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1、六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)Differences between Chinese and Western Marriage Custom中西方婚俗差异专业班级: 商务英语0901 学生姓名: 陈玉凤 指导教师: 蔡苗苗 二一二年四月十五日目 录毕业设计(论文)任务书3开题报告5毕业设计(论文)中期检查记录表7毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表8毕业设计(论文)评语、成绩及总成绩10毕业设计(论文)11六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)任务书班级商务英语0901学生姓名陈玉凤学号092597毕业设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗差异毕业设计(论文)起讫时间2011年10月15日2012年4月15日任务书内容




5、告。4编写论文提纲、完成一稿。5送指导教师修改,完稿。五、毕业设计(论文)的时间安排12011年9月30日前完成选题、任务书签定、完成开题报告。22011年10月1日2008年11月10日完成论文写作。32011年11月11日12日上交论文。42011年11月13日20日进行论文答辩。下达任务时间: 2011年10月15日 指导教师(签字) 蔡苗苗 接受任务时间: 2011年10月15 接受任务学生(签字) 陈玉凤 六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名陈玉凤班级商务英语0901指导教师蔡苗苗毕业设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗的差异 学号092597叙述题目的实际意义,时间的安排及预期达

6、到的目标(开题报告指导教师批准后方可进入毕业设计(论文)撰写阶段)。一、 题目的实际意义通过对中西方婚俗差异的学习,让我对中西方文化有了进一步的了解。同时又学习到每一项婚礼习俗所蕴含的丰富内涵。另外通过中西方婚俗的对比,让我感受到中西方鲜明的民族文化特色并对中西方婚俗的不同之处产生浓厚兴趣。二、 时间的安排2011年10月30日前完成选题、任务书签定、完成开题报告;2011年11月1日2012年3月15日完成论文写作;2012年4月15日4月20 日上交论文;2012年4月21日4月25日进行论文答辩;三、 预期达到的目标了解在中西方国家中婚俗的影响因素及所反映的文化内涵。掌握在婚俗中需要遵守

7、的不同仪式习俗。了解在不同文化背景下,不同文化中所表现出来的民俗差异。通过对中西方价值观的对比及礼俗的文化意义不同体现出中西方婚俗的不同之处。四、 论文大纲1、 引言:本论文具体讨论了中西方婚俗的不同。探讨在不同文化背景下不同文化中所表现出来的民俗差异。2、 正文:影响中西方婚俗的因素; 2.1宗教因素 2.1文化因素 2.1婚姻观念3、中西方婚俗的不同之处3.1颜色和婚宴在中西方中的不同3.2婚礼在中西方的价值观不同3.3礼俗的文化意义不同4、婚礼中中西合璧的文化现象4.1中西合璧现象出现的原因 4.2如何看待这种现象5、结语:对婚俗不同的原因的了解以及中西方交流对婚俗的影响 五:参考文献1

8、高名凯语言论,科学出版社,19632华劭语言经纬北京商务印书馆3彭保良从文化差异的角度看英汉翻译中词义的确立J19984易中天易中天品读中国M上海文艺出版社,20055张志毅,张庆云词汇语言学-修订本,北京商务印书馆。指导教师意见 同意开题 指导教师签字: 蔡苗苗 2011年10月20日六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)中期检查纪录表专业班级商务英语0901学生姓名陈玉凤指导教师蔡苗苗设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗差异指导时间2011年11月15日-12月15日2011年11月15日-12月15日,一稿已交,论文质量不错,但有少数地方表达不清楚,需要再修改。专业班级商务英语0901学生姓名陈玉凤指导

9、教师蔡苗苗设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗的差异 指导时间2011年12月20日-2012年1月20日2011年12月20日-2012年1月20日,二稿已交,论文经再次修改,错误已基本修改,但是论文格式较乱,需要重新再调整。专业班级商务英语0901学生姓名陈玉凤指导教师蔡苗苗设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗的差异指导时间2012年1月25日-2月25日2012年1月25日-2012年2月25日,三稿已交,论文格式,内容基本符合要求,建议定稿!六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表系别人文系班级商英0901学生姓名陈玉凤毕业设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗差异采分标准1.答辩前答辩小组成员对学生的设计(论文)

10、撰写质量有一评定。毕业设计(论文)规范、符合要求15分;2.毕业设计(论文)讲解自述清晰、明了、重点突出15分;3.回答问题的正确情况20分,创新加分,有重要错误减分,共计50分。答辩老师提问题,学生回答后,答辩教师应给出评语,(1)有独立见解,表述简练回答正确,(2)基本正确,(3)内容无原则性错误,(4)回答不正确等。注:1.答辩教师提出问题4个以上;2.所有答辩小组成员都要签字。毕业设计(论文)质量学生毕业设计(论文)自述情况答辩教师提问1.What is the difference between Chinese and Western wedding?答辩教师提问2.What is

