【英语论文】汉语的隐含性英译初探A Tentative study on Chinese Covertness in Chinese-English Translation.doc

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1、汉语的隐含性英译初探A Tentative study on Chinese Covertness in Chinese-English Translation摘要鉴于跨文化交际日益联系紧密,为使在交流过程中避免因语言习惯不同导致不必要的误解及传达的谬误,笔者认为该研究课题方向包含了汉译英最基本且容易被忽视的问题且业内对此言之有限,所以当务之急就是要首先掌握并做大量研究以饷广大受众。本研究目标为对几种常见汉语隐含性进行分类、分析、总结,并探讨比较其英译本处理解决方案并对各个情况进行总结综述。作者在文献综述部分阐述了该论题相关的汉语意合,英语形合,汉语隐含性,英语外显性及一些西方国家翻译理论作为

2、理论依据,同时引进两大解决方案:奈达的卸包袱法和增补法。后作者在八部著作中收集了汉语隐含性相关数据进行分析,在该过程中将数据集分为两大组,一为分析汉语隐含性分类,二为分析增补类型,并在各组内细化分析详述。最终得出相关结论及建议:1.增补主语或代词;2. 增补介词和冠词; 3. 增补连词; 4. 增补总结性词汇; 5. 增述中文缩写词。6. 增加解释性词汇.该研究课题的意义,目的在为使翻译人员更好的比较并发现汉英两语种潜在不同部分,在今后翻译中更好的处理类似问题使其汉译英作品更准确、合理、专业,故做此研究。关键词:汉语意合;英语形合;汉语隐含性;英语外显性;增补译法。Abstract As th

3、e cross-culture communication more and more close and for the sake of to avoid the misunderstanding caused by the differences between different cultures, the researcher considered that the theme in this field which contains the essential common sense but easy to neglected issues is urgently to maste

4、r and search more to contribute to all of the world audiences, and also the research in this subject is limited, so the author intends to do the research.The research aims to learn the Chinese covertness meaning in Chinese-English translation and research the strategies concern how to deal with the

5、counterparts in English and other relevant issues, so as to finally make a systematic conclusion in this realm.Then the author stated Chinese Parataxis, English Hypotaxis, Chinese Covertness, English Overtness and some Western Translation Theories as guide theories in the Rational Part, meanwhile in

6、troduced two strategies concerns Chinese covertness in C-E translation, Nidas unpacking approach and Amplification. Follow then the author collected a certain amount of data which Chinese covertness and adding word relevant from eight books. All the data then were analyzed in the Data Analyze part.

7、In this part, the author classified the data as two big groups, first is Chinese covertness classification and the other is amplification types. And in each group more sub-classification stated in detail. Finally draw a table of the strategies concerns the Chinese covertness issues in Results and Su

8、ggestions part. It mainly displays in six approaches, 1, Adding subject or Pronoun, 2, Adding preposition and article, 3, Adding conjunction, 4, Adding sum-up-word, 5, Adding Chinese abbreviation, 6, Adding explanation word.The research should be wished to support the translator in the field that co

9、ncerns the Chinese-English implied differences and serves to be used as an approach to an accurate, rational and professional translation works.Key words: Chinese Parataxis; English Hypotaxis; Chinese Covertness; English Overtness; Amplification.Table of ContentsPages1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research B

10、ackground11.2 Research Objective11.3 Research Significant21.4 Paper Organization22. Rationale22.1 Chinese Parataxis and English Hypotaxis32.2 The Syntax-feature-contrast between Chinese and English (The Chinese Covertness and English Overtness)42.3 Classification of Chinese Covertness in Chinese-Eng

11、lish translation42.4 The Criterion of Translation: the Western Translation Theories52.5 The Strategies Concerns How to Deal with the Chinese Covertness in C-E Translation63. Data Description64. Data Analysis74.1 The Classification of the Chinese Covertness in C-E Translation74.2 The Strategies on De

12、aling with the Chinese Covertness in C-E Translation95. Results and Suggestions125.1 Results and Suggestions-Adding What Part of the Sentence125.2 Sum up a Result Table155.3 More Suggestions - Amplification Rules176. Conclusion17Bibliography20Appendix21A Tentative study on Chinese Covertness in Chin

