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1、玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文浅析现代中学生思想政治教育存在的问题及对策Analysis of the modern secondary school students Ideological and political education and Countermeasures院 系政法系专 业思想政治教育学 生 班 级2010级北流班姓 名伍金生学 号20101110011指导教师单位政法系指导教师姓名许世坚指导教师职称教授目录一、引言1二、现代中学生思想政治教育存在的问题 11、教育模式固化,中学生积极性不高12、教学内容滞后,理论学习缺乏系统性23、教育方式单一,忽视学生主体性差异224、

2、缺乏家校沟通,德育师资力量不健全225、弱化心理教育,心理疏导仍存在盲区26、对道德判断存在偏颇。37、自我中心较为突出,行为选择更趋实际。38、中学生对学校思想政治教育的满意程度较低,满意率仅占43,不到一半。3三、解决现代中学生思想政治教育有关问题的有效办法31、 齐抓共管营造和谐教学氛围32、拓宽思想政治教育的渠道与换位思考相结合43、教学相长,发挥实践育人的作用44、因势利导,引导学生教育与自我教育相结合55、多渠道多形式开展感恩教育5 6、明确方向,致力学生全面发展6参考文献611玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文浅析现代中学生思想政治教育存在的问题及对策思想政治教育2010级北流班 伍金生

3、指导教师 许世坚摘要当前,我国正处于经济社会高速发展的时期,经济环境和社会环境的改善导致中学生思想政治教育的宏观环境和微观环境都发生了巨大变化,现代中学生呈现了独立性、敏感性、超前性、现实性等新特点。本文论述了现代中学生思想政治教育存在的主要问题,以及提出了解决中学生思想政治教育主要问题的有效办法。 关键词:中学生思想政治教育 对策一、引言 中学思想政治教育是对青少年系统进行思想政治教育、马列主义主义常识教育、中国特色社会主义理论教育的必修课程。而思想政治教育的对象是人,进行思想政治教育就是要培养人们具有正确的人生观、世界观、价值观。同时,思想政治教育也是促进青少年德、智、体、美全面发展的理论

4、基础和精神支柱。而要做到这一点,就必须正确认识和分析教育对象的思想特点以及在教育过程中存在什么问题并根据对象的思想特点开展有实效性的教育工作,这在当前环境下具有深远的现实意义和理论意义。二、现代中学生思想政治教育存在的问题 首先在教育教学过程中老一套的教育教学模式滞后,使中学生的思想政治教育常常受到挫折,教育教学效果令人大跌眼镜。其主要表现为:1、教育模式固化,中学生积极性不高长期以来,青年思想政治教育中不同程度存在:强制灌输“宏大叙事”话语体系,忽视从需要中找到与之相一致的契合点;“我讲你听”、“我打你通”,缺乏互动;忽视学生自身实践体验,把“掌握”等同“认同”;把终极目标作为起点,忽视学生




8、为的未定性与二重性”的明显特点计划性的思想教育对流变性的中学生心理健康教育显得捉襟见肘。同时,受教育者讳疾忌医的心态,使得教育者面临着无的放矢的工作困境。中学生心理疏导缺乏相应的渠道,难以通过有效的渠道去宣泄心情、取悦自己。心理负担日益加重,使得中学生思想政治教育步履维艰。 其次经过大量数据的统计调查发现:中学生自身也存在着一些问题,须引起足够的重视。6、对道德判断存在偏颇。有40的中学生认为目前社会的道德生活是假恶丑多于真善美,而认为真善美多于丑恶的仅占12。有52的中学生赞同“现在很多事情使人说不清楚是好是坏,不知道如何才好”这一说法。中学生的社会道德观需要积极的引导。7、自我中心较为突出



11、有机的结合起来,形成德育教育网络。从提高中学生思想觉悟和道德修养的实际需求出发,拓展教学内容,转变单一的教育模式,从中学生实现1+1+13的教育效果。 2、拓宽思想政治教育的渠道与换位思考相结合 首先,进一步修订和完善中学生守则和日常行为规范。对中学生重点加强爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义教育,引导他们树立正确的理想信念和世界观、人生观、价值观。其次,完善中学思想政治课的教学工作。中学思想政治课是对中学生进行公民品德教育必修课程,是帮助学生确立正确的政治方向,树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,形成良好道德品质的主要途径。同时思想政治课教育教学活动是学校德育工作的主导渠道,其教学模式



