The Different Diet Cultures Between China and West 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、The Different Diet Cultures Between China and West任务书姓名 专 业 英语(商务英语方向) 入学年度题目The Different Diet Cultures Between China and West主要内容:随着我国改革开放步伐的加快和加入世界贸易组织,对外交往越来越显示出其重要性。翻译作为交际的媒介和信息转换放入手段,其重要性越来越显示出来。翻译是两种语言之间的转换,这种转换要以忠实“原作”为前提。因此,翻译中,“信”是第一性的、本质的标准。只有很好的掌握和了解这一标准,才能忠实于“原作”。由于不同的语言之间有众多的不同之处。因而“绝对

2、的忠实于原文”不大可能的。本文将对“信”的相关理论进行论述,希望能够对提高翻译质量和做好翻译工作有所帮助,以促进中西方的交流。进度:论文提纲: 2009年10月10日正文初稿: 2010年 3 月10日论文二稿: 2010年 4 月10日论文定稿: 2010年 5 月25日论文答辩: 2010年 5 月30日 下达任务时间: 2011年10月指导教师签名: 院长(主任)签字:指论文上交时间指导教师评阅意见论一稿3月10号1. 论文整体层次比较清楚,结构比较合理。2. 摘要部分陈述不够完整,需要作些修改。3. 部分地方存在格式问题,需要按要求认真调整。二稿4月10号1. 论文整体层次清晰,结构合

3、理。2. 摘要仍需进一步充实,修改。3. 格式基本符合要求。三稿5月25号题目能体现本学科、专业的特点,正文观点正确,论据充分,结构比较严谨,逻辑性强,书写格式规范,内容完整,符合有关规定。指导教师签名: 年 月 日指导教师评阅成绩:指导教师签名:答辩委员会意见: 主任签字: 年 月 日答 辩 委 员 会 评 定 成 绩:主任签字: 年 月 日答辩委员会对学位授予的建议:Abstract:The problem of translation criteria has been a puzzle for centuries. There are various theories that hav

4、e been raised and have benefited much the practice of translation. Faithfulness is an important question of the principle of translation. All theorists maintain that translation should be faithful to the original. To be faithful is the first responsibility to a translator. In this thesis,firstly, th

5、e author give a brief review of the theories on faithfulness. This dissertation begins with the different theories on faithfulness. And then the author tries to expound it from two different aspects,that is,“faithfulness” in translating meaning and“faithfulness” in transmitting culture. Examples are

6、 cited from the Chinese classical novel A Dream in Red Mansions. At the end, the author is to make a brief conclusion about the importance and necessity of faithfulness. As the basic criterion in translation, “faithfulness”, involves a wide range of factors, which should all be taken into considerat

7、ion during the process of translating. Meaning and culture,are by no means complete and are in need of supplementation and improvement. Nonetheless,they touch the two fundamental aspects of a language which play an important role in both writing and translating. Therefore,a translator should serious

8、ly observe and conscientiously take heed of the principle of faithfulness in translating. Key Words: theories faithfulness translation study Content I.Introduction 6 II. Concrete Expression of Diet Cultural Difference 2.1.Differences of Diet Concept 72.2 Differences of Cooking Materials10III.Conclus

9、ion12IV.Notes13V.Bibliography15The Different Diet Cultures Between China and West1. IntroductionDiet culture (also know as food culture); it means diet, the skill of the diet process, and the diet nutrition health. The diet culture is based on the diet which is the summation of the operation, manage

10、ment, skill, culture, art, concept, living custom, and the style of philosophy. It is the creation of humankind in the diet acts and their results, involving the human diet thinking, awareness, concepts, philosophy, religion, art, etc. There is final meaning and action for the development and form o

11、f every country and nation.1 China has a long history of the diet culture and the content is so abundant. Contrast from the differences between Chinese and Western diet culture, the mode of thinking and the life philosophy are all different. Chinese people focus on the harmony with God, and the anci

12、ents regard the diet culture as the god and the important things. By contrast western people focus on the people-orient. Because China has a long old history, so there is an advantageous more developer diet culture. Although the Western food culture does not develop or no Chinese cooking stress, but

