness. After Catherine died, Heathcliff died in the extremely hopelessness. After Catherine died, Heathcliff becam

31、e the evil person who wanted to destroy all things he disliked. He ruled over the Withering Heights and let Hindleys son lived in an ignorant environment has completed destroyed the boy, in order to get the proverty of Thrushcross Grange. He used little Catherines sympathy let little Catherine marri

32、aged to his son. Besides, Heathcliff tried his best to torture little Catherine and Haveton even his son in human body and spirit.Heathcliffs too cruel disposition depended on the environment around him. Undoubtedly, money is everything in the capitalist society. Heathdiff was exactly born in that s

33、ociety. In that society, money was the most important in the world. The poverty was shameful. No matter what caused the poverty, you fault or you try to change the poverty. If you wore rags, you would destine to suffer shame. The innumerable shame had affected Heathcliff like a burin that carved and

34、 changed the personality of Heathcliff. There is a famous proverb in India: “Sowing disposition, harvest destiny”. Heathcliff sowed down the hatred, the cruel disposition, so he harvested the painful destiny which was special.2. The Special Disposition Decides the Special DestinyNapoleon has a famou

35、s speech: “If someone ridiculed my short statue, I will strike off his head, let him become as the same height as me”. Heathcliff have the same ideal as Napoleon, they think: If we have no dignity, we should try our best to fight no matter what will happen. That is if the weaker cant live well and t

36、he stronger also cant live well, because the sharp contrast between the love and the hate. Because of the special environment, Heathcliff have the unique individuality. This special individuality bursts out like a volcano, and it has becomes a crazy power to revenge. So Heathcliff destiny had began

37、to change.2.1 Heathcliff Vented His Hatred CruellyCatherine broke their love and Hidley maltreated Heathliff changed Heathcliff. That changed Heathcliff into a destroy strength from the order environment. Heathcliff wont a common man; he became the person who only accepted his own evil. Just like th

38、e other characters in Emily Brontes work, there was a natural force lying in Emily Brontes work, there was a natural force lying in him which was a kind of behavior, but it took action unconsciously under the natural instinct force. But his natural force was blocked, it became destructive, like the

39、flood that flooded all the places and destroyed all things. The flood must to like that before it went into the natural irrigation. 4Heathcliff needed lots of money to revenge. How did he change the poor life? Heathcliff decided to become the master of Wuthering Heights and the Thrushcross Grange. H

40、e knew revenge just in mind couldnt kill enemy. He wanted to establish a money platform to turn his revenge dream. So he gradually became the master of the Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. He had become rich and had the right to predominate something. So he had the capital to insult and rev

41、enge the enemy. But when he has submitted by the environment, he felt pained greatly. And his heart had been twisted because of the pain. Because of twist Heathcliff become tenacious, cruel, and he felt it hard for him to cancel the hateIndeed, we can understand the Heathcliffs revenge. If those thi

42、ngs happed on us, we may also have the ideal to revenge. There isnothingmay let thehuman become miserable, expect have no dignity because of poor and haveno hope of life because of the lost love. The brutal reality twisted Heathcliffs instinct, force him change into tyranny. Inasense Heathcliff reve

43、nged to the Wuthering Heights andThrushcross Grange was to serious complaint about the heartlessness of the society, if there was not to inequality in the world. If there is not to be despise because of poor in the world. Heathcliff will not to be stubborn and cruel. If him not to be stubborn and cr

44、uel, he will had no crazy revenge ideal. In this novel, Healthcliffs revenge was too violent, which not only had burnt others butalso had burnt him. This is a kind of cruel individuality, which compromised the reality.There may be some morbid psychology of Heathcliffs vengeance. But in essence, the

45、vengeance not only was morbid psychology, but also was a power of spiritual strength. In the novel, we can see that Heathcliff used the weapons to defeat his enemy, which was his enemys. He used the well-matched and economic marriage to deal with the Earnshaws and the Lintons. Heathcliff used the wa

46、y of deprive wealth and industry trade to control them, which the rulers were, used them on Heathcliff. Heathcliff was successful, but he felt tired. So before he died, he gave up the vengeance. Kindness is Heathcliff origin has appeared.2.2 Heathcliff Recalled His Kindness in the End Every charming

47、 individuality contains two factors the positive and the disposition that hide in ones heart break out, the environment and the disposition all affects the destiny. When Heathcliff was a abandoned baby, he was warned by the Mr Earnshaw died, especially Catherine broke their love, that changed Heathc

48、liffs living environment. His individuality had change. He was a crazy man who wanted to avenge. When Heathcliff avenged the Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange continually, his living environment had a great change. He had become the master of the Heathcliff and Thrushcross Grange. His enemy died one after another. So there is no power encourage for him to avenge. He became kind. We can see that at first Heathcliff was friendly then become wicked at last he became kindness again. This made the charact


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