应收账款 毕业论文外文翻译.doc

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1、毕业论文外文翻译课题名称:芳兰花卉有限公司应收账款管理分析 院 系:经济管理学院 专 业:工商管理(会计学方向) 姓 名: 指导教师: 二一四 年 十 月 外文翻译专业:工商管理(会计学方向) 班级:11级工商管理(会计学方向)本科2班作者:黄西年 指导老师:丁婉娟 Accounts ReceivableAccounts receivable consists of monies due from customers as a result of an organizations normal business operations. The management of accounts re

2、ceivable is an extremely important function since the collection of outstanding receivables represents the single most important source of cash for all organizations selling goods on open account. Because of the impact that accounts-receivable collections have on cash flow, it is important that resp

3、onsibility for the day-to-day management of credit and collections activities be delegated to a single individual within the organization. Accounts Receivable and Collections Reports Because of the significance of accounts receivable it is important for management to receive periodic reports that bo

4、th measure the effectiveness of collection activities and inform or alert management of problem accounts. Ideally, reports should be generated on a monthly basis, but depending on the size of the receivable balance and collections staff, the issuance of such reports may range from weekly to quarterl

5、y. This flow of information is necessary so that management and collections staff can determine whether current credit and collections policies and procedures are working, or whether any of the policies and procedures need to be changed to more effectively collect outstanding receivables. Additional

6、ly, the collections staff needs information so that collection activities can be prioritized, problem accounts isolated, and outstanding balances collected. Credit Management and Bad Debt Press management and the collections staff also need to realize that it is impossible to reduce accounts receiva

7、ble beyond a certain point, nor should an organization strive for no bad debts. Each press must develop its own level of satisfaction and its own comfort zone in order to know when and on which accounts to concentrate collections efforts. Likewise, each press must develop its own level of comfort in

8、 determining when to sell to new accounts. It is important to expect some level of bad debt, because with no, or a very low level of, bad debts, the press is not maximizing its sales potential. Presses have to be willing to take some chances to increase sales, while at the same time understanding th

9、at not all chances taken will yield positive results. Presses that are more aggressive in granting credit must make sure that an adequate reserve for bad debt is maintained on the balance sheet or budget for a possible increase in bad debt expense. Proactive Credit Management In addition to analyzin

10、g accounts receivable and reviewing internal trends and past performance, and organization must be as proactive as possible to maximize collections. The organization that calls first will usually get paid first. To keep on top of collections it is important to have written collection policies and te

11、rms. These written policies must have the agreement and support of management, marketing, and the collections staff. Written policies should be reviewed annually and updated as needed to incorporate any changes that are taking place in the presss publishing program. Having policies and procedures in

12、 writing should eliminate discrepancies in what customers are told by the collections, customer service, and marketing staffs. This will then give the customer one less excuse for delaying payment. Additionally, when all members of the press staff are knowledge able about the presss credit and colle

13、ctions policies and are aware of how past-due accounts are handled, they can more effectively work together to maximize sales and minimize bad debt. The analysis of accounts receivable and collections performance should be used to assist the press in setting goals for future performance. However, ac

14、counts-receivable analysis will not be of any real benefit unless the press has a proactive credit and collections program in place that has the support of press management and is communicated effectively to all press departments and customers.应收账款由于一个组织的正常商业运作的结果,所以应收款项包括客户。应收账款的管理具有非常重要的作用,因为悬而未决的





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