13、 their table manners, meals apparatus are colorful. This article compares the diet culture between China and West from the concept, custom, tableware and so on , according to which these we can see that the differences of culture between them. So comparing the differences between Chinese and Western

14、 food culture into philosophical differences remain an important source of practical significance.2. Concrete Expression of Diet Cultural Difference2.1 Differences of Diet Concept The first difference between China and West is the concept difference. Western diet tends to be scientific and rational,

15、 while Chinese diet is artistic and sentimental. During different eras of diet development, the two tendencies have only one purpose-solving the problem of hunger, but after the development of diet culture, such tendencies are concentrated on different purposes: the first one focuses on the nutritio

16、n, principle and philosophy.2.1.1 The Rational Western Diet Concept The concept of western is a rational one, when they are eating; basically they understand the diet from the nutrition. They regard the nutrition as the high rule of the diet.2 Whatever the color, taste, shape, fragrant of the food i

17、s how, the nutrition must have the priority. Basically enjoyment is not an important place in the diet, so they dont pursue the taste overlade. Therefore the western diet is so simple and actually.The concept of western diet is related to the whole philosophy system of the western world. In the west

18、ern peoples diet culture, metaphysical traces can be found everywhere. Western-style food is characterized with the original taste with the cooking methods of roasting or to frying. The process of every material is obvious. Generally, they put the materials by themselves and dont seem as Chinese foo

19、d. Western-style food lays stress on tableware, cooking materials, food service, food raw materials, and the mixture of color. Although the comparison of the color is clear, the tastes of many materials in food are not reconciled. Western view is that: eating is to meet the basic physical requiremen

20、ts with nutrition as the key factor.2.1.2 The Aesthetic Chinese Diet ConceptChinese concept is an aesthetic one. The Chinese diet takes the delicacy as first standard. Chinese people always believe eating is the god and the taste is in the first place. Chinese mainly emplacing the taste, and try eve

21、ry possible means to create real taste of foods; but the western people are slow in catch up with the Chinese. The characteristics of Chinese people are mainly demonstrated. In different seasons, the rich and varied, styles are paid attention to in cooking3.The food culture of Chinese people is main

22、ly for the taste, but little for the nutrition and the meaning of good taste always beyond description. This shows that the diet which Chinese people pursued is“artistic conception” which is abstrusely. Because in China, the artistic conception is the centre of all the arts, the diet culture is not

23、exception 4. The beauty of the artistic conception for the eating can make people associate it with the nice things; it can work up peoples glamorous association. In the year of 1918, Dr. Sun Zhongshan completed his collection “Strategies of Constructing countries”5 in which he points out the “psych

24、ological construction”6; he believes that Chinese cooking skill is a kind of art, like Chinese painting and calligraphy, Chinese cooking skills has the history of more than 2,000 years of aiming at excellence. That alone can indicate the profound Chinese culture.Chinese diet has its own unique charm

25、; the key is its taste. The process of Chinese cooking is complicated. Boiling is let the food cooked, and mix the five tastes together. Chinese cooking focuses on the beauty of the mixture, which is the incisive point of the Chinese cooking art. The shape and the color of the dishes are the outside

26、 things, but the taste is the appearance. Paying attention to the internal but not adorning the appearance, the internal taste of the dishes is exhibited in the shape and color of the dishes, which are the most important performance and the aesthetic diet concept of Chinese.According to Chinese cult

27、ure, diet is linked with the arts, expressing the philosophy of life, and it is our life in miniature. It contains many truths. It is not only a physical activity; but also a process, a way of ceremony. The aesthetic pursuit of Chinese diet obviously overpowers the rational; this diet concept is acc

28、orded with the philosophy thinking of the Chinese custom. By way of the representative of the Eastern philosophical, the obvious characteristics are the macroscopically, intuitionist and faintness. The goals of Chinese dishes are suitable and delicious, all for the good taste of the dishes. The chan

