On the Cultivation of Autonomous English Reading Ability of High School Students 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、On the Cultivation of Autonomous English Reading Ability of High School Studentsby A thesis submitted to School of Foreign Languages in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Qujing Normal UniversityQujing, Yunnan, P.R. ChinaMay, 2012AcknowledgementsThis thesis originate

2、s from four years study at School of Foreign Languages at Qujing Normal University. Upon the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my great and heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to this thesis either directly or indirectly.My greatest gratitude first and foremost goe

3、s to my thesis supervisor Mo Qiong for her careful and beneficial guidance, timely advice and frequent encouragement throughout the entire process. Her suggestions and comments, from the details to the organization, were always thoughtful, considerate and helpful. Without his help, this thesis could

4、 never have reached its present form.Special thanks go to all the other teachers at English Department of Qujing Normal University. During the four years study, I benefited a great deal from their teaching and enlightening lectures. My gratitude also goes to my classmates and roommates. They gave me

5、 much encouragement and support. I would like to thank my family, for their spiritual and financial support.Finally, my thanks go to those who have devoted much time to reading this thesis and given me much advice, which will benefit me in my future study and work. AbstractDue to the outdated ideas

6、and the impact of the examination-oriented education, English education still can not meet the requirements of the quality education and social development. In order to make English education adapt to the requirements of Chinas social, economic, scientific, technological development and internationa

7、l exchanges, the Ministry of Education has clearly defined the purpose of the compulsory education stage English curriculum. It is to stimulate and develop students interest in learning, to help students build confidence, to develop good study habits, to cultivate their autonomous learning ability.

8、Education is student-centered. The quality education is that the students as the main body of education, stimulating students main body consciousness as purpose, make the students to become active and creative learning master, and developing students quality fully and effectively. So, in the teachin

9、g of high school reading lesson, how to mobilize the students initiative is particularly important. To change the way of students learning, develop students autonomic learning ability is not only the need for students to continue their studies, but also the need for students to step into the society

10、 to survive and to develop, is the inevitable trend of modern education. The teachers must change education concept. In English teaching, especially in the teaching of reading more paying attention to the cultivation of students autonomic learning ability. Reading in the high school English teaching

11、 occupies an important position, but due to traditional model, the high school students reading scores are unsatisfactory. So mastering the effective reading skills is very important for English learning. This paper discusses the theoretical basis of cultivating students autonomic learning ability,

12、and the strategies of students English autonomic learning ability, and combining with the teaching practice, introduces the training plan that in English reading teaching to cultivate students autonomic learning ability.Key words: autonomic reading;reading ability;training plan摘要由于陈旧落后的观念和应试教育的影响,英语

13、教育仍不能满足素质教育和社会发展的要求。为了使英语教育尽快适应我国社会、经济、科技发展和国际交往的需要,教育部明确规定了义务教育阶段英语课程的目的是激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力,教育是以学生为本的。素质教育正是以人为本, 把学生作为教育的主体, 以激发学生的主体意识为主旨, 使学生成为积极主动和富有创造性的学习的主人, 从而全面有效地发展学生素质。 那么, 在高中阅读课的教学中应如何调动学生学习的主动性就显得尤为重要,改变学生的学习方式, 发展学生的自主学习能力,不仅是学生继续深造的需要,也是学生步入社会后生存与发展的需要,是现代教育的必

14、然趋势。教师必须转变教育理念,在英语教学中尤其在阅读教学中更要注重培养学生的自主学习能力.阅读在高中英语教学中占据重要地位,但由于受传统模式影响,目前高中生的阅读效果并不理想。因此掌握有效的阅读技能对英语学习是非常重要的。本文论述了培养学生自主学习能力的理论依据,探讨了培养学生英语自主学习能力的策略,并结合教学实践,介绍了在英语阅读教学中学生自主学习能力培养的实施方案。 关键词:自主阅读;阅读能力;培养途径ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘要iiiContentsiv1. Introduction11.1 Introduction of the Autho

