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1、哲人与城邦的冲突及出路:柏拉图政治哲学新探 【毕业论文标题】 哲人与城邦的冲突及出路:柏拉图政治哲学新探【英文标题】 【中文摘要】 柏拉图政治哲学的起点是面对苏格拉底之死所引出的哲人与城邦的冲突关系问题。可以说柏拉图的所有著作都是对哲人与城邦关系的这一问题的回应,以自己的方式努力做出解答。本文主要分五个方面,首先是阐释柏拉图政治哲学的提出,解释其特别的写作手法及哲人与城邦问题的浮现,第二是分析哲人与城邦冲突的原因,第三部分是写化解这种冲突的首次尝试即言辞中的正义城邦实现的不可行性,及对政治事物本质的阐明,而这种阐明为最终化解冲突奠定了基础,第四部分是陈述化解冲突的最终出路,最后一部分是柏拉图政





6、现法治国家。法治虽然不是最好的政治制度,却是现实中最可行最稳靠的政治形式,在哲人影响立法者而成的法治城邦中哲人必会与城邦相安无事,且相得益彰。第三是诗教及柏拉图的写作。柏拉图认为法律的写作必须结合诗,并认为诗可以很好的感化民众,但这种诗必须超越流俗意义上的诗,这是种全新的从属于哲学的诗,这也便是柏拉图的写作。【英文摘要】 Platos political philosophy is the starting point of the face leads to the death of Socrates the philosopher and the city-state conflict i

7、n the relationship.It can be said that all the works of Plato are the relationship of the philosopher and the citys response to this question, efforts in their own ways to answer. This article is divided into five main areas, first, Platos political philosophy to explain the proposal, explain the ph

8、ilosophers writing practices and emerging issues with the city, and the second is the philosopher and the city-state analysis of the causes of conflict, the third part is written to resolve this conflict in the first attempt that the words just do not realize the feasibility of city-states, and to c

9、larify the nature of political things, which set out for the ultimate laid the foundation for conflict resolution, the fourth part is the ultimate statement of conflict resolution way out, the last part of Platos political philosophy is the impact on future generations. Platos dialogue is all the dr

10、ama of the book body, we want to understand Platos are all writing is a skill, not just reports, or simply not reported, are active rather than passive Writing Record , Plato the performance of all the works are the great rhetorical tricks of rhetoric through the operation of such a manifestation of

11、 the world. This means that his work as a whole, each part has its significance and necessity of existence, it must draw our attention.Philosopher of extreme conflict with the city-state relations, there is more or less the following reasons: The first is the distinction between philosophers and the

12、 public. Philosopher has a unique talent, they go beyond the love and the pursuit of truth in the views above, and the views of the public trust, their life and livelihood from the views of various components, most of these views are more imagination is up to more believes. This means that the philo

13、sophers and the public nature of the different. In addition, the philosopher and the public than a small number of people are always in position. A second reason is that philosophers and wise men, philosophers leave the other. Wise and leave the so-called intelligence-chol But people are people and

14、they misled the public the reason why they would do evil because they are evil I do not know, because I do not know what is good and evil really knowledge. They have just about the views of good and evil, in the ordinary opinion, they can not put their own understanding of the philosopher as a usele

15、ss waste, they serve rather than the soul of the body, leading philosophers of the dangerous situation. The third is the authority of philosophers and the city-state confrontation. Philosophers distinguish between the customs and nature, and strive to explore what is really the proper natural life,

16、represented by questioning the authority of traditional law will be based on the authority of the existence uprooted, their study only consider the real nature of the authority, which is any the authority of the city can not be tolerated. The fourth reason is the lack of self-knowledge philosopher.

17、Through the “defense” so that we took note of Platos Aristophanes to descriptions of Socrates that Socrates is a situation on their own without any self-knowledge and where the “feiduo” to give the corresponding default, Socrates did not know how that is human nature to identify and therefore a lack

18、 of self-knowledge. The fifth reason is the philosophers own judge is also required by the vet. Philosopher has always been to go beyond the pursuit of knowledge in the views on responsibility. However, this is a legitimate pursuit of their own remains to be proved that the so-called knowledge of ph

19、ilosophers at the same time has yet to be proved. In the city before the philosopher necessary to clarify the legitimacy of their own lives. Unless the relationship between such conflict in a “Utopia” in order to disarm, but told us that Platos ideal state is stored in the sky, will not achieve on t

20、he ground, mainly because of the “Utopia” itself is not very just, Level of it such as violation of natural and so on, and it will inevitably fall. Portrayed through the “Utopia”, Plato does not tell us the best possible political system, it told us of a political nature and limits of services. City

21、 or the nature of political affairs that they can achieve less than perfect individuals.Philosophers to resolve the conflict with the city mainly in the following way, the first philosopher to change are a means to survival, a political philosopher. This does not mean that research is no longer a na

22、tural philosopher, philosophers are still studying fearless nature, but at the same time begin study personnel, to understand political affairs. Philosophy and political philosophy as a means only a change in the way of survival. In other words, the political philosopher in the city changed the word

23、s and deeds. Chol people political change resulting in the city of philosophers impression unwanted harmful to the city left a good impression, and the city exerts a subtle influence. The second is the impact of the legislators, and strive to achieve the rule of law. The rule of law is not the best

24、political system, but in reality are the most stable on the most viable form of political, philosopher at the impact of the rule of law by legislators in the city-state must be philosophers along with the city and each other. Third, teaching poetry and Platos writing. Plato maintained that the law m

25、ust be read in conjunction writing poetry, and that poetry can be very good people on probation, but must go beyond the ordinary meaning of poems on the poetry, which is subordinate to the new philosophy of the poem, which is hodginsii Writing Latour.【中文关键词】 柏拉图; 苏格拉底; 哲人; 政治哲学 【英文关键词】 Plato; Socrat

26、es; Philosopher; Political Philosophy 【论文目录】中文摘要 5-7 Abstract 7-8 引言 9-10 一、柏拉图政治哲学的提出和写作手法 10-13 1. 柏拉图政治哲学的起点 10-11 2. 对话式的写作手法及哲人与城邦冲突问题的浮现 11-13 二、哲人与城邦冲突的原因 13-26 1. 民众信赖意见,哲人追求超越意见之上的真理 14-16 2. 哲人与智者和假哲人的冲突 16-18 3. 哲人追求自然正当秩序威胁城邦权威代表的传统习俗秩序 18-21 4. 哲人本身缺乏自知之明 21-24 5. 哲人本身的判断也需要受到检审 24-26 三

27、、绝对正义城邦的不可行性:化解冲突的失败与政治事务本质的阐明 26-35 1. 言辞中绝对正义城邦的乌托邦性之一:等级性 27-29 2. 言辞中的绝对正义城邦的乌托邦性之二:违反自然 29-32 3. 言辞中绝对正义城邦的堕落 32-33 4. 政治事务本性的阐明为最终化解哲人与城邦冲突奠基 33-35 四、哲人与城邦间紧张冲突关系的最终化解 35-46 1. 哲人改变生存方式,成为政治哲人 35-37 2. 影响立法者,努力实现法治国家 37-43 3. 诗教 43-46 五、柏拉图政治哲学对后世的影响 46-49 注释 49-54 主要参考文献 54-56 致谢 56-57 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 57


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