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1、我国婚姻登记管理制度改革研究(摘要) 专 业:公共管理 研究方向:行政管理 作者姓名: 指导教师:家庭是社会的细胞,家庭稳定,社会才得以稳定。婚姻作为构成家庭的前提,对每一个家庭都起着至关重要的作用,而婚姻登记管理制度作为婚姻法的一项重要制度,对婚姻家庭的和谐稳定都有着非常重要的现实意义。首先,婚姻能不能成立直接取决于婚姻登记管理制度,当事人之间是否为夫妻关系也受到婚姻登记制度的影响,为婚姻家庭法的立法提供条件;其次,在政府监管婚姻关系上也起到重要作用,对于违法婚姻进行严厉的打击,促进和谐社会的构成,充分保护弱势群体的利益。所以,不管是在保障夫妻双方权利、维护家庭和睦还是促进社会稳定上,婚姻登







8、。完善结婚登记审查制度、协议离婚程序制度,引入社会工作来推进婚姻登记管理与服务;采用自愿婚检与强制孕检相结合的方式来推行婚检制度的实施,让婚前健康检查成为一种服务,一种置身法律之外的公共习俗;健全事实婚姻制度,对事实婚进行弱保护,与登记婚有一定区别,并建立事实婚姻自动转正制度。关键词 婚姻登记管理制度 结婚登记 离婚登记 事实婚姻 婚检制度2Research on Marriage Registration Management Reform in China(Abstract)Major: Public AdministrationResearch Interests: Administra

9、tionAuthors Name: Instructor: A family is a cell of a society. Family stability ensures the stability of a society. Marriage, as a prerequisite to constitute a family, plays a vital role. Meantime, marriage registration management system, as an important part of the Marriage Law of the harmony and s

10、tability of marriage and family, has a very important practical significance. On the one hand, marriage registration management system directly determine whether the marriage was established, determine whether there is marital relationship between the parties, is the study of marriage and family law

11、 legislative foundation; on the other hand, marriage registration management system is conducive to government regulation of marriage, combat and punish illegal marriage, maintaining social stability, safeguard the interests of the weak. Thus, setting the marriage registration system is directly rel

12、ated to the basic unit of society - family stability. Visible, set a reasonable marriage registration management system both for the protection of the rights of both spouses, family harmony, or social stability have a great practical significance.Since the implementation of the Marriage Registration

13、 Ordinance in 2003, Chinas current marriage registration system has been focusing on the freedom of marriage. On the one hand, it fully implements the principles and spirit of the autonomy of private law, encouraging and advocating the parties to decide all matters concerning marriage on their own o

14、n the basis of individuality equality. On the other hand, the absence of severe administrative functions, the extremely weakened marriage registration of public power, the rising illegal marriages, the low cost of divorce ,all these open a door for hasty divorces, having had a serious impact on fami

15、ly harmony ,stability and social order. If the existing marriage registration system goes on, the needs of society will not be met. According to the article, we cannot simply equate marriage autonomy with respect for people and protection, the country must use public power to the marriage properly a

16、nd efficient management, to achieve the primary value of the justice and equality.This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, the theoretical basis for marriage registration management system. First introduces the core concepts from the meaning and nature, meaning and nature of marr

17、iage registration of marriage, that marriage is a contract, marriage registration is an administrative acknowledgment behavior. Second, the theory describes the marriage registration system, which is summarized as management theory, theory and Culture Services. That marriage is not just one aspect o

18、f the national registration exercise social management functions, the national marriage conduct the review tool, but also of public services provided by the government, the government of the whole of society to provide public goods - marriage registration services. Marriage and marriage registration

19、 system and has a very close cultural ties, mutual influence, interaction.The second chapter, the connotation of marriage registration system, the need to analyze the evolution process and reform. First introduces the connotation of marriage registration system, pointing out that the essence of marr

20、iage registration system is a national public authority on the private autonomy of the intervention, the significance lies in the help of socialist spiritual civilization, will help to ensure that marriage in implementing the execution, to the establishment of a democratic family harmony, help to re

21、gulate the marriage registration. The second is about the history of the development process of marriage registration management system, which de facto marriage legislation also experienced three stages, namely the development of compromise registration stage, strict registration phase and registrat

22、ion can go through stages, Chinas current practice is to go through the marriage registration stage.On the basis of our current marriage registration system has been evaluated that the absence of public power, the attitude of the fact that marriage is unknown. Three of the reform of the necessity of

23、 marriage registration system analysis. Fengxian District marriage registration office administrative cases and lost five countries before the introduction of a substantial increase in the number of divorce registration, highlights the current lack of marriage registration system in the review of th

24、e lack of the necessary substantive examination, provides a false divorce, marriage law take the machine, as a tool for people to circumvent relations policies and systems of their own interests, not only a waste of national resources, but also makes the marriage registration system loses some regul