13、ese-English Translation汉语的隐含性英译初探1. Introduction The paper first introduces the Introduction part which consists of four sections, Research Background; Research Objective; Research Significant; Paper Organization.1.1 Research Background As the cross-culture communication more and more close and for

14、the sake of to avoid the misunderstanding caused by the differences between different cultures, the researcher considered the theme in this field that contains the essential common sense but easy to neglected issues is urgently to master and search more to contribute to all of the world audiences, a

15、nd also the research in this subject is limited, so the author intends to do the research.1.2 Research ObjectiveThe research aims to first learn the theories refer to Chinese covertness in Chinese-English translation then carry out an according classification, and research the according strategies o

16、n dealing with the Covertness counterparts in English, the author intends to further mainly introduce Amplification approach, then analyze the data prepared before in detail and draw a result view, so as to finally give some suggestion about adding word approaches and other dealing with Chinese cove

17、rtness in C-E translation related statements. The paper should be honored to be as a contribution as all the relevant learners. 1.3 Research SignificantThe research should be wished to support the translator in the field that concerns the differences between Chinese and English implied and serves to

18、 be used as an approach to an accurate, rational and professional translation works. Meanwhile, the author who as a primary learner viewing the research would be able to gain more understanding from the same primary audience and to be as a well guide, but the research is the same fits the persons wh

19、o are familiar or interested in translating also.1.4 Paper OrganizationThe research started by the Introduction as you can see which consists of the Research background, the Research objective, the Research significant and the Paper Organization. Then followed by The Rational which concerns the theo

20、ries and statements relevant to Chinese-English translation which will be used to analyze the Chinese-covertness-translation relevant issues in the Data analyze part followed by Data description which right followed the Rational and concerns the data to be analyzed, as well as the source and types o

21、f data, etc. After Data analyze part is the Results and Suggestions and finally is the Conclusion. The six parts form the main framework of the paper. Other else, also there is the Appendix which contains the source information that the research has used above. In the very front of the paper there a

22、re the Title, Abstract and the Table of contents.2. RationaleThen in this part the author introduces many necessary theories to support the paper, Chinese Parataxis and English Hypotaxis, Chinese Covertness and English Overtness, the Western Translation Theories concerns Criterion of Translation and

23、 two Nidas strategies theories, unpacking and Amplification.2.1 Chinese Parataxis and English HypotaxisWhat we called hypotaxis here refers to connect words or sentences by the form of the word (Including the approach of lexicon and the form), but Parataxis means to connect words or sentences by the

24、 meaning or the logical link. The former emphasizes the form of the text cohesion and the latter emphasizes the logical meanings of the text coherence (Liu Miqing, translated by the author 1992:18-19)Concern to the two ways of connections, the academia mainly considered in common that English is a h

25、ypotaxis language which emphasizes overt cohesion show meanings by form and Chinese is a Parataxis language which emphasizes covert coherence but not control the form by meanings. (Gong Guangming, translated by the author 2004:341-342)Also the other theory states that “The Chinese language belongs t

26、o a semantic language and the Endo-European language belongs to a syntax language. The semantic language here we can considered that it means to the sentences connected by the meaning while the syntax language we considered that it means to the sentences connected by the grammar.”(Xv Tongqiang trans

27、late by the author 1997 : 52).So, it seems like the covertness and the implicitness are the characters of Chinese and the overtness and explicitness are featured the English, as it has been seen that in the communication-the Chinese nation prefers to thinking in images but English nation is more use

28、d to abstract thinking, the two nations have an opposite way in thought. The long-term history tradition formatted and decided their language also have the opposite expression ways. For this reason, Chinese languages have the features intuitive, empiricalso the logical meanings of the text which onl

29、y need the coherence in intuit and the past experiences can practice the role of the coherence device. And English language for the sake of their history tradition has the analytical and systematical features, so their languages pay more attention to the details and how to connect between the detail

30、 sentence and another detail word. Gong Guongming has explained the phenomenon as” hypotaxis of English displays the analytical thinking-ways of the western, and the parataxis of Chinese displays the comprehensiveness ways of thinking of Chinese nation.” (2004:340)Then what are the differences betwe

