The Chinese-English Translation on the writing principles of Business English 英語专业毕业论文.doc

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1、The Chinese-English Translation on the writing principles of Business EnglishAbstract: As a result of ceaseless development of the global economic integration tenor, the economic cooperation and intercommunion between world areas are continuously increase. People cant negotiate with their trade asso

2、ciates over meeting in body one by one, moreover we often need keep record our trade associates diversified promise for checking. Here Commerce letter do become an effective intermedium for communicate. Each letter we send out is represent visualize of the company which you are working, also show th

3、is companys level and strength. “Good business letter help to promote and develop the relationship with the clients, take an active part in boosting new operation achieve and extend.” 1 as so, we should abide the 8 C tenet strictly and use it flexibly when write: completeness concreteness correctnes

4、s conciseness clearness courtesy consideration carefulness. Above eight principles are the best essential golden rules in writing business letter, and take an important part in doing it well. Key Words: Business English; 8C tenet; translation; Interpretation 摘要:随着全球经济一体化进程的不断发展,世界范围内的经济合作与交流也在不断增多。人

5、们不可能跟自己的贸易伙伴一一亲自会面协商。而且我们经常需要将自己的贸易伙伴做出的各种承诺变成有迹可查的文字记录。这时商务信函就成了取代亲自拜会的一种便宜有效的沟通媒介。我们给贸易伙伴的每一封信都代表着自己所在公司的形象,显示着公司的水平和实力。“一封好的商务信函有助于促进和发展同客户的关系,在促进达成新的业务方面起着积极的作用。”所以在写作时我们应该严格遵守并且灵活运用“8C”原则: completeness(完整) concreteness(具体)correctness(正确) conciseness(简洁)clearness(明晰) courtesy(礼貌)consideration(为对

6、方着想)cheerfulness(愉快) 这八个原则是商务信函写作的最基本的指导原则,对于写好一封商务信函起着很重要的作用。 关键词:商务英语;8C原则;翻译;见解IntroductionAlong with coming of economic globalization and flourish development for our countrys economic build, especially after we become a leaguer of WTO , the business trade increasingly frequently between China a

7、nd world countries and areas; the international trade become more and more important. At the same time, go with the foreign trade system reformations deeply implement, more enterprises will participate in the foreign trade directly, and that will need a lot of professionals who know well the foreign

8、 trade operation. However, as the medium of international trade, the Business English Correspondence is a main tool to develop external trade and some related commercial activities. Its a specialty skill to master compose fundamental of BEC and handle it adroitly for the foreign trade missionary. Ow

9、ing to Business English have the own language expression rules and points, in order to enhance peoples capability how to use English accurately in the foreign trade activities, and how to progress the external operation contact and communication, Firstly, we have to master the principle of BEC, name

10、ly 8C tenet. “None but grip and handle well compose fundamental; we can proceed with the business trade and commercial activities better, and promote development of the global economic integration.” 2Chapter1. CourtesyCourtesy is not only an etiquette problem on seeming, it means your single-hearted

11、 attitude to your client, and one courteous writer surely would single-minded, diplomatic and judgmatical. There are following traits in write:1.1. Many polite formula in letter. In China and foreign letters, if put forward some request to somebody, in common use please. Only use one word in Chinese

12、, but its not enough to just use one Please in Foreign Business English, they are accustomed to use other words and expressions which more kindly and politely. There are following main structures for the Please:1.1.1 Use “We shall (should) be grateful / obliged if you can / will / could /would .” Fo

13、r examples:请告知你方市场详情。We shall be grateful / obliged if you can provide us with all possible information on your market.请迅速寄来备有存货的中、上品质棉花样品与价格表,不胜感激。We shall be glad if you would send us by return pattern and prices of good and medium quality cotton available for stock.1.1.2Use “We would appreciate .

