【英语论文】试析英语定语从句翻译策略A Tentative Study on The Strategies used in Translating English Attributive Clause.doc

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1、试析英语定语从句翻译策略A Tentative Study on The Strategies used in Translating English Attributive ClauseA paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University 摘要 本文旨在研究英语定语从句的翻译策略,由于前置法、后置法、合并法及状语转换法在英语定


3、语的表达习惯处理行文。这样才能重现原文的内容,又保证了译文的通顺流畅。作者希望本文的研究成果能够对英语定语从句翻译的实践有所裨益,同时也希望翻译学术界对英语定语从句的翻译工作给予更多的关注和支持。关键词:英语定语从句;前置法;后置法;合并法;状语转换法;翻译策略AbstractThis paper focuses its study in the translation strategies to be applied to English attributive clauses. The author shows her particular interest in translating

4、strategies on reversing, postpositioning, combination and conversing into adverbial clauses because they are widely used. Based on the analysis of several rationale, this research aims to come up with some strategies in translating English attributive clauses.It first provides a review of the defini

5、tion of English attributive clauses, and existing translation principles and strategies. Second, it covers concepts of reversing, postpositioning, combination and conversing into adverbial clauses, as well as the strategies of translating them. Then 30 selected examples of attributive clauses are an

6、alyzed and the translation strategies of every examples are commented by the author. Finally, the conclusion offers some suggestions on the use of appropriate strategies in translating attributive clauses.The research shows that only by taking into account the culture differences between English and

7、 Chinese, can a translator create or select effective strategies to help produce a quality translation. In addition, both of languages are from different language families, which makes the translator must versatile, appropriately and flexiblely deal with base on context. Therefore the translator sho

8、uld well understand the logical concept of the original context, and arrange the word sequences according to the Chinese way of expression to deal with the language, so as to reproduce the original content and ensure the fluent translation.The author hoped that this research can be useful for the fu

9、ture English attributive clause translation practice. Meanwhile, she looks forward to seeing more attention paid and effort devoted to the development of attributive clause translation.Key words: English attributive clause; reversing; postpositioning; combination; conversing into adverbial clause; t

10、ranslation strategy1. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Analyze the data in no less than 1,000 words by using one or some of the methods recommended in Step 2 and Step 3 of Stage 7 in Writing Your BA Paper Through Practical Translation Project Design. The analysis should be based on the examples from the da

11、ta, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.2) The heading for this section has been given. You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert your analysis of the data in paragraphs, tables, diagrams or listings in the space below.4. Data Analysis Attributive clauses

12、 are widely used in English. In order to provide good translation for people, it is necessary to find proper translation strategies. The purpose of the research is to seek for corresponding translation strategies which can serve as reference for translation practice. Therefore, the focus is on the t

13、ranslation skills in detail that can be used as principles in handling translation.4.1 The Analysis of Translation Restrictive Attributive Clauses4.1.1 The analysis of reversing translation used in English restrictive attributive clausesReversing, as defined by Guo Fuqiang( Guo, 2008: 121-125), mean

14、s changing the original sentence positionn of the attributive clause, make the clause before the modified word. Original ordering refers to translate the attributive clause according to its original order in the sentence.限制性定语从句与主句联系紧密,一般不能分割,翻译时,要省去连词,译成“ 的”定语词组,即将复合句译成汉语单句,前置法常用于较短的定语从句中。In Exampl

15、e 1, the restrictive attributive clause “which people communicate ideas with each other” (人们交流思想的) is made before the modified word “tool”( 工具)by the translator. Between them, the translator add a“的” to change the original sentence position of the clause.In Example 2, the restrictive attributive cla

16、use “who prepared the magnificent dinner” is translated by adding“的” as “准备了这次盛大晚会的人”, and “ who have provided the splendid music” is translated as “演奏了这样美好音乐的人” by adding a “的” 。In Example 3, the restrictive attributive clause “what we value most” can be translated as “我们最珍惜的东西” by adding“的” 。Only

17、in this way, can the sentence be read clearly and coherently.In Example 2, the restrictive attributive clause “the people who worked for her all admired her cleverness and courage” is translated as “在她手下工作的人都很佩服她的智慧和勇气” 。4.1.2 The analysis of postpositioning translation used in English restrictive a

