How to improve Junior Students’ Oral English 英语毕业论文.docx

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1、AnHui Radio & TV UniversityPractical Project DesignEnglish Major: (Education oriented)Title: How to improve Junior Students Oral EnglishInvestigatorName: Student No: School: Chi Zhou TV UniversityMajor: (Education-oriented) EnglishTutor: Submitted Date: Oct. 12,2013 AcknowledgementI am mostly gratef

2、ul to my tutor Ms Yin. Without her support and help this project would not implemented.I am also grateful to my colleagues for their time spent on brainstorming.Last but not the least, thanks are given to my family for their love and encouragement,who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, an

3、d hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.AbstractWiththeopening-upofChina,Englishteachinghasbeengettingmoreandmoreattention,especiallysinceBeijingwonthebidtoholdthe2008OlympicGames.People are enthusiastic about learning English.Asaresult,Englishteachingandreformarecomin

4、gtoaturningpoint, whichpredictsabrightfutureinEnglisheducationinChina.Now,a9-yearvoluntaryeducationprogramisputforwardinChina.AStandardEnglishcourseisbeingusedtoreplacetheformerteachingout-line.Thenewstandardadoptstheinternationalsystemaccordingtowhic-hEnglishlanguageeducationisdividedinto9levels.Th


6、ening”and“speaking”.Sonow,speakingisgettingmoreand moreimportantinmiddleschoolEnglishteaching. Thispaperdiscusseshowtoimprovestudentsspeakingabilityandex-poundthethemethroughthreeaspectsasfollows:a. Theimportanceofspeaking.b. Somebarriersintheprocessofspeakingcommunication.c.Essentialmethodsforimpro

7、vingstudentsspeakingability.TheissuewillbediscussedfromtheperspectiveofateacherofEnglishi-njuniormiddleschoolandapossibleconclusionwillbereachedwiththehelpofsometheoreticalandpracticalsupport.Keywords: speakingcommunicationabilitymiddleschoolEnglish teaching.ContentsAcknowledgment. 2Abstract (in Eng

8、lish). 3Contents. 41. Introduction. 52. Problem.53. Problem analysis63.1 Analytic method.63.2 Cause analysis .63.3 Questionnaire Survey .74. Project objective.75. Project hypothesis.76. Project rationale.77. Project implementation.77.1 Description of subject.7.2 The principles adopted.7.3 Teaching p

9、lan9 99-118. Project evaluation .11-129. Conclusion.12-13References. 13Appendix A .14Appendix B.141. IntroductionEnglishisapopularlanguage-especiallyinthenewcentury.Asiskn-owntousall,itisthemostwidelyusedlanguageinthedevelopingworldanditsgettingmoreandmoreimportantnowadays.Recentestimatess-uggesttha



12、olearningalanguage.Butthisapproachof teachingandlearningEnglishisevidentiallypassive,becauseitgoesagainsttheprincipleofEnglishteaching,whichrequiresthatlisteningandspeakingtaketheleadinEnglishteaching,andonthebasisofthesetwoskills,readingandwritingwillbecultivated.Sospeakingasoneofthefourlanguageski


14、on,theycannot.Whydoesitappear?Well,itisaffectedbymanyelements.OneoftheelementsistheirEnglishspeakingability.SoitdemandstheE-nglishteachersinjuniorschoolstodevelopthestudentsspeakingability.Soalso itisnecessaryfortheteacherstohelpthestudentsdeveloptheabilityofspeaking.2. Problem My question is, stude

15、ntsoral expression ability is poor, how to improve?3. Problem analysisMiddle school students oral English level is really worrying; as long as it is due to the rural students on English contact less, usually dare not speak. In addition, the teacher in the classroom doesnot attach importance to be on

16、e.3.1 Analytical methodThe problem has been bothering me for a long time; I have been teaching method to find the good. I asked my colleague, also read books, draw the following conclusions: on the one hand, the students really learn English as a foreign language, on the other hand is the teacher sh

17、ould pay attention to oral English teaching.3. 2 Cause analysis3.2.1. The teachers sideSomeofEnglishteachersdonthaveoverallknowledgeofEnglish.Asweallknow,teachersarethekeyfactorforthestudents.High-qualityte-amofEnglishteachersisthebasictoimprovethequalityofEnglishedu-cation.Strengthenthebuildingofth


19、lture,whichresultsinthemcantguidethestude-nttopracticeSpokenEnglish.3.2.2. The students sideThestudentsarepooratSpokenEnglishistheylackmotivationofsp-eakingEnglish.Motivationplaysanimportantfunctioninstudy.Usually,wedividem-otivationintotwogroups,thatisintrinsicmotivationandextrinsicmotiv-ation.Onon


21、ranyknowledge,Idontthinkhewillworkhardandkeeplearningforalongtime.3.2.3. Language environment and exam systemThe pupils face to their mother tongue everyday, they can only practice English in class, and most of their parents cant speak English. They think everything in Chinese, not in English, and t

