【英语论文】对爱默生散文《圆》的文体分析(英文) .doc

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1、 Circles is characterized with circle:A Stylistic Study on Ralph Waldo Emersons Circles圆之 “圆”性 对爱默生散文圆的文体分析By Chen Yao ping (陈耀平)Supervisor: Associate Prof. Zhang Huahong (张华鸿)March,2010School of Foreign StudiesSouth China Normal University43摘 要拉夫瓦尔多爱默生是美国19世纪中最有影响的哲学家、思想家、散文家之一, 同时也是超验主义的创始人和领袖人物。其


3、体、遣词用句上充分地做到了形式与内容的统一。因此,为了揭示该篇散文的文体美感以及爱默生在语言选择和文体应用上所体现的圆的某些属性,本论文围绕“圆这篇散文在文体上表现了圆的哪些特性,以及它是如何实现的?”这一研究问题,采用文学文体学分析的相关理论,从词汇、语法、修辞、文本连贯等方面对该散文的文体风格进行详细的剖析,发现了其文体美感,拓宽了赏析此文的角度并加深了赏析力度。最后以总结的方式对该研究问题作出了解答:除了呼应文章内容上所体现的圆的一些哲学延伸义,如层次性、不稳定性等,圆一文还从“圆”作为一个几何概念的角度去体现了它的其他特性,如对称性等。关键词:拉夫瓦尔多爱默生, 圆, 散文:第一系列,

4、 文体学分析,圆的性质, 哲学思考,文体学,语言学2AbstractRalph Waldo Emerson was among Americas most influential authors, philosophers and thinkers, and most well-known as a leading representative of Transcendentalism movement of the mid-19th century. Emersons essays are all very philosophical, presenting for us extraordi

5、nary insight of nature, life, etc., motivating us to make reflections on ourselves, therefore bring him reputation both at home and abroad.Circles is the tenth in Emersons Essays: First Series. Actually Emerson expressed his philosophy about circles in many of his works, however, this one entitled C

6、ircles received relatively little attention from scholars in the field of literature, let alone to compete with such well-received works in the same collection Essays: First Series as History and Self-Reliance. On the other hand, the shortage of studies and limitations of the previous studies rightl

7、y provide good chance for my research to conduct a detailed analysis of it.In Circles, everything, including nature, culture, literature, agriculture, religion, etc. is compared to a circle, which is the embodiment of such features as circulation, expansion, non- fixture, generation, development, me

8、dial, degree, and so on. Such a metaphor evokes readersphilosophical thinking about life and nature. The characteristics of circles are perfectly expressed not only in content but also in form, that is the linguistic choice, or stylistic devices, etc. Consequently, in order to reveal the stylistic a

9、esthetics and to discover how Emerson incorporated the characteristics of circles in the writing of the essay Circles, this thesis comes up with the research question Linguistically and stylistically, what characteristics of a circle are embodied in the essay Circles, and how?. To answer the researc

10、h question, this thesis would apply all the theories concerning stylistic analysis to make a detailed analysis of the essay Circles on the levels of lexical, grammatical, figure of speech, as well as coherence and cohesion, by which means this thesis would unveil the stylistic aesthetics of Circles,

11、 and enhance the appreciation of it. In the end, this thesis would make a conclusion of the characteristics of circles that have been discovered in the process of stylistic analysis, as to answer the research question proposed previously. And the answer is: Not only does the essay Circles give a lin

12、guistic echo to the philosophical features of circles which have been perfectly expressed in content, it also linguistically and stylistically mirrors some other geometric features of circles; in a word, either in content or in language, the essay corresponds and lives up to the title Circles perfec

13、tly, for its perfect reflection of both the geometric features and the philosophical characteristics of circles.Key Words: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Circles, Essays: First Series,stylistic analysis, circles features, philosophical thinking, stylistics, linguistics43ContentsChinese Abstract.1English Abstr

14、act .2Content .3Chapter Introduction .51.1 Significance of the Research.51.2 Organization of the Present Thesis.5Chapter Literature Review.7 2.1 Introduction to Ralph Waldo Emerson .72.2 Account of the Essay Circles .72.2.1 The Themes of Circles.82.2.2 Previous Researches on Circles and their Limita

15、tions .8Chapter Research Design .103.1 Theoretical Framework .103.1.1. Style and Stylistics.103.1.2. Literary Stylistic.113.2 Research Question of this Thesis.113.3 Research Methodology.12Chapter The Detailed Stylistic Analysis of Circles.134.1 Lexical Features .134.1.1 General Features.134.1.2 Sema

16、ntic repetition of words indicating “circle”.134.2 Grammatical Features.144.2.1 General Features.144.2.2 Sentences and clause types.1544.2.3 Sentence complexity .184.2.4 Sentence and clause structure.184.3 Figure of speech .194.3.1 Parallelism .194.3.2 Antithesis .204.3.3 Alliteration .204.3.4 Pun .

