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1、 郑州科技学院本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题 目 栾川旅游资源开发模式探析 学生姓名 专业班级 10财务管理本科 学 号 院 (系 ) 工商管理学院 指导教师(职称) 完成时间 2014年3月31日 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TOURISM DEBATE1 OBJECTIVES After reading this Unit you will be able to: understand the concept of sustainable development, know about some of the major developmental approaches

2、, link the above mentioned objectives with tourism development, and appreciate the role to be played by different segments of the tourism system for sustainable tourism development. 2 INTRODUCTION In 1999, international tourist arrivals touched the 664 million figure. Out of this 62.1 per cent marke

3、t share went to 15 countries. In terms of international tourism receipts of US $455 billion, with US having the largest share of US $ 74.4 billion. Well these figures are not just numbers as they demonstrate a variety of things. Massive movements of people also mean utilization and consumption of re

4、sources (both man-made and natural) and leaving behind impacts (socio -cultural, environmental, economic, etc.). If you add to this the numbers of domestic tourists (virtually ignored in such analysis) the resources consumed and the impacts would be mind-boggling. The impacts are both positive as we

5、ll as negative. Whereas the developed and rich nations have the resources to mitigate the negative impacts, the poor and developing nations continue to suffer in this regard. However, in both the cases application of the concept of sustainable development is the talk of the day. Hence, the developme

6、nt debate has been consciously selected as the first theme of this course. The Unit starts with describing the concept of sustainable development and goes on to explain some aches. Of course, the emphasis is on the tourism development. Why should the industry support the efforts for sustainable tour

7、ism development and what should be the role of consumers (tourists) and service providers (hosts) are the other questions which the Unit attempts to answer. In brief the Unit also discusses the views of WTO on the issue of sustainability in tourism development. It is expected that the knowledge prov

8、ided in this Unit would be put into actual practice by our learners.3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The two alternative paths for development, i.e., you live in harmony with nature or you exploit nature have always been available to the human beings. Different societies, at different intervals have adopte

9、d either of the two paths. Some, on the other hand, adopted a middle path. There are village societies where while consuming the natural resources precautions were taken that the future generations should not be adversely affected. Decision making in such societies was done keeping in view the inter

10、ests of future generations and not just of the present ones. Hence, what in modern terminology is described as sustainable may not be a new concept for many students of history. With over 300 definitions of sustainable development and every one claiming to be a “green”, it is not an easy task to def

11、ine sustainability in the developmental context. However, the awareness and growth of nature conservation, concern for environmental degradation, etc. have all contributed to the emergence of this concept in its modern sense. The most widely accepted definition is the one given by Brundtland Commiss

12、ion in 1987 which defined sustainable development as “a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technology development, and institutional changes are made consistent with future as well as present needs” and as “meeting the needs of

13、the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. In 1983, the UN established the World Commission on Environment and Development which was chaired by the Prime Minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland. The report of this commission Sustainability is an in

14、tegrative concept because it looks at the human use and management of resources in a manner that should not destroy or disturb the habitat that is the basis of survival. Socio- economic and environmental dimensions thus become the focus of the management approach. Changes in the views of the communi

15、ty and its attitudes towards development are relegated to a secondary position. For the first time an effort was made at the international level in 1990 during the Globe 90 Conference (Vancouver, Canada) to link tourism and travel with sustainable development. The Tourism Stream Action Strategy Comm

16、ission of the conference prepared an Action Strategy for Sustainable Development. Further, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development came with the famous Rio declaration (June 1992). Some of the highlights of this declaration are: In order to achieve sustainable development, envir

17、onmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.(Principle 4). All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, in order

18、to decrease the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world (principle 5). The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future organizations (principle 3), etc. 4 SU

19、STAINABLE TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT The concept of sustainability has become a fundamental issue in tourism development and growth after the debate at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Seeing the rapid changes in tourism and the world trends, we are now examining geopolitical, socio-economic, technologica

20、l and environmental impacts of contemporary tourism. It was realized that tourism requires an agenda of its own, and not as a part. “Sustainable tourism means achieving a particular combination of numbers and types of visitors, the cumulative effect of whose activities at a given destination, togeth

21、er with the actions of the servicing businesses, can continue into the foreseeable future without damaging the quality of the environment on which the activities are based.” The scope of environment in this definition is quite large and (Practical Environmental Policies in Travel and Tourism,)thinks

22、 that tourism is concerned environment “quality of natural resources such as landscape, air, sea water, fresh water, and the quality of built and cultural resources judged to have intrinsic value and be worthy of conservation.” Achieving sustainability for tourism, according to them requires that: “

23、the cumulative volume of visitor usage of a destination and the associated activities and impacts of servicing businesses should be managed below the threshold level at which the regenerative resources available locally become incapable of maintaining the environment.” Here, we must also take note o

24、f Richards view (1994), which differentiates between sustainable tourism and sustainable development in the context of tourism. Sustainable tourism, according to him, is tourism in a form that can maintain its viability in an area for an indefinite period of time, whereas sustainable development in

25、the context of tourism is tourism that is developed and maintained in an area in such a manner and at such a scale, that it remains viable over an indefinite period and does not degrade or alter the environment in which it exists to such a degree that it prohibits the successful development and well

26、 being of other activities and processes. We can say that for sustainable tourism development, environment conservation and management of visitor usage and servicing businesses are interlinked concepts. They are susceptible to the impacts of: Tourist/host behavior and attitudes, the policies of the

27、servicing businesses, the government policies, the changes in technology. None of the above four can be described as static and hence, the management of sustainable tourism is also a dynamic activity.As globalization and the World Trade Organization demolish protective barriers, we have to renew our

