How to motivate learners in college English speaking class 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、How to motivate learners in college English speaking classAbstract: Through the analysis of the main problems student encounted in English speaking class, this paper attempts to find good ways to motivate students , and also some strategies for oral English teachers to help their teaching, thus help

2、 the students to inprove their oral English.Key words: Analysis good ways strategy IntroductionAs China deepens its opening-up to the outside world and enlarges its international communication, our society set a higher and higher demand for those whose work is related with English. Whether one can u

3、se fluent English or not has become a more and more important criterion of assessment in ones working ability. But the fact is that college education seldom attach much importance on students ability of speaking English for a long time and ignore cultivating studentss speaking ability. Thus, student

4、s oral English is limited even in some daily communicaton. The good news is that this problem has met with widely concern from society. College students oral English have improved a great deal but there still exist a great gap as to the teaching objects. Most students just put what they have learned

5、 in books into their daily communication or just translate Chinese into English in their conversation,thus lots of misunderstanding emerge. Therefore, to improve college studentss oral English has become more and more important.There are lots of strategies for improving oral English. This paper is f

6、ocused on how to use strategies properly and effectively by introducing some common strategies to help learners scientificly improve their oral English. According to American linguistics expert Rebecca Oxfords classification of English learning strategies, oral English learning strategies is divided

7、 into direct strategy and indirect strategy. 1. Indirect strategies in oral English learning1.1 the importance of the cultureThe study of culture is of great importance in language learning. Language is the basis and carrier of culture. In contrast, culture is the content of language and determines

8、language. (wei yu, 2002)It is the embodiment of the essence of the national tradition and plays an important role in peoples world view, value, mindset and lifestyle. All of these influence learners study style and method subtly. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate students culture sense in oral

9、 English learning. First, Chinese culture is somewhat introvert and people pay much attention to the exactness of words rather than communication strategies. Second, it is of great necessity to know interculture knowledge of different culture context. Under different culture context, the same expres

10、sion or word may denote different meaning. For example, when a Chinese is praised, it is usually met with a delicate decline or negation as a kind of mdesty. But westerners consider this answer a kind of hypocrisy or unfriendliness. They usually respond with an excitement and thankfulness.1.2 Reliev

11、e stress and tensionOf all the language skills, oral English is most likely to make one feel nervous. Many students feel nervous as soon as he opens his mouth, his head maybe covered with big drops of perspiration but no word come out. Therefore, how to relieve this kind of tension? It is better to

12、take some breath to make muscles relaxed before speaking,which is the easiest way to relieve stress and tension.Moreover, positive thinking and self-encouragement are also effective ways . Many students come out with “My English is very poor” when communicating with others. This will make them put t

13、hemselves in a sense of inferiority and timidity, thus it is difficult to go on with the conversation. On the contrary, if he or she make a positive imply like “I can make myself understood even though my vocabulary is limited” before speaking. Under this kind of self-motivation, students will feel

14、at ease even when they come across some new words, and they will keep thinking to search for words to put forward the dialogue.1.3 Finding chances to be involved in oral English practiceThe favorable atmosphere will play an important role in secondary English teaching, especially in application of o

15、ral English. (吴超 詹晋红, 2008) Jesperson said,“If teachers want to get success in English teaching, they should make students have the chance to contact English and to practice English.”Many students complain that they could not learn Englis well because there is no chances or environment for them to p

16、ractice, some others think that their oral English can get improved only by talking to foreigners or those whose English is better than themselves. In fact, things dont always go as they think. No one will deny the benefits of learning English in Brtitish or American, but this doesnt mean that oral

17、English cant be improved with out that enviroment. Many examples prove successfully that if only good method and haibit is formed and kept, fluent oral English can be made without even speak to a foreigner. For example, language sense can be cultivate by listening to TV shows and radio, and pronouni

18、cation and be improved at the same time. To find someone who likes English very much as an oral English partner and practice English with him or her is also a good way. It is also a good way to find foreign friends online and practise English with them online. All these are good ways for learners to

19、 find and creat chances to practise, which is practical and benefical.1.4 Be a good listener and be brave to start talkingThere exist two extrem in oral English practice: one is too shy or timid to start talking, the other is speaking volubly and paying no attention to the listener. These are two ba