17、214.3.5 Paradox and Oxymoron.214.3.6 Metaphor and Simile.224.3.7 Personification .234.3.8 Climax and Anti-Climax .234.4 Cohesion and Coherence .24Chapter Conclusion .255.1 Summary.255.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study.255.2.1 Limitations of the Present Study .255.2.2 Suggestions for Fu

18、rther Study.26Bibliography.2743Chapter Introduction1.1 Significance of the ResearchRalph Waldo Emerson was widely regarded as one of Americas most influential authors, philosophers and thinkers, and most well-known as a leading representative of Transcendentalist movement in the mid-19th century. (h

19、ttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Waldo_ Emerson)Essay is one primary form Emerson makes use of to express his philosophical thought. Essays: First Series, which contains 12 essays bound together by the systematic coherence of Emersons thought alone was published in 1841. The diverse titles do not li

20、mit the subject matter of the essays, but they are essentially repeating the consistent concerns of Emersons philosophy.Emersons style of writing is quite rhetorical and often involves an exploration of the contrary poles of a particular idea, that is similar to a poetic antithesis. Emerson applies

21、a highly figurative style and his poetry remarkable as poetry of ideas, which characterizes him as a philosopher-poet. The language of the essays is appropriately poetical, thus compelling Thoreau to say critically of the essays, They were not written exactly at the right crisis to be poetry though

22、inconceivably near it. (http:/self-improvement- essays1.php)Philosophical and exquisitely written as all the 12 essays are, undeniably Self-Reliance enjoys the greatest reputation for being regarded as one of Emersons most renowned and influential works. The tenth essay, Circles, is obviously not so

23、 famous as Self-Reliance and seemingly rather few studies of it have been conducted. Nevertheless, we should pay more attention to it. According to some surveys, it was pointed out that Emerson loves circles, and circular words. A computer scan through his writings for the word circle yields 17 diff

24、erent pieces of writing. Related words and phrases would likely show up in every essay: circulate, circumscribe, circumstance, circuit, circumference, limit, unit, universe, revolve, revolution, globe, ball, around(Qtd, Emerson on Circles by Joe Miller) Then the essay Circles should be the best embo

25、diment of Emersons love and philosophy about circles. As far as this essay Circles is concerned, only a few studies have been carried out, moreover, this essay is hardly the center or target of those researches but merely as a starter or an example. Let alone to present literary criticism of this es

26、say Circles, or to conduct a detailed analysis of it. The insufficiency and lack of researches done is where lies opportunities and room for me to re-interpret Circles, Emersons exquisitely written essay, from a new point - a detailed stylistic analysis.To sum up, the significance of my research is

27、attributed to 3 aspects: Emersons significant statue in the history of American Literature; Essays: First Series being one of Emersons influential works collection, and circles being one important theme of Emersons works as well as being one philosophy of Emersons attitude towards life and nature; l

28、ast but not least, the limitations and lack of the researches on the essay Circles, providing room for the innovation of my research, hence contributing to the practical significance of my thesis.1.2 Organization of this ThesisThis thesis is made up of five chapters:Chapter gives a general introduct

29、ion to the practical and theoretical significance of the 7Circles is characterized with circle: A Stylistic Study on Ralph Waldo Emersons Circlesresearch and a brief description of organization of this thesis. Chapter reviews on the background information about Emerson and the to-be-discussed essay

30、Circles, including its themes and previous researches on it.Chapter presents the theoretical framework of this thesis, including theories of style, stylistics and literary stylistics; then puts forwards my research questions, and the methodology to be applied during the process of research.Chapter i

31、nvestigates the essay Circles from the stylistic perspective, making a general survey of the linguistic features in Circles and studying the features of language from the aspects of lexical, grammatical, figure of speech, coherence and cohesion, to support my point of view, that is, how well they ar

32、e echoing the characteristics of circles. Chapter concludes the main points of this thesis, in order to form a systematic explanation of circles characteristics that are well reflected by the linguistic and stylistic features of the essay Circles; besides, the last chapter would also point out the l

33、imitations of this thesis and therefore make some suggestions for further study.There above is the preliminary arrangement of my thesis. Next lets move on to Chapter .8Circles is characterized with circle: A Stylistic Study on Ralph Waldo Emersons CirclesChapter Literature Review 2.1 Introduction to

34、 Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 1882) was one of the most influential literary figures in the nineteenth century. He was a founder of the Transcendentalist movement and the founder of a distinctly American philosophy emphasizing optimism, individuality, and mysticism. Emerson seeks to create all things new with a philosophy emphasizing the recognition of God Immanent, the presence of ongoing creation and revelation


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