18、ttributive clausesPostpositioning, as it is mentioned in Gu Yueguos book, means some restrictive attributive clauses especially when they are very long, may best be put after the words they modify. ( Gu, 2008:185 )In Example 5, the restrictive attributive clause “ which is close to the heart of ever

19、y Chinese and for which ” modifies “ the ideal ”, can be translated as “这个理想是每个中国人所爱的” 。In Example 6, the restrictive attributive clause “ who first read the newspaper ” modifies “ he ”. Here can be translated as “ 是他第一个看了那份报纸” 。In Example 7, “ that ” clause modifies “ each day we made choices ”. It

20、 can be translated as “ 我们每天都要做出选择,其选择结果也会影响自己的生活,有时也会影响别人的生活” 。4.1.3 The analysis of division translation used in English restrictive attributive clausesDivision means make a English attributive clause translated into a independent clause within a compound sentence.In Example 8, the restrictive att

21、ributive clause “ that weighed up to two pounds each ” modifies “ tomatoes ”. It can be translated as “西红柿,每个重达两磅” by repeating the English antecedent.Example 9 also can be used the same method as Example 8, split up the whole sentence and translate respectively.4.1.4 The analysis of mixture transla

22、tion used in English restrictive attributive clausesMixture means that breaking the original phrase structure, then translated the original meaning.In Example 10, the restrictive attributive clause “ who wants to see you ” modifies “ a man downstairs ”. This sentence only can be simplely and smoothl

23、y translated as “ 楼下有人要见你 ” ,not only simple but also natural.In Eample 11, “ Good locks have pendulums ” is modified by “ which are automatically compensated for temperature changes ” . This original phrase structure must be broken for translating smoothly, so that it can be used division method to

24、 translate as “ 好的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的误差” 。Example 12 is a long and compound sentence, we can translate it by mixture.4.1.5 The analysis of conversing into cdverbial clauses translation used in English restrictive attributive clausesIn Example 13, the attributive clause plays the role of attributive but

25、also plays the role of adverbial, indicating the reason. Therefore, this sentence could be translated into an adverbial clause of reason. Example 14 is same as Example 13.Example 15 expresses the purpose of the subject. So the translator could translate it into an adverbial clause of purpose. Exampl

26、e 16 could be translated into an adverbial clause of result. Example 17 could be translated into an adverbial clause of condition. 4.2 The Analysis of Translation Non-restrictive Attributive ClausesThe purpose of the research is to explore a corresponding translation strategies which can serve as re

27、ference for translation practice. Therefore the focus is not on the translation skills but on general rules that can be used as principles in dealing with translation of non-restrictive attributive clauses.On the other hand, the data analysis in this project will cover the following aspects: 1) The

28、analysis of conversing into adverbial clauses adopted to translate non-restrictive attributive clauses. 2) Reversing used in translating non-restrictive attributive clauses. 3) Original ordering used in translating non-restrictive attributive clauses. 4) Division adopted to translate non-restrictive

29、 attributive clauses. 5) The analysis of combination used in translating non-restrictive attributive clauses.4.2.1 The analysis of conversing into adverbial clauses adopted to translate non-restrictive attributive clausesIn Example 18, the sentence “ I have not given up my effort to get a passport”

30、is used to describe the fact, “which will enable me to visit China ” is used to express the purpose of getting a passport. Therefore this non-restrictive attributive clause can be translated into an adverbial clause of purpose as“在争取获得一张护照,以便访问中国” 。In the same way, Example 19 could be translated an

31、adverbial clause of time.Example 20 describes the reason why a cat can see clearly in the night, so it could be translated into an adverbial clause of reason.Example 21 expresses the result of “ he decided to take this difficult course ”, so consider the whole sentence should be translated into an a

32、dverbial clause of result.Exampe 22 shows us the condition that men want to keep alive their families just desperate for work. Hence, this sentence can be translated into an adverbial clause of condition.4.2.2 Reversing used in translating non-restrictive attributive clausesIn Example 23, this is a