14、经历和真实感受,明白做人做事的道理,养成良好的行为习惯。因此,教师要身先垂范,提高自身思想政治素质。通过不断加强自身的思想政治学习,树立思想政治教育的先锋模范。另一方面,教师要勇于进取,增强自身的使命感。在教学过程中,把思想教育放在教学的重要位置。通过言传身教,对学生进行人生观教育、法制教育、感恩教育和爱国主义教育,拓展思想政治教育的知识性、思想性和教育性。 4、因势利导,引导学生教育与自我教育相结合教育和自我教育相结合,既符合现代教育理论,又贴近学生的实际,有利于促进学生的全面发展。人是教育的起点和归宿,教育最终要解决的是人的发展问题。我国教育家叶圣陶说:“教育的目的是为了达到不教育。”前苏


16、己的创新精神,拓展自我的实践能力。并通过切身实践让中学生发现自我在思想政治教育方面的不足,认识到思想政治教育方向性的意义,从而让中学生在自我教育实践中见贤思齐,积极、主动地提升自我思想政治觉悟。5、多渠道多形式开展感恩教育开展感恩教育要从认知层面、情感层面、实践层面,通过行之有效的措施对学生进行识恩、知恩、感恩的教育,使学生知恩于心,报恩于行。加强现代中学生感恩教育,学生是主体。感恩需要教育的导引和环境的影响,使受教育者形成一种感恩的心态、品质和责任,进而外显为感恩的行为。 首先,感恩教育不要好高务远,提倡中学生要做“小事”,从主动擦黑板,清扫寝室,节俭朴素,尊重老师,关心理解父母等实在小事做

17、起,着重培养学生的感恩意识,使他们“吃水不忘掘井人”。切实加强中学生的思想教育工作,提高学生的思想道德水平,开展丰富多彩的感恩教育活动,提升中学生感恩意识,营造有利于学生健康成长的良好氛围。 其次,用多方位的、多形式的、多场合的正面教育、事迹感染和氛围影响。如:开展感恩专题教育;组织特色感恩活动;开设情感教育课或专题,开通心理情感热线;搞好特定节日的感恩教育等。让学生知恩在心,感恩重行,使其能用实际行动来报答父母,回报师长,报效祖国。另外,教育者要注意言传身教。家长、教师在教育过程中应做到用高尚的人格魅力和积极的行动教育影响学生,“知是行之始,行是知之成”,教育者要积极引导,教育学生将感恩意识

18、化为行动。在感恩教育实践中要注重强调感恩教育的科学性。重视感恩教育的开放性,提高家长、学校、社会的整合力度。遵循感恩教育的规律性,及时了解教育对象的特点。尊重感恩教育的平等性,时时刻刻做到尊重学生,一视同仁,要求教育者做到“尊重人、关心人、理解人。注重感恩教育的实效性,加强和改进学生思想道德建设,坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近学生的原则。 6、明确方向,致力学生全面发展中国特色社会主义教育事业的根本目的是为中国特色社会主义现代化建设培养合格建设者和可靠接班人。但是,中学生思想政治教育的一个重要任务就是要塑造学生个体健全的人格,使其形成崇高丰富的精神境界,健康良好的心理品质,从而促进中学生全面发展

19、。需要指出的是,中学思想政治教育是学生个体价值实现的过程,同时也要关注中学生的心理健康教育,通过情感引导,道德启发,让中学生认识到中学教育的目的是帮助他们实现是真善美统一的教学实践过程。中学生思想政治教育工作者要以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,帮助明确中学生思想政治教育的方向,从而让中学生健康快乐的成长,实现德智体美劳全面发展,成长为中华民族伟大复兴的栋梁之才。 参考文献: 1周耀国.当前中学德育工作的突出问题及对策J.零陵学院学报,2003年S1期.2曹娟.诸城市青少年思想道德教育现状及对策研究D.青岛大学,2008. 3康莲枝.当前中学德育工作面临的困惑与出路D.内蒙古师范大学,2007

20、. 4文化.浅谈中学生思想政治教育的优势.当代教育2010(2):8989. 5李靖茂,唐建伟,葛畅.学生行为特点及其引导J.高校辅导员学刊,2009(6):16-19. 6陶志琼.关于感恩教育的几个问题的探讨J.教育科学,2004,(4):9. 7吴春明.关于“感恩”与“孝亲”的思考J.中国德育,2006(1):36.8王继才.中学生思想政治教育中的“灌输理论”新探.学校党建与思想教育,2003(6):2930. Catalog一、 foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1二、,the modern middle

21、 school student ideological and political education problems you you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11、education modes, students enthusiasm is not tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12、 the backward teaching content, the lack of systematic theoretical study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22、 . . . . 23、 the education way is single, neglecting the students differences . . . . . . . . 24、the lack of communication between the school, moral education teachers is not perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25、 weakening the psychological education, psychological counseling is still blin

23、d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26、on moral judgment bias exists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37、egocentric behavior choice more prominent, more practical. . . . . . . . . . . .38、 students of the school ideological and political education had lower levels of satisfaction with, satisfa

24、ction is occupied only 43%, less than half. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3三、 solve the modern ideological and political education of students about the efficient way of problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31、Catch condominium together to create a harmonious teaching atmosphere to you .