22、heir spoken English is weak, they could also get high marks in tests, because it dose not involve in English tests.3.3 Questionnaire SurveySince most of my pupils did not pay attention to spoken English in class, I designed a questionnaire for them. They are too young to understand its importance. T

23、hrough the data analyses, I found most students like classroom activities, 32% of them felt spoken English is very difficult, 25% of students consider it important.4. Project objectiveMy project objective is to improve the Junior Students Oral English.5. Project hypothesisIt is hypothesized that the

24、 Junior Students oral English level can be increased by better designed activities.6. Project rationale 6.1 The Role of the junior studentsThestudentsmustknowtheimportanceoforalEnglish.Intheaspectofinternationalworld,therecanbenodoubtnowthatEnglishisoneofworl-dsmostwidelyusedlanguagesthoughtherearet


26、age.Thirdly,speechismoreimportantthanwritingforpeoplesdailylife.Apersonwhocantreadandwriteisonlyan“illiterate”.However,apersonwhocantspeakisnormallyregardedas “disabled”.6.2 The importance of pair work and group workGroup work and pair work are very important in class. It is helpful for communicatin

27、g. Each group was composed of the students of different levels so that top students could help those who had lag behind.Group work and pair workcaninductioninterestsandhobbies.InordertohelpstudentstopracticeEnglish,teachersalwaysprepares-omeactivitiesorgames.6.3 The role of the teacher 6.3.1 Teacher

28、s should enrich their knowledge of English in overall aspects. Rich expertise and professional knowledge would ensure you obtain good results when you teach the students, and rich professional knowledge is the basic conditions for one teacher.6.3.2 TeachersshouldimproveteachingmethodPayattentiontoem



31、nguage.Students can express themselves freely with no doubt. To those who have difficulties to speak English in class, English teachers should forgive their mistakes, too. And teachers should show more love to them, speak to them more skillfully and give them more encouragement.6.4 The role of the m

32、aterials in teachingPrepare suitable for students oral training materials, such as: video clips,audio clips, pictures etc. These simple material can promote studentsimprovement of oral English, let the students interested in speaking English,to stimulate students interest in learning.7. Project impl

33、ementationFor the improvement of spoken English is a little difficult, but the project has been in my research, I hope to make it better. I will be in my teaching has been performed.7.1 Description of subject This part of my study was conducted during October 10th. I chose PEP Junior English Book, U

34、nit 3 This is my sister. In the design, to enable students to speak, the freedom to say. My class more than 20 students, not many people, so I let them practice one by one until can say fluent.7.2 The Principles adoptedThe following is the teaching approach I will apply to my teaching in class.a. Cr

35、eate a relaxed classroom environment, is the key to cultivating students oral ability.b. The training of oral expression of interest. Only students interested in oral expression, the teacher can teacher smoothly oral English.c. Encourage students all the time. d. Pay attention to oral communication

36、activities. The teacher can arrange many kinds of pair work and group work.7.3 Teaching PlanTeaching object: the grade seven students of middle school Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge aims: students able to know members of family and able to learn the new words. 2. Ability aims: students speaking an

37、d listening ability able to be improved . 3.Emotional aim: students know each others members of family, they will have a better relationship with each other. Teaching difficult points: Learn to how to introduce people and how to identify people. Teaching method: task teaching method Teaching aids: p

38、ictures,blackboard,chalk,radio Blackboard design: show the new words, key words and important points on the left, the examples on the right. Teaching procedures: Step1. Greeting and the starter. (2 mins ) a).have a greeting to everyone. b).ask two students to introduce their families in Chinese then

39、 the teacher write the Chinese on the blackboard, for example,爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈 Step2. Learn the new words. (10 mins ) a).the teacher write the English on the blackboard. b).students read the new words after the teacher. c).students read the new words by themselves. d).students use the new words to identi

40、fy people with the pictures. Step3. Fill in the blanks. (4 mins ) ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard. Students A writes 1 to 5, student B writes 6 to 9. Step4. Learn the structures: This is /These are /That is/Those are ( 10 mins ) use the picture in the book, the students learn

41、 the structures with the help of the teacher. Step5. Do the listening.( 10 mins ) Step6. Do the pairwork. (3 mins ) Step7. The homeworks.( 1 min ) 1. write the new words on the paper. 2. use the structures to make sentences. 8.Project evaluationThe problem:The problem is a research? Can. If you give

42、 me the resources, time and my specialty, I can start a project to solve the problem. I will do everything I can to change the current situation of spoken english.Method for analysis of the problem:Method for acceptable to analyze problems, applicable to it and the appropriate application? Can I use. Methods analysis problem can be solved the problem.The goal of the project:Is the project objective reality? Sure. Because I do the research, the goal of this project is to be implemented, because it is a real problem. .Project assumptions:Project assumptions prove? Can. My hypothesis


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