25、atory role.The third chapter analyzes the marriage registration system problems and causes. One pointed out deficiencies in the system design. The current registration system ignore the traditional marriage customs, overly dramatic reforms ignore the traditional folk country fragmented legislative i

26、nteraction with the system and real-life conditions; unrealistic conditions, uneven development of regions, economic level differences, customs and the poor, some areas of the implementation of the marriage registration experience dystocia embarrassment; departure from the relevant systems, and hous

27、ehold management agencies, the judiciary lack of communication. Second, the legislative shortcomings. Legislation to make registration of marriage as the only form of marriage was established more wrong condition, marital problems facing facts, attitudes legislation is vague and tangled; marriage re

28、gistration process is too simple, the lack of specific and operational, legislative review link lost in the strict ; divorce registration system is too lenient, compared to 1994, marriage Registration regulations, the issuance of a letter of recommendation to cancel the existing regulations and the

29、specific provisions must undergo a month review period, the public right to intervene weakened, making China the worlds system of registration of divorce one of the most liberal divorce system; in the current legislation, both parties to the marriage, or the registration office and its staff for the

30、ir existence to regulate illegal misconduct in the registration problem, neither clearly defined or blank; Premarital system unreasonable, in 2003 after the introduction of Marriage Registration Ordinance premarital rate plummeted, causing the community to re-examine the need for premarital system.

31、Third, Fengxian District marriage registration system implementation status, quantitative and qualitative analysis through the questionnaire analysis.Chapter IV, the path registration management system reform analysis of marriage. First, the construction of the system. This paper proposes the establ

32、ishment of marriage constructed binary system design and determine the effectiveness of reconstruction after marriage registration. This will not only fit the traditional and current conditions, and in a way to solve the embarrassing situation of the fact that the issue of marriage, more importantly

33、, such a system design not only does not weaken marriage registration of orthodox position, and allow the parties after comparing the effectiveness of the registration of marriage and marriage ceremony, marriage registration act voluntarily choose. Second, improve the legislation. For lax review for

34、 marriage registration, hasty divorce, premarital, blemishes registration, liability blank questions were given some suggestions from the legislative level. The third is to improve on our current marriage registration management system. Perfect marriage registration censorship, divorce procedure sys

35、tem, the introduction of social work to promote marriage registration management and service; voluntary premarital pregnancy test and forced to implement a combination of premarital system implementation, so pre-marital health check as a service, a kind of public exposure outside the customary law;

36、the fact that the institution of marriage sound, the fact that the marriage of a weak protection, registration of marriage with a certain distinction, and to establish the fact that marriage is automatically regularized system.Key words Marriage Registration and Management System; Marriage registrat

37、ion; Divorce registration; de facto marital relation; Pre-marital checkups5目 录 导 言1一、问题的提出1二、研究价值及意义2三、文献综述3四、主要研究方法7五、论文结构7六、论文主要创新及不足8第一章 婚姻登记管理制度的理论基础9第一节 核心概念9一、婚姻9二、婚姻登记10第二节 婚姻登记制度的相关理论说13一、婚姻登记制度的管理论13二、婚姻登记制度的服务论14三、婚姻登记制度的文化论15第二章 我国婚姻登记制度的内涵、演变历程和改革的必要性分析17第一节 我国婚姻登记制度的内涵17一、我国婚姻登记制度的涵义17二

38、、我国婚姻登记制度的现状18三、我国婚姻登记制度的本质19四、我国现今婚姻登记制度的意义分析20第二节 我国婚姻登记管理制度的历史发展进程21一、发展历程21二、制度变动与评析23第三节 我国婚姻登记制度改革的必要性分析25一、我国婚姻登记制度存在缺失的案例反映25二、对我国婚姻登记制度改革必要性的思考26第三章 我国婚姻登记制度存在的问题及原因分析29第一节 制度设计上存在缺陷29一、忽视传统习俗29二、制度设计的关系29三、背离相关制度30第二节 立法上存在不足30一、婚姻登记唯一性的立法论调不合理30二、立法存在缺陷31三、婚检制度不合理34四、与相关法律存在冲突35五、其他问题36第三

39、节 当前上海市奉贤区婚姻登记制度实施状况分析36一、调查问卷研究的问题及目标36二、调查中受访个体的基本状况分析37三、受访者对上海市奉贤区婚姻登记政策实施的反馈结果分析39四、调查结论43第四章 我国婚姻登记管理制度改革的路径分析45第一节 制度构建45一、婚姻成立形式要件的二元构建45二、重构后婚姻登记效力的厘定45第二节 立法完善46一、针对结婚登记审查不严的问题46二、针对草率离婚问题46三、针对婚检问题47四、针对瑕疵登记问题47五、针对责任空白问题47第三节 我国现行婚姻登记管理制度的完善48一、完善婚姻登记管理制度48二、完善自愿婚检制度51三、建立健全事实婚姻制度53结 语55