33、compound sentence, in this case we can adopt the reversing to make the sentence smooth and clearly in sense. Because it is better to translate it as “如何看待当前这种使得我们每个人不寒而栗的战争呢?” rather than “如何看待当前这种战争呢?它使我们每个人不寒而栗”。Example 24 is a comparative sentence, which should use reversing to translate it as a

34、simple sentence. It is better than translated as “他喜欢妹妹,其热情愉快;而他不喜欢哥哥,其冷漠高傲” 。The latter sounds unnatural.4.2.3 Original ordering used in translating non-restrictive attributive clausesIn Example 25, “ where he is a machinist ” plays a role of compensating, so it can be adopted original ordering to

35、translate.In Example 26, there are two separated sentence to describe a fact. According to the context, it can be translated by original ordering.4.2.4 Division adopted to translate non-restrictive attributive clausesExample 27 and Example 28 are two simple sentences both in structures and meanings.

36、 They just describe the truth. Therefore we can adopt division to translate them separately.4.2.5 The analysis of combination used in translating non-restrictive attributive clausesIn Example 29, “ The sun, which had hidden all day ” could be translated as “整天躲在云层里的太阳” better than “太阳整天躲在云层里” 。As fo

37、r Example 30, it is a long sentence but simple structure. In order to make the meaning clearly expressed, we could translate it as “甚至一直支持她的丈夫也劝她放弃” 。ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST FOR TUTORSPlease tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below. In-text comments

38、should also be offered if necessary.评价项目(Assessment Items)评价指标(Assessment Criteria)评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改语料分析 Data Analysis 1. 与研究目标相关。The analysis is related to the objective of the research.2. 以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。The Analysis is supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the Rati

39、onale.3. 针对语料中原语与译语的差异(建议从语言、体裁、修辞或文化等角度比较),或同一原语的不同译语间的差异(建议从翻译的社会背景、目标、对象或译者的翻译倾向等角度比较),具体分析语言、文化或社会因素对翻译的影响。The analysis illustrates the effects of linguistic, cultural or social variants on translation by comparing and contrasting the source language with the target language (from the linguistic

40、, stylistic, rhetorical, cultural or other perspectives), or different translation version (in terms of the social background, translation purpose, target reader, translators approach to translation, etc.).4. 分析充分详细,涵盖语料中的相关示例或相关示例代表,代表不少于3例。The analysis is adequate and detailed, based on the exampl

41、es from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.5. 语言准确,表意清楚,逻辑连贯。The analysis is presented in clear, correct and coherent English.6. 字数不少于1,000字。The analysis contains no less than 1,000 English words.7 格式(标题、字体和行间距)符合要求。 The analysis is formatted as required.Tutors Commen

42、ts:2. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Derive the results from the analysis you have made above, and then based on these results, make some suggestions on the future translating practice. The section of results and suggestions should contain no less than 1,000 English words.2) The heading for this section

43、has been given. You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert the results and suggestions in the space below. 5. Results and Suggestions 5.1 ResultsWhat is practice like in attributive clause translation? Based on the above analysis, we find four principles suggested by Gu Yueguo

44、 (2008), putting restrictive attributive clauses before the word it modifies, adding的; put it after the word it modifies and making it another sentence, and merging it into the rest of sentence are applied by translator in translating English attributive clauses. Last but not the least, conversing i

45、nto adverbial clauses are also adopted widely adopted in translating.Putting restrictive attributive clauses before the word it modifies, adding的, also called reversing; On the contrary, put it after the word it modifies and making it another sentence, and merging it into the rest of sentence are al

46、so named postpositioning. The advantage of reversing is to convey the linguistic and cultural information as well as the translators creative purpose to the readers. I t is used frequently in dealing with transalting English attributive clauses.Considering different culture and language order during

47、 translating attributive clause, the method of reversing is nominated to express the original logic concept and meaning. The specific translating strategies like reversing, postpositioning, original ordering, division, combination, and mixture are used to smooth the difference in express and habits

48、caused by social and cultural difference between Chinese and English.Then what considerations should the translator take into account while in dealing with cultural differences in translation? What translation strategies are more appropriate for translating English attributive clauses? My research has come to the following findings:(1) The Chinese readers response is still a significant criterion and the main consideration in translating English attributive clauses. No matter what words, sentences or


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