On The Differences Between North And South In China 英语专业毕业论文11.doc

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1、中州大学外国语学院学生毕业论文Title/论文题目:On The Differences Between North And South In China Name / 姓 名: _ _ Number / 学 号: _ Major / 专 业:旅游英语_ Grade/年级班级: Tutor/指导教师: _ Date / 日 期:2013.12.14_ _ _中州大学外国语学院毕业论文任务书Title/论文题目:On The Differences Between North And South In China Name / 姓 名: _ _Number / 学 号: _ _ Major /

2、专 业:旅游英语_ _ Grade/年级班级: Tutor/指导教师: _ Date / 日 期:2013.12.14_ _ 一、论文主要要求:学生可根据自己所学专业,按学院所提供各专业论文参考选题确定题目,也可自选题目,自选题目必须报指导教师,征得同意后方可开题。原则上学生不得跨专业选题。1、 用英文写作,3000词以上。2、 论文为Word形式打印稿,A4纸型,单倍行距。英文用Times New Roman字体,中文用宋体字。大标题为3号字加黑,小标题为4号字加黑,正文、注释与参考文献为5号字。论文封面格式按学院要求统一设计。3、 论文包括:4、 1) 标题 (title) 2) 作者署名

3、 (name of the author and tutor) 3) 摘要 (abstract)(150200词,中英文均要)4) 关键词 (key words)(中英文均要)5) 正文 (body) 6) 致谢(acknowledgements)7)参考文献 (bibliography)5、 按以上格式用A4纸打印装订,按规定时间上交。6、严禁从网上下载或抄袭,否则以不及格论处。二、进度安排:1. 确定选题 第10 周 (2013年11月 4日11月10日)2. 论文提纲 第11 周 (2013年11月11日11月17日)3. 完成初稿 第12-14周 (2013年11月18日12月 8日)

4、4. 完成定稿 第15周 (2013年12月 9日12月15日)5. 上交论文 第16周 (2013年12月16日12月18日)三、毕业设计(论文)题目(来源、类型) A,X 四、毕业设计(论文)内容(包括:目标、任务、途径、方法、成果形式): (英文)North and the south of China cultural difference is the pride of the Chinese civilization, Chinese civilization cultural differences between south and the north to the most

5、obvious cultural differences, and north and the cultural differences include climate, culture, transportation, language, diet, architecture and so on aspects of the differences, these differences has produced extensive and profound Chinese civilization, the north and the south people according to th

6、eir own hometown of cultural value, cultural creation and tourism culture is one of the big show, people want to feel the north in the south of rapid and generous, scene atmosphere and not stick to one pattern, the norths people want to feel again the southern peoples exquisite and wen wan, exquisit

7、e picture, so how to grasp the good cultural differences is the key of the Chinese tour guide, the north and the south following the guide how to grasp the cultural differences and differences of Chinas north and south culture to make a detailed inquiry. (中文)中国南北方文化差异是中华文明的骄傲,中国文明文化差异以南北方文化差异最为明显,而南

8、北方文化差异又包含气候,文化,交通,语言,饮食,建筑等等方面的差异,这些差异造就了博大精深的中华文明,南北方的人们会根据自己家乡的文化创造文化价值,而旅游文化就是其中一大体现,南方的人民想要感受北方的粗狂与豪爽,景致的大气与不拘一格,北方的人们又想感受南方人民的细腻与温婉,精致的景象,所以如何把握好南北方文化的差异是中国导游的重点,下面就导游如何把握文化差异以及中国南北方文化的具体差异做出详细的探究附论文提纲: Abstract (English)Abstract (Chinese).Introduction.What is the cultural difference?. The orig

9、in of the civilization.The cultural difference between south and north 4.1The difference of climate4.2Industrial differences4.3Industrial differences4.4Architectural differences4.5language differences4.6Differences in diet4.7. The physical difference4.8. The people difference.The civil cultural diff

10、erence.The guide how to grasp the cultural differences.The conclusion五、主要参考文献:1. English tour guide,纪春,裴松青,旅游教育出版社,20082. Success for service,梁杰,中国旅游出版社,2006指导教师审批意见: 审批人签名: 日期: 备注: (1)来源:A教师拟订;B学生建议;C企业和社会征集;D实习单位提供(2)类型:X真实课题;Y模拟课题;Z虚拟课题ContentsAbstract1中文摘要.1.Introduction.2.What is the cultural d