25、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32、broaden the channels of Ideological and political education and transposition thinking of combining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43、teaching benefits teachers as well as students, develop practical educational function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

26、 44、in the light of its general trend, guide the students to combination of education and self - education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55、in various forms and channels to carry out Thanksgiving education . . . . . . . . 56、a clear direction, committed to the all-round development of students . .

27、 . . . . .6Reference. 6Analysis of the modern secondary school students Ideological and political education and CountermeasuresIdeological and political education level 2010North Wu JinshengTutor Xu ShijianAbstractCurrent, our country is in the period of rapid development of the economic society, ec

28、onomy and social environment improvement in the ideological and political education of students of the macroscopic environment and the microscopic environment produced tremendous change, the modern middle school student is independence, sensitivity, advanced, practical new features. This article dis

29、cusses the modern secondary school students ideological and political education the main problems, and put forward a solution to the ideological and political education of students is the efficient way of problem.Keywords: students you you you you Countermeasures of Ideological and Political Educati

30、on一、forewordMiddle school ideological and political education is the ideological and political education on the youth system, Marxism-Leninism theory knowledge education, the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics education compulsory course. Ideological and political education and the obj

31、ect is, to carry out ideological and political education is to cultivate the people with correct world outlook, outlook on life, values. At the same time, the ideological and political education is to promote young people, intelligence and physique, all-round development theory foundation and the sp

32、iritual prop. To do this, we must have a correct understanding and analysis of the ideological characteristics and education object in the process of education exist what problem and according to the object of thought of effective education work in the current environment, which has a profound and r

33、ealistic significance and theoretical significance. You二、the modern middle school student ideological and political education problems you First, in the process of education and teaching content teaching mode lag, make the high school students Ideological and political education often suffer setback

34、s, the teaching effect is surprise. The main performance for:1、education modes, students enthusiasm is not tallLong-term since, ideological and political education of youth in different degrees exist: the imposition of grand narration discourse system, ignore the need to find from the aligned with i

35、t fit; I say, I call you, the lack of interaction; neglect students own practical experience, the master equivalent identity; the ultimate goal as a starting point, neglects the student individual difference. With a single curing of the traditional class teaching modes on senior high school students

36、 ideological knowledge, to impart education way to teach political beliefs and ideas. The thought political lesson, class, the flag-raising ceremony became a regular course of official duties. This form of Ideological and political education can not be close to students, close to life, press close t

37、o is actual, from the actual needs of students ideological and political education to make students produce feelings of rejection and conflict.2、 the backward teaching content, the lack of systematic theoretical studyYou with a plurality of current ideology, ideological and political education of st

38、udents tend to ideological and political textbooks for teaching, education activities and student life world, naturally or half unconsciously avoid problems caused by contrast, school and society, formed to meet the needs of illusion; and it is difficult to adapt to the social life rich and colorful

39、. Hysteresis of the teaching of Ideological and political education content is difficult to keep pace with the times of current social ideology rheology for answers, not enough to explain the complicated social phenomenon. The backwardness of teaching content in Ideological and political education t

40、heory learning do not become a system, make the students find it difficult to identify learners value concept and teaching.3、education way is single, neglecting the students differencesPsychology research shows, need is the behavior motive, no need of people could not form the subjective motivation,

41、 there may be peoples positive behavior. China to promote the development of students, train innovation ability and practice ability for the purpose of quality education. However, the current secondary school students ideological and political education is still in a single classroom education mode.

42、 Differ in thousands of ways of students ideological and political education on cognitive limited knowledge level, take it as a test subjects, rather than to the ideological and political education the guidance of life and learning. These are harmful to students knowledge system perfect, develop ski

43、lls, is not conducive to the cultivation of correct thoughts and good moral character.4、the lack of communication between the school, moral education teachers is not perfectSchool education and family supervision separation or insufficient cooperation. The modern middle school students especially in

44、 the rural middle school students are a lot of left-behind children, family education is essentially zero, resulting in students performance of words and deeds, trends of thought in school and family showed a huge contrast, even many students put in the home of the bad habits to school, persist in ones old ways, leading to the ideological and political education to normal ongoing. At the same time, the high school ideological and political education are often too dependent on the class, class form of education model leads to a form of Ideological and political education, specialization, th


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