14、”, “It would be appreciated + clause”. For examples:请报五十吨花生实盘。We shall appreciate it if you will make us a firm offer for 50 tons of peanuts.请寄贵公司图解目录一份。It could be appreciated if you would send us an illustrated catalogue of your manufactures.1.1.3. Use “kindly”. For example:请将两份提单分别邮寄,同时开来30天汇票以便承

15、兑。Kindly send us 2 Bills of Landing by separate mail, together with your draft at 30 days for acceptance.1.1.3 Use “Question sentence”. For example:这是我们的包装设计,请转给厂方,供他们参考。This is our design for the packing. Could you possibly give it to the manufactures for their reference?1.2 Little use first person

16、 (I, We) as the subject, to pop our “your attitude”. When translate into Chinese, usually use the modest diction, such as, call opposite side “贵公司”, but call the self side “本公司” , “我公司” , “敝公司” an so on. For examples:根据贵方来函要求,现寄上敝公司产品目录一份。According to the request in your(贵方) letter, we are sending y

17、ou a catalogue of our(敝公司) production.借此机会附上两套资料,供贵方和用户参考。For your(贵方) consideration and that of your end-users, we have taken this opportunity of enclosing two sets of our literature.如果贵方无意购买我方产品,烦请将货单转寄给与贵公司有业务往来的其他商行。If you(贵方) are not interested in taking advantage of the offerings on the list,

18、please be good enough to forward it to some of the firms with which you(贵公司) have established business relationships. 1.3 Euphemistic language and implicative word. “Even if the trade develops not very well or has big difference between both sides, its not suitable to use the gruff and rude language

19、s. You should know that the tactful language have much power than the flinty phrase.” 3Generally used models:1.3.1 “It” as the formal subject, to emphasize the objectivity. Such as:这样做一般认为是不妥的。It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.不言而喻,迟发货势必会造成经济损失。It is self understood that any d

20、elay in shipment would cause financial loss.1.3.2 Use the passive voice to point out the mistake of other side. Such as:We are compelled to express our surprise and disappointment at finding the goods contained in your last shipment not up to the agreed standard.我们必须要向贵方指出:贵方最后一批装运的货物与所签协议标准不符合,我们对此

21、感到惊讶与失望。The agreement has been kept on our part but not on their part.我们这方面遵守了协议,而他们那方面却没有遵守。1.3.3 Use the concessive clause to express reject, branching and compromise. Such as:While we appreciate your order, we very much regret that we cant entertain any fresh business in this line owing to heavy

22、commitments.感谢贵方订单,然而由于我方供货任务重,非常遗憾,我们不能再承接新的业务。We managed to squeeze for you one shipment of Daqing crude in 10,000 metric tons, when we have been committed with orders from our regular customers.虽然我们把货都卖给了老客户,我们还是设法给你挤了一船舶万吨大庆油。1.3.4 Use double negative, to weaken the mood, avoid making the busine

23、ss negotiation at a stand, and increasing the leeway.Such as:The price is not unacceptable.此价并不是不可接受的。It will not be impossible for us to sell another cargo of Shengli Crude Oil to you in the second half of the year.要我们在今年下半年再供贵方一船胜利原油并不是不可能的事情。1.3.5Use “if only .”clause, make the mood euphemistical

24、, to avoid express regret and regretful emotion without preamble. Such as:If only the packing had been 5 - p ly kraft paper bags with 1 - p ly inner polyethylene bag, we neither would nor file a claim against you.若包装是5层牛皮纸袋,内衬一层聚乙烯袋,我们就不会向贵方提出索赔了。Chapter2. Conciseness2.1 Remove unneeded facts2.1.1 3

25、W Structure.An envelop of business letter, the whole configuration can show with 3W, viz.: Why do you write the letter? (The first part); whats the detailed reason? (The second part); what do you expect your reader to do? (The third part). We mentioned hereinbefore, the main purpose to write busines

26、s letter is communicated and intercommunion. “The addressee maybe need scan a good deal of letters, one letter which lengthy, repeated, inane and discursive at the beginning, will make the reader fell disgustedly and do great rebate for the writers impression.” 4The first part (Why do you write the

27、letter? ): Its very important to tell the reader your purpose definitely and concisely.Example 1: I am replying to your letter of April 15 asking us to clear our March payment.This beginning can make the reader have sufficient mental preparative, or can focus their attention on the emphasis. And wil

28、l not detract the attention because some inessential salutation.Example 2: It was along time since I saw you in Ting Dao 3 months ago.The beginning of this letter not only prolixity, but also give an illusion to the reader: Its a personal letter that friends compliment with each other. Thus put this

29、 letter aside, to scan it when leisure, as this rate, probably will bring huge loss for both sides because of delay reading.The second part (Whats the detailed reason?): the straight matter of business letter, recount the fact or reason to support the first sentence in letter. It will show youre ser