11、ifference? .3. The origin of the civilization3.The cultural difference between south and north 44.1The difference of climate44.2Industrial differences.44.3Industrial differences.54.4Architectural differences54.5language differences64.6Differences in diet.64.7. The physical difference64.8. The people

12、 difference.7.The civil cultural difference8.The guide how to grasp the cultural differences9.The conclusion.9Bibliography10Acknowledgements10 摘要中国南北方文化差异是中华文明的骄傲,中国文明文化差异以南北方文化差异最为明显,而南北方文化差异又包含气候,文化,交通,语言,饮食,建筑等等方面的差异,这些差异造就了博大精深的中华文明,南北方的人们会根据自己家乡的文化创造文化价值,而旅游文化就是其中一大体现,南方的人民想要感受北方的粗狂与豪爽,景致的大气与不拘

13、一格,北方的人们又想感受南方人民的细腻与温婉,精致的景象,所以如何把握好南北方文化的差异是中国导游的重点,下面就导游如何把握文化差异以及中国南北方文化的具体差异做出详细的探究。关键词:文化差异; 文明;导游AbstractNorth and the south of China cultural difference is the pride of the Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization cultural differences between south and the north to the most obvious cultural

14、 difference and north and the cultural differences include climate, culture, transportation, language, diet, architecture and so on aspects of the differences, these differences has produced extensive and profound Chinese civilization, the north and the south people according to their own hometown o

15、f cultural value, cultural creation and tourism culture is one of the big show, people want to feel the north in the south of rapid and generous, scene atmosphere and not stick to onepattern, the norths people want to feel again the southern peoples exquisite and wan, exquisite picture, so how to gr

16、asp the good cultural differences is the key of the Chinese tour guide, the north and the south following the guide how to grasp the cultural differences and differences of Chinas north and south culture to make a detailed inquiry.Key Words:cultural difference ;civilization ; tour guideIntroductionB

17、road and profound Chinese culture is the pride of the Chinese people, and the differences of the Chinese culture and the benefit of the tens of millions of people, the climate of north and south culture industry transportation agriculture distinctive food culture differences. The tour guide should b

18、e according to the north and the cultural differences between the appropriate adjustment to the south and the norths commentaries on people. Let me between the north and the cultural differences and guides how to grasp the cultural differences as the following instructions.What is the cultural diffe

19、rence?Hofstadter makes such a definition of culture: the so-called culture, is in the same environment in the peoples collective mental programming. Therefore, the culture is not an individual character, but many people have the same social experience, have the same education shared by. Different gr

20、oups, people of different countries or regions, the common psychology program is different, because they are always affected by the different education, have different social and work, which also has a different way of thinking. Cultural difference is due to regional similarities and differences, di

21、fferences in cultural similarities and differences characteristic of people from all regions. The origin of the civilizationAncient Egypt, ancient Babylon, ancient India, ancient Chinas four great ancient civilizations, all through the map can be found that they are in the temperate zones, this is n

22、ot an accident, because the labor required to maintain a certain number of persons life, in the cold region is the largest, minimum in the place where the climate is hot, so at the beginning of the cultural development, the north to civilization. In Marxs das capitals, said: the natural conditions i

23、n the economy can be divided into two broad categories: life information of natural wealth of labor resources of natural wealth. At the beginning of the culture, the first kind of fauna decisive significance, at a higher stage of development, the second category of fauna has decisive meaning. In the

24、 northern hemisphere mid-latitude areas, the first kind of fauna space configuration and combination is very superior, thus representing the worlds oldest civilization in this generation.Lout Gollum the history of the seer, wrote: every nation has its special natural environment cannot leave. The en

25、vironment is in many ways to give great influence to the nation. A single climate, for example in Russia out of place, people always feel the natural environment of oppression, stasis in the heart, the result is the formation of the intrepid Yangzi nationality. Maybe because when at the age of dorma

26、nt, sitting in a room to Muse, from the hearth of gossip, many devices easy to play copy. Not in India, at the age of heat, energy to evaporate, people sleeping rough, then stars, close to the Ganges, the birth and death and feel uncertain, small life, so the universe worship of Hindu and Buddhist t

27、houghts. Chinas climate is temperate, the Yellow River culture has the plain greats, and as for the Yangtze river basin. Temperate climate, not hot cold, so develop trend and national character, and thought was easily developed. Therefore, the doctrine of the mean thought is the essence of Chinese c