29、ges in the degree decide the success of Chinese dishes. This embodies the fruitful, dialectic of Chinese philology: the suitable and delicious taste at the firstly according to the variation of season, from summer to autumn it being bland, from winter to spring it being full-bodied and changing with

30、 the time, place and person.In view of the diet concept, the difference of the diet views makes the western diet tend to be more scientific and rational, and the Chinese diet is full of art. Western treatment of diet is just as a kind of way “feed up first, and then does what you should do”. Only as

31、 a measure the attitude to eating is more casual, therefore the western people seldom focus on the taste and flavors of the food. Chinese people treat eating as a joy of life, eating is not only for doing something, but also for enjoying something. By contrast, the key point of the western diet just

32、 focuses on the spread of the realistic use of the orianginal diet; Chinese focuses on the preference of the diet, they make diet a kind of art, which is full of creative and imaginative factors.2.2 Differences of Cooking MaterialsDiet in a nation is closely related to the environments and customs.

33、7The peoples diet life can not do without the living environment. The living environment not only regulate the resource of the food which is possible to obtain, but also has deep affection on the method of obtaining and consumption. The change of the living environment and internal factors finally c

34、hange in the styles of diet culture8. The Chinese diet structure is mainly composed of the grainstarch, while the western structure mostly consists of meat, protein. Variety of Chinese MaterialsThat is to say, Chinese cooking materials are very complex, and very difficult to form the system. But it

35、forms the system after all. Chinese culture has great strength. Chinese food culture is divided into three different systems, namely the north, southwest and southeast. This is also one of the three major derivative division, they form the Chinese diet culture which has the feature and the whole sha

36、pe in the every area. If there is a book called the Chinese menu, it may not no smaller than the Encyclopedia. This feature is decided by the strong strength of Chinese civilization and the vast land which is clouded by Chinese civilization. Of course, it is decided by the geographical location whic

37、h it locates-The East.According to the search made by the western botanists, there are more than 6,000 kinds of vegetables which Chinese people eat9; it is six times as many as western food. In fact, in Chinese food, the maigre food is the normal food, Chinese people eat meat only in festival or whe

38、n the level of the living is become increasing. So in ancient times there had the adage - “vegetable eating”, vegetable eating has the magistral place. Chinese people regard the vegetables as the main food; it is closely related to Buddhism. They regard the animals as “living beings”, but the plants

39、 are the “living beings”, and so, Chinese people insist on eating plants.Conclusion:Western people like meat, because they are the nomad and the nation of navigate in the antiquity. They live on fishing and breeding; often use the knives to cut the meat, so their diet sustention is meat and fish. Th

40、ink over, bread, milk, cheese, butter, Mai wine, salad, French fry, whatever? Western peoples breakfast and lunch is much simple, this can be judged from the time: in the morning they get up and go to work only 1.5 hours, in the noon there is only a half-hour to one hour for then to have meals and r

41、est. In the evening, they can relax themselves and have romantic dinner, so they enjoy the meal which we call it easy food level dinner. They ring out at more than 4 oclock, and therefore have more time, although the content of the dinner is so rich, that is only the changing of the form. 11Accordin

42、g to this obvious difference between Chinese and western cooking material, the Chinese people emphasis the plants characteristic, but the western people focuses on the animal food. In the aspect of cultural behavior, the western people like risking, exploiting, friction, but Chinese people like peac

43、e, safety and stability. Of course, the western people such as American when they exploited the West, they throw all the property to the truck, and went on the journey of the risk; but Chinese people remember “home” and “root” every time. No wonder this concept accord with the Chinese diet.Notes1Car

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45、sonality Type Diet. St.Martins Press. 2005-01.10 Fuschia Dunlop, Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook, Egland, Ebury Press, 2005-8.11 Arthur Agatston. The South Beach Diet: A Doctors Plan for Fast and Lasting Weight Loss. Headline Book Publishing. 2005-04.12李明英,社会习俗与饮食文化J锦州师范学院报, 1997 3.13周朝琦等,品牌文化M北京: 经济管理出版社 2002.14游修龄 17Oxford senior English and Chinese dictionary,Business Press,1997版, p458 .18陆放翁,游山西村19Modern


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