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1、我国专有出版权几个问题的探究 我国专有出版权几个问题的探究 Research on Problems of Proprietary Copyright【中文摘要】 目前,对专有出版权的认识上,在理论上存在不足。主要不足有:第一,在性质的认识上存在分歧;第二,版权交易中没有公示登记制度;第三,在复杂、疑难侵权案件的侵权认定上,太过依赖传统的文字上抄袭比例多少的判断方法。那么这样导致的问题就是:由于没有版权登记制度,那么在版权交易中,容易出现一权多卖的现象;当出现一权多卖发生权利冲突的时候,不同性质的认识,又将会导致不同的权利保护的结果;在复杂、疑难侵权案件的侵权认定上,太过依赖传统的文字上抄袭比


3、于一种著作财产权。第三章主要介绍专有出版权公示登记制度。第四章主要介绍了目前专有出版权侵权认定的方法,分析目前此种判断方法的局限性与解决方法;针对专有出版权的本质特征为一种经济利益的基础上,提出了专有出版权的实质性侵害的判断方法;并建议设立专有出版权侵害的司法鉴定程序,把复杂疑难的侵权判断交给专家去解决。本文的创新点在于:引入版权侵权理论判断专有出版权的实质性侵害;针对专有出版权复杂疑难案件判断上经常出现分歧,建议设立专有出版权侵权认定的司法鉴定程序,把复杂疑难的侵权判断交给专家去解决【英文摘要】 At present,there are some scarcities in Propriet

4、ary copyright theory.There are major scarccities:firstly,the different view of the character of Proprietary copyright beteen different scholars;Secondly,there is no public trading of copyright registration system; Thirdly,the way to judge infringement on complex,difficult cases is traditional which

5、is relying too much on the 1 text of the number of plagiarism.As a result,then the question is:Since there is no copyright registration system,A phenomenon which is to sell the same copyright to different people in the copyright trade to be more and more; The different view of the character of Propr

6、ietary copyright to be haven different consequence when there is a conflict of the same right is sold to different people;To judge infringement on complex,difficult cases with a traditional way which is relying too much on the text of the number of plagiarism to be have different views when the plag

7、iarism is less than 50%,and this different view will. lead to not only different consequences for the Protection of the Rights but also non-uniform administration of justice.This paper attempts to use comparative analysis of methods,analysis of related rights,and the proprietary character of copyrig

8、ht through comparison,then suggest improving the proprietary rights of publicity of the registration system;And on the copyright infringement,gave a view of point to cognize the substantive violation,and recommend the establishment of a copyright infringement proprietary forensic procedures identifi

9、ed.With a view to improve the relevance of copyright law to play a modest. This paper is divided into four parts.The first chapter mainly introduct the appropriative copyright meaning,history and various countries related legislation. introduce the major view of the character of the appropriative pu

10、blication at present. The second chapter with a piont of that the appropriative copyright is one kind of copyright.The third chapter mainly introduce the register system of appropriative copyrigh.The fourth chapter mainly introduce the ways which re cognize the appropriative copyright right infringe

11、ment at present,and propose the appropriative copyright substantive violation,aimed at the characteristic of appropriation copyright; recommended to make exclusive procedure for the judgement of copyright infringement, and suggest that the judgement of the complex cases to be gaven to professors.The

12、 innovation of this paper is that becouse of the phenomeno which the same copyright to be sold to different people in copyright transactions,suggest to set up a public demonstration of the copyright registration system,safeguarding the safety of the copyright transactions;to set up exclusive judicia

13、l process for judging copyright infringement,and gave the right to judge complex cases to professors.【中文关键词】 专有出版权; 公示登记; 实质性侵害; 司法鉴定 【英文关键词】 proprietary copyright ; come out with register ; material invasion ; judicial expertise 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 7-8 第1章 专有出版权概论 8-16 1.1 专有出版权的含义 8-10

14、1.2 专有出版权的历史 10-11 1.3 专有出版权的国内外立法规定 11 1.4 专有出版权性质的主要观点 11-13 1.5 专有出版权”一女多嫁”引发的思考 13-16 第2章 专有出版权的性质 16-25 2.1 专有出版权的邻接权学说评析 16-17 2.2 专有出版权的特别债权学说评析 17-20 2.3 专有出版权的准用益物权学说评析 20-22 2.4 专有出版权的著作权学说评析 22-25 第3章 专有出版权的公示登记制度 25-31 3.1 知识产权公示登记制度 25-28 3.2 专有出版权公示登记 28-31 第4章 专有出版权侵权认定 31-42 4.1 专有出版权侵权认定的司法实践 31-33 4.2 专有出版权的实质性侵害认定 33-39 4.3 专有出版权侵权认定的司法鉴定 39-42 结语 42-43 参考文献 43-44 致谢 44-45 攻读学位期间发表的论文与研究成果 45


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