40、参考文献5762婚姻登记管理制度的改革研究导 言一、问题的提出 婚姻法是私法领域的一部分,最初成立婚姻登记制度的目的就在于为婚姻提供服务和保障,有效监管,进一步促进家庭和社会的稳定和谐。一方面,婚姻登记制度决定了男女双方是否存有夫妻关系,决定了婚姻的成立与否;另一方面,婚姻登记制度是政府实施的对婚姻关系进行有效监管的行政手段,它可以对不法婚姻行为进行严厉打击,还能够保护弱势群体的利益,稳定社会秩序。那么能不能合理定制是联系到社会基础单位家庭的稳定,对家庭产生重大的影响。与此同时,婚姻登记也是法律赋予行政机关的一项特殊职权,不仅代表着国家公权力对于个体私权利的一种维护、规范、监管和协调,也代表着




44、化与婚姻思想观念也是本文撰写想要解决的问题之一。(一) 理论意义我国的婚姻登记管理制度仍旧存在较大的不足,无法适应社会发展的需要。我国的学者一直致力于改善婚姻登记管理制度。但是,相关的研究人员大部分为法学专业,公共管理专业对婚姻登记管理制度有所涉猎的研究人员较少。本文从公共管理层面上对我国婚姻登记管理制度进行研究,从理论上对婚姻登记管理制度的研究方向进行了拓宽。(二) 现实意义我国目前存在的离婚率高、婚俗观念落后、家庭观念转变与婚姻信任危机,在一定程度上与不完善的婚姻登记管理制度相关联。本文对我国婚姻登记管理制度的不足进行了详细的分析,并且探究其与社会现象、思想观念之间的关系。针对现实基础,并

45、且借鉴先进国家和地区的经验,对婚姻登记管理制度的改善提出相关的意见和建议。从而有助于解决由不合理的婚姻的登记管理制度引发的社会问题。 三、文献综述 在婚姻家庭立法中的必不可少的一个重要部分就是婚姻登记制度,从1949年以来,我国的婚姻立法一直是现代法治建设的迫切任务,与此同时,也是一项多元而广阔的历史性文化建设。性法文化的继承和时代性法文化的创新三位一体的交融同构。 曹诗权:中国婚姻家庭法的宏观定位,载民商法研究,1999 年第 4 期。在我国完善和改革婚姻登记制度的过程中,我们必须扬长避短,汲取国外优秀的立法文化。婚姻家庭虽属于私法领域,但还是跟公法有关联的,那么我们能做就是增强国家公权力以

46、及社会公权力。可作为国家和社会公权力干预的重要工具,婚姻登记法也应当符合这一发展潮流。尽管世界各国的法律产生于其各自的社会历史背景和现实社会状况,有着特殊性,但是在制度设计的初衷及客观行为模式等方面还是具有一定的共性的,因此比较和借鉴各国法律制度有着一定的必要性。(一)国外研究综述国外对婚姻登记管理的理论研究相对较少,所以相关的文献数量也不多。Antony W. Dnes和Robert Rowthorn在结婚与离婚的法经济学分析一书中指出了无过错离婚制度,什么是无责离婚主义?其实就是说,一旦在婚姻关系上出现严重问题,只要有夫妻双方谁出现了问题和过失,都可以申请离婚,而且,通过行使自身的权利,就

47、能够得到批准。因为在这个原理里面,导致李欢的原因跟过错无关,那么这个远策就被称作无过错原则,依照有关的法律法规,这种法律叫做无过错离婚法。 安东尼W丹尼斯、罗伯特罗森:结婚与离婚的法经济学分析,王世贤译,法律出版社2005年版,第160页。在个人利益和社会利益出现的相互抗衡的矛盾的摩擦过程中,无过错离婚制度 就应运而生。当事人由此可以自由解除婚姻。但同时,作者们采用经济分析的方法对结婚和离婚进行分析,强调了错误的立法设计会带来与立法初衷相反的结果。婚姻质量不仅对夫妻情感关系具有较大的影响,而且还会影响到婚姻关系的稳定。Lewis,R.A.和G.B.Spanier在考察婚姻稳定时将婚姻质量和婚姻

48、的稳定性结合起来,认为婚姻质量和婚姻的稳定性之间存在着紧密关联,婚姻质量越高其稳定性越好。 Lewis,R.A.&G.B.Spanier:Theorizing about the Quality and Stability of MarriageIn W.R.Burr(ed.),Contemporary Theories about Family,New York:Free Press,1979年。随后, Booth,A.和L. White在关于离婚问题的经验研究中对路易斯和斯帕尼尔的观点持支持态度。 Booth,A.&L. White:Thinking about Divorce,Journal of Marriag


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