15、r11.2 Introduction of the Content12. Literature Review32.1 Related Research in the West错误!未定义书签。2.2 Related Research in China错误!未定义书签。3. Methodology64. Analysis and Discussion74.1 Symbols in this Novel错误!未定义书签。4.1.1 The Symbols of Articles错误!未定义书签。4.1.2 The Symbols of Weather错误!未定义书签。4.1.3 The Symbo

16、ls of Color错误!未定义书签。4.2 American Dream and American Dream in The Great Gatsby错误!未定义书签。4.2.1 The Origin and Development of American Dream错误!未定义书签。4.2.2 The Great Gatsby and American Dream错误!未定义书签。4.3 Contrast in the Novel错误!未定义书签。4.4 Brief Introduction of Main Characters错误!未定义书签。4.5 An American Tale错

17、误!未定义书签。4.6 The Strength to Dream错误!未定义书签。5. Conclusion13References14iv1. Introduction1.1 The importance of autonomic learning abilityFor a long time, because of the influence of the traditional education ideas, the teacher used the teaching methods, such as, Shuo Jiao Shi, tian ya shi and Yi Yan Ta

18、ng. The teacher pays a lot of time and energies, but with little success. This teaching method left students in a passive learning status. The teachers lacked to training students autonomic learning ability. But in todays world, rapid progress in science and technology, and the development of the so

19、ciety underlined the importance of the ability of autonomic learning. Facing the challenge of the new century, to adapt the situation of the development of science and technology, the request of professional knowledge and update frequency conversion speed, if a person only relies on the knowledge le

20、arned in school is far from enough. Even students learn new knowledge in school and these knowledge also will soon go out. To enable students to acquire new knowledge in the life to meet the requirements of information society, school education must take the development of students as the purpose, c

21、ultivating students autonomic learning ability. To cultivate learning autonomic ability of students is an important part of the current curriculum reform. Issued by the ministry of education Standards English curriculum (tests) clearly put forward that guiding the student to adjust the study way, im

22、prove their autonomic learning and cooperative learning ability, make them with lifelong learning ability. As the Learning to Live published by UNESCO said: The future of illiteracy, is not illiterate, but the people dont know how to learn. It follows that autonomic learning ability has become the b

23、asic ability of human survival in the 21st century.1.2 The importance of training English reading abilityReading occupies a very important position in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, especially for high school students who have already possess a certain self-learning ability. It has

24、 become the important way to flying the ocean of knowledge. Seeing from the recent high examinations, the score of the checking students reading comprehension more than 45%. Reading score is indicative of the importance of reading ability in English learning. English reading not only can train stude

25、nts English language sense, but also can promote the vocabulary accumulate, and improving their writing level. To cultivate students comprehensive ability of English is the main method and an effective way to learn English well. English reading ability is the basis and premise to other language skil

26、ls development. 1.3 The purpose of this studyFocusing on the importance of training of high school students English autonomic reading, try to improve high school students English autonomic reading ability, and reshape students independence, to solve the problems of teaching and learning, to really i

27、mprove the quality of the English class. This thesis first gives an introduction to the autonomic learning and English autonomic reading ability. Then, the author illustrates the importance of autonomic learning and the English reading ability is importance to English learning. In the following part

28、, the author proposes six methods to cultivate the high school students English autonomic learning ability. Finally, the author draws a conclusion of the thesis.142. Literature Review2.1 Related Research Abroad About the autonomic study, abroad study can be traced back to the earliest ancient Greek

29、times, so far, has a history of over two thousand years. In modern times, the educators who Jan Amos Komensky and Rousseau put forward the autonomous learning thought, but these thoughts are only stay in theory of speculative level. In the 1950 s, foreign education area introduced the concept of lea

30、rner autonomy . It is the teaching concept with the reformed of social, economic and related disciplines, is developed from the reflection and exploration of traditional education method. After the 1960 s, foreign research into the system research phase about the learners independent. Since the midd

31、le of 1970 s, applied linguistics research focus from how to teach turned to how to learn, from teacher to student. To establish the teaching view of learner-centered. In recent decades, foreign researchers made a lot of academic and behavioral research on promote learner autonomy. Such as: educatio