20、d habits or way of learning that should be avoided. To overcome ones shyness or timidity, it should be kept in mind that real communication is the transfer of meaning, and the function of grammer is just to make the sentence more natural or standard and to express oneself more effectively. Therefore

21、, we should focus on the transfer of meaning not on the trifles and neglect the essentials. To speak volubly is a stage that preliminary learners may admire but could not achieve. But for those preliminary leanrners who want to enter a higher stage, successful communication should be based on natura

22、l and proper, which means what is spoken should be in accordance with grammer and the identity as well as the occasion. Oral communication is bidirectional, if one speak volubly paying no attention to the other part, or what is said strays form the subject, no matter how fulent the speakers oral Eng

23、lish is, it is not successful communication. Therefore, only start to talk is not enough, learn to be a good listener is also very important.1.5 Topic trainingTopic training can be put into practice either by oneself or by group. Each has its advantage and disadvantage. If it is by oneself, one can

24、search all points and expressions to support his point of view. Thus he will make all his effort to try his best to practise, and he will make all these knowledge his own. If topic training is exerised in group, many different views and good expressions or sentences can be shared. Therefore, everyon

25、e can make progress easily and quickly as long as he join the group. The group may work on a single task, or on different parts of a larger task. Group work is very beneficial sine the activity requires the contribution from more than two students.(王蔷,2006)The disadvantage is that someone may contri

26、bute nothing if there are too many students join in.2 Direct strategies in oral English learning2.1 Reading,repeating and recitationIt is an effective preparation to do some reading as a way of warming-up. Find some reading material such as prose or good sentences that is interesting and easy to rea

27、d is a very realxing way to improve ones language sense. Repeating is a good way to help ones ability of organizing sentence and structure. Learners can read through the passage first to get the general idea, and then try to repeat the the main plot of whole story with your own words. Recitation and

28、 imitation can not noly help one to practise pronunication and tone, but also help he or she to taste the strcture of sentences and the characteristics of figure of speech, and to cultivate language sense.2.2 Detour strategy Detour basically means to get to the destination by another way when one ca

29、me across obstacle. In oral English, when one is blocked, such as forgetting how to express a word or a sentence, he or she can express the word or the sentence by another word or sentence, which is a flexible way. Although detour strategy is not much advisable, it is better than to keep silent or t

30、o avoid going on with the topic. Detour strategy mainly contains the following skills. The first is paraphrasing. When you come across a word that you dont know how to express, you can paraphrase it in your own words.For example, if you forget the word island, you can describe it as a land that is s

31、urrounded by water. The second is using synonymous words of the same kind. For example, you can use wallet instead of purse, and stone instead of rock. Some sentence pattern such as “Its a sort of”, “Well, I can explain it like this”, “Its a kind of”, may be of good use in this situation.2.3 Body la

32、nguage communication During oral communication, facial expression and bdoy movement can also convey and transmit a lot of information. Therefore, for those who want to be skilled in oral English, it is of great necesstiy to use body language during communication. There are some very good body langua

33、ge skills such as smile, open posture, forward lean, and nod. The combination of acronym of these words is S-O-F-T-E-N, which is summed by Don Gabor as the skill of using body language.Take Americans for example, they often nod and smile or keep eye contact as paying their attention to others. In a

34、word, even your oral English is not so fluent, if you have enough fasical expression and body languge, you will be more esaily understood.3 conclusionWhatever the strategy is, if it is not put into practised or properly used , it is wont be helpful and some strategies may even become a hinder.So we

35、should take great effort to practice and try to get a better way to improve our oral English. Even if there is failure, we should not lose heart. However, there do exist some problem that the above strategies can do nothing to help, such as there are too many students in a class, some students vocab

36、ulary is too limited. It is still a long way to go to motivate and help college students oral English. Reference1 Wei YuInstilling Culture Knowledge into Students Mind in Oral English ClassJNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forest(Social Science), 2002 , (1)45-492 程晓堂,郑敏.英语学习策略M北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20043 黄辉注重情感因素提高大学英语口语教学水平J东北农业大学学报,20084 潘亚玲外语学习策略与方法M北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20045 文秋芳英语学习策略论M上海:上海外语教育出版社,19966 吴超,詹晋红Applicational of Oral English in Secondary English TeachingSUCCESS,20087 王蔷英语教学法教程第二版M北京:高等教育出版社,2006.68-119 8 张唯友英语学习策略与技巧教程M重庆:重庆大学出版社,2004


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