28、ulture, however, in the vast north and south in China have very different two kinds of culture, they constitute the Chinese traditional culture. China is bounded with the Yangtze river, the south north of the Yangtze river belong to the culture in the north, south of the Yangtze river belongs to the

29、 southern culture, the cultural differences, divided into north and south, personality differences between the north and the south diet differences, north-south differences of art, the south north and south dialect differences, building.Personality differences between the north living conditions, pe

30、oples state of mind will be used for as far as possible and natural struggle, and struggle for life. So they thought is a single, simple, direct, or pure silly, thinking at a straight line, dont beat around the bush. Because in front of nature, one is one, two is two. So the northerners accustomed t

31、o simple thinking and hard life, they are tall, rugged tough, sex mania aggressive, thought is conservative, progress is ChiRan must keep inches, not easily lost.The cultural difference between south and north4.1The difference of climateThe south the North politics from look on the whole, Chinese no

32、rthern military, political activity, the economy developed culture. The North has always been the political center of China, Qin, Han, Tang Changing (present-day Xian), Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasty Capital in Beijing, after the founding of new China, Beijing is the capital of the Peoples Republic of Chi

33、na, the more determined the north in the national political status. In modern times, the western science and culture from the first Chine sea southeast coastal afferent, promote the rapid development of economy of the south, making the south in economy and culture advantages to strengthen. Thus the

34、North official business, the south, the two words can reflect the different political, economic and psychology.4.2Industrial differencesNorth South light due to the impact of resource and location and other factors, China industrial layout with geographical features of North South light, namely Chin

35、a northern dominated by heavy industry, light industry is relatively developed in South china. The main reason for this phenomenon is: the mineral resources China northern coal, oil, iron ore and other rich, thus gradually form an industrial structure in mining, metallurgy, machinery and other heavy

36、 industry. The southeast coastal area and resource poor, but convenient traffic, abundant capital and technology, so they avoid weaknesses, the development of raw material, fuel consumption of industrial type, so the light industry is relatively developed.4.3Industrial differencesSouth North horse C

37、hinese ancient mode of transportation is by boat south, north to the horse. The reason is that the South humid climate, abundant rainfall, surface dense river network, so as to adapt to the shipping water will emerge as the times require. While the northern arid, semi-arid climate, pasture wide clot

38、h, animal husbandry developed, in addition to meat and dairy products with horses, and with its good endurance, speed and the northern peoples domestication means, become the northern land transportation.4.4Architectural differencesThe southern tip of South North Peiping and open letter China reside

39、nts roof slope from south to north is slowed down gradually. The South roof high tip, the reason is the annual precipitation south of the big, climate and hot, high and sharp roof is conducive to the drainage, but also beneficial for ventilation and heat dissipation. The North due to less precipitat

40、ion, so the roof built flat, which not only saves building materials, can also be used as a place of drying crops. In addition, China South Garden building, light and slender, exquisitely carved, inner and outer space coherence, hierarchy, the Humble Administrators Garden in Suzhou is the typical re

41、presentative. Northern landscape architecture is gentle rigorous, robust and well-defined, inner and outer space. Chinese famous garden experts Chen Congzhou concluded: the south to shed, multi exposure. The northern fosse, closed. Visible, the adaptation to the environment, comfortable living, Sout

42、h Building and pay attention to ventilation, North Building for thermal insulation.4.5language differencesGeographic differences China language south numerous Qi in the South fan Qi, namely southern language complex, northern language is single. The vast area of North China belongs to the northern d

43、ialect area, from Harbin to Kunming straight-line distance of 3000 km, the two languages are different, but the call, communication is not much obstacles. And the south, even in the same dialect area, such as Min dialect area, also in Fuzhou, Xiamen dialect, Putian dialect words, the words of each o

44、ther, differ greatly, even dont understand. The formation of these languages and the geographical environment is a certain relationship. A China northern flat plateau and plain, convenient transport links, people contacts, exchange opportunities, with each other, so the language difference. Two sout

45、hern hilly mountainous, rugged terrain, blocking traffic, is not conducive to people exchanges, in the course of time, they formed the local dialect .4.6Differences in dietNorth South m North South Chinese different eating habits. Southerners love Steamed Rice, northerners like pasta, actually this and agricultural production structure in North and South difference. Farmland climate high temperature and rainy, China south in the paddy fields, so the local farmers plant growth habit suit ones measures to local conditions like high temperature and wet rice. And


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