32、n in the field of psychology, humanism psychology and cognitive psychology, both were think that learning process is the process of learners to construct knowledge. In 1981, Henri Helec published monographAutonomy and foreign language learning this concept would be introduced into the foreign langua

33、ge teaching. It expounds the concept of autonomic learning, connotation and practice. At the end of the 90s, the autonomous study get to the top, domestic and foreign scholars studied the theoretical background, the influence factors of autonomic learning, and how to promote the teaching of the deve

34、lopment of autonomic learning ability. After the 1990 s, foreign scholars have achieved great progress on some basic problems research on the autonomic learning.In short, foreign learners research about the learner independent or autonomous learning has been into the stage that from explore basic qu

35、estions turned to synthesize all of the theories and focus on absorbed the rational elements from other different researchers. At the same time, they also made a lot of empirical researches. Most of these theories were taken study as a whole to research, in reading aspects research is unusual. But t

36、he author believe that these self-learning theories and events have the enlightening and guiding significance on promote students autonomous learning and independent reading abilities.2.2 Related Research in China In our country, the autonomic learning has a long history, such as, The heuristic teac

37、hing of Confucius. By the end of 1980 s, appeared many teaching experiments of guiding students autonomous learning and as independent reading for the learning target (Pang weiguo, 2003:45). Heilongjiang Xu Changchen based on the”self-study type” put forward the teaching of” learning guide teaching

38、type”. Nantong Qi Xiu high school Li Yunan come up with the teaching method self-study, discussing and guiding teaching “.”The six teaching method” (Wei Shusheng)The self-study remedial teaching(Lu Zhongheng),etc. These teaching experiments were take the student to study independently and independen

39、t reading as the main teaching link, take the training of the students autonomous learning ability, independent reading ability and intelligence development as the main goal. The discussion of learning autonomy and independent reading began in the 1980 s in China. Among,He Xiaodong publishedsome pro

40、blems in the research of the domestic independent English studyon the fourth edition of the foreign language world. This paper sums up the academic journals on college students autonomous English learning among 1998-2003, points out a few problems, such as ,lack of longitudinal study, some research

41、design flaws, inappropriate use test scores, neglect of the influence of test pressure, etc. Domestic academic journals record a lot of article about college students autonomous learning . In the article, almost all of the scholars are approve the positive significance about autonomous learning and

42、independent reading in college English teaching, and discussed from different angles about how to cultivat autonomous learning and independent reading ability. Such as: learner training (Fan Ye 1999), metacognitive strategy training (Ji Kangli 2002; Yang Wenying 2002), self-access language learning

43、(Hua Weifen 2001:2003), etc. Most of the articles were presentation and comment. In general, our countrys autonomous learning research appear the theoretical and experimental research developing simultaneously , also mark Chinas autonomous learning research into the systematic research phase. ( He X

44、iaodong, 2004) Although Chinas autonomous learning research is entering into an unprecedented period of prosperity, and already have made great achievements. However, domestic research objects are mostly college students,and the training of research on learners main focus on training the language as

45、 a whole ; and training the learners independent reading ability has not been paid enough attention to, for the research of English automous learning, especially for high school students English independent reading is much less. 3. MethodologyThis study is in nature a qualitative study. The related

46、data and information from the Internet and library sources are collected and analyzed. In this thesis, the author analyzes the importance of autonomic learning and English reading by using some qualitative research methods. Most of the theories and examples are taken from recently published works of

47、 autonomic learning and reading books, the university entrance exam questions, and masterpieces on autonomic learning. Several steps and procedures are followed to accomplish this thesis. Firstly, the author collects abundant information about the study on autonomic learning and English reading from

48、 the library and the Internet. Secondly, these materials are sorted into different categories. Thirdly, based on the literature analysis, the author comments on the recent research achievements gained abroad and at home, and points out their merits and limitation and then proposes his orientation of research. Fourthly, the problems are analyzed and discussed in three different perspectives: (1) an introduction to the autonomic


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