28、 commitments to: 1) The conservation and enhancement of ecological processes and set our priorities so that in the new world order we may not be subject to non-tariff barriers. 2) Protection of our bio-diversity as the extinction of any species is the first alarm call for human beings.3) Inter-and i

29、ntra-generational equity, which involves the rights of the child, youth, the elderly, the poor and women, and particularly indigenous communities whose survivor is so closely tied with the survival of our bio-diversity. 4) Integration of economic, social, political, cultural and environmental concer

30、ns, which will help to bring about a holistic model of tourism that represents our ethics and culture.5 APPROACHES Development means different things to different people. It is a combination of differing values, both material and ethical. It covers the present and the future, but uses the past to sh

31、ow the way to compare and to evaluate the nature of social change that includes economic and technological changes as well as the cultural and geo-political context of change. Consequently, there has not only been a debate on the nature and structure of development, but approaches have been suggeste

32、d on how to measure tourism and its impacts and also to create perspectives that express the evolution of balance, Modernization theories see societies passing through a series of stages, from lower to higher levels of development. The highest level is where the role of innovation and entrepreneursh

33、ip is of great importance, as the developed areas of the world have demonstrated. Investments in such projects in partnership with the private sector have been encouraged in all developing countries. In India the state owned Ashok group of western style hotels in metros, urban areas and even remote

34、destinations was a part of the modernization model. As tourism moves into the twenty-first century, the enterprise will have to make the environment a priority. Because tourism is now the worlds largest industry, the environment is taking center stage in tourism development. Tourism is not only a po

35、werful economic force but a factor in the physical environment as well. Because more attention will be paid to the environment in the future, projects that are economically feasible but not environmentally desirable will remain not build. The environment is the core of the tourism product. Profitabi

36、lity in tourism depends on maintaining the attractiveness of the destination people want to see and experience.Ecotourism, nature tourism and green tourism, low-impact tourism, adventure tourism, alternative tourism, environmental preservation, symbiotic development, responsible tourism ,soft touris

37、m, appropriate tourism ,quality tourism, new tourism ,sustainable development ,and sustainable tourism all are monikers for similar types of tourist activities and developments. Of all the terms, ecotourism and sustainability are most frequently used. The principle of both is to sustain or even enha

38、nce the quality and attractiveness of the natural environment.Ecotourism is environmentally friendly travel that emphasizes seeing and saving natural habits and archeological treasures.Ecotourism is a tool for conservation.Ecotourism is ecologically responsible tourism.Ecotourism is a form of travel

39、 that responds to a regions ecological ,social,and economical needs. It also provides an alternative to mass tourism. It encompassed all aspects of travel, from airlines to hotels to ground transportation to tour operator. That is,each component of the ecotourism product is environmentally sensitive

40、. 1) The Product Approach:In this approach sustainability is regarded as an alternative to or replacement of conventional mass tourism by developing new green products. 2) The Industry Approach :Considering that mass tourism is inevitable because of the tourist demand the requirement is to make all

41、forms of tourism more sustainable.Sustainable Tourism Development: Guide for Local Planners, What Tourism Managers Need to Know: Indicators of Sustainable Tourism, For achieving sustainable development it lays stress on three aspects: 1) An Environmental Planning Approach 2) Community based tourism,

42、 and 3) Concept of quality tourism. The first takes into account all elements of environment before going for development ,the second focuses on community involvement in planning and the third “refers to tourist attractions, facilities and services that offer good value for money, protect tourism re

43、sources and attract the kinds of tourists who would respect the local environment and society.” 6 The principles of sustainable development(1) Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. (2) The ri

44、ght to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations. (3)In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isol

45、ation from it. (4)States shall cooperate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earths ecosystem. (5)To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns o

46、f production and consumption. 谈论旅游可持续发展1目的读完这篇论文后,你会了解到可持续发展的概念,了解主要的旅游发展方法,把以上提到的论文目的和旅游发展结合起来,了解旅游可持续发展的旅游行业各个部门的角色。2引言在1999年,国际游客达到664,000,000余人,62.1%去过15个国家,国际旅游收入达到4450亿美元,而美国占据的份额最大,达到744亿美元,这么多的游客流量不仅代表很多事情, 更多的是证明了自然和人文资源的使用和消费,同时也带来了社会文化,环境和经济的影响,如果再加上国内游客数量,那么社会文化,环境和经济影响将难以想象。既有积极影响也有消极影响


48、了中间措施,如,一些乡村地区,在开发资源时,也采取一些预防措施,以防影响后代人的需求,当下社会就是不仅仅考虑当代人的需求,也考虑后代人的需求,不仅仅是当代人的需求。因此,用现代术语解释的可持续发展概念对于历史学的学生来说就不是一个新的概念。总计有关于可持续发展的概念有300种,每一种多宣称是“绿色”概念。其实,用发展的概念来定义可持续性并不是一件容易的工作。随着资源保护意识和环保意识的增强,也有助于形成一种现代化的可持续概念。其中,被广泛接受的是于1987年在Bruntland 会议上宣称的概念,即可持续概念是一种资源开发,投资者方向,科技使用和政治变革都必须和当代人,后代人需求相一致的过程,一种满足现代人的需求而又不致损害后代人需求的过程。在1983年,联合国创办了世界环境开发委员会,由挪威总理掌管,Gro Harlem Brundtland.在此委员会看来,可持续是一个综合性的概念,它把人类使用和资源开发看成一种不致损害和破坏人类


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