11、 the reason for combination of wedding?答辩教师提问3.What the difference between Chinese and Western wedding in color?答辩教师提4.what do you think of the different values in different countries?答辩教师问题5.what your understanding of marriage? 成绩 答辩小组成员签字: 答辩小组组长签字: 六安职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)评语(成绩及总成绩)班级商务英语0901学生姓名陈玉凤学号092

12、597毕业设计(论文)题目中西方婚俗差异评分标准指导教师对毕业设计(论文)的评语及成绩的评定可参考以下采分点:1.学生设计(论文)反映出的基本知识和基本功(15)分2.学生的独立工作能力和动手能力(10)分3.毕业设计(论文)的学术水平、难度和工作量(5)分4.毕业设计(论文)格式、条理性,语言书写,图表水平(10)分5.学生在毕业设计(论文)期间的表现(10)分注:毕业设计(论文)成绩占总成绩的50%评语该生论文基本功较好,具备独立工作能力,该论文题目比较新颖,需要掌握较多最新的相关材料,才具有信服度。论文格式和条理性一般。在修改论文期间,写作态度有所转变,尤其后期积极的修改态度。成绩: 指

13、导教师(签字): 2012年4月20日毕业设计(论文)成绩: 学生答辩成绩: 总成绩: 答辩委员会主任签字: 学校答辩委员会领导小组组长签字: CONTENTSEnglish Abstract. .11 Chinese Abstract.12Chapter One Introduction.13Chapter Two Three Factors Affect Chinese Wedding and Western Wedding.132.1 Religions.142.2 Cultural Origins.152.3 Marriage Concepts.15Chapter Three The

14、Differences Between Chinese and Western Wedding.163.1 The Differences between Chinese and Western Wedding in Color.173.2 Different values in wedding.173.3 The cultural significance of Customs is different.18Chapter Four The Cultural Phenomenon of Combination in Wedding.194.1The reason for combinatio

15、n of wedding.194.2 How to treat this phenomenon.20Chapter Five Conclusion.21Works Cited.23AbstractAbove the traditional marriage ceremony, Chinese traditional wedding has many complex and vulgar manners. There are a lot of taboos and customs in these prepared activities. Under the understanding of t

16、he traditional concept of marriage, Western wedding culture and its origin, comparison of Chinese wedding culture and Western wedding culture, different analysis of the different cultural backgrounds, the different customs are shown for us finally. There is a long way in the development of Chinese h

17、istory, so in this process there are many traditional customs formed. Generally speaking, Chinese Wedding hold grandly and lively, they will invite many friends and relatives. Therefore, the general location of the wedding is courtyard or hotel where is convenience and spacious. Western countries ha

18、ve advanced ideas, they focus on freedom and equality between people. They concern more about their individual thoughts. As we all know, a lot of factors may result of different custom, but it do not mean that there are no similarities or commonalities. Frankly speaking, marriage customs and differe

19、nt thinking of thought are directly linked. Key Words:Marriage custom, differences, culture摘要在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗很多繁俗礼节。而在这些准备活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗. 主要是通过对中国传统婚姻观念,西方婚礼文化及其起源,以及分析中西方婚礼文化对比等方面产生的不同,探讨不同文化背景下的了解,表现出的民俗差异。中国在历史悠长,所以在这个过程中有很多传统习俗形成。一般来说,中式婚礼举行隆重,活跃。因此婚礼举行的地点一般都选在交通方便、空间宽敞的院落或酒店.西方国家有先进的西方思想,他们注重人与

20、人之间的平等和自由。他们更加注重个人的思想。诚然,婚姻习俗和思想不同的思维有着直接的联系。关键字:婚俗,不同点,文化Chen YufengBusiness English 090130 March 2012Differences between Chinese and Western Marriage CustomChapter One IntroductionChinese wedding customs have not much change in several thousand years in the history, in this process there are many

21、traditional customs in the past wedding ceremony. Under the introduction of modern Western culture, Chinas traditional culture converts to it step by step. Many differences exist in the west, thus, the wedding have different marriage customs. Nowadays, to enrich the development of free love, parents

22、 drop the previous concepts gradually. People can enjoy more freedom and the wedding process is also very different. Comparison, in the traditional wedding process, many customs are differing from western country.Traditional characteristics is the core of culture, it constitutes the main body of peo

23、ples lives . Marriage shows the face of the social life and ethnic groups, as well as aesthetics, ethics, values, religion and the development trend of the national psychology. The marriage custom is the man who creates the culture and accumulates the spiritual wealth. As a union of a man and a woma