30、iously and careful thought. “ Try to combine the facts and reasons to one or two foremost points, make it more concision if-only not influent the clarity and exactly. ”5 Such as:Example 3: I apologize for not settling the accountant sooner, but because of the unfortunate disease of Mrs. Lund, our ac

31、countant. We are not able to settle any of our outstanding balance.Just tell reader the reason why not arrange payment on time. Not excrescent words, not only explain the reason, but also expressed the apology. We should learn by heart that you dont want to incommode for the addressee, but want he/s

32、he agree your opinion and accept your requirement. So, the most important principle and skill to write the business letter well is conciseness and clearness.The third part (What do you expect your reader to do?): The finality is put forward the request or bring somebodys attention. Dont say any excr

33、escent words, because compact expression can outstanding the emphases much easily. So that the reader will deal with the referred content in your letter rapidly.Example 4: Lease find enclosed the check for 1,000,000 dollars and inform us the receipt.One short sentence does tell the reader two meanin

34、gs.Above example 1, 3, 4 composed an emphases outstanding, well-known business reply. Conciseness but to the point, not pleonasm, nonsense, also not formalism and wordy. Well-nigh a very beautiful business English letter.Of cause, we should notice that the business letters concision no need like the

35、 telegraph which cant find even one modifier. Sometimes we need add some words and sentence to lead the letter have somewhat human kindness, its also a good strategy and technique in writing business letter. “How to hold well the limit between brief and complicated becomes a problem. Simplify someth

36、ing.” 6By cutting out the superfluous is necessary, but we claim that deletes these words, phrases and sentences which without any practical meaning, repeated, cumbrous and cant provide any new useful information. 2.1.2 Avoid wordy, prolixity and acceptation repeat.If 40 words can finish one letter,

37、 but somebody used 100 words to depiction. This kind of writer indeed an annoying time killer. This not only wastes their own time, but also brings some unnecessary trouble to others. Therefore, wed better to use the straightaway language to make concise statement, to avoid using obsolete and insign

38、ificant words. Remove those needless long-winded words and sentences.Example 5: With reference to your request for an extension on your note under date of March 20, we have considered the matter carefully and are pleased to tell you that we will be willing to allow you an additional 90 days to make

39、payment on your note.The only on pivot of this section is “be willing to allow” the reader “an additional 90 days to make payment on their note”. But there are two redundant sentences in this section, the first one is “With reference to your request for an extension on your note under date of March

40、20”, because its a letter in reply, the reader know the matter refers what certainly; the second one is “we have considered the matter carefully and”, everyone know that its a very important thing to extension the payment date and will consider it cautiously, but here write out not only looks like h

41、old a candle to the sun, but also make the reader feel that its a benefaction you bestow, its not courtesy. According upwards analysis, the manuscript is amended to:We are pleased to allow you an additional 90 days to pay your note dated March 20.You will find the manuscript used 46 English words, b

42、ut the amendment one just uses 17 words. As you seeing now, delete the excrescent words havent breakage the meaning of the sentence, on the contrary, give much more prominence to the information which you want to impression.2.2 Make the “overstaffed” paragraph to be “thinness”. In the business Engli

43、sh letter, we need pay attention to avoid the paragraph overstaffed. The whole mass of close-grained letters just like big mountains stand towering front of the eye, turn into the biggest obstacle. So, the writer should try best to make them thinner, dismantle the long paragraph to several parts. Th

44、e generic rule to partition the paragraph is “A paragraph for each point”. 7Example 6: It is reported in a domestic newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their business of opening a new letter of credit as from the 3rd May for financial reason of fore

45、ign currency. Although it is said that this arrangement would be a temporary one and with establishment of new import policy this emergency arrangement would be lifted, we are much concerned about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran and shall be obliged if you will kind

46、ly keep us well advised of development of this new arrangement especially in connection with import from France. Above letter have only one section, total two sentences. The first sentence has 39 words, and the second 66 words. We will feels not good when reading, though can know the content basical

47、ly. Moreover, it looks much overstaffed. In fact, the main content of this letter can reduce to three points, accordingly rewrite it as following:It is reported that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their issuing new Letters of Credit as from the 3rd May becaus

48、e of its decreasing foreign currency funds. Furthermore it is said that the suspension seems a temporary one and will be released with establishment if a new import policy. We are much concerned, however, about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran. We, therefore, shall be obliged if you will keep us well informed of development of this new state of affairs, especially in connection with imports from France. The amended paragraph doesnt increase or reduce any words and expressions, a


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