31、en Chinese language and English language in detail? More statements should be followed in the following research.2.2 The Syntax-feature-contrast between Chinese and English -The Chinese Covertness and English OvertnessThe Chinese syntactic-covertness is an essential language-fact. The word covertnes

32、s here means that we cant perceive the character of the word and the grammatical function (subject, object, predicate etc.) as well as the syntax relationship (subordinate relation, reference relation etc.) through the form of the word. It seems like all meanings are noticed in covertness but not di

33、splay. On the contrary, English syntax which we can notice from the form of the sentences concerns overtness (Liu Miqing translate by the author 2010:62)The further involved into the form, what concerned is the formation of the word in English, Hu Zhuanglin has noted that in the term of inflection o

34、f his linguistics ( 语言学 ): It is the manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and cases to which they are attached.(2010). But Chinese have no these forms, therefore, it isnt totally matched between Chinese and

35、English, some parts in Chinese inevitable covert when it translated into English. The covertness which is the main thing we need to deal with in the research paper.2.3 Classification of Chinese Covertness in Chinese-English Translation.Consider that the types of Chinese covertness in Chinese-English

36、 translation, there are not exactly restricted and definite. Peng Ping once listed three types, a. tense covertness; b. voice covertness; c. the tone covertness. (Peng Ping, translate by the author 2009:340) May be in the detail, we can perceive the subject covertness, the preposition covertness, th

37、e article and conjunction covertness etc. in the analysis part of the research.2.4 The Criterion of Translation: the Western Translation Theories.Eugene A. Nida, the famous American linguist and translation theorists, first introduced the term dynamic equivalence in the eighth chapter of his book To

38、ward a Science of Translating (1964:159-160) Nida defines translation as “reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”The other two similar theories: Hans J.vermeers Skopos Theory and Chri

39、stiane Nords Functionality plus Loyalty display as follows:Skopos, as a term, is first introduced into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans J.VERMEER, meaning aim or purpose. In order to produce a functionally suitable result Skopostheory focuses on the purpose or aim of the translation, which de

40、termines the translation strategies and methods. The point is that one must know what one is doing, and what the results or consequences of such action are.Skopostheory is an approach to translation which was developed in Germany in the late 1970s, and which reflects a general shift from predominant

41、ly linguistic and rather formal translation theories to a more functionally and socioculturally oriented concept of translation. The loyalty rule is the supplement to Skopostheory. The term introduced by Nord describes the attitude which should ideally characterize the translators relationship to th

42、e source text author and sender, and the target text reader. She describes loyalty rule as “a moral principle indispensable in the relationships between human beings, who are partners in a communication process”. Such a concept is necessary because “in normal intercultural communication, neither the

43、 initiator nor the recipient of the translated text is able to check on whether or not the target text really conforms to their expectations” (Nord, Christiane. 2001).We can take these theories as a guide leading to a right way of translation, including deal with the Chinese covertness problems in C

44、-E translation.2.5 The Strategies Concerns How to Deal with the Chinese Covertness in C-E Translation.The mainly approaches the author are going to state in this paper are unpacking and Amplification which means that adding word.Eugene A. Nida proposes the unpacking translation theory: Translation i

45、s not only an art or a technique but also a science which means that “people can deal with a translation problem by the way of deal with the language structure and explode the language semantics in scientific ways as well as by the way of deal with the information.”(1999, translate by the author)As

46、its name unpacking we can just thinking of unpack or open a cloth-wrap, so as to learn all the detail sections and meanings of the source language then reorganized when we have to face an Chinese covertness issues in C-E translation, then output into their English version.In the reorganized process,

47、 the research has searched a lot of information of adding words approaches: add the subject, the preposition, the article and conjunction etc. more details will be found in the analysis part of the paper. 3. Data DescriptionThe second part of the paper has stated the support theories then in the thi

48、rd part the author describes the Data which will be analyzed in the following paper.Since the research intends to study the strategies of dealing with the Chinese covertness in Chinese- English translation, a certain amount of data concerning this theme is collected, which including adding word strategies, the classification of the Chinese covertness, and the type of adding word.The data consist of thirty-one Chinese sentences as well as their English versions which will all to be analyzed in the strategies section of the paper; And the data classified


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