24、n and a family formation stage, marriage includes not only marriage, but also the preparation phase for the marriage and the performance stage after the festivities. It runs through the whole process of life. Western country also has a long history. Due to the influence of a particular environment i

25、n the west, they have their distinctive culture, which is differ from Chinese culture.Ancient China has many complex and traditional customs. It reflects the various customs in ancient Chinese culture, which is formed in the long life gradually. With the development of economic and the acceleration

26、of globalization, the Western culture began to advance a more extensive impact and blending. The study of Marriage make us have a better understanding of Western culture, marriage customs, it also broaden our horizons. Comparative study of the marriage custom between Chinese and western culture, we

27、will have a study of specific values in different countries. Because of these gorgeous, colorful wedding customs, we can see more beautiful landscape in human society.In modern Chinese wedding, if the two people begin to invite guests, it represent that they will hold the wedding ceremony. Generally

28、, guest received a wedding invitation in one week in advance, but there are also some couples will be notified people in one month in advance. The bride and groom just want we know they will get married. This is only a small different point in wedding.In the middle Ages, there was a big difference b

29、etween Chinese and western countries in the marriage ceremony. The main reason is that the wedding has different cultural roots. The concept of marriage and religious factors, cultural factors are examples of influencing factors between different countries. Chinese wedding culture is shocked by the

30、Western wedding culture, now many young people in the wedding ceremony often adopt the western wedding. Hence, what is the influence of cultural interaction among the different environment? what kind of differences between Chinese wedding and Western wedding?Chapter Two Three factors affect Chinese

31、and Western Wedding2.1 ReligionsDifferent countries have different cultures, so they may believe in a different religion. Most people in china believe in Buddhism. Christianity is the most influential religion in the west. Hence, the wedding usually holds in the Western church and the priest preside

32、s at Wedding ceremony. Under the witness of the godfather, according to their individual thought, they get married. Every phase of mans life is touched by this religion, so that it has become part and parcel of western culture. The most important part of traditional Chinese wedding is preparing for

33、the wedding, once this process completed, the man and woman become couples.Confucian patriarchal ideology is the core values in ancient Chinese traditional wedding; they have a strong sense of patriarchal. So they have few thought of their own felling. They do not have much freedom. They must obey t

34、he willing of their family and bear the responsibilities. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw bouquet to the female guests who arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is the next married person, which makes the entire ceremony laughing in the end.2.2 Cultural OriginsBasis on ethics

35、, the traditional Chinese concept of marriage has sacred significance. Male and females marriage is the combination of yin and yang, the aim is to meet commitments by the nature of heaven and earth. The main secular view of marriage is people-oriented. China has thousand years of feudal society, so

36、it has already included some strong feudalistic ideal. The marriage concept of Perfect match is out of the traditional Chinese marriage which belongs to the secular ideology.Under the clan system of “three obedience and four virtues”, the women cannot have their own ideals. As if everything is arran

37、ged, their fate cannot change. The policy of cementing friendly relations through political marriages was a typical example in history. Western marriage custom is influenced deeply by religion. So they are equal unlike Chinese who pay more attentions to boy, western people regard girl as the love of

38、 crystal. Although there are also some unequal in foreign countries in the history, compare with Chinese traditional custom that is not obvious.2.3. Marriage ConceptsThe Bible says “the man shall leave his father and his wife, and they shall become one. Jesus teaches us, they are no longer two, they

39、 are one body, so god has joined together, he do not let the two person separate. Today, the bride and groom in front of god are given the covenant. People have to remember whether you have common thought, your actions must consider your other half, the other side should feel that you are one body.

40、Friends are excited in the three words, those words is not just the words, it behalf the god will bless you. Thus we can see the western wedding care more about in spirit.In traditional Chinese concept, people regard the marriage as a kind of ways to increase families, to protect and enhance familys

41、 reputation and position. The marriage was looked as the important event of family that was not just behalf of ones own event. The love between the man and the woman was not the first selection of marriage. In western countries, they are equal in position; they pay more attention to their own feelin

42、g. Marriage is the testimony of love and marriage is to make the woman and the man live together. But getting married is not the only way, they may live together in cohabitation before the marriage. If they found they are not fond of each other, they will end up their relations. So we can know that

43、the people in western countries have an open mind in wedding. Their thought is active and positive.Chapter Three the differences between Chinese and Western Wedding3.1 The differences between Chinese and Western Wedding in Color The brides dress is usually white, the groom in black dress, so that th

44、e whole wedding was solemn and serious. They have the best man and bridesmaid. White represents purity and the wedding ceremony in church is the most important aspects of the wedding. Chinese style wedding is a very special occasion filled with bright red color everywhere, like tablecloths, favors dress, ribbons and more. Thats because red represents happiness and wealth. There are m


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